1 And Dauid made hym houses in the citie of Dauid, & prepared a place for the Arcke of God, & pitched for yt a tent.
2 And then Dauid sayd, the Arcke of God ought not to be caryed but of the Leuites. For them hath the Lord chosen to beare the Arcke of the Lorde and to minystre to hym for euer.
3 And therfore Dauid geathered all Israel to Ierusalem, to fetche the Arcke of the Lord vnto the place, which he had ordeyned for it.
4 And Dauid brought together the children of Aaron & the Leuites.
5 Of the sonnes of Cahath: Vriel the chefe, and of his brethren an hundred and .xx.
6 And of the chyldren of Merari: Asaiah the chefe, and of his brethren .ij. hundred and .xx.
7 And of the sonnes of Gerson Ioel the chefe, and of his brethren an hundred and thyrtie.
8 And of the children of Elizaphan: Semeiah the chefe and of hys brethren two hundred.
9 And of the sonnes of Hebron Eliel the chefe, and of his brethren .lxxx.
10 And of the sonnes of Oziel, Aminadab the chefe, and of hys brethren an hundred and .xij.
11 And Dauid called to Zadock & Abiathar the preastes, and to the Leuites Vriel, Asaiah Ioel, Semeiah, Eliel & Aminadab:
12 & sayde vnto them: ye are the princypall heades of the Leuites, sanctefye therfore youre selues and youre brethren, and brynge the Arcke of the Lord God of Israel vnto the place that I haue prepared for it.
13 For because ye were not ther at the fyrst tyme, the Lorde oure God made a rent amonge vs, for that we sought hym not as the fashion ought to be.
14 And the preastes and the Leuites sanctefied them selues, to fett the Arcke of the Lorde God of Israel.
15 And the chyldren of the Leuites bare the Arke of God vpon their shoulders with staues theron as Moses commaunded accordynge to the worde of the Lorde.
16 And Dauid spake to the chefe heades of the Leuites, that they should appoynte of theyr brethren to synge wt instrumentes of musycke psalteries, harpes & symbales that sounded, and to synge on hye with Ioyfulnesse.
17 And the Leuites appoynted Heman the sonne of Ioel: and of his brethren, Asaph the sonne of Barachiah. And of the sonnes of Merari theyr brethren: Ethan the sonne of Cusaiahu.
18 And with them theyr brethren of the seconde degree: Zachariah, Ben, Iaaziel, Semiramoth Iahiel, Vni, Eliab, Banaiah, Maasiah, Mathathiah, Eliphelehu, Makaniah, Obed, Edom and Iaiel, porters.
19 Heman, Asah and Ethan sange with symbales of brasse to make a sound.
20 And Zachariah, Oziel, Semiramoth, Iehiel, Ani, Eliab, Maasaiah and Bananiah sang with psalteris on an Almoth.
21 And Mathathiah, Eliphelehu, Makeniah, Obed Edom, Ieiel, and Ozaziah sange with harpes and eight aboue the courage with all.
22 And Conaniah the chefe of the Leuites was maister of the songe and taught to synge, for he was a man of vnderstandinge.
23 And Barachiah and Elcanah kepte the dore of the Arcke.
24 And Sacaniah, Iehosaphat, Nathanael, Amasai, Zachariah, Banaiah and Eliezer priestes were blowers wyth trompettes before the Arcke of God. And Obed, Edom and Iahiah were kepers of the dore of the Arcke.
25 And Dauid and the elders of Israel & the Capitaines ouer thousandes went to fet the Arcke of the apoyntement of the Lorde: oute of the house of Obed Edom with gladnesse.
26 And when God had holpe the Leuites that bare the Arcke of the apoyntement of the Lorde, they offered .vij. oxen and .vij. rammes.
27 And Dauid had on him an albe of bysse, & so had the Leuites that bare the Arcke, and so had the syngers, and Conaniah the ruler of the songe & of the syngers. And Dauid had moreouer vpon him an Ephod of lynen.
28 And al Israel brought the Arcke of the Lordes couenaunt wyth shoutynge and blowynge of hornes, & with trompettes and symbales that sounded, and wyth psalteries and harpes.
29 And as the Arcke of the appoyntment of the Lorde came into the cytye of Dauid, Michol the doughter of Saul loked oute at a wyndowe: and when she sawe kynge Dauid daunsyng and playinge, she despysed him in her herte.
1 Chronicles 15 Cross References - Matthew
Exodus 6:16-22
16 These are the names of the chyldren of Leuy in their generations: Gerson, Kahath, and Merary. And Leuy lyued an hundred and .xxxvij. yere.
17 The sons of Gerson: Libni and Semei in theyr kynreddes.
18 The children of Kahath: Amram, Iesear, Hebron, and Vsiel. And Kahath lyued an hundred and .xxxiij. yere.
Exodus 6:18
18 The children of Kahath: Amram, Iesear, Hebron, and Vsiel. And Kahath lyued an hundred and .xxxiij. yere.
19 The chyldren of Merary are these: Mahely, & Musy: these are the kynreddes of Leuy in theyr generations.
20 And Amram toke Iochebed his nece to wife, which bare him Aaron & Moses. And Amram liued an hundred and .xxxvij. yere.
21 The children of Iezear: Korah, Nepheg and Sychri.
22 The children of: Vsiell, Misaell, Elzaphan and Sithri.
Exodus 6:22
22 The children of: Vsiell, Misaell, Elzaphan and Sithri.
Exodus 15:20
20 And MirIam a Prophetisse the syster of Aaron toke a tymbrell in her hand, & all the woman came out after her with tymbrels in a daunse.
Exodus 19:14-15
Exodus 25:12-15
12 And thou shalt caste .iiij. rynges of golde for it and put them in the .iiij. corners thereof .ij. rynges on the one syde of it and .ij. on the other.
13 And thou shalt make staues of sethym wood and couer them with golde,
14 and putte the staues in the rynges alonge by the sydes of the arke, to bere it withall.
15 And the staues shall abyde in the rynges of the arke, & shall not be taken awaye.
Exodus 37:3-5
Exodus 40:20
20 And he toke and put the testimony in the arcke, and set the staues to the arcke, & putte the mercy seate an hye vppon the arcke,
Leviticus 10:3
3 Then Moses sayed vnto Aaron: this is that the Lorde spake saying: I wyl be sanctified in them that come nye me, & before all the people I wil be glorified. And Aaron helde hys peace.
Numbers 3:4
4 but Nadab and Abihu dyed before the Lorde, as they broughte straunge fyre before the Lord in the wyldernes of Sinai, & had no children. And Eleazar & Ithamar mynystred in the syghte of Aaron theyr father.
Numbers 4:2-15
2 and bad them take the summe of the chyldren of Cahath from among the sonnes of Leui, in their kynredes and houses of their fathers,
3 from .xxx. yere & aboue vntyl fifty, al that were able to warre for to do the worke in the tabernacle of wytnesse.
