Acts 25 Cross References - Matthew

1 When Festus was come into the prouince, after .iij. dayes, he ascended from Cesarea to Hierusalem. 2 Then enfourmed hym the hye priestes and the chiefe of the Iewes, of Paule. And they besoughte hym, 3 and desiered fauoure agaynste him, that he would sende for him to Hierusalem: and layed awayte for him in the waye to kyl him. 4 Festus aunswered, that Paul shoulde be kepte at Cesaria, but that he him selfe would shortly departe thyther. 5 Let them therfore (saied he) whyche amonge you are able to do it, come doune with vs and accuse him, if there be any faulte in the man. 6 When he had taried there more then .x. dayes he departed vnto Cesarea, and the next daye sate doune in the iudgemente seate, and commaunded Paule to be broughte. 7 When he was come, the Iewes, whiche were come from Hierusalem, came about hym and layd many and greuous complayntes agaynste Paul, whiche they could not proue 8 as longe as he aunswered for him selfe, that he had neither againste the lawe of the Iewes, neither againste the temple, nor yet againste Cesar, offended any thynge at al. 9 Festus willing to do the Iewes a pleasure, aunswered Paule & sayd. Wylt thou go to Hierusalem, and there be iudged of these thinges before me? 10 Then saied Paule: I stand at Cesars iudgement seate, where I oughte to be iudged. To the Iewes haue I no harme done, as thou verye wel knowest. 11 Yf I haue hurte them, or committed anye thinge worthye of deathe, I refuse not to dye. Yf none of these thinges are, wherof they accuse me, no man ought to deliuer me to them. I appeale vnto Cesar. 12 Then spake Festus wyth deliberation, and aunswered. Thou haste appealed vnto Cesar, vnto Cesar shalt thou go. 13 After certaine daies, kynge Agrippa and Bernice came vnto Cesaria to salute Festus. 14 And when they had bene ther a good ceason, Festus rehersed Paules cause vnto the Kinge saiynge: there is a certaine man left in prison of Felix, 15 about whom when I came to Hierusalem, the hye priestes, and elders of the Iewes enfourmed me, and desiered to haue iudgemente againste him. 16 To whome I aunswered: It is not the maner of the Romaynes to deliuer any man that he shoulde perishe, before that he whiche is accused, haue the accusers before hym, & haue licence to aunswere for him selfe concerninge the crime layde against him: 17 when they were come hither, without delaye on the morowe, I sate to geue iudgemente, and commaunded the man to be brought forth. 18 Againste whom when the accusers stode vp, they brought none accusation of such thinges as I supposed, 19 but had certayne questyons againste him of their owne supersticion, and of one Iesus, whiche was dead, whom Paul affirmed to be alyue, 20 And because I doubted of such maner questions, I axed him whether he would go to Ierusalem, and there be iudged of these matters. 21 Then when Paul had appealed to be kept vnto the knowledge of Cesar: I commaunded him to be kept, tyll I might send him to Cesar. 22 Agrippa saied to Festus: I woulde also heare the man my selfe. To morowe (saide he) thou shalt heare him. 23 And on the morow when Agrippa was come, and Bernice with greate pompe, & were entred into the counsel house wyth the captaines, and chiefmen of the cytye: at Festus commaundement Paule was brought forth. 24 And Festus said. Kinge Agrippa, and al men which are here present with vs: ye se this man about whom all the multitude of the Iewes haue bene with me both at Hierusalem & also here, crying that he ought not to lyue anye lenger. 25 Yet founde I nothinge worthy of death that he had committed. Neuertheles seynge that he hath appealed to Cesar: I haue determined to sende him. 26 Of whom I haue no certaine thynge to writte vnto my Lorde. Wherfore I haue broughte him vnto you, and specially vnto the, Kynge Agrippa, that after examination had, I myght haue some what to writte. 27 For me thinketh it vnreasonable, for to sende a prysoner, & not to shewe the causes, whiche are layed againste hym.

Genesis 40:15

15 for I was stollen out of the lande of the Hebrues, & here also haue I done nothing at all wherfore they should haue put me in to thys dongeon.

Deuteronomy 17:4

4 and it was told the and thou hast heard of it: then thou shalt enquire diligently. And if it be true and the thynge of a suretye that suche abhomination is wrought in Israell then

Deuteronomy 19:17-18

17 then let both the men which stryue together stande before the Lord, before the preastes and the iudges which shalbe in those dayes, 18 & let the iudges enquyre a good. And yf the witnesse be founde false and that he hath geuen false wytnesse agaynst his brother

Joshua 22:22

22 The myghtye God Iehouah he knoweth, and Israel shall knowe yf it be to rebelle or transgresse agaynste the Lorde, then the Lorde saue vs not thys daye.

1 Samuel 12:3-5

3 Behold here I am: answere me before the Lorde & before his annoynted, whose oxe haue I taken? or whose asse haue I taken? whom haue I done wrong to? or whom haue I pylled? And of whose hand haue I receiued any bribe, to blynde myne eyes therewith? & I wyll restore it you agayne. 4 And they sayde thou hast done vs no wronge, nor pylled vs, nether hast thou taken ought of any mannes hande. 5 Then sayde he to them: the Lorde is wytnesse vnto you, and hys annoynted is witnesse thys daye, that ye haue found nought in my handes. And they answered: we are wytnesses.

