7 But yf thou woldest saye to me: we trust in the Lorde oure God: A goodlye God in dede: whose Hye places and aulters Hezekiah toke downe, & commaunded Iuda & Ierusalem, to worshyppe onely before the aulter.
Isaiah 36:7 Cross References - Matthew
Deuteronomy 12:2-6
2 Se that ye destroy all places where the nations whyche ye conquere serue theyr Goddes, vpon hye mountaynes, and on hye hylles, & vnder euery grene tre.
3 Ouerthrow theyr alters and breake theyr pyllers, & burne theyr groues wyth fyre & hew downe the ymages of theyr Goddes, and brynge the names of them to naught out of that place.
4 Se ye do not so vnto the Lorde youre God
5 but ye shal enquere the place which the Lord your God shal haue chosen out of all youre trybes to putte hys name there, and there to dwell.
6 And thyther thou shalte come, and thyther ye shall brynge youre burnte sacryfyces, and your offeringes, your tythes and heaueofferynges of your handes, youre vowes and frewylofferynges & the fyrst borne of your oxen and of your shepe.
Deuteronomy 12:13-14
2 Kings 18:4-5
4 He put awaye the hyllaultares & brake the Images, & cut doune the groues, & all to brake the brasen serpente that Moses made. For vnto those dayes the chyldren of Israell dyd burne sacryfyce to it, and called it Nehustan.
5 He trusted in the Lorde God of Israel, so that after hym came none lyke hym amonge al the kynges of Iuda, neyther amonge them that went before hym.
2 Kings 18:22
22 If ye saye vnto me we trust in the Lorde oure God. Is not that he whose hyllaulters and other aulters to, Hezekiah hath put doune, & hath sayde to Iuda and Ierusalem, bow youre selues before thys aulter here in Ierusalem.
1 Chronicles 5:20
20 And they were holpe agaynst them, and the Hagarites were delyuered into theyr handes with all that were wyth the Hagarites. For they cryed to God in the battell, and he hearde them, because they trusted to hym.
2 Chronicles 16:7-9
7 At that same tyme Hanani the sear, came to Asa kyng of Iuda & sayde to hym: because thou trustest in the king of Siria, and trustest not in the Lorde thy God therfore is the host of the kynge of Siria escaped oute of thyne hande.
8 Were not the blacke Mores, and they of Libya a great host wyth exceading many charettes and horsemen? And yet because thou trustedest in the Lorde, he delyuered them into thyne handes.
9 For the eyes of the Lorde beholde all the earthe, to strength the hertes of them that are hole with him. Herin thou hast done folyshly, and therfore from henceforth thou shalt haue warre.
2 Chronicles 30:14
14 And they arose and put awaye the aulters that were in Ierusalem. And therto all the incense they dyd awaye and cast them into the broke Cedron.
2 Chronicles 31:1
1 And when they had fynesshed al this: then all Israell that were founde in the cyties of Iuda, went oute and brake the Images and cut downe the groues, and all to brake the hylaulteres and the other aulters thorow out all Iuda and Beniamin, Ephraim & Manasseh, vntyll they had made an ende of them. And afterwarde all the chyldren of Israel returned euery man to hys possessyon in theyr owne cyties.
2 Chronicles 32:7-8
7 Plucke vp youre hertes and be stronge. Be not afrayed or in any wyse discouraged for dreade of the kyng of Assur, and of the great multitude that is with hym: for there is one greater with vs then with him.
8 With him is an arme of flesh: But with vs is the Lorde oure God for to helpe vs and to fyght oure batayles. And the people were well couraged with the wordes of Hezekiah kynge of Iuda.
2 Chronicles 32:12
12 Is yt not that Hezekiah that put downe his hylaulters and his other aulters, and commaunded Iuda and Ierusalem sayinge: before one aulter ye shall bowe your selues and vpon that offer also.
Psalms 22:4-5
Psalms 42:5
5 Why art thou so full of heuynes, (O my soule) and why arte thou so vnquyet wythin me? O put thy trust in God, for I wyl yet geue him thankes, for the helpe of his countenance
Psalms 42:10-11
10 Whyle my bones are broken, whyle mine enemyes cast me in the teeth, daylye saiynge vnto me: where is now thy God?
11 Why art thou so heuy (O my soule) & why art thou so disquieted within me? O put thy trust in God, for I wyll yet thanke hym for the helpe of hys countenaunce, and because he is my God.
1 Corinthians 2:15
15 But he that is spyrytuall, discusseth all thinges: yet he hym selfe is iudged of no man.