4 Thys shalbe the offyce of the chyldren of Kahath in the tabernacle of wytnesse whiche is moost holy.
5 And when the hoste remoueth, Aaron and his sonnes shal come & take doune the vayle, and couer the arcke of wytnesse there wyth,
Numbers 4:5-6
Numbers 4:6-6
6 & shall put theron a coueryng of taxus skynnes, & shal spreide a cloth that is altogether of iacyncte aboue all, and put the staues therof in.
7 And vpon the shewe table, they shal spreide abrode a cloth of iacincte, and put theron the dyshes, spones, flat peces and pottes to poure wyth, & the dayly bread shalbe theron:
8 & they shal spreade vpon them a couerynge of purple, and couer the same wyth a coueryng of taxus skynnes, & put the staues therof in.
9 And they shal take a cloth of iacincte & couer the candelstyck of lyght & her lampes & her snuffers, and fyre pannes, and al her oyle vessels which they occupye aboute it,
10 & shal put vpon her & vpon all her instrumentes, a coueryng of taxus skynnes, and put it vpon staues.
11 And vpon the golden alter they shall sprede a cloth of Iacyncte, and put on her staues.
12 And they shall take all the thynges whych they occupye to minystre wt in the holy place, & put a cloth of Iacyncte vpon them and couer them wyth a couerynge of taxus skynnes and put them on staues.
13 And they shall take awaye the asshes out of the alter, and spreyde a scarlet clothe theron:
14 and put aboute it, the fyre pannes, the flesh hokes, the shouels, the basens & all that belongeth vnto the alter, and they shal sprede vpon it a couerynge of taxus skynnes, & put on the staues of it.
15 And when Aaron and his sonnes haue made an ende of coueryng the sanctuary & al the thinges of the sanctuarye, agaynst that the hoste remoue, then the sonnes of Cahath shall come in for to beare, & so let them not touche the sanctuary least they dye. And thys is the charge of the sonnes of Cahath in the tabernacle of wytnesse.
Numbers 4:15
15 And when Aaron and his sonnes haue made an ende of coueryng the sanctuary & al the thinges of the sanctuarye, agaynst that the hoste remoue, then the sonnes of Cahath shall come in for to beare, & so let them not touche the sanctuary least they dye. And thys is the charge of the sonnes of Cahath in the tabernacle of wytnesse.
Numbers 4:19-20
Numbers 7:9
9 But vnto the sonnes of Cahath he gaue none, for the offyce that perteyned to them was holy, & therfore they must beare vpon shoulders.
Numbers 8:13-14
Numbers 8:24-26
24 thys shalbe the maner of the Leuites: from .xxv. yere vpwarde they shall go in to wayte vpon the seruice in the tabernacle of witnesse,
25 & at fyfty they shal ceasse waytyng vpon the seruyce therof, and shall laboure no moare:
26 but shal mynistre vnto their bretheren in the tabernacle of wytnesse, and there wayte, but shall do no moare seruyce. And se that thou do after thys maner vnto the Leuites in their waytyng tymes.
Numbers 10:8
8 And the sonnes of Aaron the preastes shal blowe the trompettes & shal haue them and it shalbe a lawe vnto you for euer and amonge youre chyldren after you.
Numbers 10:33
33 And they departed from the mounte of the Lord .iij. dayes iourney, and the arcke of the testament of the Lorde went before them in the .iij. dayes iourney to serche out a resting place for them.
Numbers 18:1-8
1 And the Lorde sayed vnto Aaron. Thou and thy sonnes, and thy fathers house wyth the, shall bear the faulte of that whyche is done amysse in the holye place. And thou & thy sonnes wyth the, shal beare the fault of that whyche is done amysse in your priesthode.
2 And thy brethren also the trybe of Leui, the trybe of thy father take wyth the, and let them be ioyned vnto the, and minister vnto the. And thou and thy sonnes wyth the shall minister before the tabernacle of wytnes.
3 And let them wayte vp the & vpon al the tabernacle: onely let them not come nye the holy vesselles & the alter, that boeth they & ye also dye not.
4 And let them be by the and wayte on the tabernacle of wytnesse, and on all the seruyce of the tabernacle, and let no straunger come nye vnto you.
5 Wayte therfore vpon the holy place and vpon the alter, that there fal no more wrath vpon the chyldren of Israel:
6 behold, I haue taken youre brethren the Leuites frome amonge the chyldren of Israell, to be yours, as gyftes geuen vnto the Lord to do the seruyce of the tabernacle of wytnesse.
7 And se that both thou and thy sonnes wyth the take hede vnto your priestes offyce, in al thinges that pertayne vnto the alter, and wythin the vayle. And se that ye serue, for I haue geuen youre prestes offyce vnto you for a gifte to do seruyce, and the straunger that commeth nye, shall dye.
8 And the Lorde spake vnto Aaron: behold I haue geuen the, the kepyng of mine heueofferynges in al the halowed thynges of the chyldren of Israel. And vnto the I haue geuen them vnto anoyntynge and to thy sonnes: to be a dutye for euer.
Numbers 23:1-4
1 And Balam sayed vnto Balac: buyld me here seuen alters and prouide here seuen bullockes and seuen rammes.
2 And Balac dyd as Balam said. And Balac and Balam offered on euery alter a bullock and a ram.
3 And Balam sayd vnto Balac: stande by the Sacrifyce whyle I go to wete whether the Lorde wil come and mete me, & whatsoeuer he sheweth me, I wyl tel the, & he went forthewyth.
4 And God came vnto Balam, & Balam sayed vnto hym: I haue prepared .vij. alters & haue offered vpon euerye alter, a bullock and a ram.
Numbers 23:29
29 And Balam sayed vnto Balac: make me here .vij. altares, and prepare me here .vij. bullockes and .vij. rammes.
Numbers 26:58
58 These are the kinredes of Leui: the kinred of the Libnites, the kynred of the Hebronites, the kynred of the Mahelites, the kinredes of the Musites, the kinred of the Karahites. Kahath begate Amram,
Numbers 29:32
32 And the seuenth daye .vij. bullockes .ij. rammes and .xiij. lambes that are yerelynges & pure.
Numbers 31:14
14 And Moses was angrye with the offycers of the hoste, wyth the captaynes ouer thousandes and ouer hundredes, whyche came from warre & battell,
Deuteronomy 1:15
15 And then I toke the heades of youre tribes, men of wysdome & that were expert. and made them ruelars ouer you: captaines ouer thousandes, & ouer hundreds, ouer fyfty & ouer ten, officers a monge youre trybes.
Deuteronomy 10:8
8 And the same ceason the Lorde seperated the trybe of Leui to beare the arcke of the appoyntmente of the Lorde and to stande before the Lord, and to minister vnto hym and to blesse in his name vnto thys day.
Deuteronomy 12:7
7 And there ye shall eate before the Lord your God, and ye shal reioyce in al that you lay your handes on, boeth ye and your housholdes, bicause the Lord thy God hath blessed the.
Deuteronomy 12:18
18 but thou muste eate them before the Lorde thy God, in the place whych the Lorde thy God hath chosen: both thou, thy sonne, & thy daughter, thy seruaunt & thy mayde, & the Leuite that is wythin thy gates: & thou shalte reioyce before the Lorde thy God, in al that thou puttest thine hande to.