1 Samuel 13:10

10 And as sone as he had made an ende of offeryng burnte offerynges, behold, Samuel came. And Saul went agaynste him to salute him.

1 Samuel 23:19-21

19 Then came the Ziphites to Saul, to Gabaah sayinge: Dauid hydeth hym selfe fast by vs in stronge holdes that are in a thycket in the hyl of Hachilah on the ryght syde of the wyldernesse. 20 Now therfore syr kynge, come downe wyth all the lust that thy soule hath to come. And oure parte shalbe to delyuer hym into the handes of the kynge. 21 Then sayd Saul: Blessed are ye in the Lorde: for ye haue compassion on me.

1 Samuel 24:11-12

11 And moreouer my father, se yet the lap of thy cote in my hand. And in as muche as I killed the not to, when I cut of the lappe of thy cote, vnderstand and se, that there is nether euyl nor rebellyousnesse in me, & that I haue not synned agaynst the. And yet thou huntest after my soule to take it. 12 The lorde be iudge betwene the and me, & the lorde aduenge me of the. But myne hand be not vpon the.

1 Samuel 25:14

14 But one of the laddes tolde Abigail Nabals wyfe sayinge: se Dauid sent messengers vnto oure maister out of the wildernesse to salute him, and he rayled on them.

1 Samuel 27:1

1 Then thought Dauid in his hert: I maye peryshe one daye or other by the handes of Israell. There is no better for me, then to flee into the lande of the Philistines, that Saul of very dispaire to finde me, may cease to seke me any more in all the coastes of Israhel: for so I maye escape his hande.

2 Samuel 8:10

10 he sent Ioram hys sonne vnto king Dauid to salute hym wyth peace & to blesse hym because he had fought against Adadezer and beaten hym, for Thoi kepte warre wyth Adadezer, which sonne brought vessels of syluer, golde, and of brasse wyth him.

2 Kings 10:13

13 he met wyth the brethren of Ohoziah kinge of Iuda, and sayde: what are ye? & they sayde: the brethren of Ohoziah are we, and go to salute the chyldren of the kynge, and of the quene.

Ezra 4:15

15 That it maye be soughte in the Chronycles of thy progenitours, and so shalte thou fynde in the same Chronycles, & perceyue, that thys cytye is sedicious & noysome vnto kinges & landes, & that they cause other also to rebell of olde, & for the same cause was this cyty destroyed.

Esther 1:4

4 that he might shewe the noble riches of hys kyngdome, and the gloryous worshippe of his greatnesse, many dayes longe, euen an hundreth and foure skore dayes.

Esther 3:8

8 And Haman sayde vnto kyng Ahasuerus: There is a people scatered abroade & dispersed amonge all people in all the landes of thyne empire, & their lawe is contrary vnto all people, & they do not after the kynges lawes, nether is it the kinges profet to suffre them after this maner. 9 Yf it please the kinge let hym wrytte, that they maye be destroyed, & so will I weye doune ten thousande talentes of siluer, vnder the handes of the workmen, to be brought into the kinges chamber.

Job 31:21

21 Dyd I euer lyfce vp my hande to hurte the fatherlesse? yea in the gate where I sawe my selfe to be in auctoryte:

Job 31:31

31 Yet they of mine owne housholde saye: who shall let vs to haue oure belly full of hys fleshe?

Job 31:38-40

38 But yf case be that my lande crye againste me, or that the forowes therof make any complainte: 39 yf I haue eaten the frutes therof vnpaied for, yea yf I haue greued any of the plow men: 40 then let thystles growe in steade of my wheate, and thornes for my barleye. Here ende the wordes of Iob.

Psalms 7:3-5

3 O Lorde my God, if I haue done anye suche thyng, if there be any vnrightuousnes in my handes: 4 If I haue rewarded euyl vnto them that dealt frendly wyth me, or hurt them that wyth out any cause are myne enemies. 5 Then let myne enemye persecute my soule, and take mo: ye let hym treade my life downe in the earth, and laye myne honour in the dust. Selah.

Psalms 27:12

12 Delyuer me not into the wyles of myne aduersaryes, for there are false wytnesses risen vp against me, and they ymagyne myschyefe.

Psalms 35:11

11 False witnesses are rysen vp, and laye to my charge thinges that I know not.

Psalms 37:32-33

32 The vngodly seyth the righteous, & goeth aboute to slaye hym. 33 But the Lorde will not leaue him in hys handes, nor condempne him when he is iudged.

Psalms 64:2-6

2 Hide me from the gathering together of the frowarde, from the heape of wycked doers. 3 Which whet their tonges lyke a sweard, and shote wyth their veneymous words like as with arowes. 4 That they maye preuely hurt the innocent sodenly to hyt him wythout any feare. 5 They haue deuysed myschefe, and communed amonge them selues, how they may laye snares: tush (saye they) who shall se them? 6 They ymagyn wyckednes, and kepe it secrete amonge them selues, euerye man in the depe of his herte.

