6 lo, thou puttest thy truste in a broken staffe of rede (I meane Egypte) whyche he that leaneth vpon, it goeth in to hys hande & shutteth hym thorowe. Euen so is Pharao the Kyng of Egypt, vnto all them that trust in him.
Isaiah 36:6 Cross References - Matthew
2 Kings 17:4
4 And the kynge of Assyrya founde treason in Hosea, because he had sente messengers to Sua kynge of Egypte, and sente no presentes vnto the kynge of Assyrya, as he was yerely wonte to do. Therfore the kynge of Assyrya beseged hym, and put hym in pryson.
2 Kings 18:21
21 doeste thou truste to the staffe of this broken rede Egypte, on which yf a man lene, it wyll runne into hys hande & perce it. For euen so is Pharao kynge of Egypt vnto all that truste on hym.
Isaiah 20:5-6
5 They shalbe also at their wittes ende, and ashamed one of another: the Egipcians of the Morians, and the Morians of the Egipcians, at the syght of their glorye.
6 Moreouer they that dwell in the Iles shall se euen the same daye: behold, this is our hope to whom we fled to seke helpe, that we might be delyuered from the kynge of the Assirians. How wil we escape?
Isaiah 30:1-7
1 Wo be to those shrynkynge children (sayeth the Lorde) whiche seke councell, but not at me: whiche take a webbe in hande but not after my wil: that they may heape one synne vpon another.
2 They go doune into Egypte (and aske me no councell) to seke helpe at the power of Pharao, and comforte in the shadowe of the Egypcians.
3 But Pharaos helpe shalbe youre confusyon, & the comfort in the Egypcyans shadowe shalbe your owne shame.
4 Youre rulers haue bene at Zoan, and youre messaungers came vnto Hanes.
5 But ye shall al be ashamed of the people that maye not helpe you, whiche shall not brynge you strength or comforte, but shame and confusyon.
6 Youre beastes haue borne burthens vpon theyr backes towarde the Southe, thorow the way that is full of parell and trouble, because of the lyon & lyones, of the Cockatryce & shutynge dragon. Yea the Mules bare youre substaunce, & the Camels brought your treasure vpon their croked backes, vnto a people that can not helpe you.
7 For the Egipcians helpe shalbe but vayne and lost. Therfore I tolde you also, that your pryde shulde haue an end.
Isaiah 31:3
3 Nowe the Egypcyans are men, and not God, and theyr horses fleshe and not sprete. And as soone as the Lorde stretched oute his hande, then shall the helper fall, and he that shuld haue ben helped, and shall all together be destroyed.
Jeremiah 37:5-8
5 Pharaos Hoste also was come out of Egypte, which when the Caldees that beseged Ierusalem perceyued, they departed from thence.
6 Then came the worde of the Lorde vnto Ieremy the Prophet, sayinge.
7 Thus sayeth the Lorde God of Israel, thys answere shall ye geue to the kinge of Iuda, that sent you vnto me for councell: Beholde, Pharaos host whyche is come forthe to helpe you, shall returne to Egypte into hys owne lande:
8 but the Caldees shall come agayne, and fyght agaynst this cytye, wynne it, and set fyre vpon it.
Ezekiel 29:6-7
6 that al thei whiche dwell in Egypte, maye knowe, that I am the Lorde: because thou haste bene a staffe of rede to the house of Israel.
7 When they toke hold of the with theyr hand thou brakest & pryekest them on euerye syde, & yf they leaned vpon the, thou brakest & hurtest the reynes of theyr backes.