Deuteronomy 16:11
11 And reioyce before the Lorde thy God, both thou, thy sonne, thy daughter, thy seruaunt and thy mayd, & the Leuite that is wythin thy gates, & the straunger, the fatherles & the wedowes that are among you, in the place which the lord thy god hath chosen to make hys name dwel there.
Deuteronomy 16:15
15 Seuen dayes thou shalt kepe holy day vnto the Lord thy God, in the place which the Lord shall chose: for the Lorde thy God shall blesse the in al thy frutes and in all the workes of thyne handes, & therfore shalte thou be glad.
Deuteronomy 31:9
9 And Moses wrote thys lawe and deliuered it to the priestes the sonnes of Leui whyche bare the arcke of the testament of the Lorde and vnto all the elders of Israell,
Deuteronomy 31:26
26 take the boke of thys lawe, & put it by the syde of the arcke of the testament of the Lorde your God, & let it be there for a wytnesse vnto the.
Joshua 3:3
3 and commaunded the people, sayinge: when ye se the arcke of the testament of the lord youre God, and the priestes that are Leuites bearyng it: then departe ye from your places & folowe after it.
Joshua 4:7
7 then say vnto them, how that the water of Iordan deuyded at the presence of the arcke of the appoyntmente of the Lord: euen while it went ouer Iordan, the water of Iordan deuyded. And these stones shalbe a memoryall vnto the chyldren of Israel for euer.
Joshua 6:6
6 And Iosua the sonne of Nun, called vnto the priestes, and sayde vnto them: take vp the arcke of the appoyntement, and let seuen Priestes beare seuen trompettes of rammes hornes before the arcke of the Lorde.
Judges 20:27
27 And they asked the Lorde: for there was the arcke of the apoyntment of God, in those dayes.
1 Samuel 2:18
18 But the ladde Samuel mynystred before the Lord gyrded about wyth a lynen Ephod.
1 Samuel 4:3
3 And when the people were come into theyr tentes, the elders of Israel sayde: wherfore hath the Lord beaten vs thys daye before the Philistines? let vs fetche the arcke of the appoyntment of the Lorde, oute of Siloh vnto vs, & let it come among vs, & saue vs out of the handes of oure enemyes.
1 Samuel 7:12
12 And then Samuel toke a stone, & pitched it betwene Mazphah & Sen, & called the name therof the stone of help, saying: thus farre hath the Lorde holp vs.
1 Samuel 8:2
2 The name of his eldest sonne was Ioel, & the name of the second Abiath whiche were iudges in Bersabe.
1 Samuel 8:12
12 & wil make him captaines of them ouer thousandes & ouer fyfties, & wil set them to eare hys grounde, & to gather in hys heruest, & to make instrumentes of warre & apparel for hys charettes.
1 Samuel 10:5
5 After that thou shalt come to the hyll of God, where the Philistines kepe theyr watche. And when thou art come thyther to that cytye, thou shalt mete a companye of Prophetes comyng doune from the hyll, with a psalter, a tymbrell, a pype, and an harp before them & they prophesying.
1 Samuel 10:19
19 And ye haue this day cast awaye youre God that holpe you oute of al youre aduersities & trybulacyons. And ye haue sayde vnto him, make a kyng ouer vs. Now therfore stande before the Lord by your trybes & youre thousandes.
1 Samuel 18:27-28
27 And shortlye after Dauid arose wyth his men, and went, and slue of the Philistines two hundred men, and brought there foreskinnes, and satisfyed the Kynge thereof to be his sonne in lawe. And so Saul gaue hym Michol hys doughters to wyfe.
28 And when Saul sawe and vnderstode, how that the Lord was with Dauid, and that Michol hys doughter loued hym,
1 Samuel 19:11-17
11 But Dauid fled and saued him selfe that same nyght. Then Saul sent messengers vnto Dauids house, to watche hym and to sley hym in the mornyng. But Michol his wife tolde it hym saying.
12 Yf thou saue not thy selfe thys nyghte, to morow thou art a dead man.
13 And so Michol let Dauid doune thorow a wyndow, and he went & fled and saued him selfe. And then she toke an Image and layed it in the bed, and put an pillow stuffed with goates heare vnder the head of it, and couered it wyth a clothe.
14 And when Saul sent messengers to fetch Dauid, she said that he was sicke.
15 Then Saul sent the messengers to se Dauid sayinge: brynge hym to me, bed and all, that he maye be slayne.
16 And when the messengers were come in, beholde there laye an Image in the bed, wyth a pyllowe of goates hearre vnder the head of it.
17 Then sayd Saul to Michol: why hast thou mocked me so, and sent awaye myne enemy that he is escaped? And Mychol answered Saul: he saide vnto me, let me go, or elles I wil kyl the.
1 Samuel 22:7
7 he sayde vnto hys seruauntes that stode aboute him. Heare I pray you, you sonnes of Iemini wyl the sonne of Isai also geue euery one of you feldes and vineyardes, and make you all captaynes ouer thousandes and ouer hundredes?
1 Samuel 22:20-23
20 But yet one of the sonnes of Ahimelech the sonne of Ahitob, named Abiathar, escaped & fled to Dauid,
21 and he shewed Dauid, how that Saul had slaine the Lordes priestes.
22 And Dauid sayde vnto Abiathar: I wist it the same daye, that Doeg the Edomite whyche was there would tell it Saul. And I am cause of the death of all the soules of thy fathers house.
23 Abyde with me and feare not: he that seketh thy soule, shall seke myne, and with me thou shalt be in sauegarde.
1 Samuel 25:44
44 But Saul gaue Michol hys doughter Dauids wyfe to Phalty the sonne of Lais of Gallim.
2 Samuel 3:13-14
13 And Dauid aunswered: well sayd, I wyl make a bonde wyth the. But one thynge I requere of the, that thou se not my face, excepte thou fyrst brynge Michol Saules doughter, when thou comest to se me.
14 And Dauid sent messengers to Isboseth Saules sonne, saiynge: delyuer me my wyfe Michol whiche I maryed wyth an hundred forskynnes of the Phylistines.
2 Samuel 5:9
9 And Dauid dwelte in the toure and called it the cytye of Dauid. And Dauid buylt round aboute it from Mello inwarde.
2 Samuel 6:3
3 And they put the arcke of God vpon a newe carte, and brought it out of the house of Abinadab that dwelt at Gabaah. And Ozah & Ahio the sonnes of Abinadab draue the newe carte.
2 Samuel 6:7-8
2 Samuel 6:12
12 And when it was told Kynge Dauid howe that the Lorde had blessed the house of Obed Edom and all that pertayned vnto hym, because of the arck of God he went and brought the arcke of God from the house of Obed Edom vnto the cytye of Dauid wyth gladnes.
2 Samuel 6:12-23
12 And when it was told Kynge Dauid howe that the Lorde had blessed the house of Obed Edom and all that pertayned vnto hym, because of the arck of God he went and brought the arcke of God from the house of Obed Edom vnto the cytye of Dauid wyth gladnes.
