Ecclesiastes 12 Cross References - Matthew

1 Remembre thy maker in thy youth, or euer the dayes of aduersitie come, and or the yeares drawe nye, when thou shalt saye: I haue no pleasure in them 2 before the sunne, the lyght, the moone and starres be darkened, and or the cloudes turne agayn after the rayne: 3 when the kepers of the house shall tremble, & when the strong men shall bowe them selfes: when the myllers stande styll, because they be so fewe, & when the sight of the wyndowes shal waxe dymme: 4 when the dores in the stretes shalbe shut, & when the voyce of the myller shalbe layed doune: when men shall ryse vp at the voyce of the byrde, and when all the daughters of musicke shalbe brought lowe: 5 when men shall feare in hye places, and be afrayed in the stretes: when the Almonde tree shalbe despised, the greshopper borne out, & when great pouerte shall breake in: when man goeth to his longe home, and the mourners go about the stretes. 6 Or euer the siluer lace be taken awaye, and or the golden bande be broken: Or the pot be broken at the wel, and the whele vpon the cysterne: 7 Or dust be turned agayn vnto earth from whence it came, and or the sprete returne vnto God, whyche gaue it. 8 All is but vanitie (sayeth the Preacher) all is but playne vanite. 9 The same Preacher was not wyse alone, but taught the people knowlege also: he gaue good hede, sought out the ground & set forth many parables. 10 His diligence was to fynde out acceptable wordes, right scripture, and the wordes of trueth. 11 For the wordes of the wise are like prickes and nayles that go thorow, wherewith men are kepte together: for they are geuen of one shepeherde onely. 12 Therfore be ware (my sonne) that aboue these thou make the uot many and innumerable bokes, nor take diuerse doctrynes in hande, to weery thy body withall. 13 Let vs heare the conclusion of all thinges Feare God, and kepe his commaundementes, For that toucheth al men: 14 For God shal iudge all workes and secrete thynges, whether they be good or euell.

Genesis 2:7

7 Then the Lord God shope man, euen of the mould of the erth, & brethed into his face the breth of lyfe. So man was made a lyuyng soule.

Genesis 3:19

19 In the swete of thy face shalt thou eate brede, vntyll thou returne vnto the erth whence thou wast taken: for erth thou art, & vnto erth shalt thou returne.

Genesis 18:27

27 And Abraham answered & sayd: behold I haue taken vpon me to speake vnto the Lord, & yet am but dust and asshes.

Genesis 22:12

12 And he sayde: laye not thy handes vpon the chylde, nether do any thyng at all vnto him, for now I know that thou fearest God, in that thou hast not kepte thyne only sonne from me.

Genesis 27:1

1 And it came to passe that Isaac wexed olde and hys eyes were dymme, so that he coulde not see. Then called he Esau his eldest sonne & sayed vnto him: my sonne. And he sayd vnto hym: here am I.

Genesis 39:2

2 And the Lorde was wyth Ioseph, & he was a luckie felowe and continued in the house of his master the Egyptian.

Genesis 39:8-9

8 But he denyed & sayde to her: Beholde, my master woteth not what he hath in the house wt me, but hath commytted all that he hath to my hande. 9 He him selfe is not greater in the house than I, and hath kepte nothyng from me, but only the because thou art hys wyfe. How than can I do thys great wykydnes, for to synne agaynst God?

Genesis 39:23

23 And the keper of the preson loked vnto nothynge that was vnder hys hande, because the Lorde was wyth hym, and because that what soeuer he dyd, the Lorde made it come luckely to passe.

Genesis 42:38

38 And he sayde: my sonne shall not go doune wyth you. For his brother is dead, & he is left alone. Moreouer some mysfortune myght happen vpon him by the way whych ye go. And so shuld ye bring my gray head with sorowe vnto the graue.

Genesis 44:29

29 If ye shall take thys also awaye from me and some mysfortune happen vpon him, then shall ye bryng my gray head with sorow vnto the graue.

Genesis 44:31

31 then as soone as he seeth that the lad is not come, he wyll dye. So shall we thy seruauntes brynge the gray hedde of thy seruaunt oure father wyth sorow vnto the graue.

Genesis 48:10

10 And the eyes of Israel were dymme for age, so that he coulde not well see. And he brought them to hym, and he kyssed them and embraced them.

Genesis 49:24

24 and yet hys bowe bode fast, & his armes & hys handes were strong, by the handes of the mightye god of Iacob: out of hym shall come an herde man, a stone in Israel.

Genesis 50:3-10

3 .xl. daies longe, for so long doth the embawmyng last & the Egypcians bewepte him .lxx. dayes. 4 And when the dayes of wepyng were ended, Ioseph spake vnto the house of Pharao sayinge. If I haue founde fauoure in youre eyes, speake vnto Pharao and tell him, 5 how that my father made me swere and sayd: loo, I dye, se that thou burye me in my graue whych I haue made me in the lande of Canaan. Now therfore let me go and burye my father, and than wyll I come agayne. 6 And Pharao sayd, goo and bury thy father, acordyng as he made the swere. 7 And Ioseph went vp to bury his father, and with him went al the seruauntes of Pharao that were the elders of his house, and al the elders of Egypte, 8 and al the house of Ioseph and hys brethren & hys fathers house: only their chyldren and their shepe and their catell lefte they behynde them in the land of Gosan. 9 And there went wyth hym also Charettes and horsemen: so that they were an exceadyng great company. 10 And when they came to the felde of Atad beyonde Iordane, there they made great & exceadyng sore lamentacion. And he mourned for his father .vij. daies.

