24 And after a certaine daies came Felix and his wyfe Drusilla, which was a Iewas, and called forth Paul, and heard him of the fayth which is towarde Christ.
Acts 24:24 Cross References - Matthew
Mark 6:20
20 For Herode feared Iohan, knowinge that he was a iust man and an holy: and gaue him reuerence: and when he hearde hym, he did many thynges, and heard him gladly.
Luke 19:3
3 And he made meanes to se Iesus, what he shulde be, and coulde not for the prease, because he was of a lowe stature.
Luke 23:8
8 And when Herode sawe Iesus, he was excedinglye gladde. For he was desyrous to se hym of a long season, because he had heard many thinges of him, and trusted to haue sene some miracles done by hym.
Acts 16:31
31 And they sayd: beleue on the Lord Iesus & thou shalt be saued & thy housholde.
Acts 20:21
21 wytnessyng both to the Iewes, and also to the Grekes, the repentaunce towarde God and fayth towarde oure Lorde Iesus.
Acts 26:22
22 Neuerthelesse I obtained helpe of God, and continue vnto this daye wytnessinge both to smal and to great, saiyng none other thinges, then those which the prophetes and Moyses dyd saye shoulde come
Galatians 2:16
16 knowe that a man is not iustifyed by the dedes of the lawe, but by the fayth of Iesus Christe. And therfore we haue beleued on Iesus Christe that we myghte be iustifyed by the fayth of Christe, and not by the dedes of the lawe, because that by the dedes of the lawe no fleshe can be iustifyed.
Galatians 2:20
20 I am crucyfyed with Christ. I lyue verelye: yet now not I, but Christe lyueth in me. For the lyfe which I now lyue in the, flesh I lyue by the faythe of the sonne of God whiche loued me, and gaue hym selfe for me.
Galatians 3:2
2 Thys onelye woulde I learne of you, receyued ye the spyryte by the dedes of the law, or els by preachynge of the faith?
1 John 5:1
1 Whosoeuer beleueth that Iesus is Christ, is borne of God. And euerye one that loueth hym whiche begat, loueth hym also whyche was begotten of hym.
Jude 1:3
3 Beloued, when I gaue all dylygence to wryte vnto you of the commen saluacyon: it was nedefull for me to wryte vnto you, to exhorte you, that ye should contynuallye labour in the faythe whiche was ones geuen vnto the saynctes.
Revelation 14:12
12 Here is the pacience of saynctes. Here are they that kepe the commaundementes & the fayth of Iesu.