13 And euer when they that bare the arcke of the Lorde, had gone sixe passes, he offered an oxe and a fat shepe.
2 Samuel 6:13
2 Samuel 6:14
2 Samuel 6:15
15 And Dauid & all the house of Israel brought the arcke of the Lorde wyth shoutyng & trompet blowyng.
16 And as the arcke of the Lorde came into the cytye of Dauid, Michol Sauls doughter loked thorowe a wyndowe, and saw Kynge Dauid spryng and daunse before the Lord, & therfore dyspysed hym in her hert.
2 Samuel 6:16
16 And as the arcke of the Lorde came into the cytye of Dauid, Michol Sauls doughter loked thorowe a wyndowe, and saw Kynge Dauid spryng and daunse before the Lord, & therfore dyspysed hym in her hert.
17 And when they had brought in the arcke of the Lorde, & had set it euen in hys place, euen in the tabernacle that Dauid had prepared for it: Dauid offered burntofferynges and peaceofferynges before the Lorde,
2 Samuel 6:17-23
17 And when they had brought in the arcke of the Lorde, & had set it euen in hys place, euen in the tabernacle that Dauid had prepared for it: Dauid offered burntofferynges and peaceofferynges before the Lorde,
18 and as sone as Dauid had made an ende of offeryng burnteofferynges and peaceofferynges he blessed the people in the name of the Lorde of Hostes,
19 & gaue amonge all the folcke, euen amonge the hole multytude of Israel, as well to the wemen as men euerye one a cake of bread, and a pece of fleshe and a flacket of wyne. And so the people departed euerye man to hys house.
20 Then Dauid returned to salute hys housholde. And Michol the doughter of Saul came out agaynst hym, and sayde: Oh how gloryous was the kynge of Israel to day, which strypte hym selfe to daye before the eyes of the maydens of hys seruauntes, as a lyght brayned felowe is wont to strype hymselfe.
21 But Dauid sayd agayne to Michol, I wyll make sporte before the Lorde which chose me before thy father & before all hys kynne, commaundynge me to be ruler ouer al hys people Israel.
22 And I wylbe yet more vyle then so, & wyl be meke in myne owne syght: and shal for all that of the very same maydeseruauntes which thou speakest of, be had in honoure.
23 But the sayd Michol doughter to Saule had no chyld vnto the daye of her death.
2 Samuel 8:17
17 And Sadoch the sonne of Ahitob and Ahimelech the sonne of Abiathar were the Priestes, and Saraiah was the Scrybe.
2 Samuel 13:7-8
2 Samuel 14:24
24 Then sayde the kinge: let hym turne to hys owne house, but se that he come not in my presence. And so Absalom went to his owne house, but came not in the kinges presence.
2 Samuel 15:24-29
24 And beholde, Sadock and all the Leuytes were wyth him and bare the arcke of the appoyntmente of God. And when they had set doune the arck of god Abiathar came vp, vntyll the people were all come ouer, oute of the cytye.
25 Then sayde the kynge vnto Sadock. Carye the arcke of God agayne into the cytye. If I shall fynd fauour in the eyes of the Lorde, he wyll bryng me agayne, and shewe me both it and the tabernacle therof also.
26 But and yf the Lorde thus say: I haue no luste vnto the. Beholde, here am I, let hym do wyth me what semeth best in hys eyes.
27 The kynge sayde also vnto Sadoch the prieste: thou arte a sear. Returne therfore into the cytye in peace. And take youre two sonnes wyth you: Ahimaaz thy sonne, and Ionathas the sonne of Abiathar.
28 And se, I wyll tarye in the feldes of the wyldernesse vntyll there come some worde from you to be tolde me.
29 And so Sadock and Abiathar caryed the arcke of God agayne to Ierusalem, and they taryed there.
2 Samuel 15:35
35 And thou hast there with the Sadock & Abiathar the priestes, vnto which thou shalt shew all that thou canst heare out of the kynges house.
2 Samuel 20:25
25 Seua was scribe. And Sadock & Abiathar were the pryestes.
1 Kings 2:26
26 And vnto Abiathar the pryest sayde the kynge: get the to Anatoth vnto thyne owne feldes for thou art worthy of death, but I will not at this tyme kyl the, because thou barest the Arcke of the Lorde Iehouah before Dauid my father, and because thou sufferedst wt my father in al hys afflyccyons.
1 Kings 2:35
35 And the king put Banaiah the sonne of Iehoiada in his roume ouer the host, and put Sadock the priest in the roume of Abiathar.
1 Kings 8:1
1 Then Salomon gathered the elders of Israel, all the heades of the trybes and auncyent Lordes of the chyldren of Israel, vnto him to Ierusalem, to bryng vp the arcke of the appoyntment of the Lord out of the cytye of Dauid which is Syon.
1 Kings 8:8
8 How be it the staues were so longe that the endes of them appered oute of the holy place before the quere, but were not sene wythoute. And there they be vnto thys dayes.
2 Kings 22:4
4 go to Helkiah the hye priest and let hym summe the siluer that is brought into the house of the Lorde, whych the kepers of the dores haue gathered of the people,
2 Kings 25:18
18 And the chefe Marshall toke Saraiah the chefe preste, and Zophoniah, the hiest preste saue one, & thre kepers of the dore.
1 Chronicles 6:2
2 The sonnes of Cahat: Amram, Izahar, Hebron and Oziel.
1 Chronicles 6:16-30
1 Chronicles 6:18
18 And the sonnes of Cahath were Amram, Izahar, Hebron and Oziel,
19 the sonnes of Merari: Moholi and Musi These are the kynreddes of Leui concernynge theyr auncient fathers.
20 The sonnes of Gersom was Lobni, and hys sonne Iahath, & his sonne Zamah,
21 and hys sonne Ioah, and his sonne Ado, and his sonne Zerah, and hys sonne Ieathrai.
22 The sonnes of Cahath: Aminadab and his sonne Careh, and hys sonne Assir,
1 Chronicles 6:22-24
22 The sonnes of Cahath: Aminadab and his sonne Careh, and hys sonne Assir,
1 Chronicles 6:22
1 Chronicles 6:23-24
1 Chronicles 6:24-24
24 and Thahath was his sonne, and Vriel hys sonne, and Oziah hys sonne, and Saul was hys sonne.
25 The sonnes of Elcanah: Amasai, Ahimot
26 and Elcanah. The sonnes of Elcanah, Zophai whose sonne was Nahath,
27 and hys sonne Eliab and Ieroham hys sonne, and Elcanah hys sonne,
28 and Samuel the sonne of hym. And the sonnes of Samuel: the eldest Vasni and then Abiah.
29 The sonnes of Merari: Moholi, and his sonne Lobni, and his sonne Semei, and hys sonne Oza
30 and hys sonne Samaa, and hys sonne Hagiah, and hys sonne Asaiah.