Leviticus 19:32

32 Thou shalt ryse vp before the hoorehed, & reuerence the face of the olde man & dread thy god, for I am the Lorde.

Numbers 16:22

22 And they fel vpon theyr faces and sayd O most myghty God of the spirites of al fleshe, one man hath sinned, and wilt thou be wroth with al the multitude?

Numbers 27:16

16 lett the Lord God of the spirites of al fleshe, sette a man ouer the congregation,

Deuteronomy 4:2

2 Ye shall put nothynge vnto the worde whych I commaunde you nether do ought therfrom, that ye maye kepe the commandementes of the Lord your God which I commaunde you.

Deuteronomy 6:2

2 that thou mighteste feare the Lorde thy God, to kepe all hys ordinaunces and hys commaundementes whyche I commaunde the, boeth thou and thy sonne, and thy sonnes sonne al dayes of thy lyfe, that thy dayes maye be prolonged.

Deuteronomy 10:12

12 And now Israel what is it that the Lord thy God requireth of the, but to feare the lord thy God and to walke in all hys wayes & to loue him & to serue the Lord thy God with al thyne herte, & with al thy soule,

1 Samuel 1:28

28 & therfor I also lend him the Lord, as long as he may be lent the Lorde. And so they prayed there vnto the Lord.

1 Samuel 2:18

18 But the ladde Samuel mynystred before the Lord gyrded about wyth a lynen Ephod.

1 Samuel 2:26

26 The chylde Samuel profyted and grewe, and was in fauoure both wyth the Lorde and also with men.

1 Samuel 3:2

2 And it chaunsed at that tyme, that Eli laye in his place, & his eyes began to waxe dimme, that he could not se.

1 Samuel 3:19-21

19 And Samuel grewe, and the Lorde was with hym, and left none of hys wordes vnparformed. 20 And all Israel from Dan to Bersabe wist that Samuel was trulye made the Lordes Prophete. 21 And the Lorde apeared agayne in Siloh: for the Lorde opened hym selfe to Samuel in Siloh, thorow the worde of the Lorde.

1 Samuel 4:15

15 Eli was foure skore & eighten yere olde, & his syghte fayled him that he could not se.

1 Samuel 4:18

18 And when he made mencyon of the arcke of God, Eli fell from of hys stole backwarde towarde the gate, and hys necke brake, & he dyed: for he was olde & vnweldye and he had iudged Israel fourtye yeares.

1 Samuel 16:7

7 But the Lorde sayde vnto Samuel: loke not on his fashion nor on the height of hys stature, for I haue refused hym. Because it is not as man seyth. For man loketh on the outward apperaunce, but the Lorde beholdeth the harte.

1 Samuel 16:12-13

12 And he sent and brought hym in. And he was browne wyth goodly eyes, and welfauored in syght. And then the Lord said vp and anoynt hym: for this is he. 13 And Samuel toke the horne with the oyntment and annoynted him in the presens of hys brethren. And the spryte of the Lord came vpon Dauid, from that daye forwarde. And Samuel rose vp and went to Ramath.

1 Samuel 17:36-37

36 For bothe a Lyon and also a Beare hath thy seruaunt slayne. And this vncircumcysed Philistine shalbe as one of them, for hys railing on the hoste of the lyuyng God. 37 And Dauid spake moreouer, the Lorde that delyuered me out of the handes of the Lyon and out of the handes of the Beare, he shall delyuer me also oute of the handes of the Philistine. Then sayde Saul to Dauid: go, and the Lorde be wyth the.

2 Samuel 19:35

35 I am this day four skore yeare olde, and therfore cannot decerne sauery from vnsauery, nether hath thy seruaunt pleasure in that he eateth or dryncketh: nor yet delectacyon in the songes of men or women. It is no nede that thy seruaunt be a burthen vnto my Lorde the kynge:

2 Samuel 21:15-17

15 And the Philistines had yet agayne warre with Israel. And Dauid went doune and his seruauntes with hym, and fought with the Philistines. And Dauid waxed fayntie, 16 and Iesbi of Nob one of the sonnes of Haraphah whose speare heade wayed thre hundred sicles of Brasse, & was gyrde wyth a newe swerde thought to haue slayne Dauid. 17 But Abisai the sonne of Zaruiah succoured him & smote the Philistine and killed him. Then the seruauntes of Dauid sware vnto him sayinge. Thou shalt go no more out with vs to battel, that the lyght of Israel be not put out.

1 Kings 3:6-12

6 And Salomon sayde: thou hast shewed vnto thy seruaunt Dauid my father great mercye accordinge as he walked before the in truthe & in ryghteousnesse & playnesse of herte wyth the. And thou hast kept for hym thys great mercy, that thou hast geuen him a sonne to sit on his seate: as it is come to passe thys daye. 7 And now Lord, my God, it is thou that hast made thy seruaunt kynge in steade of Dauid my father. And I am a young lad & wote not how to order my selfe. 8 And thy seruaunt is in the myddes of thy people which thou hast chosen, a people that are so many that they can not be told nor nombred for multitude. 9 Geue therfore vnto thy seruaunt an vnderstandynge herte to iudge thy people, & to decerne betwene good, and bad. For who is able to iudge thys thy so waightye a people. 10 And it pleased the Lord well, that Salomon had desyred thys thynge. 11 Wherfore God said vnto him: because thou hast asked this thynge and hast not asked long life, nether hast asked ryches, nor the lyues of thyne enemies, but hast asked the discrecion to vnderstand equite. 12 Se, I haue done accordynge to thy petycyon: and beholde: I haue geuen thy a wyse and an vnderstandynge hert, so that there was none lyke the before, nether after the shal any aryse lyke vnto the.

