23 But who is he amonge you, that pondreth this in hys mynde, that consydreth it, & taketh it for a warnynge in tyme to come?
Isaiah 42:23 Cross References - Matthew
Leviticus 26:40-42
40 And they shall confesse theyr misdeades and the mysdeades of theyr fathers in theyr trespaces, which they haue trespaced agaynst me, & for that also that they haue walked contrary to me.
41 Therfore I also wyl walke contrarye vnto them, and wyl brynge theym into the lande of theyr enemies. And then at the least waye theyr vncircumcised hertes shalbe tamed, & then they shall make an atonement for theyr mysdeades.
42 And I wyl remembre my bond with Iacob, and my testament wyth Isaac, and my testament wyth Abraham, and wyll thynke on the lande.
Deuteronomy 4:29-31
29 Neuerthelater ye shall seke the Lord your God euen ther, and shall fynde hym it thou seeke hym wyth all thyne herte and wyth all thy soule.
30 In thy tribulation and when all these thynges are come vpon the euen in the later dayes, thou shalte turne vnto the Lorde thy God, and shalte herken vnto hys voyce.
31 For the Lord thy God is a pitiful God, he wil not forsake the neyther destroy the, nor forget the appoyntment made wt thy fathers whyche he sware vnto them.
Deuteronomy 32:29
29 I would they were wyse and vnderstode thys & woulde consider their later ende.
Proverbs 1:22-23
Isaiah 1:18-20
18 Nowe go to (sayth the Lorde) we will talke together. Is it not so? Thoughe youre synnes be as reade as scarlet, shal they not be whyther then snowe? And though they were lyke purple, shall they not be lyke white wolle?
19 Is it not so? If ye be louynge and obedyent, ye shall enioye the best thynge that groweth in the lande.
20 But yf ye be obstynate and rebellyous, ye shalbe deuoured wt the swerde: for thus the Lorde hath promysed wyth hys owne mouthe.
Isaiah 48:18
18 Yf thou wilt now regarde my commaundement, thy welthynes shalbe as the water streame, and thy ryghteousnes as the waues flowynge in the sea.
Jeremiah 3:4-7
4 Els wouldest thou saye vnto me: O my father, thou art he that hast brought me vp, and led me from my youth.
5 Wilt thou then put me awaye, and cast me of for euer? Or wilt thou withdrawe thy selfe cleane from me? Neuertheles, thou speakest suche wordes, but thou art euer doynge worse and worse.
6 The Lord sayd also vnto me: in the time of Iosiah the kinge, hast thou sene what that shrinkinge Israel hath done? howe she hathe runne vp vpon all the hilles, and amonge all thicke trees, and there playeth the harlot?
7 hast thou sene also (when she had done all thys) how I sayde vnto her: that she shoulde turne agayne vnto me, and yet she is not returned? Iuda that vnfaythfull syster of hers also saw this:
Jeremiah 3:13
13 but on this condicion, that thou knowe thy greate blasphemy: Namely, that thou haste vnfaithful forsaken the Lorde thy God, and hast made thy selfe partaker of straung goddes vnder all grene trees, but hast had no wil to heare my voyce, sayeth the Lorde.
Micah 6:9
9 that thou mayest be called a cytye of the Lorde, & that thy name maye be ryghtuousnesse. Heare (O ye trybes) who wolde els geue you soch warnynge?
Matthew 21:28-31
28 What saye ye to thys? A certayne man had two sonnes, and came to the elder and sayde: sonne go and worke to daye in my vyneyarde.
29 He answered and sayde, I wyll not: but after warde repented and wente.
30 Then came he to the seconde, and sayed lykewyse. And he answered and sayed: I wyll syr: yet wente not.
31 Whether of them twayne dyd the wyll of the father? And they sayde vnto hym: the fyrst. Iesus sayde vnto them: verelye I saye vnto you, that the Publycans and the harlotes shall come into the kyngedome of God before you.
Acts 3:19
19 Repent ye therfore and turne, that youre synnes maye be done awaye. When the tyme of refreshing commeth, which we shall haue of the presence of the Lorde,
Acts 3:22-23
22 For Moyses sayd vnto the fathers: A Prophete shall the Lorde youre God raise vp vnto you, euen of youre brethren lyke vnto me: hym shall ye heare in all thynges, whatsoeuer he shall saye vnto you.
23 For the tyme wyll come, that euerye soule, whyche shal not heare that same prophete, shal be destroyed from amonge the people.
1 Peter 4:2-3
2 that he hence forwarde shoulde lyue as muche tyme as remayneth in the fleshe, not after the iustes of men, but after the wyl of God.
3 For it is sufficient for vs, that we haue spent the time that is past of the lyfe, after the wil of the Gentiles, walking in wantonnes, lustes, dronckennes, in eatinge, drinkinge & in abominable Idolatrie.