31 These be they whyche Dauid set for to singe in the house of the Lorde, after that the Arcke had reste.
32 And they mynystred before the dwellinge place of the tabernacle of wytnesse wyth syngynge, vntyll Salomon had buylt the temple of the Lorde in Ierusalem. And then they wayted on theyr offyces accordinge to the order of them.
33 These are they that wayted with theyr children of the sonnes of Cahath: Heman a synger, whyche was the sonne of Ioel, the sonne of Samuel.
1 Chronicles 6:33
33 These are they that wayted with theyr children of the sonnes of Cahath: Heman a synger, whyche was the sonne of Ioel, the sonne of Samuel.
34 The sonne of Elcanah, the sonne of Ieroham, the sonne of Eliel: the sonne of Thoah,
35 the sonne of Zuph, the sonne of Elcanah, the sonne of Mahath, the sonne of Amasai,
36 the sonne of Elcanah, the sonne of Ioel, the sonne of Asariah, the sonne of Zophoniah:
37 the sonne of Thahath, the sonne of Asir, the sonne of Abiasaph the sonne of Coreh:
38 the sonne of Izahar, the sonne of Cahath: the sonne of Leui the sonne of Israel.
39 And his brother Asaph stode on his ryght hande, whych was the sonne of Barachiah, the sonne of Samaa:
1 Chronicles 6:44
44 And theyr brethren the sonnes of Merari stode on the lefte hand: Ethan the sonne of Chusi, the sonne of Abdi, the sonne of Maloch:
1 Chronicles 6:49-50
49 But Aaron & his sonnes burnt vpon the aulter of burntofferynges and on the aulter of incense, and were apoynted vnto all that was to do in the place moste holy, and to make an attonement for Israel in all poyntes accordinge as Moses the seruaunt of God had commaunded.
50 These are the sonnes of Aaron: Eleazar, whose sonnes was Phinehes, and hys sonne Abisue:
1 Chronicles 9:21-23
21 And Zachariah the sonne of Moselamiah kepte the dore of the tabernabcle of witnesse.
22 Al these were chosen felowes to kepe the tresholdes, two hundred and twelue, and were numbred in their villages. And them dyd Dauid and Samuel the sear institute in their fidelite.
23 And their children had the ouersighte of the gates of the house of the Lorde and of the house of the tabernacle to kepe them.
1 Chronicles 9:34
34 These were the auncient amonge the Leuites in theyr generacions. And these dwelt at Ierusalem.
1 Chronicles 12:26-28
1 Chronicles 12:28
28 And Zadock a younge man of greate power had hys fathers housholde wyth Capitaynes .xxij.
1 Chronicles 13:5
5 And Dauid geathered all Israel to geather from Sihor in Egypt vnto Hemath, to bring the Arcke of the Lorde from Kariath Iarim.
1 Chronicles 13:7-11
1 Chronicles 13:8
8 And Dauid & all Israel played before God with all theyr myght, with syngyng, harpes, psalteries, tymbrelles and trompettes.
9 And when they came on the thressynge flowre of Chidon, Oza put forth his hande to holde the arcke, for the oxen stombled.
10 And the Lorde was wroth with Oza & smote hym, because he put hys hande to the Arcke. And there he dyed before God.
11 And Dauid was displeased, because the Lorde had rent a rent in Oza and called the sayde place Perez Oza vnto this daye.
1 Chronicles 13:11-14
11 And Dauid was displeased, because the Lorde had rent a rent in Oza and called the sayde place Perez Oza vnto this daye.
12 And Dauid was so afrayed of God that daye, that he sayde, how shall I brynge the Arcke of God whome to me.
13 And so Dauid brought not the Arcke home to him to the cytie of Dauid: But turned it in to the house of Obed Edom o Gethite.
14 And the Arcke of God was wyth Obed Edom in his house, thre monethes. And the Lorde blessed the house of Obed Edom & all that he had.
1 Chronicles 13:14-14
14 And the Arcke of God was wyth Obed Edom in his house, thre monethes. And the Lorde blessed the house of Obed Edom & all that he had.
1 Chronicles 15:1
1 And Dauid made hym houses in the citie of Dauid, & prepared a place for the Arcke of God, & pitched for yt a tent.
2 And then Dauid sayd, the Arcke of God ought not to be caryed but of the Leuites. For them hath the Lord chosen to beare the Arcke of the Lorde and to minystre to hym for euer.
3 And therfore Dauid geathered all Israel to Ierusalem, to fetche the Arcke of the Lord vnto the place, which he had ordeyned for it.
1 Chronicles 15:11
11 And Dauid called to Zadock & Abiathar the preastes, and to the Leuites Vriel, Asaiah Ioel, Semeiah, Eliel & Aminadab:
12 & sayde vnto them: ye are the princypall heades of the Leuites, sanctefye therfore youre selues and youre brethren, and brynge the Arcke of the Lord God of Israel vnto the place that I haue prepared for it.
1 Chronicles 15:14
14 And the preastes and the Leuites sanctefied them selues, to fett the Arcke of the Lorde God of Israel.
1 Chronicles 15:16
16 And Dauid spake to the chefe heades of the Leuites, that they should appoynte of theyr brethren to synge wt instrumentes of musycke psalteries, harpes & symbales that sounded, and to synge on hye with Ioyfulnesse.
1 Chronicles 15:18
1 Chronicles 15:23
23 And Barachiah and Elcanah kepte the dore of the Arcke.
1 Chronicles 15:27-28
27 And Dauid had on him an albe of bysse, & so had the Leuites that bare the Arcke, and so had the syngers, and Conaniah the ruler of the songe & of the syngers. And Dauid had moreouer vpon him an Ephod of lynen.
1 Chronicles 15:27
27 And Dauid had on him an albe of bysse, & so had the Leuites that bare the Arcke, and so had the syngers, and Conaniah the ruler of the songe & of the syngers. And Dauid had moreouer vpon him an Ephod of lynen.
28 And al Israel brought the Arcke of the Lordes couenaunt wyth shoutynge and blowynge of hornes, & with trompettes and symbales that sounded, and wyth psalteries and harpes.
1 Chronicles 15:28
28 And al Israel brought the Arcke of the Lordes couenaunt wyth shoutynge and blowynge of hornes, & with trompettes and symbales that sounded, and wyth psalteries and harpes.
1 Chronicles 16:1
1 When they had brought in the Arcke of God they set in the tente that Dauid had pitched for it. And they brought burnt sacrifyce and peaceofferynges before God.
1 Chronicles 16:5-6
5 euen Asaph the chefe, and next to him Zachariah then Ieiel, Semiramoth, Iehiel, Mathathiah, Eliab, Banaiah, Obed Edom, and Ieiel with Psalteries & Harpes. But Asaph wyth soundynge symbales
1 Chronicles 16:5
1 Chronicles 16:6
6 and Banaiah and Iahaziel pryestes wyth trompettes contynuallye before the Arcke of the couenaunt of God.
1 Chronicles 16:38
38 And Obed Edom with hys brethren thre skore and eyght, and Obed Edom the sonne of Iduthun and Ozah to be porters.
1 Chronicles 16:42
42 And wyth the sayde Heman and Iduthun were trompettes & soundyng simbales, & instrumentes of the melody of God. And the sonnes of Iduthun were porters.