1 Kings 4:32

32 And Salomon wrote thre thousande prouerbes. And his songes were a thousande and fyue.

1 Kings 8:12-21

12 Then spake Salomon: the Lorde sayd, that he wolde dwell in darckenesse. 13 I haue built the an house to dwell in, & an habytacion for the to abyde in for euer. 14 And the king turned hys face, and blessed all the congregacyon of Israel, all the congregacyon standyng. 15 And he sayde. Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel, which hath fulfylled wyth hys hande, that he spake wyth hys mouthe vnto Dauid my father sayinge: 16 from the daye I brought my people Israel out of Egypte, I chose no cytye among any of the trybes of Israel, to buylde an house, that my name myght be there: But I haue chosen Dauid to be ruler ouer my people Israel. 17 And it was in the herte of Dauid my father, to buylde an house for the name of the Lorde God of Israel. 18 But the Lorde GOD sayde vnto Dauid my father: in that it was in thyne herte to buylde an house for my name, thou dyddest well, that thou wast so mynded. 19 Neuerthelesse thou shalt not buylde the house, but thy sonne that shal come out of thy loynes he shal buylde an house for my name. 20 And the Lorde hath made good hys worde that he spake. For I stode vp in the roume of Dauid my father, and sate on the seate of Israel, as the Lorde promysed, & haue buylt an house for the name of the Lorde God of Israel. 21 And I haue prepared therein a place for the arcke wherein the couenaunt of the Lorde is, which he made with our father, after he had brought them out of the lande of Egypte.

1 Kings 10:8

8 Happy are thy men: and happye are these thy seruauntes, whiche stande euer before the, and heare thy wysdom.

1 Kings 14:13

13 Howe be it al Israell shall mourne hym, and burye hym, for thys onely of all Ieroboam shall come to the sepulchre, because in hym there is founde goodnesse towarde the Lorde God of Israell in the house of Ieroboam.

1 Kings 18:12

12 And as sone as I am gone from the, the spyryte of the Lorde shal cary the away, whether I shall not knowe, and then I haue gone and tolde Ahab, and then he can not fynde the, he shall sley me. And yet I thy seruaunt haue feared the Lorde from my younge age.

2 Chronicles 34:2-3

2 And he dyd that pleased the Lord, & walked in the wayes of Dauid his father bowing netherto the right hande or to the lefte. 3 In so much that the eight yeare of hys raygne, when he was yet a lad, he beganne to seke after the God of Dauid hys father. And in the twelueth yeare he beganne to pourge Iuda and Ierusalem of hylaulters, groues, kerued Images, & Images of metal:

Ezra 9:8

8 But now is there a lytle and sodayne gracyousnes come from the Lord oure God, so that some of vs are escaped, that he may geue vs a nayle in hys holy place, that oure God may lighte oure eyes, and geue vs a lytle life in oure bondage.

Job 4:19-20

19 How moche moare in them that dwell in houses of claye whose foundacion is but earth, which shalbe consumed by the Moth. 20 They shalbe smytten from the mornynge vnto the euenyng yee they shall perysh euerlastynglye, and no man thincke theron.

Job 7:21

21 Why doest thou not forgeue me my synne? Wherfore takeste thou not awaye my wyckednesse. Beholde, now must I slepe in the dust: & yf thou sekest me to morow in the morning, I shalbe gone.

Job 15:10

10 Wyth vs are olde and aged men, ye suche as haue lyued longer then thy forfathers.

Job 17:13

13 Though I tary neuer so moch, yet the graue is my house, & I must make my bed in the darcke.

Job 20:11

11 From his youth his bones are full of vyce, which shall lye downe wyth hym in the earth.

Job 28:28

28 And vnto man he sayde: Beholde, to feare the Lorde, is wisedom, and to forsake euil, is vnderstandinge.

Job 30:2

2 The power and strength of their handes might do me no good, and as for their age, it is spent and past away: wythout any profit.

Job 30:23

23 Sure I am, that thou wilt delyuer me vnto death: where as a lodgynge is prepared for all men lyuinge.

Job 34:14-15

14 To whome hath he geuen hys herte, for to drawe hys spryte and breth vnto hym? 15 All flesh shall come together vnto naught, & all men shall turne agayne vnto earthe.

Psalms 22:9-10

9 But thou art he that toke me out of my mothers wombe: thou waste my hope, when I hanged yet vpon my mothers brestes. 10 I haue bene left vnto the euer sence I was borne, thou art my God, euen fro my mothers wombe.

