Ezra 7:20 Cross References - Matthew

20 And whatsoeuer thynge more shalbe nedeful for thy house of thy God, whych is necessary for the to spende, let the same be geuen out of the kynges chamber.

Ezra 6:4

4 & thre walles of roughe stones, and one walle of tymber, and the expences shalbe geuen of the kinges house.

Ezra 6:8-18

8 I haue commaunded also, what shalbe done to the Elders of Iuda for the buyldyng of the house of God, that there shall dilygently be taken of the Kinges goodes, euen of the rentes beyonde the water, & geuen vnto the men, and that they be not hindred. 9 And yf they haue nede of calues, lambes, or goates, for the burntofferynge vnto the God of heauen, wheate, salt, wyne and oyle, after the custome of the pryestes at Ierusalem, there shalbe geuen tem daylie as is accordyng: & se that this be done without faute, 10 that they maye offre swete sauoures vnto the God of heauen, and praye for the kinges lyfe & for his children. 11 This commaundement haue I geuen. And what man soeuer he be that altereth these wordes, there shall a beame be taken from his house, & set vp, and he shalbe hanged theron, & his house shalbe prysed for the deade. 12 But the God that dwelleth in heauen, destroye al kinges and people, that put to their hande to alter & to breake doune the house of God at Ierusalem. I Darius haue commaunded, that this he diligently done. 13 Then Thathanai the captayne beyond the water, and Stharbuzanai with their counselers (to whom king Darius had sent) dyd theyr diligence. 14 And the Elders of the Iewes builded, and they prospered thorowe the Prophesyenge of Aggeus the Prophet and Zachari the sonne of Ado: and they buylded, and set vp the worcke, accordinge to the commaundemente of the God of Israel, and after the commaundement of Cyrus, Darius & Arthaxerses kinges of Persia. 15 And they perfourmed the house vnto the thirde daye of the moneth Adar, that was in the sixte year of the raigne of kinge Darius. 16 And the children of Israel, the pryestes, the Leuites, & the other children of the captiuyte helde the dedicacion of the house of God with ioye, 17 and offered at the dedycacion of the house of God, an hundred calues, two hundred lambes, four hundred goates: and for the synofferinge for all Israell twelue he goates, accordinge to the nombre of the trybes of Israel, 18 and set the priestes in their courses and the Leuites in their offyces to minister vnto God, which is at Ierusalem, as it is wrytten in the boke of Moses.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.