1 There were presente at the same season, that shewed hym of the Galileans, whose bloud Pilate mengled with theyr owne sacrifice.
Luke 13:1 Cross References - Matthew
Lamentations 2:20
20 Res. Behold, O Lord, and consydre, why hast thou gathered me vp so cleane? Shall the wemen then eate their owne fruyte, euen chyldren of a spanne longe? Shall the prestes and prophetes be slayne thus in the Sanctuarye of the Lorde?
Ezekiel 9:5-7
5 And to the other, he sayde that I myght heare: Go ye after hym thorow the cytye, slaye, ouerse none, spare none:
6 kyl and destroye bothe olde men and yonge, maydens, chyldren, and wyues. But as for those, that haue thys marcke Than vpon them: se that ye touche them not, & begynne at my sanctuarye. Then they began at the elders, whiche were in the temple,
7 for he had sayde vnto them: When ye haue defyled the temple, and fylled the courte wyth the slayne, then go your waye forth. So they went oute, & slewe doune the slaughter,
Matthew 27:2
2 & broughte hym bounde and delyuered hym vnto Poncius Pilate the debitie.
Acts 5:37
37 After this man, arose ther vp one Iudas of Galile in the tyme when tribute began, and drewe awaie muche people after him. He also perished, and all euen as manye as harkened to hym: are scattered abroade.