Esther 5:14 Cross References - Matthew

14 Then sayde Zares hys wyfe & al hys frendes vnto hym: Let them make a galowes of fyfty cubytes hye, and to morow speake thou vnto the king that Mardocheus may be hanged theron, yf thou commest merely wyth the kynge vnto the bancket. Haman was well content wyth all, and caused a galowes to be prepared.

2 Samuel 13:3-5

3 But Amnon had a companyon called Ionadab the sonne of Samah the brother of Dauid: which Ionadab was a very wyse man. 4 And he said vnto him: howe cometh it that thou beynge the kynges sonne arte thus consumed euery mornynge? maiest thou not tell it me? And Amnon aunswered him: I loue Thamar my brother Absaloms sister. 5 Then sayde Ionadab vnto him: lye on thy bedde & fayne thy selfe sicke. And when thy father is come to se the, saye vnto hym: let my sister Thamar come & geue me meate, & dresse it in my sight, that I maye se it and eate it of her hande.

2 Samuel 16:21-17:4

21 And Ahithophell sayde vnto Absalom: get the in vnto thy fathers concubines, whiche he hath lefte to kepe the house. For when all Israell shall heare, that thou hast made thy father to styncke, then shall the handes of all that are with the, be stronge.

1 Kings 21:7

7 Then sayde Iezabel hys wyfe vnto hym: what a goodly kingedome were thou able to make in Israel? vp and eate meate and sette thyne herte a rest, for I wyll geue the, the vineyarde of Naboth the Iezrahelite.

1 Kings 21:25

25 For there was none at all lyke Ahab, that was so vtterly geuen to worcke wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde, and that because Iezabel his wyfe prycked hym forwarde.

2 Chronicles 22:3-4

3 And he walked also in the wayes of the house of Ahab, for his mother was his counseler for to do euill. 4 Wherfore he did that displeased the lorde like the house of Ahab for they were his counselers after the death of his father, to his destruccion. And he also walked after their counsel.

Esther 3:8-15

8 And Haman sayde vnto kyng Ahasuerus: There is a people scatered abroade & dispersed amonge all people in all the landes of thyne empire, & their lawe is contrary vnto all people, & they do not after the kynges lawes, nether is it the kinges profet to suffre them after this maner. 9 Yf it please the kinge let hym wrytte, that they maye be destroyed, & so will I weye doune ten thousande talentes of siluer, vnder the handes of the workmen, to be brought into the kinges chamber. 10 Then toke the kinge his ryng from his hande, & gaue it vnto Haman the sonne of Amadatha the Agagite the Iewes enemy. 11 And the kynge sayde vnto Haman: Let the syluer be geuen the, and that people also, to do with all what pleaseth the. 12 Then were the kinges scribes called on the thirtenth daye of the fyrst moneth, and there was wrytten (accordyng as Haman commaunded) vnto the kinges princes and to the captiues euery where in the landes, and to the rulers of euery people in the countreyes on euery syde, accordynge to the wryttinge of euery nacyon, and after their language in the name of kynge Ahasuerus, and sealed wyth the kynges rynge. 13 And the writtinges were sent by postes into all the kinges landes, to rote out, to kyll, and to destroye all Iewes, both younge and olde, chyldren and wemen in one daye (namely vpon the thyrtenth daye of the twelueth moneth, which is the moneth Adar) & to spoyle theyr goodes. 14 Thys was the summe of the writtynge, that there shoulde be a commaundement geuen in all landes, to be publyshed vnto all people, that they shoulde be ready agaynst the same daye. 15 And the postes wente in all the hast according to the kinges commaundement. And in the castell of Susan was the commaundement deuised. And the kynge and Haman sate and drancke. But the cyty of Susan was disquyeted.

