10 And King Ahaz wente agaynste Teglath Phalasar Kyng of Assyrya to Damasco. And when he sawe a certen aulter that was at Damasco, he sente to Vriah the Priest the patern of the aulter and the fashyon of all the workmanship thereof.
11 And Vriah the Priest made an aulter in all poyntes lyke to the paterne whiche kynge Ahaz had sent from Damasco, and had fynyshed it by the kynges comming from Damasco.
12 And when the kynge was come from Damasco, & sawe the aulter, he went to it, & offered thereon.
13 And he burnt his burntofferyng, and sprinkeled the bloude of the peace offerynge, and powred hys drinckeofferynge & sprynkled the bloud of his peaceofferynges vpon the sayde aulter.
14 And the brasen aultare that was before the Lord, he fet from before the house, from betwene the aulter & the house of the Lorde, and put it on the northsyde of the sayde aulter.
15 And the Kinge commaunded Vriah the Priest saying: vpon the great aulter set on fyre, in the mornynge burntofferynges, & in the euen meate offerynges, & the kynges burnte sacrifice & his meateofferyng, & the burntofferynges of all the people of the lande & theyr meateofferynges & theyr drynckofferynges, & powre thereon all the bloude of al maner offeringes. But the brasen aulter shalbe for me, to enquyre with.
16 And Vriah the priest dyd all thynges as king Ahaz commaunded hym,