Psalms 76:10

10 When thou punyshest one man, he muste knowledge that thou arte readye to punyshe other mo.

Psalms 140:1-5

1 To the chaunter, a Psalme of Dauid. Deliuer me, O Lorde, from the euel men, Oh preserue me from the wycked men. 2 Which ymagin mischief in their hertes, and stere vp strife all the daye longe. 3 They sharpen their tonges lyke a serpent: adders poyson is vnder their lippes. Selah. 4 Kepe me, O Lorde, from the hande of the vngodly: preserue me from the wycked men, which are purposed to ouerthrowe my goynges. 5 The proude haue layed a snare for me, & spred a net abroade wyth coardes, yea, and set trappes in my waye. Selah.

Proverbs 4:16

16 For they can not slepe, except they haue first done some myschefe: neither take they anye rest, except they haue fyrst done some harme

Proverbs 18:13

13 He that geueth sentence in a matter before he heare it, is a foole, & worthy to be confounded.

Proverbs 18:17

17 The rightuous accuseth hym selfe firste of al, if his neyghbour come, he shal fynd him.

Ecclesiastes 1:2

2 All is but vanitie (sayeth the preacher) all is but playne vanite.

Isaiah 5:14

14 Therfore gapeth hell, and openeth her mouth maruelous wyde: that pryde, boastyng & wysdome, with suche as reioyse therein, may descende into it.

Isaiah 14:11

11 Thy pompe and thy pryde is gone doune to hell. Mothes shalbe layde vnder the, and wormes shalbe thy coueringe.

Isaiah 46:10-11

10 In the beginning of a thynge, I shewe the ende therof: & I tell before, thynges that are not yet come to passe. With one worde is my deuyce accomplyshed, & fulfylleth all my pleasure. 11 I call a byrde out of the East, & all that I take in hande, out of farre countrees, as soone as I commaunde, I brynge it hether: as soone as I thyncke to deuyse a thynge, I do it.

Isaiah 52:15

15 Euen so shall the multitude of the Gentyles loke vnto hym, & the kinges shall shut theyr mouthes before hym. For they that haue not bene tolde of hym, shall se hym, and they that hearde nothynge of hym, shall beholde hym.

Jeremiah 18:18

18 Then sayde they: come, let vs ymagyn smothynge agaynst this Ieremy. Yee thys dyd euen the prestes, to whom the lawe was commytted: the Senatours, that were the wysest, and the prophetes, whiche wanted not the worde of God. Come (sayde they) lett vs cut out hys tunge, & let vs not regarde his wordes.

Jeremiah 37:18

18 Moreouer, Ieremy sayde vnto kynge Zedekiah. What haue I offended agaynst the, agaynste thy seruauntes, or agaynst this people, that ye haue caused me to be put in preson?

Jeremiah 38:4

4 Then sayd the princes vnto the king: Syr, we beseche you, let this man to be put to death: For thus he discoraged the handes of the soudyars that be in this cytie, & the handes of al the people, when he speaketh such wordes vnto them. This man verely laboureth not for peace of the people, but mischefe.

Lamentations 3:37

37 Mem. What is he then that sayeth: there shuld somethynge be done without the Lordes commaundement:

Ezekiel 7:24

24 Wherfore, I wyll brynge the most cruell tyrauntes from amonge the Heathen, to take theyr houses in possession. I wil make the pompe of the proude to ceasse, and they shall take in theyr sanctuary.

Ezekiel 30:18

18 At Taphnis the daye shalbe darcke, when I breake there the scepter of the lande of Egypte, and when the pompe of her power shall haue an ende. A cloud shal couer her, & her doughters shalbe led awaye into captyuyte.

Ezekiel 32:12

12 with the sweardes of the worthyes wyll I smyte doune thy people. Al they that be mightye amonge the Gentyles, shall waste the proude pompe of Egypte, and brynge doune all her people.

Ezekiel 33:28

28 For I wyll make the lande so desolate and waste, and the pompe of her strength shall come to an ende. The mountaynes in Israell shalbe so waste, that no man shall trauayle therby.

Daniel 4:30

30 and sayde: Thys is the greate cytye of Babilon, which I my selfe (wyth my power & strengthe) haue made a kynges courte, for the honour of my magestye.

Daniel 4:35

35 in comparison of whom al they that dwel vpon the earth, are to be reputed as nothinge. He handleth accordinge to hys wyl, among the powers of heauen & amonge the inhabytours of the earthe: and there is none that maye resyste hys hande, or say: what doest thou?

Daniel 6:22

22 My God hath sent his aungell whiche hath shut the lyons mouthes, so that they might not hurte me. For why? myne vngiltinesse is founde oute before him. And as for the, O Kinge, I neuer offended the.

Matthew 5:11-12

11 Blessed are ye when men reuile you and persecute you, and shal falsely say al maner of yuel sayinges against you for my sake. 12 Reioyce & be glad, for great is your reward in heauen. For so persecuted they the prophetes which were before your dayes.

Matthew 10:18

18 And ye shalbe brought to the head rulers and kinges for my sake, in witnes to them & to the gentyls.

Matthew 26:60-62

60 but founde none in so muche that when manye false wytnesses came yet founde they none. At the laste came two false wytnesses, 61 and sayed: Thys fellowe sayed: I can destroye the temple of God and buylde it agayne in thre dayes. 62 And the chief priest arose, and sayd to hym: answerest thou nothynge? How is it that these beare wytnes agaynst the?

