4 I prayed before the Lorde my God, and knowledged, sayinge: O Lorde, thou greate and fearfull God, thou that kepest couenaunt and mercye wyth them, whiche loue the, and do thy commaundementes.
Daniel 9:4 Cross References - Matthew
Exodus 20:6
6 and yet shew mercy vnto thousandes among them that loue me and kepe my commaundementes.
Exodus 34:6-7
6 And when the Lord walked before him, he cried: Lord Lord God full of compassion and mercy, which are not lightly angry but abundaunt in mercy and truth,
7 and kepest mercye in store for thousandes, & forgeueste wyckednes, trespace, and synne (for there is no man innocent before the) and vysitest the wyckednes of the father vpon the chyldren and vpon chyldrens chyldren, euen vnto the thyrd and fourth generation.
Leviticus 26:40-42
40 And they shall confesse theyr misdeades and the mysdeades of theyr fathers in theyr trespaces, which they haue trespaced agaynst me, & for that also that they haue walked contrary to me.
41 Therfore I also wyl walke contrarye vnto them, and wyl brynge theym into the lande of theyr enemies. And then at the least waye theyr vncircumcised hertes shalbe tamed, & then they shall make an atonement for theyr mysdeades.
42 And I wyl remembre my bond with Iacob, and my testament wyth Isaac, and my testament wyth Abraham, and wyll thynke on the lande.
Numbers 14:18-19
18 the Lord is longe year he be angrye, and ful of mercy, and suffereth synne and trespace, and leaueth no man innocent, and vysyteth the vnrighteousnesse of the fathers vpon the chyldren, euen vpon the thyrd and fourth generacion,
19 be mercyfull I beseche the therfore vnto the synne of thys people according vnto thy greate mercy, and accordyng as thou hast forgeuen thys people from Egypt euen vnto thys place.
Deuteronomy 5:10
10 and shewe mercye vpon thousandes amonge them that loue me and kepe my commaundementes.
Deuteronomy 7:9
9 Vnderstande therefore, that the Lord thy God he is god & that a true god, which kepeth pointment and mercy vnto them that loue him and kepe hys commaundementes, euen thorowe oute a thousande generations
Deuteronomy 7:21
21 Se thou feare them not for the Lord thy God is among you a mighty God and a terrible.
1 Kings 8:23
23 & sayde: Lorde God of Israel, there is no God lyke the in heauen aboue or in the earthe benethe, that kepest appoyntment & mercye wyth thy seruauntes that walcke before the wyth all theyr hertes:
1 Kings 8:47-49
47 yet yf they turne agayne vnto their hertes in the lande where they be in captiuite, and returne and praye vnto the in the lande of them that holde them captiue, sayinge: we haue synned & haue done wyckedlye & haue trespaced,
48 & so turne agayne vnto the with all their hertes and all their soules in the land of their enemyes which holde them captyue, and praye vnto the, towarde the land which thou gauest vnto their fathers, & towarde the cytie which thou hast chosen, and house which I haue buylt for thy name:
49 then heare thou their prayer & supplicacion vp to heauen thy dwellyng place, & iudge their causes,
2 Chronicles 7:14
14 yet yf my people that are named after my name, shall humble themselues & make intercessyon & seke my presence, & turne from their wicked wayes, then wyll I heare from heauen and be mercyfull to theyr synnes, & wyl heale theyr lande.
Nehemiah 1:5
5 & sayde: O Lorde God of heauen, thou greate & terryble God, thou that kepest couenaunt and mercy for them that loue the, and obserue thy commaundementes:
Nehemiah 9:2-3
2 & separated the sede of Israell from all the straunge chyldren, and stode & knowleged theyr synnes, and the wyckednesses of theyr fathers
3 & stode vp in theyr place, & red in the boke of the lawe of the Lord theyr God foure tymes on the day, and they knowleged & worshypped the Lorde theyr God foure tymes on the daye.
Nehemiah 9:32
32 Nowe oure God, thou great God, mightye and terryble, that thou kepest couenaunte and mercy, regarde not a lytle of the trauaile that hath happened vnto vs, and our kynges prynces, priestes, prophetes, fathers and all thy people, sence the tyme of the kynges of Assur vnto thys daye.
Psalms 32:5
5 Therfore I confessed my sinne vnto the & hyd not myne vnryghtuousnes. I sayde: I wyll knowledge myne offence and accuse my selfe vnto the Lord, & so thou forgauest me the wickednesse of my synne Selah.