1 Chronicles 17:1-5
1 And as Dauid dwelt in his house he sayde to Nathan the prophete: Lo, I dwell in an house of Cedar tree, and the Arcke of the Lordes couenaunt dwelleth vnder curtaynes.
1 Chronicles 17:1
1 And as Dauid dwelt in his house he sayde to Nathan the prophete: Lo, I dwell in an house of Cedar tree, and the Arcke of the Lordes couenaunt dwelleth vnder curtaynes.
2 And Nathan sayde to Dauid: do all that is in thyne hert, for God is wt the.
3 But the same nyghte the worde of God came to Nathan sayinge:
4 go & tel Dauid my seruaunte, thus saith the Lorde: thou shalt not buylde me an house to dwell in.
5 For I haue dwelt in no house, sence I brought out the children of Israel vnto this daye: But haue gone from tent to tent, & from one tabernacle to another. Neyther in anye place wheresoeuer
1 Chronicles 18:16
16 and Zadock the sonne of Ahitob & Abimeleh the sonne of Abiathar were the priestes, & Susa was scribe,
1 Chronicles 23:5
5 Four thousand were porters and four thousand praised the Lord with suche instrumentes as Dauid had made to prayse with all.
1 Chronicles 23:8
8 The sonnes of Laadan: the chefe was Iehiel, and then Zethan and Ioel, thre.
1 Chronicles 23:12
12 The sonnes of Cahath: Amram, Izahar, Hebron & Vziel, foure.
1 Chronicles 23:19
19 The sonnes of Hebron: Ieriahu, the fyrste, Amariah the seconde, Iahaziel the thirde, and Iecmaam the fourthe.
1 Chronicles 24:31
31 And these cast lottes next to their brethren the sonnes of Aaron, before Dauid the kynge and Zadock and Ahimelec, and the auncient heades and priestes of the Leuites, as wel the youngest brother as an auncient heade.
1 Chronicles 25:1-6
1 And Dauid and the captaines of the hoste appoynted out to do seruice, the sonnes of Asaph of Heman and Iduthun, whiche dyd prophesie with harpes psalteries & symbales: & the multytude of them were men to do seruyce in their offices.
1 Chronicles 25:1-5
1 And Dauid and the captaines of the hoste appoynted out to do seruice, the sonnes of Asaph of Heman and Iduthun, whiche dyd prophesie with harpes psalteries & symbales: & the multytude of them were men to do seruyce in their offices.
1 Chronicles 25:1
1 And Dauid and the captaines of the hoste appoynted out to do seruice, the sonnes of Asaph of Heman and Iduthun, whiche dyd prophesie with harpes psalteries & symbales: & the multytude of them were men to do seruyce in their offices.
2 The sonnes of Asaph: Zaur, Ioseph, Nathaniah, Aserealah, to wayte on Asaph, whyche prophesyed by the kynge.
1 Chronicles 25:2-5
2 The sonnes of Asaph: Zaur, Ioseph, Nathaniah, Aserealah, to wayte on Asaph, whyche prophesyed by the kynge.
3 The sonnes of Iduthun: Godoliah, Zuri, Isaiah, Rasabiah and Mathathiah, Semei, syxe, at the handes of their fathers Iduthun wyth harpes: which Iduthun prophesyed for to thanke and prayse the Lord.
1 Chronicles 25:3-5
3 The sonnes of Iduthun: Godoliah, Zuri, Isaiah, Rasabiah and Mathathiah, Semei, syxe, at the handes of their fathers Iduthun wyth harpes: which Iduthun prophesyed for to thanke and prayse the Lord.
4 The sonnes of Heman: Bokiahu, Mathaniah, Vziel, Zubuell, Ierimoth, Hananiah, Hanam, Eliathat, Gedalthi, Romanthi Ezer, Iesbokasah, Malothi, Hothir and Mahazioth.
1 Chronicles 25:4-5
4 The sonnes of Heman: Bokiahu, Mathaniah, Vziel, Zubuell, Ierimoth, Hananiah, Hanam, Eliathat, Gedalthi, Romanthi Ezer, Iesbokasah, Malothi, Hothir and Mahazioth.
5 All these were the sonnes of Heman the kynges Sear of vysions with the worde of God, to lyfte vp the horne. God gaue to Heman .xiiij. sonnes, and thre doughters.
1 Chronicles 25:5-5
5 All these were the sonnes of Heman the kynges Sear of vysions with the worde of God, to lyfte vp the horne. God gaue to Heman .xiiij. sonnes, and thre doughters.
6 All these were at the hande of their father to synge in the house of the lord with symbales, psalteries, and harpes in the seruyce of the house of God. And at the hand of the king was Asaph, Iduthun and Heman.
1 Chronicles 25:6
6 All these were at the hande of their father to synge in the house of the lord with symbales, psalteries, and harpes in the seruyce of the house of God. And at the hand of the king was Asaph, Iduthun and Heman.
1 Chronicles 25:6-7
6 All these were at the hande of their father to synge in the house of the lord with symbales, psalteries, and harpes in the seruyce of the house of God. And at the hand of the king was Asaph, Iduthun and Heman.
7 But the multitude of them were with theyr brethren that were connynge in the songe of the Lord. And the nombre of al that taught, were two hundred four skore and eyght.
1 Chronicles 25:7-8
7 But the multitude of them were with theyr brethren that were connynge in the songe of the Lord. And the nombre of al that taught, were two hundred four skore and eyght.
8 And they cast Lottes indifferentlye how they shoulde wayte as wel the smalle as the greate, the scoler as well as the skole mayster.
9 And the fyrste lot of Asaph fell to Ioseph. The seconde to Godoliah with hys brethren & sonnes, twelue personnes.
10 The thyrde fel to Zacur with hys sonnes & brethren beyng .xij. personnes.
11 The fourth to Izari with his sonnes and brethren twelue personnes.
12 The fyfte to Nathaniah wyth hys sonnes and brethren twelue personnes.
13 The syxte to Bokiahu with his sonnes & brethren twelue personnes.
14 The seuenth to Isarelah with hys sonnes & brethren twelue personnes.
15 The .viij. to Isaiah wyth hys sonnes & brethren twelue personnes.
16 The nynthe to Mathaniah wyth his sonnes & brethren twelue personnes.
17 The tenth to Semei wyth hys sonnes & brethren twelue personnes.
18 The eleuenth to Azaraell with hys sonnes & brethren twelue personnes.
19 The twelueth to Hasabiah with hys sonnes & brethren twelue personnes.
20 The thyrtene to Subuel with his sonnes & brethren twelue personnes.
21 The fourtene to Mathathiah with his sonnes & brethren twelue personnes.
22 The fyftene to Iermoth wyth his sonnes and brethren twelue persons.
23 The syxtene to Hananiah with hys sonnes and brethren twelue personnes.
24 The seuentene to Iesbokasah with hys sonnes & brethren twelue persons.
25 The eyghtene to Hanani with his sonnes and brethren twelue personnes.
26 The nientene to Malothi with his sonnes and brethren twelue personnes.
27 The twentye to Eliathah wyth hys sonnes and brethren twelue personnes.
28 The .xxi. to Hothir with hys sonnes & brethren .xij. personnes.
29 The .xxij. to Gedalthi with his sonnes and brethren .xij. personnes.
30 The .xxiij. Mahazioth wyth hys sonnes and brethren .xij. personnes.
31 The .xxiiij. to Romanthi Ezer wyth his sonnes and brethren .xij. personnes.
1 Chronicles 26:4
4 And Obed Edom had sonnes: Semeiah the eldest, Iehosabad the second, Ioah the thyrd, Sacar the fourth, Nathanael the fyfte,
1 Chronicles 26:8
8 All these were of the chyldren of Obed Edom, whiche with theyr brethren and theyr chyldren, actiue men & of strength to do seruice, were .lxij. of Obed Edom.