Matthew 27:18

18 For he knewe well that for enuye they had delyuered hym. 19 When he was set doune to geue iudgement hys wyfe sent to hym saying: haue thou nothing to do with that iust man. For I haue suffered manye thynges thys daye in a dreame about hym.

Matthew 27:23-24

23 Then sayed the debitie: what euyll hath he done? And they cried the more sayinge: let hym be crucifyed. 24 When Pilate sawe that he preuayled nothyng but the more busynes was made, he toke water and washed his handes before the people sayinge I am innocent of the bloude of this iust persone, or on your perille be it.

Mark 6:23-25

23 And he sware to her, whatsoeuer thou shalt axe of me, I wil geue it the, euen vnto the halfe of my kyngdome. 24 And she went forth & sayde to her mother: what shal I axe? And she said: Ihon Baptistes head. 25 And she came in straight way with haste vnto the kynge, and axed saying: I wil that thou geue me by and by in a charger the head of Ihon Baptist.

Mark 15:3-4

3 And the hyghe Priestes accused him of manye thynges. 4 Wherfore Pylate axeth hym agayne, saying: Answerest thou nothyng? beholde how manye thinges they laye vnto thy charge:

Mark 15:15

15 And so Pylate wyllyng to content the people, loused them Barrabas, and delyuered Iesus, when he had scourged hym, for to be crucifyed.

Mark 15:18

18 and began to salute hym: Hayle kynge of the Iewes.

Luke 2:1

1 And it chaunced in those dayes: that there wente out a commaundemente from Auguste the Emperour, that al the worlde should be taxed.

Luke 18:3-5

3 And there was a certaine wedowe in the same citie whiche came vnto hym saiynge: auenge of myne aduersarye. 4 And he woulde not for a whyle. But afterwarde he sayde to hym selfe, though I feare not God, nor care for man, 5 yet because thys wedowe troubleth me. I wil auenge her least at the least she come and hagge on me.

Luke 21:12

12 But before all these, they shall laye their handes on you and persecute you, delyueringe you vp to the Synagoges & into pryson, and bringe you before kinges and rulers for my names sake.

Luke 23:2

2 And they began to accuse hym saiynge: We haue founde thys felowe peruertinge the people & forbiddinge to paye tribute to Cesar, saiynge: that he is Christ a kinge.

Luke 23:4

4 Then said Pilate to the hye pryestes, & to the people: I fynde no faute in this man.

Luke 23:8-24

8 And when Herode sawe Iesus, he was excedinglye gladde. For he was desyrous to se hym of a long season, because he had heard many thinges of him, and trusted to haue sene some miracles done by hym. 9 Then questioned he with hym of manye thinges. But he aunswered him not one worde. 10 The hye priestes and scribes, stode forth and accused him straightlye.

Luke 23:10

10 The hye priestes and scribes, stode forth and accused him straightlye. 11 And Herode with his men of warre despysed him and mocked him, and arayed him in white, and sent him again to Pilate. 12 And the same daye Pylate and Herode were made frendes together. For before they were at variaunce. 13 And Pilate called together the hye priestes and the rulers, and the people, 14 and sayed vnto them. Ye haue brought this man vnto me, as one that peruerted the people. And beholde I haue examined him before you, & haue founde no faute in this man of those thinges wherof ye accuse him:

Luke 23:14

14 and sayed vnto them. Ye haue brought this man vnto me, as one that peruerted the people. And beholde I haue examined him before you, & haue founde no faute in this man of those thinges wherof ye accuse him: 15 no nor yet Herode. For I sent you to him, and lo nothinge worthy of death is done of him. 16 I wil therfore chasten him and let him louse. 17 For of necessyte he muste haue let one louse vnto them at that feaste. 18 And all the people cryed at once saiynge: awaye with him and delyuer to vs Barrabas 19 which for insurreccion made in the cytye, and morther, was cast into prison, 20 Pilate spake agayne to them willinge to let Iesus louse. 21 And they cryed saiynge: Crucifye him, crucyfye him.

Luke 23:21-23

21 And they cryed saiynge: Crucifye him, crucyfye him. 22 He saide vnto them the thirde tyme. What euill hath he done? I fynde no cause of death in him. I will therfore chasten him, & let him louse.

Luke 23:22-23

22 He saide vnto them the thirde tyme. What euill hath he done? I fynde no cause of death in him. I will therfore chasten him, & let him louse. 23 And they cryed with loude voice, & required that he might be crucyfyed. And the voice of them and of the hie priestes preuailed.

Luke 23:23

23 And they cryed with loude voice, & required that he might be crucyfyed. And the voice of them and of the hie priestes preuailed.

Luke 23:23-23

23 And they cryed with loude voice, & required that he might be crucyfyed. And the voice of them and of the hie priestes preuailed. 24 And Pilate gaue sentence that it should be as they required,

John 7:51

51 Doeth our lawe iudge anye man, before it heare him and knowe what he hath done?

John 16:3

3 And suche thinges shall they do vnto you, because they haue not knowen the father, neyther yet me.

John 18:29-30

29 Pylate then wente oute vnto them, and sayde: what accusacion bringe ye agaynste this man? 30 They aunswered, and sayed vnto him. If he were not an euyli doer, we woulde not haue delyuered him vnto the.

John 18:38

38 Pylate sayde vnto hym: what thynge is trueth? And when he had sayd that, he wente oute agayne to the Iewes, and sayd vnto them: I fynd in him no cause at al.

