Daniel 9:3 Cross References - Matthew

3 and I turned me vnto god the Lorde, for to praye and make myne intercession, with fastinge, sackcloth & ashes,

Ezra 8:21

21 And euen there at the water besyde Ahaua, caused I a fastynge to be proclamed, that we myghte humble oure selues before oure God, to seke of him a ryght waye for vs, and oure chyldren and all oure substaunce.

Ezra 9:5

5 And aboute the euenynge sacryfyce I rose vp from my heauynes, & rente my clothes & my rayment, and fel vpon my knees, and spred out my handes vnto the Lorde my God,

Ezra 10:6

6 And Esdras stode vp before the house of God, and wente into the chamber of Iohanan the sonne of Elialib. And when he came thyther, he ate no bread, nor drancke water: for he mourned because of the transgressyon of them that had bene in captiuite.

Nehemiah 1:4-11

4 When I hearde these wordes, I sat me doune and wepte, and mourned two dayes, & fasted and prayed before the God of heauen 5 & sayde: O Lorde God of heauen, thou greate & terryble God, thou that kepest couenaunt and mercy for them that loue the, and obserue thy commaundementes: 6 let thyne eares herken & thyne eyes be open, that thou mayeste heare the prayer of thy seruaunte, whiche I praye nowe before the daye and nyghte for the chyldren of Israel thy seruauntes, and knowledge the synnes of the chyldren of Israel, which we haue commytted agaynst the. And I and my fathers house haue synned also. 7 We haue bene corrupt vnto the, in that we haue not kepte the commaundementes, statutes and lawes, which thou commaundedst thy seruaunt Moyses. 8 Yet call to remembraunce the word that thou commaundest thy seruaunt Moses, and saydeste: Yf ye transgresse, then wyll I scater you abroade among the nacyons. 9 But yf ye turne vnto me, and kepe my commaundementes and do them: though ye were caste oute vnto the vttermost parte of heauen yet wyll I gather you from thence, and wyll brynge you from thence, euen vnto the place, that I haue chosen for my name to dwel ther 10 They are thy seruauntes, & thy people whom thou haste delyuered thorowe thy greate power and myghtye hande. 11 O Lorde, let thyne eares herken to the prayer of thy seruaunte, & the prayer of thy seruauntes, whose desyre is to feare thy name, and let thy seruaunte prospere thys daye, and graunte hym mercye in the syght of thys man: for I was the kynges buttelar.

Nehemiah 9:1

1 In the foure & twentye daye of thys moneth came the children of Israell together wyth fastynge sack clothes, and earthe vpon them,

Esther 4:1-3

1 When Mardocheus perceiued al that was done, he rente his clothes, and put on sacke clothe, & asshes, and went out into the middes of the citie & cried loud and lamentably, 2 and came before the kinges gate: for there myghte no man entre wythyn the kynges gate, that hath sacke clothe on. 3 And in all landes and places, as farre as the kynges worde and commaundement extended there was greate lamentacyon among the Iewes, and many fasted, wepte, mourned, & laye in sacke clothes & in ashes.

Esther 4:16

16 Go thou thy waye then, and gather together all the Iewes that are founde at Susan, and fast ye for me, that ye eat not & drinke not in thre dayes, nether day nor nyght. I & my Damosels wil fast lykewise, and so wil I go into the kynge contrary to the commaundement: yf I perish I peryshe.

Psalms 35:13

13 Neuerthelesse, when they were sycke, I put on a sacke cloth: I humbled my soule with fastyng, and my prayer turned into myne owne bosome.

Psalms 69:10-11

10 I wepte and chastened my selfe with fastyng, and that was turned to my reprofe. 11 I put on a sacke cloth, and therefore they iested vpon me.

Psalms 102:13-17

13 Aryse therfore & haue mercy vpon Sion, for it is time to haue mercy vpon her, yea, the tyme is come. 14 And why? thy seruauntes haue a loue too her stones, and it pitieth them to se her in the dust. 15 The Heathen shal feare thy name, O Lord, and all the kynges of the earth thy maiesty. 16 For the Lorde shall buylde vp Sion, and shall apeare in hys glory. 17 He turneth him vnto the prayer of the poore destitute, & despiseth not their desyre.

