19 And the vessels that are geuen the for the mynystracion in the house of thy God, those delyuer thou before God at Ierusalem.
Ezra 7:19 Cross References - Matthew
2 Chronicles 32:19
19 And they spake agaynst the God of Ierusalem, as agaynst the Gods of the nacyons of the erth, whyche are the worcke of the handes of men.
Ezra 8:27-30
27 twentye cuppes of goulde of a thousande drammes, and two costly ornamentes of good brasse, as cleare as goulde,
28 and sayde vnto them: Ye are holy vnto the Lorde, therfore are the vessels holy also, and so is the syluer and goulde that is geuen of a good wil vnto the Lorde God of your fathers:
29 Watche ye therefore and kepe it tyl ye weye it doune before the chefe priestes and Leuites, and auncient fathers of Israel at Ierusalem in the chestes of the house of the Lorde.
30 Then toke the priestes and the Leuites that weyed syluer & goulde and vessel, to brynge it to Ierusalem vnto the house of oure God.
Ezra 8:33-34
33 But on the fourth day was the syluer and goulde and vessell weyed in the house of oure God vnder the hande of Meremoth the sonne of Vriah the pryeste, and with him Eleazar the sonne of Phinehes, and with them Iosabad the sonne of Iesua, and Noadiah the sonne of Benoi the Leuites,
34 according to the nombre & weight of euery one. And the weyght was all wrytten vp at the same tyme.
Jeremiah 3:17
17 Then shal Ierusalem be called the Lordes seate, and all Heathen shalbe gathered vnto it, for the name of the Lordes sake, whyche shalbe set vp at Ierusalem. And from that tyme forth, they shal folow no more the ymaginacion of their owne frowarde herte.