John 19:13

13 When Pylate heard that saiyng: he brought Iesus forth, and sate doune to geue sentence in a place called the pauement: but in the Hebrue tong Gabbatha.

Acts 1:22

22 beginning at the baptisme of Iohn, vnto that same daye that he was taken vp from vs, muste one be ordeyned to beare wytnes with vs of hys resurreccion.

Acts 2:32

32 Thys Iesus hath God raised vp wher of we all are witnesses.

Acts 6:13-14

13 and brought him to the counsell and brought forth false witnesses whiche sayde. This man ceaseth not to speake blaspemous wordes against thys holy place, and the lawe, 14 for we hearde him saie: this Iesus of Nazareth shall destroye this place, and shal chaung the ordinaunces, which Moises gaue vs.

Acts 8:40

40 but Philippe was found at Azotus. And he walked thorow out the countrie preachynge in theyr cytyes, tyll he came to Cesarea.

Acts 9:2

2 and desired of him letters to Damasco to the synagoges that if he founde anye of thys way, whether they were men or women, he mighte bring them bound vnto Hierusalem.

Acts 9:15

15 The Lorde said vnto him: go thy wayes for he is a chosen vessel vnto me, to beare me name before the gentyls and kynges, and the chyldren of Israel.

Acts 9:24

24 But their laying awaite was knowen of Saule. And they watched at the gates day and night, to kyl hym,

Acts 12:3

3 and because he sawe that it pleased the Iewes he proceaded forther, and toke Peter also. Then were the dayes of swete bread.

Acts 12:21

21 And vpon a daye appoynted Herode arayed hym in royall apparell, and set hym in hys seate, and made an oracyon vnto them.

Acts 16:37-38

37 Then sayde Paule vnto them. They haue beaten vs openly vncondempned, for all that we are Romaynes, and haue caste vs into pryson: & now woulde they sende vs awaye priuely? Naye not so, but let them come them selues, and set vs out.

Acts 16:37

37 Then sayde Paule vnto them. They haue beaten vs openly vncondempned, for all that we are Romaynes, and haue caste vs into pryson: & now woulde they sende vs awaye priuely? Naye not so, but let them come them selues, and set vs out. 38 When the ministers tolde these wordes vnto the offycers, they feared when they hearde that they were Romaynes,

Acts 17:22-23

22 Paule rode in the myddes of Marsestrete, and sayd: Ye men of Athens I perceyue that in all thynges ye are to supersticyous. 23 For as I passed by, and behelde the master, howe ye worshyppe youre Goddes, I founde an Altare wherein was wrytten: vnto the vnknowen God. Whom ye then ignorauntelye worshyppe hym, shew I vnto you.

Acts 17:31

31 because he hath appoynted a daye, in the whiche he will iudge the world accordynge to ryghteousnes, by that man whom he hath apoynted, and hath offered fayth to all men, after that he had raysed hym from death.

Acts 18:12-17

12 When Gallio was ruler of the countre of Achaia the Iewes made insurrection with one accorde agaynst Paule, & brought him to the iudgement seate 13 saiynge: this felowe councelleth men to worship God contrary to the lawe. 14 And as Paul was aboute to open hys mouthe. Gallio sayde vnto the Iewes: yf it were a matter of wronge, or an euyl dede (o ye Iewes) reason would that I should hear you:

Acts 18:14-17

14 And as Paul was aboute to open hys mouthe. Gallio sayde vnto the Iewes: yf it were a matter of wronge, or an euyl dede (o ye Iewes) reason would that I should hear you: 15 but if it be a question of words or of names, or of your law, loke ye to it your selues. For I wil be no iudge in suche matters

Acts 18:15

15 but if it be a question of words or of names, or of your law, loke ye to it your selues. For I wil be no iudge in suche matters 16 and he draue them from the seate. 17 Then toke all the grekes Sostenes the chiefe ruler of the Synagoge, & smote hym before the iudges. seate. And Gallio cared for none of those thinges.

Acts 18:19

19 And he came to Ephesus and lefte them there: but he him self entred into the sinagoge, and reasoned with the Iewes.

Acts 18:22

22 and came vnto Cesarea: & ascended and saluted the congregacion, and departed vnto Antioch,

Acts 19:21

21 After these thynges were ended, Paul purposed in the spyryte, to passe ouer Macedonia and Achaia, and to go to Ierusalem, saiynge: After I haue ben there, I must also se Rome.

Acts 21:15

15 After those dayes we made oure selues readye, and went vp to Hierusalem.

Acts 21:28

28 criyng: Ye men of Israell, healpe. Thys is the man that teacheth all men euerye where agaynste the people and the lawe, and this place. More ouer also he hath brought Grekes into the temple, & hath polluted thys holy place.

Acts 22:22

22 They gaue audience vnto thys worde, and then lyft vp theyr voyces, and sayde: awaye with suche a felowe from the earthe, it is pytye that he shoulde lyue.

Acts 22:25-28

25 And as they bounde hym with thonges, Paule sayde to the Centuryon that stode by. Is it lawfull for you to scourge a man that is a Romayne and vncondempned?

