Luke 24:5 Cross References - Matthew

5 And as they were afrayed, and bowed doune their faces on the earth: they sayed to them: Why seke ye the lyuinge amonge the dead?

Daniel 8:17-18

17 So he came, and stode by me. But I was afrayed at his commynge, and fell doune vpon my face. Then he sayde vnto me: O thou sonne of man, marcke well, for in the last tyme shall this vision be fulfylled. 18 Nowe as he was speakynge vnto me, I waxed faynte, so that I suncke doune to the ground. But he toke hold vpon me, and set me vp agayne,

Daniel 10:7-12

7 I Daniel alone sawe this vision, the men that were with me, sawe it not: but a greate fearfulnesse fell vpon them, so that they fled away & hid them selues. 8 I was left there my selfe alone, and sawe this greate vision, so longe till there remayned no more strengthe within me: yea I lost my coloure cleane, I waited awaye, and my strength was gone. 9 Yet hearde I the voyce of his wordes: and as sone as I hearde it, fayntnesse came vpon me, and I fell doune flat to the grounde vpon my face. 10 And beholde, an hande touched me, whyche set me vpon my knees, and vpon the palmes of my handes, 11 sayinge vnto me: O Daniel, thou well beloued man: take good hede of the wordes, that I shal say vnto the, and stande ryght, for vnto the am I now sent. And when he had sayde these wordes, I stode vp tremblinge. 12 Then he sayd vnto me: feare not Daniel: for why sence the fyrst day that thou set thyne herte to vnderstande, and diddest chasten thy selfe before thy God: thy wordes haue bene hearde. And I had come vnto the, when thou begannest to speake

Daniel 10:16

16 Beholde, there touched my lippes one very lyke vnto a man. Then opened I my mouthe, & sayde vnto him, that stode before me: O my Lorde, my pointes are lowsed in the vision, and there is no more strength within me:

Daniel 10:19

19 saying: O thou man so well beloued feare not: be content, take a good herte vnto the, & be strong. So when he had spoken vnto me, I recouered and sayd: Speake on my Lorde, for thou haste refreshed me.

Matthew 28:3-5

3 His countenaunce was lyke lyghtnyng, & his raymente whyte as snowe. 4 And for feare of him the kepers were astonnied and became as dead men. 5 The aungel aunswered & sayd to the women: feare ye not. I knowe that ye seke Iesus, whiche was crucifyed:

Mark 16:5-6

5 And they wente into the sepulchre, and sawe a yonge man syttyng on the ryght syde, clothed in a long white garment, & they were abashed. 6 And he sayed vnto them, be not afrayed: ye seke Iesus of Nazareth whiche was crucifyed. He is rysen, he is not here. Beholde the place where they put hym.

Luke 1:12-13

12 And when Zacharias sawe him, he was abashed, and feare came on him. 13 And the aungel sayde vnto him: feare not Zacharye, for thy prayer is heard: And thy wyfe Elysabeth shall beare the a sonne, & thou shalt call his name Iohn,

Luke 1:29

29 When she sawe hym, she was abashed at his sayinge: and caste in her mynde what maner of salutacion that shoulde be.

Acts 10:3-4

3 The same man saw in a vision euydently aboute the ninth houre of the daye, an aungel of God commyng in to hym, and saiyng vnto him: Cornelius. 4 When he loked on hym he was afraid and said, what is it Lord? He sayed vnto hym: Thy prayers and all thy almeses are come vp into remembraunce before God.

Hebrews 7:8

8 And here men that dye, receyue tythes. But there he receyueth tythes of whome it is wytnessed, that he lyueth.

Revelation 1:18

18 and am alyue, and was dead. And beholde I am alyue for euer more and haue the kayes of hell, & of death.

Revelation 2:8

8 And vnto the angell of the congregacion of Smyrna wryte: These thynges sayeth he that is fyrst, and the last, which was dead & is alyue.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.