Psalms 23:1

1 A Psalme of Dauid. The Lord is my shepherde, I can want nothynge.

Psalms 34:11

11 Come hyther, O ye chyldren, herken vnto me, I wil teache you the feare of the Lorde.

Psalms 42:7

7 One depe calleth another wyth the voyce of thy whistles, al thy waues and water floudes are gone ouer me.

Psalms 49:10-14

10 For it shalbe sene, that such wyse men shal dye and perysh together, as wel as the ignoraunt and folysh, and leue their goodes for other. 11 Loke what is in their houses, it contynueth still: their dwellyng places endure from one generacion to another, and are called after their owne names vpon the earth. 12 Neuerthelesse man abydeth not in suche honour, but is compared vnto the brute beastes, and becommeth lyke vnto them. 13 This waye of theirs is very folyshnesse, and yet their posteritie prayse it wyth theyr mouth. Selah. 14 They lye in the hell like shepe, death shall gnawe vpon theim, and the righteous shall haue dominacion of theim in the mornynge by tymes: their strength shall consume, and hell shalbe their dwellynge.

Psalms 62:9

9 As for men, they are but vayne, men are dysceatfull: vpon the weyghtes they are all together lyghter than vanitye it selfe.

Psalms 71:17-18

17 Thou, O God, haste learned me fro my youth vp vntyll now, therfore wyll I tell of thy wonderous workes. 18 Forsake me not, O GOD, in myne olde age, when I am gray headed: vntyll I haue shewed thyne arme vnto chylders chyldren, and thy power to all them that are yet for to come.

Psalms 71:18

18 Forsake me not, O GOD, in myne olde age, when I am gray headed: vntyll I haue shewed thyne arme vnto chylders chyldren, and thy power to all them that are yet for to come.

Psalms 71:20

20 O what great troubles and aduersityes hast thou shewed me? and yet dyddest thou turne and refreshe me: yea, & broughtest me from the depe of the earth agayn.

Psalms 77:16

16 The waters saw the, O God, the waters sawe the, & were afrayed, the deapthes were moued.

Psalms 80:1

1 To the chaunter, vpon Sosanim, a Psalme of Asaph. Heare O thou shepeherde of Israel, thou that leadest Iacob lyke a flocke of shepe: shew thy self, thou that sittest vppon the Cherubyns.

Psalms 90:3

3 Thou turnest man to destruccyon, Agayne, thou sayest: come agayne ye chyldren of men

Psalms 90:9-10

9 For when thou art angrye, all oure dayes are gone, we brynge our yeares to an ende, as it were a tale that is tolde. 10 The dayes of oure age are .iij. score yeares and ten: and though men be so strong that they come to foure score yeares, yet is their strength then but laboure, & sorowe: so soone passeth it awaye, and we are gone.

Psalms 90:10-10

10 The dayes of oure age are .iij. score yeares and ten: and though men be so strong that they come to foure score yeares, yet is their strength then but laboure, & sorowe: so soone passeth it awaye, and we are gone.

Psalms 96:13

13 Before the lorde, for he commeth: for he commeth to iudge the earth: yea, with ryghteousnesse shall he iudge the worlde, and the people with his trueth.

Psalms 102:23

23 He hath brought doune my strength in my iourney, and shortened my dayes.

Psalms 111:10-112:1

10 The feare of the Lorde is the beginning of wysdome, a good vnderstandyng haue al they that do therafter: the prayse of it endureth for euer.

Psalms 115:13-15

13 Yea he blesseth al them that feare the Lord both smale and great. 14 The Lorde encrease you more and more: you, and your children. 15 For ye are the blessed of the Lord, whych made heauen and earth.

Psalms 145:19

19 He fulfilleth the desire of them that feare him, he heareth their crie, and helpeth them.

Psalms 146:4

4 For when the breath of man goeth forth, he shall turne agayne to his earth, and so all hys thoughtes perysh.

Psalms 147:11

11 But the Lordes delyte is in them that feare hym, and put their trust in his mercy.

Proverbs 1:1

1 The Prouerbes of Salomon the sonne of Dauid king of Israell:

Proverbs 1:1-6

1 The Prouerbes of Salomon the sonne of Dauid king of Israell: 2 too lerne wisdome instruccion, vnderstanding prudence, 3 righteousnesse, iudgement & equite. 4 That the very babes might haue wit, and that yongmen might haue knowlege & vnderstanding. 5 By hearing, the wyse man shall come by more wysedome: & by experience 6 he shalbe more apte to vnderstande a parable, & the interpretacion therof, the wordes of the wise, & the darke speaches of the same.

Proverbs 1:6

6 he shalbe more apte to vnderstande a parable, & the interpretacion therof, the wordes of the wise, & the darke speaches of the same. 7 The feare of the Lord is the begynnynge of wysdome. But fooles despise wysdome & destruccion.

Proverbs 8:6-10

6 Geue eare, for I will speake of great matters, and open my lyppes to tell thinges that be right. 7 For my throte shalbe talking of the trueth, & my lyppes abhorre vngodlinesse. 8 All the wordes of my mouth are righteous, there is no frowardenesse nor falsede therin. 9 They are all playne to suche as will vnderstande, and ryght to them that fynde knowlege. 10 Receiue my doctrine therfore, & not siluer: & my knowledge, more then fyne golde.

Proverbs 8:17

17 I am louyngevnto those that loue me, & they that seke me early, shall fynde me.

Proverbs 10:1

1 The Parables of Salomon. A wyse sonne maketh a glad father, but an vndiscrete sonne is the heuinesse of hys mother.

Proverbs 15:23

23 O howe ioyfull a thing is it, a man to geue a conuenyente answere? O how pleasaunt is a word spoken in due season.

Proverbs 15:26

26 The Lorde abhorreth the ymaginacons of the wycked, but pure wordes are pleasaunt vnto him.

Proverbs 16:21-24

21 Who so hath a wyse vnderstanding, is called to councel but he that canne speake faire getteth more riches. 22 Vnderstanding is a wel of lyfe vnto him that hath it, as for the chastenyng of foles, it is but folishnesse. 23 The hert of the wyse enfourm his moueth, and amendeth the doctryne in his lyps. 24 Fayre wordes are an hony combe, a refreshynge of the mynde, and helth of the bones.