Acts 22:25

25 And as they bounde hym with thonges, Paule sayde to the Centuryon that stode by. Is it lawfull for you to scourge a man that is a Romayne and vncondempned? 26 When the Centuryon hearde that, he wente, and tolde the vpper captayne saiynge: What intendest thou to do? This man is a Romayn. 27 Then the vpper Captayne came, and said to hym: tell me, arte thou a Romayne? He sayde: Yea. 28 And the captayn aunswered: with a great some obtayned I thys fredome: And Paul sayd: I was free borne.

Acts 23:1

1 Paul behelde the counsell & said: men and brethren. I haue liued in al good conscience before God vntyll thys day.

Acts 23:9

9 And there arose a great crye, and the Scrybes whiche were of the Phariseys parte arose and stroue, saiyng: we fynde none euyll in thys man. Thoughe a spirite or an angell haue appeared to hym, let vs not stryue agaynst God.

Acts 23:11

11 The nyght folowynge, God stode by hym and sayed: be of good cheare Paule: for as thou haste testifyed of me in Ierusalem, so must thou beare wytnes at Rome. 12 When daye was come, certayne of the Iewes gathered them selues together, & made a vowe, saiynge, that they woulde neyther eate nor drynke, tyll they had kylled Paul. 13 They were about .xl. which had made thus conspiracyon. 14 And they came to the chiefe priestes and elders, and sayde: we haue bounde our selues with a vowe, that we wyll eate nothynge vntyll we haue slayne Paule. 15 Nowe therfore geue ye knoweledge to the vpper captayne & to the counsell, that he brynge hym forthe vnto vs to morowe as thoughe we woulde knowe some thynge more perfectlye of hym: But we, or euer he come neare, are readye in the meane season to kyll hym.

Acts 23:29

29 there perceyued I that he was accused of questyons of theyr lawe: but was not gyltye of any thynge worthy of death or of boundes. 30 Afterward when it was shewed me, how that the Iewes layde wayte for the man, I sent him strayght waye to the, and gaue commaundement to hys accusars, yf they had oughte agaynste hym to tell it vnto the. Fare well.

Acts 23:34

34 When the debitie had redde the letter, he axed of what countreye he was: and when he vnderstode that he was of Cicill,

Acts 24:1

1 After fyue dayes Ananias the hye prieste descended wt the elders and with a certayne oratour named Tertullus, and enformed the rular of Paul.

Acts 24:5-6

5 We haue founde thys man a pestylent felowe, and a mouer of debate vnto all the Iewes thoroughout the world, and a mayntayner of the secte of the Nazarites, 6 and hath also enforsed to pollute the temple. Whome we toke, and woulde haue iudged accordynge to our law,

Acts 24:6

6 and hath also enforsed to pollute the temple. Whome we toke, and woulde haue iudged accordynge to our law,

Acts 24:8

8 commaundyng hys accusars to come vnto the. Of whome thou mayest (yf thou wilt enquyre) knowe the certaintye of al these thynges, wherof we accuse hym.

Acts 24:12

12 & that they neyther founde me in the temple disputynge with anye man, eyther raysynge vp the people neither in the synagoges, nor in the citie. 13 Neyther can they proue the thynges wherof they accuse me.

Acts 24:17-21

17 But after many yeares I came & brought almes to my people and offerynges, 18 in the whiche they founde me puryfyed in the temple, neyther with multytude, nor yet with vnquyetnes. Howe be it there were certayne Iewes oute of Asia, 19 which ought to be here present before the, & accuse me, yf they had ought agaynste me: 20 or els let these same here saye, yf they haue founde anye euyll doynge in me, whyle I stand here in the councell: 21 excepte it be for thys one voyce that I cryed standynge amonge them, of the resurreccyon from death, am I iudged of you thys daye.

Acts 24:23

23 And he commaunded an vnder captaine to kepe Paul, and that he shoulde haue reste, and that he shoulde forbidde none of hys acquaintaunce to minister vnto hym, or to come vnto him.

Acts 24:27

27 But after .ij. yeare Festus Porcius came into Felix roume. And Felix wyllynge to shewe the Iewes a pleasure, left Paule in prison bounde.

Acts 25:1-3

1 When Festus was come into the prouince, after .iij. dayes, he ascended from Cesarea to Hierusalem. 2 Then enfourmed hym the hye priestes and the chiefe of the Iewes, of Paule. And they besoughte hym, 3 and desiered fauoure agaynste him, that he would sende for him to Hierusalem: and layed awayte for him in the waye to kyl him.

Acts 25:3-3

3 and desiered fauoure agaynste him, that he would sende for him to Hierusalem: and layed awayte for him in the waye to kyl him. 4 Festus aunswered, that Paul shoulde be kepte at Cesaria, but that he him selfe would shortly departe thyther. 5 Let them therfore (saied he) whyche amonge you are able to do it, come doune with vs and accuse him, if there be any faulte in the man.

Acts 25:5-5

5 Let them therfore (saied he) whyche amonge you are able to do it, come doune with vs and accuse him, if there be any faulte in the man. 6 When he had taried there more then .x. dayes he departed vnto Cesarea, and the next daye sate doune in the iudgemente seate, and commaunded Paule to be broughte. 7 When he was come, the Iewes, whiche were come from Hierusalem, came about hym and layd many and greuous complayntes agaynste Paul, whiche they could not proue

Acts 25:9

9 Festus willing to do the Iewes a pleasure, aunswered Paule & sayd. Wylt thou go to Hierusalem, and there be iudged of these thinges before me? 10 Then saied Paule: I stand at Cesars iudgement seate, where I oughte to be iudged. To the Iewes haue I no harme done, as thou verye wel knowest.

