2 Chronicles 36:14 Cross References - Matthew

14 Therto all the rulers of the preastes with the people trespaced a pace after all maner of abhomynacyons of the hethen & poluted the house of the Lorde which he had halowed in Ierusalem.

2 Kings 16:10-16

10 And King Ahaz wente agaynste Teglath Phalasar Kyng of Assyrya to Damasco. And when he sawe a certen aulter that was at Damasco, he sente to Vriah the Priest the patern of the aulter and the fashyon of all the workmanship thereof. 11 And Vriah the Priest made an aulter in all poyntes lyke to the paterne whiche kynge Ahaz had sent from Damasco, and had fynyshed it by the kynges comming from Damasco. 12 And when the kynge was come from Damasco, & sawe the aulter, he went to it, & offered thereon. 13 And he burnt his burntofferyng, and sprinkeled the bloude of the peace offerynge, and powred hys drinckeofferynge & sprynkled the bloud of his peaceofferynges vpon the sayde aulter. 14 And the brasen aultare that was before the Lord, he fet from before the house, from betwene the aulter & the house of the Lorde, and put it on the northsyde of the sayde aulter. 15 And the Kinge commaunded Vriah the Priest saying: vpon the great aulter set on fyre, in the mornynge burntofferynges, & in the euen meate offerynges, & the kynges burnte sacrifice & his meateofferyng, & the burntofferynges of all the people of the lande & theyr meateofferynges & theyr drynckofferynges, & powre thereon all the bloude of al maner offeringes. But the brasen aulter shalbe for me, to enquyre with. 16 And Vriah the priest dyd all thynges as king Ahaz commaunded hym,

2 Chronicles 28:3

3 And he offered cense in the valeye of the children of Hennon, and burnt his children in fyre after the abhominacyon of the nacyons which the Lord cast out before the chyldren of Israel.

2 Chronicles 33:4-7

4 And he buylt aulters in the house of the Lorde: Of which the Lorde had sayde in Ierusalem shall my name be for euer. 5 And he made aulters vnto all the hoste of heauen in the two courtes of the house of the Lorde. 6 And he burnt his chyldren in fyre in the valey of the sonnes of Hennon. And he obserued dysmalle dayes & occupyed wytch crafte and sorsery, and mayntened workers with spirites & fears of fortunes: & wrought moche euell in the syght of the Lorde, to angre hym wyth all. 7 And he put the kerued Image of an Idole which he had made, in the house of God. Of which house God sayde to Dauid and to Salomon his sonne, in this house here in Ierusalem which I haue chosen out of all the tribes, I wyll put my name for euer,

2 Chronicles 33:9

9 But Manasseh made Iuda and the enhabiters of Ierusalem to erre and to do worse then the heathen whiche the Lorde destroyed before the chyldren of Israel.

Ezra 9:7

7 Sence the tyme of oure fathers haue we bene in greate trespace vnto this day, and because of oure wyckednesses haue we and oure kinges ben delyuered into the hand of the kynges of the nacyons, into the swerde, into captyuite, into spoyle, and into confusion of face as it is come to passe thys daye.

Jeremiah 5:5

5 Therfore wil I go vnto their heades and rulers, and talke with them: yf they knowe the waie of the lord and the iudgementes of oure God. But these (in like maner) haue broken the yocke, and burste the bandes in sonder.

Jeremiah 37:13-15

13 And when he came vnder BenIamins porte, there was a porter, called Ieriah, the sonne of Selemiah the sonne of Hananiah, whiche fell vpon him, and toke hym sayinge: thy mynde is to runne to the Caldees. 14 Then sayde Ieremy: It is not so, I go not to the Caldees. Neuertheles Ieriah woulde not beleue him, but brought Ieremy bounde before the Prynces. 15 Wherfore the Prynces were angrye wyth Ieremye, causinge him to beaten, and to be layed in preson in the house of Ionathas the scribe. For he was the ruler of the prison.

Jeremiah 38:4

4 Then sayd the princes vnto the king: Syr, we beseche you, let this man to be put to death: For thus he discoraged the handes of the soudyars that be in this cytie, & the handes of al the people, when he speaketh such wordes vnto them. This man verely laboureth not for peace of the people, but mischefe.