Proverbs 16:31

31 Age is a crowne of worshippe, if it be founde in the waye of ryghtuousnes.

Proverbs 19:23

23 The feare of the Lord preserueth the life yea, it geueth plenteousnes, without the visitacion of any plage.

Proverbs 20:29

29 The strength of yong men is their worship, and a gray head, is an honour vnto the aged.

Proverbs 22:6

6 If thou teachest a child in his youth what waye he shuld go, he shal not leaue it when he is old

Proverbs 22:17-21

17 My sonne, bow down thine eare, and herken vnto the wordes of wysdome, applye thy mynde vnto my doctryne:

Proverbs 22:17

17 My sonne, bow down thine eare, and herken vnto the wordes of wysdome, applye thy mynde vnto my doctryne: 18 for it is a plesaunt thyng if thou kepe it in thyne hert, and practise it in thy mouth: 19 that thou mayest alwaye put thy truste in the Lorde. 20 Haue not I warned the very oft with counsel & lerning? 21 that I might shew the truth andt that thou with the verity myghtest answere them that lay any thynge agaynst the?

Proverbs 23:17

17 Let not thine herte be gelous to folowe synners, but kepe the styl in the feare of the Lord al the daye long:

Proverbs 25:1

1 These also are the sayinges of Salomon, which the men of Ezekiah Kynge of Iuda gathered together.

Proverbs 25:11-12

11 A worde speken in due season, is lyke apples of golde in a syluer dish. 12 The correction of the wise is to an obedient eare, a golden cheine & a Iewel of gold.

Ecclesiastes 1:1

1 These arethe wordes of the Preacher, the sonne of Dauid, king of Ierusalem 2 All is but vanitie (sayeth the preacher) all is but playne vanite.

Ecclesiastes 1:12

12 I myself the Preacher, beynge kynge of Israel & Hierusalem,

Ecclesiastes 1:14

14 Thus I haue considred all the thynges that come to passe vnder the Sunne, & so, they are all but vanitie & vexacion of mynde.

Ecclesiastes 1:18

18 for where much wysdome is, there is also great trauayle and disquietnes: and the more knowledge a man hath, the more is his care.

Ecclesiastes 2:3

3 So I thought in my hert, to withdrawe my flesh from wyne, to apply my mynde vnto wysdome, & to comprehende folishnes vntill the time that (among all the thinges which are vnder the sunne) I might se what were best for men to do, so long as they lyue vnder heauen.

Ecclesiastes 2:17

17 Thus began I to be werye of my lyfe, in so muche that I coulde awaie wyth nothynge that is done vnder the Sunne, for all was but vanytye and vexacion of mynde:

Ecclesiastes 3:17

17 Then thought I in my mind: God shal separat the rightuous from the vngodly, & then shalbe that time and iudgment of al councels and worckes.

Ecclesiastes 3:20-21

20 They go all vnto one place, for as they be all of dust, so shal they all turne vnto dust agayne. 21 Who knoweth the sprete of man that goeth vpwarde, & the breath of the beast that goeth doune into the earth?

Ecclesiastes 4:4

4 Agayn, I sawe that all trauayle and diligence of labour was hated of euery man. This is also a vayn thinge, and a vexacion of mynde.

Ecclesiastes 5:7

7 And why? where as are many dreames and many wordes, there are also diuerse vanities: but loke that thou feare God.

Ecclesiastes 6:12

12 For who knowth what is good for man lyuynge, in the dayes of hys vayne life, whych is but a shadowe? Or, who wyll tell a man, what shall happen after him vnder the Sunne.

Ecclesiastes 8:8

8 Nether is there any man that hath power ouer the spirite, to kepe styll the spirite, ner to haue any power in the tyme of death: it is not he also that can make an ende of the battail, nether maye vngodlynes delyuer him that medleth with al.

Ecclesiastes 8:12

12 But thoughe an euell persone offende an hundred tymes, and haue a longe life: yet am I sure, that it shall go well wyth them that feare God, because they haue hym before their eyes.

Ecclesiastes 9:10

10 Whatsoeuer thou takest in hande to do, that do wyth all thy power: for among the dead, wher as thou goest vnto, ther is nether worcke, councel, knowledge ner wysdome.

Ecclesiastes 11:7-8

7 The lyghte is swete, and a pleasaunte thinge is it for the eyes to loke vpon the Sunne. 8 If a man lyue manye yeares, and be gladde in them all, let hym remember the dayes of darckenesse, whiche shalbe many: and when thei come, al thynges shalbe but vanytye.

Ecclesiastes 11:8-8

8 If a man lyue manye yeares, and be gladde in them all, let hym remember the dayes of darckenesse, whiche shalbe many: and when thei come, al thynges shalbe but vanytye. 9 Be glad then (O thou yong man) in thy youth, and let thine herte be mery in thy yonge daies: folowe the wayes of thine owne herte, and the luste of thyne eyes: but be thou sure, that God shall brynge the into iudgement for all these thinges. 10 Pvt awaye displeasure oute of thine hert, & remoue euel from thy body: for childhode & youth is but vanitie.