1 Chronicles 26:15
15 And Obed Edoms lot fell to the south. And to hys sonnes fell the councel houses.
1 Chronicles 26:23
23 Amonge the Amramites, Izaharites, Hebronites & Ozielites,
1 Chronicles 26:30-31
30 And of the Hebronites Hasabiah & hys brethren men of actiuite a thousande & .vij. hundred were offycers in Israell on thys syde Iordan westwarde, in all busynesses of the Lorde and seruyce of the kynge.
31 And Iediah was the chefeste amonge the kynredes and fathers of the Hebronites. And in the fourtye yeare of the kyngedom of Dauid they were fought for. And there were founde of them men of actyuyte at Iezer in Galaad.
1 Chronicles 29:14
14 For what am I? and what is my people? that we shulde obtayne strengthe to be so wyllynge? But all is of the, and of that we receyued of thyne hand we haue geuen the.
2 Chronicles 5:9
9 And the staues of the arcke were so longe, that they were sene a lytle before the quere, but not farre wythoute. And there it remayneth vnto this daye.
2 Chronicles 5:11
11 And when the priestes were come oute of the holye place (for all the priestes that were founde, sanctyfyed them selues and dyd not wayt by course.)
12 But the Leuites euery one of them that were vnder Asaph, Heman and Iduthun, and among theyr chyldren and brethren, were arayed in bysse and sang wyth Simbales, Psalteryes, and harpes standyng East from the aulter, and wyth them an hundred and .xx. priestes blowynge trompettes.
13 And the trompette blowers & the syngers so agreed, that it semed but one voice in praysing & thankynge the Lorde. And as the voyce of the trompettes, symbales and instrumentes of melodye arose, & as they praysed the Lord, how that he was good and that hys mercye lasteth euer, the house of the Lorde was fylled with a cloude,
2 Chronicles 5:13-13
13 And the trompette blowers & the syngers so agreed, that it semed but one voice in praysing & thankynge the Lorde. And as the voyce of the trompettes, symbales and instrumentes of melodye arose, & as they praysed the Lord, how that he was good and that hys mercye lasteth euer, the house of the Lorde was fylled with a cloude,
2 Chronicles 20:27-28
27 And also the men of Iuda and Ierusalem returned & Iehosaphat amonge the thyckest of them, for to go again to Ierusalem wyth gladnesse: for the Lorde hath made them to reioyse of their enemyes.
28 And they came to Ierusalem wyth psalteries & harpes and trompettes, euen vnto the house of the Lorde.
2 Chronicles 29:4-5
2 Chronicles 29:15
15 And they geathered theyr brethren & purifyed them selues, & then went at the commaundement of the kynge by the worde of the Lord, for to clense the house of the Lorde.
2 Chronicles 29:28-30
28 And all the congregacyon bowed themselues, and the syngers sange, and the trompettes blew, and continued vntyll the burntofferyng was fynesshed.
29 And when they had made an ende of the burntofferyng, the kyng & all that were with hym kneled downe & bowed them selues and gaue prayse and thanckes.
30 And Hezekiah the kynge and the lordes bade the Leuites to prayse the lorde with the wordes of Dauid & of Asaph the sear of vysions. And the Leuites praysed that they reioysed agayne, and the other stowped and bowed them selues.
2 Chronicles 29:34
34 But the preastes were to few, and were not ably to fleye all the burntoffrynges. Wherefore theyre brethren the Leuites holpe them tyll the worke was ended, and vntill the preastes were sanctifyed. For the Leuites were purer herted to sanctifie them selues then the preastes.
2 Chronicles 30:12
12 And therto the hand of God was in Iuda, to make them of one accorde to do the commaundement of the kynge and the capitaynes, whiche was accordynge to the worde of the Lorde.
2 Chronicles 30:15
15 And they slue passeouer the fourtene daye of the second moneth. And the preastes and Leuites sanctifyed them selues for shame, and brought in the burntofferynges into the house of the Lorde.
2 Chronicles 30:17-20
17 And because there were manye in the congregacyon that were not sanctifyed: and therfore dyd the Leuites sley passeouer for all that were not cleane to sanctifye them to the Lorde.
18 There was verye moche people out of Ephraim, Manasseh, Isakar and Zabulon that were not cleane, and therfore dyd eate passeouer otherwyse then wrytynge specyfyeth. But Hezekiah prayed for them & sayd: the good Lorde
19 be mercyfull to all that sett theyr hertes to seke the God that is the Lord God of theyr fathers, though they do yt not accordynge to the clennesse of the holy place.
20 And the Lorde heard Hezekiah and healed the people.
2 Chronicles 35:3
3 And he sayde to the Leuites that taught thorow out all Israell and were sanctifyed vnto the Lorde: put the holy arcke in the house which Salomon the sonne of Dauid Kynge of Israel dyd builde, ye neade not to beare it vpon youre shoulders. Wherfore now serue the Lorde youre God and his people Israel.
2 Chronicles 35:6
6 and kyll passouer sanctifye and prepare youre brethren that they may do accordynge to the worde of the Lord by the hand of Moses.
Ezra 3:10-11
10 And when the buylders layd the foundacion of the temple of the Lorde, the pryestes stode in their aray, with trompettes. And the Leuites the children of Asaph with cymbales, to prayse the Lorde after the maner of Dauid kynge of Israel.
11 And they sange together, geuynge prayse and thankes vnto the Lorde, because he is gracyous, and because hys mercy endureth for euer vpon Israel. And all the people shouted loude in praysing the Lorde, because the foundacyon of the house of the Lorde was layd.
Ezra 6:16
16 And the children of Israel, the pryestes, the Leuites, & the other children of the captiuyte helde the dedicacion of the house of God with ioye,
Ezra 7:24-28
24 And knowen be it vnto you, that ye shal haue no auctorite to requyre taxynge and custome, & yearly rentes vpon any of the pryestes Leuites, singers, porters, Nethinims & mynysters in the house of thys good.
