18 Beholde Israell whiche walketh carnally. Are not they which eate of the sacrifyce, partakers of the aultre?
1 Corinthians 10:18 Cross References - Matthew
Leviticus 3:3-5
3 And they shal offer of the peaceoffering to be a sacrifice vnto the Lord the fatt that couereth the inwardes, and all the fat that is vpon the inwardes:
4 & the two kidneys with the fatt that lyeth vpon the loynes: and the kall that is on the lyuer they shall take awaye wyth the kidneyes.
5 And Aarons sonnes shall burne them vpon the alter with the burnt sacrifice which is vpon the wodd on the fyre. That is a Sacrifice of a swete sauour vnto the Lorde.
Leviticus 3:11
11 And the prieste shall burne them vpon the aulter to fede the Lordes offerynge wyth all.
Leviticus 7:6
6 Al the males amonge the priestes shall eate therof in the holy place, for it is moste holy
Leviticus 7:11-17
11 Thys is the lawe of the peaceofferinges which shalbe offered to the Lorde.
12 If he offer to gyue thanckes, he shal bryng vnto hys thanke offeringe: swete cakes mingled wyth oyle and swete wafers anoynted wyth oyle, & cakes mingled wyth oyle of fyne flower fryed,
13 & he shal bring his offeryng vpon cakes made of leuended bread vnto the thankeoffering of his peace offeringes
14 and of them al he shal offer one to be an heueofferynge vnto the Lorde, and it shall be the Priestes that sprynkeleth the bloude of the peaceofferynges.
15 And the flesh of the thankeoffering of his peaceofferinges shalbe eaten the same day that it is offered, and there shal none of it be layed vp vntil the mornyng.
16 If it be a vowe or a fre wyloffringe that he bryngeth, the same daye that he offereth it it shal be eaten, & that which remaineth may be eaten on the morowe:
17 but as much of the offered flesh as remaineth vnto the third day shalbe burnt with fyre.
1 Samuel 2:13-16
13 For the maner of the priestes wyth the people was whensoeuer any man offered any offerynges the priestes ladde came, whyle the fleshe was in sethynge, and a fleshoke wyth thre tethe in hys hande,
14 and thrust it into the panne, ketle, caldren, or potte. And all that the fleshe hoke broughte vp the prieste toke awaye. And so they dyd vnto all Israel that came thyther to Siloh.
15 Yea, & thereto before they had offered the fatte, the priestes lad came and sayde to the man that offered: geue fleshe to roste for the prieste, for he wyll not haue sodden fleshe of the, but rawe.
16 And yf any man sayd vnto hym let the fatte be offered accordynge to the daye, & then take as muche as thyne herte desireth. The lad wold aunswere him, thou shalt geue it me now, or els I wyl take it with violence.
1 Samuel 9:12-13
12 And the maydens answered them: yee: beholde, he goeth before you. Make hast nowe, for he came thys day to the cytie, for the people must offer thys day in the hil.
13 When ye be come into the citie, so shall you fynd hym, yer he go vp to the hil to eate: for the people wyll not eate vntyll he come, because he must blesse the offeryng. And then eate they that be bidden to the feaste. Nowe therfore get you vp for euen now shal ye fynd hym.
Romans 1:3
3 that make mention of hys sonne, the whyche was begotten of the sede of Dauid (as perteininge to the fleshe)
Romans 4:1
1 What shall we saye then, that Abraham oure father as pertaynyng to the fleshe, dyd fynde?
Romans 4:12
12 and that he myghte be the father of the circumcysed, not because they are circumcysed only: but because they walke also in the steppes of that faythe that was in oure father Abraham before the tyme of circumcysyon.
Romans 9:3-8
3 For I haue wyshed my selfe to be cursed from Christ, for my brethren and my kynsmen (as pertaynynge to the fleshe)
4 whiche are the Israelites. To whom pertayneth the adoption, and the glory, and the couenauntes, & the lawe that was geuen, & the seruice of God, & the promises:
5 whose also are the fathers & they of whom (as concerninge the flesh) Christe came, whiche is God ouer al thynges blessed for euer. Amen.
6 I speake not these thinges as though the wordes of God had taken none effect. For they are not al Israelites whiche came of Israell,
7 neither are they al chyldren strayght way, because they are the seede of Abraham. But in Isaac shall thy seede be called:
8 that is to saye, they whiche are the chyldren of the fleshe, are not the chyldren of God. But the chyldren of promise are counted the seede.
1 Corinthians 9:13
13 Do ye not vnderstande howe that they whiche minister in the temple, haue their fyndynge of the temple? And they whych wayte at the aulter, are partakers of the aulter?
2 Corinthians 11:18-22
18 Seyng that manye reioyce after the fleshe, I will reioyse also.
19 For ye suffer foles gladly, because that ye youre selues are wyse.
20 For ye suffre euen yf a man brynge you into bondage: yf a man deuoure, yf a man take yf a man exalte hym selfe, yf a man smite you on the face.
21 I speake as concernynge rebuke, as thoughe we had bene weake. Howe be it, wherein soeuer any man dare be bolde (I speake folyshly) I dare be bolde also.
22 They are Hebrues, so am I: They are Israelytes, euen so am I. They are the seede of Abraham, euen so am I.
Galatians 6:16
16 And as many as walke accordynge to thys rule peace be on them, and mercye, and vpon Israel that pertayneth to God.
Ephesians 2:11-12
11 Wherfore remember that ye, beynge in tyme passed Gentyles in fleshe, and were called vncircumcision to them whiche are called circumcision in the fleshe, whiche circumcision is made by handes:
12 Remember I saye, that ye were at that tyme without Christe, and were reputed aliantes from the commen welth of Israel, and were straungers from the testamentes of promes, and had no hope and were wythout God in thys worlde.
Philippians 3:3-5
3 For we are cyrcumcysion, whyche worship God in the spirite, and reioyce in Christe Iesu, and haue no confidence in the fleshe,
4 though I haue wherof I might reioice in the fleshe. If any other man thinke that he hath wherof he mighte truste in the fleshe, much more I,
5 circumcised the eighte daye, of the kynred of Israel, of the tribe of Beniamin, an Hebrue borne of the Hebrues: as concerninge the lawe, a pharisey,