29 For he taught them as one hauing power, and not as the Scribes.
Matthew 7:29 Cross References - Matthew
Deuteronomy 18:18-19
Ecclesiastes 8:4
4 Lyke as when a kynge geueth a charge, hys commaundemente is myghtye: Euen so who maye saye vnto hym what doest thou?
Isaiah 50:4
4 The Lorde God hath geuen me a wel learned tunge, so that I can comforte them whiche are troubled, yea & that in due ceason. He waked myne eare vp by tymes in the mornynge (as the scolemasters do) that I myght herken.
Jeremiah 23:28-29
Micah 3:8
8 As for me, I am full of strength, and of the sprete of the Lorde, full of iudment and boldnesse: to shewe the house of Iacob their wyckednesse, and the house of Israell their synne.
Matthew 5:20
20 For I say vnto you except your rightuousnes excede, the rightuousnes of the scribes & phariseis, ye can not entre into the kingdom of heauen.
Matthew 5:28
28 But I saye vnto you, that whosoeuer loketh on a wife, lustinge after her, hath committed adulterye with her alredy in his herte
Matthew 5:32
32 But I sai vnto you: whosoeuer putteth away his wife (except it be for fornicacion) causeth her to breke matrimony. And whosoeuer marieth her that is deuorced, breaketh wedlocke.
Matthew 5:44
44 But I say vnto you loue your enemies. Blesse theim that cursse you. Do good to them that hate you. Pray for them which doo you wronge and persecute you,
Matthew 15:1-9
1 Then came to Iesus Scribes and Phariseis from Hierusalem, sayinge:
2 why do thy disciples transgresse the tradicions of the elders? for thei washe not their handes when they eate bread.
3 He aunswered sayd vnto them: why do ye also transgresse the commaundement of God thorow your tradicions?
4 For God commaunded saying: honoure thy father and mother, and he that curseth father or mother shall suffre death.
5 But ye saye, euery man shal say to hys father or mother: that which thou desirest of me to helpe the with: is geuen to God,
6 and so shall he not honour hys father or mother. And thus haue ye made, that the commaundement of God is without effecte, thorow your tradicions.
7 Hypocrites, well prophecied of you Esaias sayinge:
8 Thys people draweth nye vnto me with their mouthes, & honoureth me with their lippes, howe be it their hertes are farre from me:
9 but in vayne they worshippe me teaching doctrines, which are nothyng but mens preceptes.
Matthew 21:23-27
23 And when he was come into the temple, the chiefe Priestes and the elders of that people came vnto hym as he was teachynge, and sayde. By what auctoritie doest thou these thynges and who gaue the thys power?
24 Iesus answered, and sayed vnto them: I also wil axe of you a certayne questyon, whiche yf ye assoyle me, I in lyke wyse wyll tell you by what authoritie I do these thynges.
25 The baptisme of Iohn whence was it: from heauen or of men? Then they reasoned amonge themselues, sayinge: yf we shall saye from heauen, he wyll laye vnto vs: why dyd ye not then beleue hym?
26 But and yf we shall saye of men, then feare we the people. For all men helde Iohn as a Prophete.
27 And they answered Iesus and sayed: we cannot tell. And he lykewyse sayd vnto them: neyther tell I you by what authoritie I do these thynges.
Matthew 23:2-6
2 sayinge: The Scribes and the Phariseis sit in Moyses seate.
3 All therfore whatsoeuer they bid you obserue, that obserue and do, but after their workes do not,
4 for they say and do not. Yea, and they bynd heauy burthens and greuous to be borne and lay them on mens shoulders: but they them selfs will not heaue at them with one of theyr fyngers.
5 All their workes thei do for to be sene of men. They set abroade theyr philateries, & make large borders on theyr garmentes,
6 and loue to sit vppermoste at feastes, and to haue the chiefe seates in the Synagoges,
Matthew 23:15-24
15 Wo be vnto you Scribes and Phariseis hypocrites: which compasse sea and lande, to brynge one into youre belefe: and when he is brought ye make hym two folde more the chyld of hell: then ye your selues are.
16 Wo be vnto you blynde guydes, whyche say whosoeuer sweare by the temple, it is nothing, but whosoeuer sweared by the golde of the temple: he offendeth.
17 Ye fooles and blind, whither is greater, the golde, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold?
18 And whosoeuer sweareth by the aultare, it is nothynge: but whosoeuer sweareth by the offeryng that lyeth on the aulter, offendeth.
19 Ye fooles and blynde, whither is greater the offerynge, or the aulter whiche sanctifieth the offeryng?
20 Whosoeuer therfore sweareth by the aultare, sweareth by it and by all that thereon is.
21 And whosoeuer sweareth by the temple, sweareth by it and by hym that dwelleth therin.
22 And he that sweareth by heauen sweareth by the seate of God, and by him that sitteth thereon.
23 Wo be to you Scribes and Phariseis, hypocrites, which tythe mynte, anyse and commen, and leaue the wayghtyer matters of the lawe vndone: iudgement, mercy, and faythe. These ought ye to haue done, and not to haue lefte the other vndone.
24 Ye blynde guydes whiche strayne out a gnat, and swallowe a cammell.
Matthew 28:18
18 And Iesus came and spake vnto them saiynge: all power is geuen vnto me in heauen and in earth.
Mark 7:5-13
5 Then axed hym the Phariseis and Scribes, why walke not thy disciples accordynge to the tradicions of the elders, but eate breade with vnwashen handes?
6 He aunswered and sayde vnto them: well prophecied Esayas of you hypocrites, as it is wryten: This people honoureth me with theyr lippes, but their hert is farre from me:
7 In vayne they worship me, teachynge doctrines whyche are nothyng but the commaundementes of men.
8 For ye laye the commaundement of God apart, and obserue the tradicions of men, as the washyng of cruses and of cuppes, and many other suche lyke thinges ye do.
9 And he sayde vnto them: wel, ye caste aside the commaundement of God too maintayne your owne tradicions.
10 For Moyses sayd: Honour thy father and thy mother: and whosoeuer curseth father or mother, let him dye for it.
11 But ye saye a man shall saye to father or mother Corban: whiche is, that thou desirest me to helpe the with, is geuen God.
12 And so ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother,
13 makynge the worde of God of none effect, thorowe youre owne tradicions, which you haue ordeyned. And many suche thinges ye do.
Luke 20:8
8 And Iesus sayde to them: neyther tell I you by what authorite I do these thinges.
Luke 20:46-47
Luke 21:15
15 For I wyll geue you a mouthe and wisdome, where against all youre aduersaries shall not be able to speake nor resyste.
Acts 3:22-23
22 For Moyses sayd vnto the fathers: A Prophete shall the Lorde youre God raise vp vnto you, euen of youre brethren lyke vnto me: hym shall ye heare in all thynges, whatsoeuer he shall saye vnto you.
23 For the tyme wyll come, that euerye soule, whyche shal not heare that same prophete, shal be destroyed from amonge the people.
Acts 6:10
10 And they could not resist the wysdome, and the spyryte wt whyche he spake.
Hebrews 4:12-13
12 For the word of God is quicke and myghty in operacion, and sharper then anye two edged swerde, and entreth through, euen vnto the diuiding a sonder of the soule and the spirite, and of the ioyntes and the marie, and iudgeth the thoughtes and the ententes of the herte:
13 neyther is there anye creature inuisible in the syght of him. For all thinges are naked and bare vnto the eyes of him, of whom we speake.