Isaiah 5:30

30 In that day they shalbe so fearce vpon them, as the sea. And yf we loke vnto the lande, beholde, it shalbe all darckenesse and sorowe. If we loke to heauen: beholde, it shalbe darcke wyth careful desperacyon.

Isaiah 22:23

23 I wyl fasten him to a nayle in the place of the moost hye faithfulnesse, and he shalbe vpon the glorious trone of his fathers house.

Isaiah 26:8

8 Therfore (Lorde) we haue a respecte vnto the waye of thy iudgementes, thy name & thy remembraunce reioyse thy soule.

Isaiah 40:11

11 He shall fede his flock lyke an herdman. He shall gather the lambes together with his arme, and carie them in hys bosome, and shall kyndlye intreate those that beare yonge.

Isaiah 46:4

4 I whych shall beare you vnto youre laste age: I haue made you, I wyll also noryshe you, beare you and saue you.

Isaiah 57:16

16 For I chide not euer, & am not wroth without ende. But the blastinge goeth from me, though I make the breath.

Jeremiah 1:11

11 After thys, the Lorde spake vnto me sayinge: Ieremy, what seyst thou? And I sayde: I se a wakinge roade.

Jeremiah 9:17-20

17 Moreouer, thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes: loke that ye call for mournynge wyues, and send for wyse wemen: that they come shortly, 18 & synge a mournyng song of you: that the teares maye fall oute of oure eyes, and that oure eye lyddes maye gusshe oute of water. 19 For there is a lamentable noyse heard of Sion: O how are we so sore destroyed? O howe are we so piteously confounded? We muste forsake oure owne naturall countreye, & we are shote out of oure owne lodgynges. 20 Yet heare the worde of the Lorde (O ye wemen) and let your eares regard the wordes of hys mouth: that ye may learne your doughters to mourne, and that euerye one maye teache her neighbouresse, to make lamentacyon.

Jeremiah 23:29

29 Is not my worde lyke a fyre, sayeth the Lorde, and lyke an hammer, that breaketh the harde stone?

Jeremiah 25:10

10 Moreouer, I will take from them the voyce of gladnesse and solace, the voyce of the brydegrom & the bryde, the voyce of the anoynted, wyth the cresshettes:

Jeremiah 38:16

16 So the king swore an oth secretly vnto Ieremye, sayinge: As truely as the Lorde lyueth, that made vs these soules, I wil not slay the, nor geue the into the handes of them that seke after thy lyfe.

Lamentations 3:27

27 O how good is it for a man, to take the yock vpon hym from hys youth vp.

Ezekiel 32:7-8

7 When thou arte put oute, I wyll couer the heauen, and make hys starres dymme. I wyll sprede a cloude ouer the sunne, and the moone shall not geue her lyghte. 8 All the lyghtes of heauen wyll I put oute ouer the, and brynge darckenesse vpon thy lande, sayeth the Lorde God.

Ezekiel 34:23

23 I wyll rayse vp vnto them one onelye shepeherde: euen my seruaunt Dauid, he shall fede them, and he shall be theyr shepherde.

Daniel 1:8-9

8 But Daniel was at a poynte wyth hym self, that he wolde not be defyled thorowe the kynges meate, nor the wyne whiche he droncke. And this he desyred of the chefe Chamberlaine, leste he shulde defyle hym selfe. 9 So God gaue Daniel fauoure and grace before the chefe chamberlayne,

Daniel 1:17

17 God gaue nowe these foure spryngaldes connyng and learnyng in all scrypture and wysdome: but vnto Daniell specyally, he gaue vnderstandynge of all vysyons and dreames.

Daniel 12:2

2 Many of them that slepe in the dust of the earth, shal awake: some to euerlastinge lyfe, some to perpetual shame and reprofe.

Hosea 7:9

9 straungers haue deuoured his strength, yet he regardeth it not: he waxeth ful of gray hearres: yet will he not know it,

Micah 6:8

8 I wyll shewe the, O man, what is good, & what the Lorde requyreth of the: Namely, to do right, to haue pleasure in louynge kyndnesse, to be lowlye, and to walcke wyth thy God:

Zechariah 4:2-3

2 & sayde vnto me: What seyst thou? And I sayde: I haue loked, & beholde: a candelsticke of all golde, wyth a boll vpon vpon it and his seuen lampes therein, & vpon euery lamp .vij. stalkes. 3 And two olyue trees therby, one vpon the right syde of the bol, and the other vpon the left side.

Zechariah 8:4

4 Thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes: There shal yet olde men & wemen dwell againe in the stretes of Ierusalem: yea, & such as go wt staues in their handes for very age.

Zechariah 12:1

1 The heauy burthen which the lord hath deuised for Israel. Thus saieth the lord, which spred the heauens abroade, layde the foundacyon of the earth, and geueth man the breath of lyfe:

Matthew 3:7

7 When he sawe many of the Phariseis & of the Saduces come to his baptisme, he sayd vnto them: O generacion of vipers, who hath taught you to fle from the vengaunce to come?

Matthew 10:26

26 Fear them not therfore. Therfore is nothinge so close, that shal not be opened, & nothing so hid, that shal not be knowen.

Matthew 12:36

36 But I say vnto you, that of euery idell worde that men shall haue spoken: they shall geue a countes at the daye of iudgement.

