11 The dedes of Aza bothe fyrst and last, are written in the boke of the kynges of Iuda & Israel.
2 Chronicles 16:11 Cross References - Matthew
1 Kings 15:23-24
23 And the remnaunt of al the deades of Asa and of al his myght and of al that he did, and the cities whyche he buylt, are wrytten in the chronicles of the actes done in the daies of the kynges of Iuda. Neuerthelater in hys olde age he was diseased in his fete.
24 And Asa laid him to rest with his fathers, and was buryed with his fathers in the cytye of Dauid his father. And Iehosophat hys sonne raygned in his roume.
2 Chronicles 9:29
29 And the rest of the actes of kyng Salomon both fyrste and last are wryten in the boke of Nathan the Prophete and in the prophesie of Ahiah the Silonite and in the vysyons of Iadi the sear of visyons agaynst Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat.
2 Chronicles 12:15
15 The actes of Rehoboam fyrst and last are written in the sayinges of Semeiah the Prophete, & of Ado the sear of vysyons, so muche as hys genealogye, and the perpetuall warre that was betwene Rehoboam & Ieroboam during theyr lyfe.
2 Chronicles 20:34
34 The rest of the actes of Iehosaphat fyrste and laste are written in the worckes of Iehu the sonne of Hanani, which noted them in the boke of the kinges of Israel.
2 Chronicles 25:26
26 The rest of the actes of Amaziah fyrst & last are written in the boke of the kinges of Iuda and Israel.
2 Chronicles 26:22
22 The rest of the actes of Oziah both fyrste and last, did Isaiah the prophete the sonne of Amos write.
2 Chronicles 27:7
7 The rest of the actes of Ioatham & all his warres & hys wayes are wrytten in the boke of the kynges of Israel & Iuda.
2 Chronicles 32:32
32 The rest of the dedes of Hezekiah and hys goodnesse are written in the vision of Isaiah the prophete the sonne of Amoz in the boke of the kynges of Iuda and Israell.
2 Chronicles 34:18
18 And then Saphan the scribe shewed the kyng, sayinge: Helkiah the preaste hath geuen me a boke, and he read it before the kynge.
2 Chronicles 35:27
27 & his deades fyrste & last are written in the boke of the kynges of Israel and Iuda.