Isaiah 42:24 Cross References - Matthew

24 Who suffred Iacob to be trodden vnder fote, and Israel to be spoyled? Dyd not the Lorde? Now haue we synned agaynst hym, & haue had no delyte to walcke in his wayes nether bene obedyent vnto his lawe.

Deuteronomy 28:49

49 And the Lord shal brynge a nacyon vpon the from a farre, euen from the ende of the world, as swyfte as an egle flyeth: a nacyon whose tonge thou shalt not vnderstande:

Deuteronomy 32:30

30 How it cometh that one shal chace a thousande, and two putt ten thousande of theym to flyght, excepte theyr rocke had solde them, and bicause the Lord had deliuered them.

Judges 2:14

14 Wherfore the Lorde waxed angry with Israel, & delyuered them into the handes of raueners to spoyle them, and solde them into the handes of theyr enemyes rounde about them, so that they had no power any longer to stande before theyr enemyes.

Judges 3:8

8 Therfore the Lorde was angrye wyth Israel, and deliuered them into the handes of Chusan Rasathaim Kynge of Mesopotamia. So that the chyldren of Israel serued Chusan Rasathaim .viij. yeares.

Judges 10:7

7 And the Lord was wroth wyth Israell, & solde them into the handes of the Philistines, and into the handes of the chyldren of Ammon:

2 Chronicles 15:6

6 For one nacion shal destroye another, and one cytye another: for God wyl trounce them wyth aduersyte.

2 Chronicles 36:17

17 And so he brought vpon them the kyng of Caldeye & slue theyr young men with the swerde in theyr holy temple, & nether spared younge man nor mayden, nether olde man, nether so moche as hym that stowped for age: But gaue all into his hande.

Nehemiah 9:26-27

26 Neuerthelesse they were disobedient, & rebelled against the, and caste thy lawe behynde their backes, and slewe thy Prophetes (which exhorted them so earnestlye, that they shulde conuerte vnto the) and dyd greate blasphemyes. 27 Therfore gauest thou them ouer into the hande of theyr enemyes that vexed them. And in the tyme of theyr trouble they cried vnto the, and thou hardest them from heauen and thorowe thy greate mercye thou gaueste them sauyours, which helped them oute of the hande of theyr enemyes.

Psalms 106:40-42

40 Therfore was the wrath of the Lord kindled agaynst hys people, in so much that he abhorred his owne enheritaunce. 41 And gaue them ouer into the hand of the Heathen, and they that hated them, were lordes ouer them. 42 Their enemyes oppressed them, and had them in subieccion.

Isaiah 10:5-6

5 Wo be also vnto Assur, whiche is a staffe of my wrathe, in whose hande is the roade of my punishement. 6 For I shall send him among those ypocrytish people, amonge the people that haue deserued my disfauour shall I send him: that he maye vtterly robbe them, spoyle them, and tread them doune lyke the myre in the strete.

Isaiah 30:15

15 For the Lorde God, euen the holy one of Israell hath promysed thus: Wyth styll syttynge and rest shall ye be healed, in quyetnesse & hope shall youre strength lye.

Isaiah 45:7

7 It is I that created the lyght and darcknes, I make peace & trouble yee euen I the Lorde do all these thinges.

Isaiah 47:6

6 I was so wroth with my people, that I punished myne enheritaunce, & gaue them into thy power. Neuertheles, thou shewedeste them no mercy, but euen the very aged men of them, didest thou oppresse ryght sore wyth thy yock,

Isaiah 50:1-2

1 Thus sayeth the Lorde: Where is the byll of your mothers deuorcement, that I sente vnto her or who is the vsurer, to whome I solde you? Beholde, for youre owne offences are ye solde: & because of youre transgression, is youre mother forsaken. 2 For why wolde no man receyue me, when I came and when I called, no man gaue me aunswere. Was my hande clene smyten of, that it might not helpe? or had I not power to delyuer? lo, at a worde I drincke vp the sea, and of water floudes I make drye lande: so that for want of water, the fysh corruppe and dye of thurst.

Isaiah 59:1-2

1 Beholde, the Lordes hand is not so shortened, that it can not helpe, neyther is his care so stopped, that it maye not heare. 2 But youre misdedes haue separated you from youre God, and youre synnes hyde his face from you, that he heareth you not.

Isaiah 63:10

10 But after they prouoked hym to wrath, and vexed hys holy mynd, he was their enemye, and fought against them him selfe.

Jeremiah 5:15

15 Lo, I wyll bryng a people vpon you from farre, O house of Israel (sayeth the Lorde) a myghtye people, and olde people, a people whose speache thou knowest not, neyther vnderstandest what they saye.

Jeremiah 25:8-9

8 Wherfore thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes: Because, ye haue not herkened vnto my worde, 9 lo, I wyll sende out, call for all the people, that dwell in the North, sayeth the Lorde, and will prepayre Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon my seruaunt, and will bringe them vpon this lande, & vpon all that dwell therin, and vpon all the people that are aboute them, & will vtterly rote them oute. I wyll make of them a wyldernesse, a mockage and a continuall deserte.

Lamentations 1:14

14 Nun. The yocke of my transgressyon is come at the last, with his hande hath he taken it vp, & put it aboute my neck. My strength is gone: the Lorde hath delyuered me in to those handes, wherout I can not quyte my selfe.

Lamentations 1:18

18 Zade. The Lorde is ryghtuous, for I haue prouoked his contenaunce vnto anger. O take hede all ye people, and consydre my heuynes: My maydens and my younge men are led awaye into captyuytye.

Amos 3:6

6 Crye they oute alarum wyth the trompet in the cytye, and the people not afrayed? Commeth there anye plage in a cytye withoute it be the Lordes doynge?

Matthew 22:7

7 When the kynge hearde that, he was wrothe and sente forthe hys warryers and destroyed those murtherers and brent vp theyr citie.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.