1 And when the seuenth monethe came, & the chyldren of Israell were nowe in their cytyes, the people came together euen as one man, vnto Ierusalem.
Ezra 3:1 Cross References - Matthew
Exodus 23:14-17
14 Thre feastes thou shalt holde vnto me in a yere,
15 Thou shalt kepe the feaste of swete bread that thou eate vnleuened bread .vij. dayes longe, as I commaunded the in the tyme appoynted of the moneth of Abyb, for in that moneth thou camest out of Egypte: and se that no man apeare before me emptye.
16 And the feaste of Heruest, when thou reapeste the fyrst frutes of thy laboures whych thou hast sowne in the felde. And the feast of ingatherynge, in the ende of the yere when thou haste gathered in thye laboures oute of the felde.
17 Thre tymes in a yere shall all thye menchyldren appere before the Lord Iehouah.
Leviticus 16:29
29 And this shalbe an ordynaunce for euer vnto you. And euen in the tenth day of the seuenth moneth, ye shall humble youre soules and shall do no worke at all: whether it be one of youre selues or a straunger that soiourneth among you,
Leviticus 23:24
24 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel and saye. The fyrst daye of the seuenth moneth shalbe a reast of rembraunce vnto you, to blowe hornes in an holy feast it shalbe,
Leviticus 23:27-44
27 also the tenth day of the self seuenth moneth, is a day of an attonement, and shalbe on holy feast vnto you, and ye shal humble youre soules and offer sacrifyce vnto the Lorde.
28 Moreouer ye shal do no worke the same day, for it is a daye of attonement to make an attonement for you before the Lord your god.
29 For whatsoeuer soule it be that humbleth not hym selfe that daye, he shalbe destroyed from amonge hys people.
30 And whatsoeuer soule do any maner worke that daye, the same I wyll destroye from among hys people.
31 Se that ye do no maner worke therfore. And it shalbe a lawe for euer vnto youre generacyons after you in al youre dwellynges.
32 A Sabboth of reste it shalbe vnto you and ye shall humble youre soules. The .ix. daye of the moneth at euen and so forth from euen to euen agayne, ye shall kepe your sabboth.
33 And the Lord spake vnto Moses saying:
34 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel and saye: the .xv. daye of the same seuenth moneth shalbe the feast of tabernacles .vij. dayes vnto the Lord.
35 The fyrst day shalbe an holy feast, so that ye shall doo no laborious worke therin.
36 Seuen dayes ye shall offer sacryfyce vnto the Lorde, and the .viij. daye shalbe an holy feast vnto you & ye shal offer sacryfyce vnto the Lorde. It is the ende of the feast, and ye shal do no laborious worke therin.
37 These are the feastes of the Lord whyche ye shall proclayme holy feastes, for to offer sacryfyce vnto the Lorde, burntofferynges, meatoffrynges and drynkeoffrynges euery daye:
38 besyde the sabbothes of the Lord, and besyde your gyftes, and all youre vowes, & al your frewylofferinges which ye shal giue vnto the Lord.
39 Moreouer in the .xv. daye of the seuenth moneth after that yee haue gathered in the frutes of the Land, ye shall kepe holye daye vnto the Lord .vij. dayes long. The fyrst day shall be a daye of rest, & the eyght daye shall be a daye of rest.
40 And ye shall take you the fyrst day, the frutes of goodly trees and the braunches of palme trees and the bowes of thicke trees, and willowes of the brooke, & shall reioyce before the Lord .vij. dayes.
41 And ye shall kepe it holy day vnto the Lorde .vij. dayes in the yere. And it shall be a lawe for euer vnto youre chyldren after you, that ye kepe that feaste in the seuenth moneth.
42 And ye shall dwell in boothes seuen dayes: euen all that are Israelites borne, shall dwell in boothes,
43 that youre chyldrene after you maye knowe how that I made the chyldren of Israell dwell in boothes, when I brought them out of the lande of Egypt: for I am the Lord your God.
44 And Moses tolde all the feastes of the Lord vnto the children of Israel.
Numbers 29:1-40
1 And the fyrst day of the .vij. moneth shalbe an holy feast vnto you and ye shall do no laboryous worke therin. It shalbe a day of trompet blowyng vnto you.
2 And ye shal offer a burntofferyng of a swete sauour vnto the Lorde: one younge bullocke and one ram and .vij. lambes of a yere olde a peace that are pure.
3 And their meatoffringes of floure myngled wyth oyle .iij. tenth deales vnto the bullocke, & two vnto the ram,
4 & one tenth deale vnto one lambe thorow the .vij. lambes.
5 And an he goote for a synoffryng to make an attonement for you,
6 besyde the burntofferyng of the moneth and his meatofferynge & besyde the dayly burntofferyng & his meatofferyng, and the drynkofferynges of the same: accordynge vnto the maner of them for a sauoure of swetnesse in the sacryfice of the Lord.
7 And the tenth daye of that same seuenth moneth shalbe an holy feast vnto you, & ye shall humble youre soules and shall doo no maner worke therin.