Ezekiel 8:5-16

5 And he sayde vnto me: Thou sonne of man, O lyfte vp thyne eyes, and loke towarde the northe. Then lyfte I vp myne eyes towarde the northe, and beholde: besyde the porte Northwarde, there was an aulter made vnto the ymage of prouocacyon in the verye entrynge in. 6 And he sayd further more vnto me: Thou sonne of man, seist thou what these do? Seyst thou the great abhomynacyons that the house of Israel commytte in this place? which oughte not to be done in my sanctuarye? But turne the aboute, and thou shalte se yet greater abhomynacyons. 7 And with that broughte he me to the courtegate, & when I loked, beholde, there was an hole in the wal. 8 Then sayd he vnto me: Thou sonne of man, dygge thorowe the wall. And when I dygged thorow the wal, behold, ther was a dore. 9 And he sayde vnto me: Go thy waye in, & loke what wycked abhomynacions they do there. 10 So I wente in, & sawe: and beholde, there were all maner ymages of wormes & beastes, all Idoles and abhominacions of the house of Israel paynted euery one round aboute the wall. 11 There stode also before the ymages .lxx. lordes of the councell of the house of Israel, and in the myddeste of them stode Iaazamah the sonne of Saphan: and euerye one of them had a censoure in hys hande, and out of the incense, there wente a smoke, as it had bene a cloude. 12 Then sayde he vnto me: Thou sonne of man, haste thou sene what the Senatoures of the house of Israel do secretly euerye one in hys chambre: For they saye: Tush, the Lorde seyth vs not, the Lord regardeth not the worlde. 13 And he sayde vnto me: Turne the yet agayne, and thou shalte se the greate abhomynacyons that they do. 14 And with that he broughte me to the dore of the port of the Lordes house, towarde the north. And beholde there sate women mournynge for Thamus. 15 Then sayde he vnto me: haste thou sene this thou sonne of man. Turne the about & thou shalte se yet greater abhomynacyons. 16 And so he broughte me into the inward court of the Lordes house: and beholde at the porte of the Lordes house, betwyxte the fore entrye and the aulter, there were fyue and twentye men, that turned theyr backes vpon the temple of the Lorde, and theyr faces towarde the east & these worshipped the sonne.

Ezekiel 22:6

6 Beholde, the rulers of Israel haue brought euery man his power, to shed bloud in the.

Ezekiel 22:26-28

26 Thy priestes breake my lawe, and defyle my Sanctuarye. They put no dyfference betwene the holy and vnholy, nether discerne betwene the cleane and vncleane: they turne their eyes from my Sabbothes, & I am vnhalowed among them. 27 Thy rulers in the ate like rauishing wolues, to shed bloude, and to destroye soules, for their owne couetous lucre. 28 As for thy Prophetes, they dawbe wyth vntempered claye, they se vanytyes, and prophecye lyes vnto them, sayinge: the Lorde God sayeth so, where as the Lorde hathe not spoken.

Daniel 9:6

6 We woulde neuer folowe thy seruauntes the Prophetes, that spake in thy name to our kinges and princes, to oure forefathers, and to all the people of the lande.

Daniel 9:8

8 Yea O Lorde, vnto vs, to our kinges and princes, to oure forefathers: euen to vs all, that haue offended the, belongeth open shame.

Micah 3:1-4

1 Heare, O ye heades of the house of Iacob, & peleders of the house of Israel: Shulde not ye know what were lawfull and ryght? 2 But ye hate the good, and loue the euell: ye plucke of mennes skynnes, and the flesh from their bones: 3 ye eate the flesh of my people, and slay of their skynne: ye breake their bones, ye choppe them in peces as it were in to a cauldron, and as flesh into a pot. 4 Now the tyme shall come, that when they call vnto the Lorde, he shall not heare them, but hyde hys face from them, because that thorowe their owne Imaginacyons they haue dealte so wyckedly.

Micah 3:9-11

9 O heare this ye rulers of the house of Iacob, and ye iudges of the house of Israell: ye that abhorre the thynge that is laufull, and wrayst asyde the thynge that is streyght. 10 Ye that buylde vp Syon wyth bloude, and Ierusalem wyth doynge wronge. 11 O ye iudges, ye geue sentence for gyftes: O ye preastes, ye teach for lucre: O ye Prophetes, ye prophecy for monye. Yet wyll they be taken as those that holde vpon God, and saye: Is not the Lorde amonge vs? Tushe, there can no mysfortune happen vs.

Micah 7:2

2 There is not a godlye man vpon earth, there is not one ryghtuous amonge men. They laboure al to shed bloud, and euery man hunteth his brother to death:

Zephaniah 3:3-4

3 Her rulers within her are as roaryng lyons: her iudges are as wolues in the euenynge, which leaue nothynge behynde them tyll the morowe. 4 Her prophetes are lyght persones & vnfaythfull men: her priestes vnhalowe the Sanctuarye, and do wrong vnder the pretence of the lawe.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.