Acts 25:10-11

10 Then saied Paule: I stand at Cesars iudgement seate, where I oughte to be iudged. To the Iewes haue I no harme done, as thou verye wel knowest. 11 Yf I haue hurte them, or committed anye thinge worthye of deathe, I refuse not to dye. Yf none of these thinges are, wherof they accuse me, no man ought to deliuer me to them. I appeale vnto Cesar.

Acts 25:11-12

11 Yf I haue hurte them, or committed anye thinge worthye of deathe, I refuse not to dye. Yf none of these thinges are, wherof they accuse me, no man ought to deliuer me to them. I appeale vnto Cesar. 12 Then spake Festus wyth deliberation, and aunswered. Thou haste appealed vnto Cesar, vnto Cesar shalt thou go. 13 After certaine daies, kynge Agrippa and Bernice came vnto Cesaria to salute Festus.

Acts 25:15

15 about whom when I came to Hierusalem, the hye priestes, and elders of the Iewes enfourmed me, and desiered to haue iudgemente againste him. 16 To whome I aunswered: It is not the maner of the Romaynes to deliuer any man that he shoulde perishe, before that he whiche is accused, haue the accusers before hym, & haue licence to aunswere for him selfe concerninge the crime layde against him: 17 when they were come hither, without delaye on the morowe, I sate to geue iudgemente, and commaunded the man to be brought forth. 18 Againste whom when the accusers stode vp, they brought none accusation of such thinges as I supposed, 19 but had certayne questyons againste him of their owne supersticion, and of one Iesus, whiche was dead, whom Paul affirmed to be alyue, 20 And because I doubted of such maner questions, I axed him whether he would go to Ierusalem, and there be iudged of these matters. 21 Then when Paul had appealed to be kept vnto the knowledge of Cesar: I commaunded him to be kept, tyll I might send him to Cesar. 22 Agrippa saied to Festus: I woulde also heare the man my selfe. To morowe (saide he) thou shalt heare him. 23 And on the morow when Agrippa was come, and Bernice with greate pompe, & were entred into the counsel house wyth the captaines, and chiefmen of the cytye: at Festus commaundement Paule was brought forth. 24 And Festus said. Kinge Agrippa, and al men which are here present with vs: ye se this man about whom all the multitude of the Iewes haue bene with me both at Hierusalem & also here, crying that he ought not to lyue anye lenger. 25 Yet founde I nothinge worthy of death that he had committed. Neuertheles seynge that he hath appealed to Cesar: I haue determined to sende him.

Acts 26:1

1 Agrippa sayd vnto Paule: thou art permitted to speake for thy selfe, Then Paule stretched forthe the hand, and aunswered for him selfe, 2 I thinke my selfe happye kynge Agrippa, because I shall aunswere this day before the, of all thinges wherof I am accused of the Iewes, 3 namely because thou art exparte in all customes and questions, which are amonge the Iewes. Wherfore I beseche the to heare me paciently.

Acts 26:9-11

9 I also verely thought in my selfe, that I ought to do manie contrarye thinges, clene agaynste the name of Nazareth, 10 which thinge I also dyd in Ierusalem. Where manye of the sainctes I shut vp in prison, and had receiued authorite of the hye priestes. And when they were put to death, I gaue the sentence. 11 And I punyshed them ofte, in euerye synagoge, and compelled them to blaspheme, and was yet more madde vpon them, and persecuted them euen vnto straunge cities.

Acts 26:22-23

22 Neuerthelesse I obtained helpe of God, and continue vnto this daye wytnessinge both to smal and to great, saiyng none other thinges, then those which the prophetes and Moyses dyd saye shoulde come 23 that Christe shoulde suffer, and that he shoulde be the fyrste, that shoulde ryse from death, and shoulde shewe lyghte vnto the people, and to the gentyls.

Acts 26:27-28

27 Kinge Agrippa beleuest thou the prophetes? I wote well thou beleuest. 28 Agrippa saied to Paule: Some what thou bringest me in mynd for to become a Christian,

Acts 26:30

30 And when he had thus spoken: the kynge rose vp, and the debitie, and Bernice and they that sate with them. 31 And when they were gone aparte: they talketh betwene them selues saiyng. Thys man doth nothinge worthy of death, nor of bondes. 32 Then sayde Agrippa vnto Festus: Thys man might haue bene loused if he had not appealed vnto Cesar.

Acts 26:32-27:1

32 Then sayde Agrippa vnto Festus: Thys man might haue bene loused if he had not appealed vnto Cesar.

Acts 28:16

16 And when he came to Rome, the vndercaptaine deliuered the prisoners to the chiefe captaine of the host: but Paule was suffred to dwelle by him selfe with one souldier that kepte him. 17 And it fortuned after thre dayes that Paul called the chiefe of the Iewes together. And when they were come, he saide vnto them: Men and brethren though I haue committed nothinge againste the people or lawes of oure fathers: yet was I deliuered prisoner from Ierusalem into the handes of the Romaynes. 18 Whiche when they had examyned me, woulde haue let me go, because they found no cause of death in me. 19 But when the Iewes cryed contrary, I was constrayned to appeale to Cesar: not because I had ought to accuse my people of.