Matthew 25:31-46

31 When the sonne of man cometh in hys glorye, and all the holye aungels with him, then shall he sytte vpon the seate of his glory, 32 and before him shall be gathered all nations, and he shall separate them one from another, as a shephearde deuideth the shepe from the gootes. 33 And he shall set the shepe on his right haude, and the gootes on his lyfte. 34 Then shal the kinge saye to them on his right hand. Come ye blessed chyldren of my father, enheryte ye the kingdome prepared for you from the begynninge of the worlde. 35 For I was an hungred & ye gaue me meate. I thirsted and ye gaue me drinke. I was herbourles and ye lodged me. I was naked and ye clothed me. 36 I was sycke and ye visyted me. I was in pryson and ye came vnto me. 37 Then shal the rightuous aunswere him sayinge, maister, when sawe we the an houngred, & fede the, or a thyrst, & gaue the drinke 38 when sawe we the herborles, and lodged the? or naked and clothed the? 39 or when sawe we the syke or in pryson and came vnto the? 40 And the kinge shall aunswere and saye vnto theym: verelye I saye vnto you: in as much as ye haue done it to one of the least of these my brethren, ye haue done it vnto me. 41 Then shall the kinge saye vnto them that shalbe on the lyfte hande. Departe from me ye cursed, into euerlastinge fyre, which is prepared for the deuyll and hys angels. 42 For I was an hungred and ye gaue me no meate, I thyrsted and ye gaue me no drynke, 43 I was herbourles, and ye lodged me not, I was naked and ye clothed me not, I was sicke and in pryson, and ye vysited me not. 44 Then shal they answere him, sayinge: mayster when sawe we the an hungred, or a thyrst or herbourles, or naked, or sicke, or in pryson, and dyd not minister vnto the. 45 Then shall he answere them, and saye: Verelye I saye vnto you, in as much as ye dyd it not to one of these little ones: ye dyd it not vnto me. 46 And these shall go into euerlasting payne. And the righteouse into lyfe eternall.

Mark 5:38-39

38 And he came vnto the house of the ruler of the Synagoge, and sawe the wondringe, & them that wepte and wayled greatly, 39 & went in and sayde vnto them: why make ye this a do and wepe? The mayden is not dead, but slepeth.

Luke 1:1-4

1 For asmuche as manye haue taken in hande to compyle a treatyse of those thynges which are surelye knowen amonge vs, 2 euen as they declared them vnto vs, which from the begynnynge sawe theim their selues, and were ministers at the doyinge, 3 I determined also, assone as I had searched out dylygentlye all thinges from the beginning, that then I would write vnto the, good Theophilus: 4 that thou mightest knowe the certaintye of those thynges wherof thou art enfourmed.

Luke 1:15

15 For he shalbe greate in the syght of the Lorde, and shall neyther drinke wyne nor stronge drinke. And he shalbe fylled with the holy ghost, euen in his mothers wombe:

Luke 1:50

50 And his mercy is on them that feare hym thorowe out all generacions.

Luke 2:40-52

40 And the chylde grewe & waxed stronge in spyryte, and was fylled wyth wisdome, & the grace of God was with him. 41 And his father and mother went to Hierusalem euerye yeare at the feaste of easter. 42 And when he was .xij. yeare olde, they went vp to Ierusalem after the custome of the feaste. 43 And when they had fulfilled the dayes, as they returned home, the chylde Iesus bode styll in Ierusalem vnknowinge to his father and mother. 44 For they supposed he had bene in the company, and therfore came a dayes iorneye and sought him amonge their kinsfolke and acquaintaunce. 45 And when thei founde him not, they went backe againe to Ierusalem, & sought hym. 46 And it fortuned after thre dayes that they founde him in the tempell, syttynge in the middes of the doctours, both hearynge them and posynge them. 47 And all that hearde him, meruaylled at his wit and aunswers. 48 And when they sawe him, they were astonyed. And his mother sayde vnto him: sonne, why hast thou thus dealt with vs? Beholde thy father and I haue sought the, sorowing. 49 And he sayed vnto them: howe is it that ye sought me? Wyst ye not that I must go about my fathers busynes? 50 And they vnderstode not the sayinge that he spake to them. 51 And he went with them, and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them: But his mother kepte al these sayinges in her herte. 52 And Iesus increased in wisdome and age, and in fauoure with God and man.

Luke 12:1-2

1 As there gathered together an innumerable multitude of people (in so muche that they trode one another) he began to saye vnto hys discyples: Fyrste of all beware of the leuen of the Phariseis, which is hypocrisye. 2 For there is nothynge couered the shall not be vncouered: neyther hydde, that shall not be knowen.

Luke 16:29-31

29 Abraham said vnto hym: they haue Moyses and the Prophetes: let them heare them. 30 And he sayd: nay father Abraham, but yf one came vnto them from the dead, they woulde repent. 31 He sayed vnto hym: yf they heare not Moyses, and the Prophetes, neyther wyll they beleue, though one rose from death agayne.

Luke 18:16

16 But Iesus called them vnto hym, and sayed: Suffer children to come vnto me, and forbyd them not. For of suche is the kyngdome of God.

John 3:10

10 Iesus aunswered & said vnto him: art thou a maister in Israel, and knowest not these thinges? 11 Verely, verely, I say vnto the we speake that we know and testify that we haue sene, & ye receiue not our witnes.

John 5:29

29 and shall come forth: they that haue done good, vnto the resurreccion of lyfe, and they that hath done euil, vnto the resurreccion of damnacion.