Isaiah 22:12

12 And at the same tyme shall the Lorde of Hostes call men to wepinge, mourninge, to baldnesse & puttynge on of sacke clothe.

Jeremiah 29:10-13

10 But thus sayeth the Lorde: When ye haue fulfylled .lxx. yeares at Babylon, I wil bring you home, & of myne owne goodnes I wyll carye you hyther agayne vnto this place. 11 For I knowe what I haue deuysed for you sayeth the Lorde. My thoughtes are to geue you peace, and not trouble (whiche I geue you all redye) & that ye might haue hope agayn. 12 Ye shal crye vnto me, ye shall go & call vpon me, & I shall heare you. 13 Ye shall seke me & fynde me, Yea, yf so be that ye seke me with your whole herte,

Jeremiah 33:3

3 thou hast cryed vnto me, and I haue hearde the: I haue shewed greate and hye thinges, whiche were vnknowen vnto you.

Ezekiel 36:37

37 Thus sayeth the Lorde God: I wyll yet ones be found agayne of the house of Israel & do this for them: I shall increase them as a flocke of men.

Daniel 6:10

10 Now when Daniel vnderstode that the writtinge was made, he wente into hys house: and the windowes of hys hall toward Ierusalem stode open. There kneled he doune vpon his knees, thre tymes a daye: there he made his peticion, and praysed his God, like as hys maner was to do afore tyme.

Daniel 10:2-3

2 At the same time I Daniel mourned for the space of thre weakes, 3 so that I had no lust to eate bread: as for fleshe and wine there came none within my mouth: No, I dyd not ones annoynte my selfe, till the whole thre weakes were oute.

Joel 1:13

13 Gyrde you, & make youre mone, O ye prestes: mourne ye mynysters of the aulter: go youre way in, and slepe in sackcloth, O ye offycers of my God: for the meate and drinckofferynge shall be taken awaye from the house of youre God.

Joel 2:12

12 Now therfore sayeth the Lorde: Turne you vnto me wyth all youre hertes, wyth fastynge, wepynge and mournynge,

Jonah 3:6-9

6 And the tydinges came vnto the kynge of Niniue, whyche arose out of hys seate, and dyd hys apparell of, and put on sack cloth, & sate hym downe in asshes. 7 And it was cryed and commaunded in Niniue, by the auctorite of the king and hys lordes, sayenge: se that nether man or beast, oxe or shepe taste ought at all: and that they nether fede ner drinke water: 8 but put on sack cloth both man and beast, and crye myghtely vnto God: yee se that euery man turne from hys euell waye, and from the wyckednesse, that he hath in hande. 9 Who can tell? God maye turne, & repente & cease from his fearce wrath, that we perish not.

Luke 2:37

37 And she had bene a weddowe aboute .iiij. score and .iiij. yeares, which went neuer out of the temple, but serued God with fastinge and prayer night & daye.

Acts 10:30

30 And Cornelius sayde: Thys daye nowe .iiij. dayes I fasted and at the nynthe houre I prayde in my house: and beholde, a man stode before me in brighte clothinge,

James 4:8-10

8 Drawe nye to God, and he wyll drawe nye to you. Clense youre handes ye synners, and purge youre hertes ye wauerynge mynded. 9 Suffer afflictyons: sorowe ye and wepe. Let youre laughter be turned to mornynge and youre ioye to heauynes. 10 Cast doune your selues before the Lorde, and he shal lyfte you vp.

James 5:16-18

16 Knoweledge youre fautes one to another; and praye one for another, that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a ryghtuous man auayleth muche yf it be feruente. 17 Helias was a man mortall, euen as we are, and he prayed in hys prayer, that it might not rayne: and it rayned not on the earth by the space of thre yeares & sixe monethes. 18 And he prayed againe, and the heauen gaue rayne, and the earthe broughte forth her frute.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.