Acts 28:21

21 And they saide vnto him: We neyther receiued letters out of Iewrye partaininge vnto the, neyther came any of the brethren that shewed or spake anye harme of the.

Romans 3:8

8 & saye not rather (as men euyl speake of vs, and as some affyrme that we saye) let vs do euyll that good maye come thereof. Whose damnacyon is iuste.

Romans 3:12-19

12 they are all gone out of the waye, they are all made vnprofytable, there is none that doeth good, no not one. 13 Theyr throte is an open sepulchre, with theyr tonges they haue disceyued, the poyson of aspes is vnder their lippes. 14 Whose mouthes are full of curssyng and bytternes. 15 Theyr fete are swyfte to sheed bloude. 16 Destruccyon and wretchednes are in theyr wayes. 17 And the way of peace they haue not knowen. 18 There is no feare of God before theyr eyes. 19 Yea and we knowe that whatsoeuer the law sayeth, he saith it to them which are vnder the lawe. That all mouthes maye be stopped, and all the world be subdued to God,

Romans 15:28-29

28 When I haue perfourmed thys, and haue broughte them thys frute sealed. I wyll come backe agayne by you into Spayne. 29 And I am sure when I come, that I shall come with aboundaunce of the blessinge of the Gospell of Christe.

1 Corinthians 7:31

31 and they that vse this worlde, be as though they vsed it not. For the fashion of this world goeth away.

1 Corinthians 15:3-4

3 For fyrste of al I deliuered vnto you that which I receiued how that Christe dyd for oure synnes, agreinge to the scriptures: 4 and that he was buried, and that he rose agayne the thyrde daye accordinge to the scriptures

1 Corinthians 15:14-20

14 If Christ be not rysen, then is our preachinge vayne, and your faith is also in vaine. 15 Ye and we are founde false witnesses of God. For we haue testifyed of God, howe that he raysed vp Christe, whom he raysed not vp yf it be so that the deade ryse not vp againe. 16 For yf the dead rise not againe then is Christ not rysen againe. 17 Yf it be so that Christe rose not, then is youre faith in vayne, and yet are ye in youre synnes. 18 And ther to they which are fallen a slepe in Christ, are peryshed. 19 If in thys lyfe onelye we beleue on Christ, then are we of all men the miserablest. 20 But now in Christ rysen from the dead, and is become the fyrste fruytes of them that slepte.

2 Corinthians 1:12

12 Oure reioysinge is this, the testimony of oure conscience, that in synglenes and Godly purenes, and not in fleshely wysdome, but by the grace of God, we haue had oure conuersation in the worlde, and moste of all to youwardes.

2 Corinthians 4:2

2 but haue caste from vs the clokes of vnhonestye, and walke not in craftynes, neyther corrupte we the word of God: but walke in open trueth, & reporte our selues to euerye mans conscience in the syght of God.

2 Corinthians 5:10

10 For we muste all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ, that euery man maye receyue the workes of hys bodye accordyng to that he hath done, whether it be good or badde?

Philippians 1:12-14

12 I woulde ye vnderstode brethren that my busines is happened vnto the greater furtheringe of the Gospel. 13 So that my boundes in Christe are manifeste thorowe out al the iudgement hal and in al other places: 14 In so much that many of the brethren in the Lorde are boldened thorowe my boundes, & dare more largely speake the worde without feare.

Philippians 1:20

20 as I hertely loke for and hope that in nothinge I shalbe ashamed, but that wyth all confydence as alwayes in tymes paste, euen so nowe Christe shall be magnyfyed in my bodye, whether it be thorowe lyfe, or else death.

1 Thessalonians 2:15

15 Which as they kylled the Lorde Iesus and theyr owne prophetes, euen so haue they persecuted vs, and God they please not, and are contrarye to all men,

2 Timothy 4:16

16 At my fyrste aunsweryng, no man assisted me, but all forsoke me. I praye God that it maye not be layed to theyr charges:

James 1:11

11 The sonne riseth with heat, and the grasse widereth, and hys flower falleth awaye, & the beautye of the fashyon of it perysheth: euen so shal the ryche man peryshe wyth hys aboundaunce.

James 2:6

6 But ye haue despysed the pore. Are not the ryche they whiche oppresse you: and they which drawe you before iudges?

1 Peter 1:24

24 For all fleshe is as grasse, and all the glorye of man is as the floure grasse. The grasse wyddereth, and the floure falleth awaye,

1 Peter 4:14-16

14 If ye be railed vpon for the name of Christ, happie are ye. For the spyryte of glorye, and the spyryte of Gad resteth vpon you. On theyr parte he is euyll spoken of, but on your parte he is glorified. 15 Se that none of you suffer as a murtherer or as a thefe, or an euil doar, or as a busibody in other mens matters. 16 Yf any man suffer as a Christen man, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorifie God on this behalfe.

1 John 2:16

16 For all that is in the world (as the luste of the fleshe, the lust of the eyes, and the pryde of goodes) is not of the father, but of the world.

Revelation 1:18

18 and am alyue, and was dead. And beholde I am alyue for euer more and haue the kayes of hell, & of death.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.