1 Sende thy vyttuayls ouer the waters, and so shalt thou finde them after many yeares.
Ecclesiastes 11:1 Cross References - Matthew
Deuteronomy 15:7-11
7 When one of thy brethren among you is waxed poore in any of thy cityes within thy land whych the Lord thy God geueth the, se that thou harden not thyne hert nor shet to thine hand from thy poore brother:
8 But open thyne hand vnto him & lende hym suffitiente for hys nede whych he hath.
9 And beware that there be not a poynt of Belial in thine hert, that thou wouldest say. The seuenth yere, the yere of fredome is at hand, & therfore it greues the to loke on thy poore brother and geuest hym nought & he then cry vnto the Lord againste the, and it be synne vnto the:
10 But giue him & let it not greue thine herte to giue. Bycause that for that thinge, the Lorde thy God shall blesse the in all thy workes & in all that thou puttest thyne hand to.
11 For the land shall neuer be wythout pore. Wherfore I commaund the saying: open thine hand vnto thy brother that is neady and pore in thy land.
Psalms 41:1-2
Psalms 126:5-6
Proverbs 11:18
18 The labour of the vngodly prospereth not, but he that soweth righteousnes, shal receyue a sure rewarde.
Proverbs 11:24-25
Proverbs 19:17
17 He that hath pittie vppon the poore, lendeth vnto the Lord: & loke what he layeth oute, it shalbe payed hym agayn.
Proverbs 22:9
9 A louing eie shalbe blessed, for he geueth of his bread vnto the pore.
Ecclesiastes 11:6
6 Cease not thou therefore with thy handes to sowe thy sede, whether it be in the mornynge or in the euenynge: for thou knoweste not whether this or that shall prospere, and if they both take, it is the better.
Isaiah 32:8
8 But the lyberall person ymagyneth honest thynges, and commeth vp with honestye.
Isaiah 32:20
20 O how happy shall ye be, when ye shall safely sowe youre sede besyde all waters and dryue thyther the fete of youre oxen and asses.
Matthew 10:13
13 And if the house be worthy, your peace shall come vpon it. But if it be not worthy, your peace shall retourne to you againe.
Matthew 10:42
42 And whosoeuer shall geue vnto one of these lytle ones to drinke, a cuppe of colde water only, in the name of a discypell: I tell you of a truthe, he shall not lose his rewarde.
Matthew 25:40
40 And the kinge shall aunswere and saye vnto theym: verelye I saye vnto you: in as much as ye haue done it to one of the least of these my brethren, ye haue done it vnto me.
Luke 14:14
14 & thou shalte be happy, for they can not recompence the. But thou shalte be recompensed at the resurreccyon of the iust men.
2 Corinthians 9:6
6 Thys yet remember, howe that he whiche soweth lyttell, shal reape lyttell, & he that soweth plentuously, shall reape plentuously.
Galatians 6:8-10
8 He that soweth in hys fleshe: shall of the fleshe reape corrupcion. But he that soweth in the spyryte, shall of the spyryte reape lyfe euerlastynge.
9 Let vs not be werye, of wel doynge. For when the tyme is come, we shall reape withoute werynes.
10 Whyle we haue therfore tyme, let vs do good vnto all men, and specially vnto them which are of the houshold of faythe.
Hebrews 6:10
10 For God is not vnryghtuous that he should forget your worke and laboure that procedeth of loue, which loue you shewed in hys name, whiche haue mynystred vnto the saynctes, & yet mynyster.