Esther 6:4

4 And the king sayde: Who is in the courte? (for Haman was gone into the courte without before the kinges house, that he might speake vnto the king to hange Mardocheus on the tre, that he had prepared for him)

Esther 7:9-10

9 And Harbonah one of the chamberlaynes that stode before the kynge, sayde: Behold, there standeth a galowes in Hamans house fyfty cubytes hye, which he had made for Mardocheus, that spake good for the king. The Kynge saide: hange him theron. 10 So they hanged Haman on the galowes that he had made for Mardocheus. Then was the Kynges wrath pacyfyed.

Psalms 7:13-16

13 He hath prepared hym the weapens of death, & ordeined his arrowes to be destroied. 14 Beholde, he trauyleth wyth mischefe, he hath conceaued vnhappinesse, and broughte forth a lye. 15 He hath grauen & digged vp a pyt, but he shall fall hym selfe into the pitte that he hath made. 16 For hys vnhappinesse shall come vpon hys owne head, and hys wyckednes shal fal vpon hys owne pate.

Psalms 9:15

15 As for the Heathen, thei are suncken doune in the pytte that they made: in the same nette which they spred out priuely, is their owne feete taken.

Psalms 37:14

14 The vngodly drawe oute the swerde & bende their bowe, to caste doune the simple and poore, and to slaye suche as go the right waye.

Psalms 37:32

32 The vngodly seyth the righteous, & goeth aboute to slaye hym.

Proverbs 1:18

18 Yea, they themselfes laye wayte one for anothers bloud, & one of them wolde sley another.

Proverbs 4:16

16 For they can not slepe, except they haue first done some myschefe: neither take they anye rest, except they haue fyrst done some harme

Amos 6:4-6

4 Ye that lye vpon beddes of Iuerye, and vse your wantonnesse vpon your rouches: ye that eate the beste lambes of the flocke, and the fattest calues of the droaue: 5 ye that singe to the lute, & in playenge of instrumentes compare youre selues vnto Dauid: 6 ye that drincke wyne oute of goblettes, and annoynte youre selues with the best oyle, but no man is sorye for Iosephs hurte.

Mark 6:19-24

19 Herodias layed wayte for him, and woulde haue killed him, but she could not. 20 For Herode feared Iohan, knowinge that he was a iust man and an holy: and gaue him reuerence: and when he hearde hym, he did many thynges, and heard him gladly. 21 But when a conuement daye was come: Herode on his byrth day made a supper to the lordes, captaynes, and chief estates of Galile. 22 And the doughter of the sayd Herodias came in and daunsed, and pleased Herode, and them that sate at bourde also. Then the kyng sayde vnto the mayden: axe of me what thou wilt, & I wil geue it the. 23 And he sware to her, whatsoeuer thou shalt axe of me, I wil geue it the, euen vnto the halfe of my kyngdome. 24 And she went forth & sayde to her mother: what shal I axe? And she said: Ihon Baptistes head.

Mark 14:10-11

10 And Iudas Ischarioth one of the twelue went awaye vnto the hye priestes, to betraye hym vnto them. 11 When they hearde that, they were glad, and promysed that they woulde geue hym money. And he sought howe he myghte conuenientlye betraye hym.

Acts 23:14-15

14 And they came to the chiefe priestes and elders, and sayde: we haue bounde our selues with a vowe, that we wyll eate nothynge vntyll we haue slayne Paule. 15 Nowe therfore geue ye knoweledge to the vpper captayne & to the counsell, that he brynge hym forthe vnto vs to morowe as thoughe we woulde knowe some thynge more perfectlye of hym: But we, or euer he come neare, are readye in the meane season to kyll hym.

Romans 1:32

32 Whyche men though they knewe the ryghtuousnes of God, howe that they which such thinges commit, are worthy of death, yet not onely do the same, but also haue pleasure in them that do them.

Romans 3:15

15 Theyr fete are swyfte to sheed bloude.

Revelation 11:10

10 And they that dwell vpon the earth, shall reioyse ouer them and be glad, and shal sende gyftes one to another for these two prophetes vexed them that dwelt on the earth.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.