Jeremiah 3:13
13 but on this condicion, that thou knowe thy greate blasphemy: Namely, that thou haste vnfaithful forsaken the Lorde thy God, and hast made thy selfe partaker of straung goddes vnder all grene trees, but hast had no wil to heare my voyce, sayeth the Lorde.
Jeremiah 32:17-19
17 O Lorde God, it is thou that hast made heauen and earthe wyth thy greate power, and hye arme, and there is nothinge to harde for the.
18 Thou shewest mercy vpon thousandes, thou recompencest the wickednes of the fathers, into the bosume of the children, that come after them.
19 Thou art the greate and myghtie God, whose name is the Lorde of Hostes, greate in counsel, and infinite in thought. Thine eyes loke vpon all the wayes of mens chyldren, to rewarde euery one after his waye, and according to the frutes of his inuencyons.
Daniel 9:5-12
5 We haue synned, we haue offended, we haue ben disobedient and gone back: yea we haue departed from all thy preceptes and iudgementes.
6 We woulde neuer folowe thy seruauntes the Prophetes, that spake in thy name to our kinges and princes, to oure forefathers, and to all the people of the lande.
7 O Lorde, ryghteousnesse belongeth vnto the, vnto vs pertayneth nothynge but open shame, as it is come to passe this day vnto euery man of Iuda and to them that dwell at Ierusalem: Yea, vnto all Israell, whether they be farre or nye thorow out all landes: wherin thou haste strowed them, because of the offences that they had done agaynst the.
8 Yea O Lorde, vnto vs, to our kinges and princes, to oure forefathers: euen to vs all, that haue offended the, belongeth open shame.
9 But vnto the, O Lorde oure God, pertayneth mercye and forgeuenesse. As for vs, we are gone backe from him,
10 and haue not obeyed the voyce of the Lorde oure God, to walke in his lawes, which he layed before vs by his seruauntes the prophetes:
11 yea all Israel haue transgressed, & gone back from thy law, so that they haue not herckened vnto thy voyce. Wherfore the cursse & othe, that is written in the lawe of Moses the seruaunte of God (agaynst whom we haue offended) is poured vpon vs.
12 And he hath perfourmed his wordes, whiche he spake against vs, and against oure iudges that iudged vs: to brynge vpon vs suche a greate plage, as neuer was vnder heauen, lyke as it is now come to passe in Ierusalem.
Micah 7:18-20
18 Where is there such a God as thou? that pardonest wickednes, and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunte of thyne herytage? He kepeth not hys wrath for euer. And why? his delyte is to haue compassyon:
19 he shal turne agayne, and be mercyfull to vs: he shall put doune oure wyckednesses, and caste all oure synnes into the botome of the sea.
20 Thou shalt kepe thy truste wyth Iacob, and thy mercye for Abraham, lyke as thou haste sworne vnto oure fathers longe agoo.
Nahum 1:2-7
2 The Lorde is a gelous God, & a taker of vengeaunce: yee a taker of vengeaunce is the Lorde, and wrathfull. The Lord taketh vengeaunce of hys enemyes, and reserueth dyspleasure for his aduersaries.
3 The Lorde suffreth longe, he is of greate power, & so innocent that he leaueth no man fautlesse before hym. The Lorde goeth forth in tempest and stormy wether, the cloudes are the dust of his fete.
4 When he reproueth the sea, he drieth it vp, and turneth all the floudes to drye lande. Basan is desolate, Charmel & the pleasure of Lybanus wasteth awaye.
5 The mountaynes tremble for him, the hylles consume. At the syght of hym, the earth quaketh: yee the whole world, and all that dwell therin.
6 Who maye endure before his wrath? Or who is able to abyde hys gryme displeasure? His anger taketh on lyke fyre, and the harde rockes burst in sunder before hym.
7 Full gracious is the Lorde, and a stronge holde in the tyme of trouble, he knoweth them that put their truste in hym:
Luke 1:72
72 To fulfyll the mercy promysed to oure fathers, and to remember his holye couenaunt.
Romans 8:28
28 For we knowe that all thynges worke for the beste vnto them that loue God, whyche also are called of purpose.
James 1:12
12 Happy is the man that endureth in temptacyon, for when he is tryed, he shal receyue the croune of lyfe, which the Lorde hath promised to them that loue hym.
James 2:5
5 Harken my deare beloued brethren. Hath not God chosen the pore of thys world, which are ryche in faythe, and heyres of the kyngedome whiche he promysed to them that loue hym?