John 5:39

39 Searche the sciptures, for in them ye thinke ye haue eternall lyfe: and they are they which testifye of me.

John 10:14

14 I am that good shepeherde, and knowe myne and am knowen of myne.

John 20:31

31 These are written that ye myght beleue, that Iesus is Christe the sonne of God, and that in beleuinge ye might haue lyfe thorow hys name.

John 21:25

25 Ther are also many other thinges whych Iesus dyd, the whiche if they shoulde be written euery one I suppose the worlde could not contayne the bokes that shuld be written.

Acts 2:37

37 When they hearde this, they were prycked in their hertes, and sayd vnto Peter and vnto the other Apostles. Ye men and brethren, what shall we do?

Acts 17:30-31

30 And the tyme of thys ignoraunce God regarded not. But now he byddeth all men euerye where repent, 31 because he hath appoynted a daye, in the whiche he will iudge the world accordynge to ryghteousnes, by that man whom he hath apoynted, and hath offered fayth to all men, after that he had raysed hym from death.

Romans 2:16

16 at the daye when God shall iudge the secretes of men by Iesus Christ accordynge to my Gospell.

Romans 14:10-12

10 But why doest thou then iudge thy brother? Other why doeste thou despyse thy brother? We shall all be brought before the iudgement seate of Christe. 11 For it is wrytten: as truelye as I lyue sayth the Lorde: all knees shall bowe to me, and all tonges shall geue a knowledge to God. 12 So shall euery one of vs, geue accomptes of hym selfe to GOD.

1 Corinthians 4:5

5 Therfore iudge nothinge before the tyme vntill the Lorde come, who wyll lyghten thinges, that are hyd in darckenes, and open the counsels of the hertes. And then shall euery man haue praise of God.

2 Corinthians 5:10

10 For we muste all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ, that euery man maye receyue the workes of hys bodye accordyng to that he hath done, whether it be good or badde?

2 Corinthians 10:4

4 For the weapens of oure warre are not carnal thynges, but thynges myghtye in God to caste doune stronge holdes,

Ephesians 6:4

4 And ye fathers, moue not youre children to wrath, but bringe them vp with the norter and information of the Lorde.

Colossians 1:5

5 for the hopes sakes, whiche is layde vp in store for you in heauen of whiche hope ye haue heard before by the true worde of the Gospe

1 Timothy 1:15

15 Thys is a true saiynge and by all meanes worthy to be receyued, that Christ Iesus came into the worlde to saue synners, of whom I am chiefe.

2 Timothy 3:15

15 and for as muche also as thou haste knowen holy scrypture of a chyld, whiche is able to make the wyse vnto saluacion thorowe the fayth which is in Christ Iesu.

Hebrews 4:12

12 For the word of God is quicke and myghty in operacion, and sharper then anye two edged swerde, and entreth through, euen vnto the diuiding a sonder of the soule and the spirite, and of the ioyntes and the marie, and iudgeth the thoughtes and the ententes of the herte:

Hebrews 9:27

27 And as it is appoynted vnto men that they shall ones dye, and then commeth the iudgemente,

Hebrews 12:9

9 Moreouer seynge we had fathers of oure fleshe whiche corrected vs, and we gaue them reuerence: shoulde we not muche rather be in subieccyon vnto the father of spyrytuall gyftes, that we myght lyue?

Hebrews 12:23

23 and vnto the congregacyon of the first borne sonnes, which are wrytten in heauen, and to God the iudge of all, and to the spyrytes of iuste and perfecte men,

Hebrews 13:20

20 The God of peace that brought agayne from death oure Lorde Iesus, the great shepe herde of the shepe, thorowe the bloude of the euerlastynge testament,

1 Peter 2:17

17 Honoure all men. Loue brotherlye felowship. Feare God, and honour the kynge.

1 Peter 5:4

4 And when the chiefe shephearde shal appere, ye shal receiue an incorruptible crowne of glorie.

2 Peter 1:19-21

19 We haue also a ryght sure worde of prophesye, whervnto yf ye take hede, as vnto a light, that shineth in a darcke place, ye do wel vntyll the daye dawne, and the daye starre aryse in youre hertes. 20 So that ye fyrste knowe this, that no prophesye in the scripture hath any priuate interpretacion. 21 For the scrypture came neuer by the wyl of man, but holye men of God spake as they were moued by the holy ghoste.

Revelation 18:22

22 And the voice of harpers, & musicions, and of pipers, & trompeters, shalbe hearde no more in the, and no craftes man, of whatsoeuer crafte he be, shalbe founde any more in the, & the sound of a myl, shalbe hard no more in the,

Revelation 19:5

5 And a voice came out of the seate, saying: prayse our Lord God all ye that are his seruauntes, and ye that feare him both smalle and great.

Revelation 20:11-15

11 And I sawe a great whyte seate and hym that sate on it, from whose face fled away bothe the earthe & heauen, & theyr place was no more founde. 12 And I sawe the deade, both great and small stande before God: & the bokes were opened, & an other boke was opened, which is the boke of lyfe, and the dead were iudged of those thynges: which were wrytten in the bokes accordyng to theyr deedes: 13 & the sea gaue vp her deade, which were in her, & death & hel delyuered vp the deade which were in them: & they were iudged euery man according to hys deedes. 14 And death & hell were cast into the lake of fyre. Thys is that seconde death. 15 And who so euer was not founde wrytten in the boke of lyfe, was caste into the lake of fyre.

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