8 And ye shall offer a burntofferyng vnto the Lorde of a swete sauour: one bullocke, and a ram, & .vij. lambes of a yere olde a pece, without faute
9 and their meateoffringes of floure mingled with oyle .iij. tenthdeales to a bullocke, & .ij. to a ra
10 & al waye a tenth deale vnto a lambe, thorowe out the .vij. lambes.
11 And one he goote for a synofferynge, besyde the synneofferynge of attonement and the dayly burntofferynge, & the meate and drynkoffrynges that longe to the same.
12 And the .xv. day of the .vij. moneth shalbe holy day & ye shall doo no laborious worcke therin, and ye shall kepe a feast vnto the Lord of .vij. dayes longe.
13 And ye shal offer a burntoffrynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lord .xiij. bullockes .ij. rammes and .xiiij. lambes which are yerelynges & pure,
14 wyth oyle .iij. tenthdeales vnto euery one of the .xiij. bullockes .ij. tenthdeales to ether of the rammes
15 & one tenthdeale vnto eche of the .xiiij. lambes.
16 And one he goote vnto a synoffering, besyde the dayly burntoffrynge with his meate and drynckofferynges.
17 And the seconde day .xij. young bullockes .ij. rammes & .xiiij. yerlynge lambes without spot:
18 & their meatoffringes and drynkofferinges vnto the bullockes, rammes and lambes accordynge to the nombre of them and after the maner.
19 And an he goote for a synofferynge, besyde the dayly burntoffryng and his meate and drynkofferynges.
20 And the .iij. daye .xi. bullockes twoo rammes and .xiiij. yerelynge lambes without spot:
21 & their meat and drynkofferynges vnto the bullockes, rammes and lambes, after the nombre of them and according to the maner.
22 And an he goote for a synoffrynge, besyde the daylye burntoffrynge and hys meate and drynke offrynges.
23 And the fourth daye .x. bullockes two rammes and .xiiij. lambes yerelynges pure,
24 and their meate and drynkofferynges vnto the bullockes, rammes & lambes, according to the nombre of them and after the maner.
25 And an he goote for a synneoffrynge, besyde the dayly burntofferynge and his meate and drynkofferynges.
26 And the fyfte daye .ix. bullockes two rammes and .xiiij. lambes of one yere old a pece wtout spot.
27 And their meate and drynckofferynges vnto the bullockes, rammes and lambes, accordynge to the nombre of them and after the maner.
28 And an he goote for a synne offerynge, besyde the dayly burntofferynge and his meate and drynkoffrynges.
29 And the syxte daye .viij. bullockes twoo rammes and .xiiij. yerelynge lambes without spot.
30 And theyr meate & drynkofferynges vnto the bullockes, rammes and lambes, accordyng to the maner.
31 And an he goote for a synneofferynge, besyde the dayly burntofferynge and hys meate and drynckofferynges.
32 And the seuenth daye .vij. bullockes .ij. rammes and .xiij. lambes that are yerelynges & pure.
33 And their meate and drinkofferinges vnto the bullockes, rammes and lambes, accordynge to their nombre and to the maner.
34 And an he goote for a synoffering, besyde the dayly burntofferyng & his meate & drynkofferynges.
35 And the eyght day shalbe the conclusyon of the feaste vnto you, and ye shall do no maner laborious worck therin.
36 And ye shall offer a burntofferyng of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde: one bullocke, one ram and seuen yerelynge lambes wythout spott.
37 And the meate & drynkofferynges vnto the bullocke, ram and lambes, accordynge to their nombres and accordyng to the maner.
38 And an he goote for a synneofferynge besyde the dayly burntoffering and his meate and drynkofferynges.
39 These thynges ye shal do vnto the Lorde in your feastes: besyde your vowes and frewyll offerynges, in youre burntofferynges meatofferynges, drynkofferynges and peace offrynges.
40 And Moses tolde the chyldren of Israel, accordyng to all that the Lorde commaunded hym.
Judges 20:1
1 Then all the chyldren of Israel went out: and there gathered al congregacyon together as it had bene but one man, euen from Dan to Berseba, and out of the land of Galaad, vnto the land to Marphah,
Nehemiah 7:73-8:2
73 And the prestes and Leuites, the Porters, the syngers, and the other of the people, and the Nethinims, and all Israel dwelt in theyr cytyes. Nowe when the seuen moneth drue nye, and the chyldren of Israel were in theyr cytyes,
Nehemiah 8:14
14 And they founde written in the lawe how that the Lorde had commaunded by Moses that the chyldren of Israel shulde dwell in bothes in the feaste of the seuenth moneth.
Zephaniah 3:9
9 And then wyll I clense the lyppes of the people, that they may euerychone call vpon the name of the Lord, and serue hym with one shulder.
Acts 2:46
46 And they contynued dayly wyth one accorde in the temple and brake bread in euerye house, and dyd eate their meate together, with gladnes and singlenes of her
Acts 4:32
32 And the multitude of them that beleued were of one herte, and of one soule. Also none of them said that anye of the thinges whyche he possessed, was his owne: but had all thinges commune.
1 Corinthians 1:10
10 I beseche you brethren in the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe, that ye all speake one thynge, and that there be no dissencyon amonge you: but be ye knyt together in one mynde, and in one meanynge.