3 and se that thou kepe thy appointment of the Lorde thy God, that thou walke in his waies and kepe his commaundementes, ordinaunce, lawes and testimonies, euen as it is written in the law of Moses: that thou mayest vnderstand al that thou oughtest to do, and al that thou shouldest medyll wyth.
1 Kings 2:3 Cross References - Matthew
Deuteronomy 4:1
1 And now herken Israel vnto the ordinaunces & lawes which I teach you, for to do them, that ye maye lyue & go and conquere the lande whych the Lorde God of youre fathers geueth you.
Deuteronomy 4:5
5 Beholde, I haue taught you ordinaunces & lawes such as the Lorde my God commaunded me that ye should do euen so in the land whither ye go to possesse it.
Deuteronomy 4:8
8 Yea, & what nation is so greate that hathe ordinaunces, and lawes so ryghtuouse, as all thys lawe which I set before you thys day.
Deuteronomy 4:45
45 and these are the witnesses, ordinaunces & statutes whych Moses tolde the chyldren of Israel after they came out of Egypt
Deuteronomy 5:1
1 And Moses called vnto all Israel & said vnto them: Heare Israell the ordinaunces and lawes which I speake in thine eares this daye, & learne theim, & take hede that ye do them.
Deuteronomy 6:1-2
1 These are the commaundementes, ordinaunces & lawes whyche the Lorde youre God commaunded to teache you, that ye myghte do theym in the Lande whyther ye go to possesse it:
2 that thou mighteste feare the Lorde thy God, to kepe all hys ordinaunces and hys commaundementes whyche I commaunde the, boeth thou and thy sonne, and thy sonnes sonne al dayes of thy lyfe, that thy dayes maye be prolonged.
Deuteronomy 17:18-20
18 And when he is sett vpon the seate of hys kyngedome, he shal write hym oute thys seconde lawe in a boke takynge a copye of the priestes the Leuites.
19 And it shalbe wyth him and he shall read therin all dayes of hys life that he may learne to feare the lord his God for to kepe al the wordes of this lawe & these ordinaunces for to do them:
20 that his hert arise not aboue his brethren and that he turne not from the commaundement: either to the right hand or to the left, that both he & his children mai prolong their daies in his kingdom in Israel.
Deuteronomy 29:9
9 therfore the wordes of this appoyntment and do them, that ye maye vnderstande all that ye ought to do.
Joshua 1:7-8
7 Aboue all thynge be strong and harden thy selfe, to obserue & to do, accordynge to all the lawes which Moses my seruaunt commaunded the. Tourne there from nether to the ryght hand nor to the lefte: that thou mayest haue vnderstandynge in all thou takest in hande
8 let not the boke of thys lawe departe out of thy mouthe: But recorde therein daye & night that thou mayest be circumspect to do accordyng to all that is wrytten therein. For then shalt thou make thy waye prosperouse, & then thou shalt haue vnderstandyng.
Joshua 22:5
5 But in any wyse take exceding good heade, that ye do the commaundement & law whych Moses the seruaunt of the Lord charged you: whyche is, that ye loue the Lorde youre God, and walke in hys wayes & kepe his commaundementes, and cleaue vnto him, and seaue hym wyth all youre hertes, and all youre soules.
1 Samuel 18:5
5 And Dauid went oute to all that Saul sente hym, and behaued hym selfe wyselye. And when Saul hath set him ouer his men of warre, he pleased al the people, and Sauls seruauntes therto.
1 Samuel 18:14
14 And Dauid was wyse in al that he toke in hande, and the Lorde was wyth hym.
1 Samuel 18:30
30 And when the Philistines went out to warre, Dauid behaued hym selfe wyselyer then all the seruauntes of Saul: so that hys name was moche set bye.
2 Samuel 8:6
6 and put soudyours in Syra Damascon. And the Syryans became seruauntes to Dauid, payeng trybute. And thus the Lord saued Dauid in all that he went to.
2 Samuel 8:14
14 And he put kepers in Edom, euen thorow oute al Edom put he soudyars and al Edom became hys seruauntes. And the Lorde kepte Dauid whatsoeuer he toke in hand.
2 Kings 18:7
7 And the Lorde was wyth hym. And whatsoeuer he toke in hande, he dyd it wysely. And he rebelled agaynste the kynge of Assyrya, & serued hym not.
1 Chronicles 22:12-13
12 And the Lord geue thy wysdom & vnderstandynge, & make the gouerner of Israel, & to kepe the law of the lord thy God.
13 For then thou shalt prospere. Yf thou shalte be dylygent to do the ordynaunces and lawes whiche the Lorde charged Moses with, to delyuer to Israell. Plucke vp thyne hert and be strong, dread not nor be discouraged.
1 Chronicles 28:8-9
8 And nowe I saye vnto you before all Israel the congregacyon of the Lorde, and in the audience of oure God: kepe and seke for al the commaundementes of the Lorde your God, that ye maye enioye a good lande, and inheryte youre chyldren after you for euer.
9 And thou Salomon my sonne: knowe God thy father, and serue hym with a pure hert, and lust of soule. For the Lorde searcheth all hertes, and vnderstandeth all the Imaginacyons of thoughtes. If thou shalte seke hym, he wylbe founde of the: But & yf thou forsake hym, he wyll caste the of for euer.
1 Chronicles 29:19
19 And geue vnto Salomon my sonne, a pure herte to kepe thy commaundementes, thy testimonyes & thyne ordinaunces, and to do all, and to buylde the house whiche I entended.
2 Chronicles 31:20-21
Psalms 1:2-3
Psalms 19:7
7 The lawe of the Lorde is a perfecte lawe it quickeneth the soule. The testimonye of the Lorde is true, and geueth wisdome euen vnto babes.
Psalms 119:2
2 Blessed are they that kepe hys testimonies, and seke him with their whole herte.
Psalms 119:98-100
Psalms 119:111
111 Thy testimonyes haue I claymed as myne heritage for euer: and why? thei are the very ioye of my herte.
Psalms 119:138
138 Thy testimonyes that thou hast commaunded are exceadyng, righteous and true.
Proverbs 3:1-4
1 O my sonne, forget not my law but se that thyne hert kepe my commaundementes.
2 For they shall prolong the dayes & yeares of thy life, & bring the peace.
3 Let mercy & faythfulnes neuer go from the: bynde them about thy necke, & write them in the tables of thyne hert.
4 So shalt thou fynde fauour & good vnderstanding in the sight of God & men.
Malachi 4:4
4 Remembre the lawe of Moses my seruaunt whyche I commytted vnto hym in Oreb for al Israel, with the stratutes and ordynaunces.