25 But thou Esdras (after the wysedome of the God that is in thy hand) set thou iudgers and arbiters to iudge all the people that is beyonde Iordan, euen all suche as knowe the law of thy God: and them that knowe it not, those se, that ye teache:
26 & whosoeuer wyll not dylygently fulfyll the law of thy God, and the kynges law, shal haue his iudgement for the dead whether it be vnto death or to be banished or to be condemned in goodes, or to be put in preson.
27 Praysed be the Lord God of our fathers which so had inspired the kinges hert to garnysh the house of God at Ierusalem:
28 & hath inclined his mercy vnto me in the presence of the king, & his councelers, & before al the kinges hys estates. And I was conforted (according to the hande of the Lorde my God ouer me) & so gathered I the heades of Israel together, that they might go vp with me.
Nehemiah 12:36
36 and hys brethren, Semeiah, Asarael, Melalai, Galalai, Maai Nathanael and Iuda and Hanani, wyth the musicall instrumentes of Dauid the man of God. And Esdras the Scrybe before them,
Nehemiah 12:43
43 And the same daye were there greate sacrifyces offered, and they reioysed: for God had geuen them greate gladnesse, so that both the wyues & chyldren were ioyfull, & the myrthe of Ierusalem was hearde farre of.
Nehemiah 12:46
46 for in the tyme of Dauid and Asaph, were the chefe syngers founded, and the songes of prayse and thankesgeuynge vnto God.
Job 42:8
8 Therfore take .vij. oxen & .vij. rammes, and go to my seruaunte Iob: offre vp also for your selues a brentofferynge: & let my seruaunte Iob praye for you. Hym wyll I accepte, & not deale with you after youre folishnesse: in that ye haue not spoken the thynge whiche is right, like as my seruaunt Iob hath done.
Psalms 6:1-10
1 To the chaunter by Negynoth vpon Sheminith, a Psalme of Dauid. Oh Lorde rebuke me not in thyne anger: Oh chasten me not in thy heuy dyspleasure.
2 Haue mercye vpon me (O Lorde) for I am weake: O Lorde heale me for all my bones are vexed.
3 My soule also is in great trouble, but lord how longe?
4 Turne the (O Lord) and deliuer my soule Oh saue me for thy mercyes sake.
5 For in death no man remembreth the: Oh who wyll geue the thankes in the hell?
6 I am wery of gronyng euery nyght wash I my bedde, and water my couche wyth my teares.
7 My countenance is chaunged for verye inwarde grefe. I consume awaye I haue so many enemyes.
8 Awaye fro me all ye wicked dors, for the Lorde hath hearde the voyce of my wepyng
9 The Lord hath hearde myne humble petycyon, the Lorde hath receaued my prayer.
10 All myne enemies shalbe confunded and sore vexed: yea they shalbe turned backe and put to shame, and that ryght soone.
Psalms 12:1
1 To the chaunter vpon Sheminith, a Psalme of Dauid. Helpe Lord, for there is not one saincte more: very fewe faythfull are there amonge the chyldren of men.
Psalms 30:11
11 And so thou hast turned my heuynesse into ioye: thou haste put of my sacke cloth, & gyrded me with gladnesse.
Psalms 33:2
2 Prayse the Lord with harpe: singe psalmes vnto him wyth the lute and instrument of ten strynges.
Psalms 46:1-11
1 To the chaunter, a songe of the children of Corah vpon almuth. In oure troubles & aduersitye, we haue founde, that God is oure refuge, oure strength and helpe.
2 Therfore wyl we not feare though the earth fell, and though the hylles were caryed into the myddest of the sea.
3 Though the waters of the sea raged and were neuer so troublous, and thoughe the mountaynes shoke at the tempest of the same. Selah.
4 For there is a floude, which with hys ryuers reioyseth the cytye of God, the holy dwellyng of the moost hyest.
5 God is in the middest of her, therfore shal she not be remoued: for God helpeth her, & that right early.
6 The Heythen are madde, the kingdomes make muche a do: but when he sheweth hys voyce, the earth melteth awaye.
7 The Lord of hoostes is with vs, the God of Iacob is oure defence. Selah.
8 O come hither, and beholde the woorkes of the LORD, what destruccions he hathe brought vpon the earth.
9 He hath made warres to cease in all the worlde: he hathe broken the bowe, he hathe knapped the speare in sonder, and brente the charettes in the fyre.
10 Be styll then and confesse that I am God I will be exalted amonge the Heythen, and I will be exalted vpon earth.
11 The Lord of hostes is with vs, the God of Iacob is our defence. Selah.
Psalms 47:1-5
1 To the chaunter, a Psalme of the chyldren of Corah. O clappe youre handes together (all ye people) O synge vnto God with the voyce of thankesgeuynge.
2 For the Lord the most hyest is to be feared, and he is the great kyng vpon all the earth.
3 He shal subdue the people vnder vs, and the Heythen vnder oure fete.
4 He choseth vs for an heretage, the beutye of Iacob whome he loued. Selah.
5 God is gone vp with a mery noyse, & the Lord with the sownde of the trompet.
Psalms 66:13-15
Psalms 68:25
25 The singers go before, and then the mynstrels amonge the maydens with the tymbrels.
Psalms 69:7-9
Psalms 73:1
1 A Psalme of Asaph. O how louyng is God vnto Israel, to suche as are of a cleane hert?
Psalms 81:1
1 To the chaunter vpon Githith, of Asaph. Singe merely vnto God which is our strengthe, make a chearfull noyse vnto the god of Iacob.
Psalms 81:1-2
Psalms 81:13
13 O that my people wolde obeye me, for if Israel wolde walke in my wayes:
Psalms 83:1
1 A songe and Psalme of Asaph. Holde not thy tongue, O God, kepe not styll silence, refrayne not thy self O God.
Psalms 84:10
10 For one daye in thy courte is better then a thousande. I had rather be a dore keper in the house of my God, then to dwell in the tentes of the vngodly.
Psalms 87:7
7 Therfore the dwellynge of all syngers & daunsers is in the.
Psalms 92:1-3
1 A Psalme of the songe for the Sabboth daye. It is a good thynge too geue thankes vnto the Lord, and to synge prayses vnto thy name, O moost hyest.
2 To tell of thy louyng kyndnesse early in the mornyng. and of thy trueth in the night season.
3 Vpon an instrument of ten strynges, vpon the lute and with a songe vpon the harpe.
Psalms 92:3
3 Vpon an instrument of ten strynges, vpon the lute and with a songe vpon the harpe.
Psalms 95:1
1 O come let vs prayse the Lord, let vs hertely reioyse in the strength of our saluacion.
Psalms 95:1-2
Psalms 98:4-6
Psalms 100:1
1 A Psalme of praise. O be ioiful in God (al ye landes)
Psalms 100:1-2
Psalms 132:5
5 Vntill I fynde out a place for the Lorde, an habitacion for the mightye one of Iacob.
Psalms 149:3
3 Let them prayse his name in the daunce, let them singe prayses vnto hym with tabrettes and harpes.
Psalms 150:3-4
3 Prayse hym in the sounde of the trompet, prayse hym vpon the lute and harpe.
Psalms 150:3
3 Prayse hym in the sounde of the trompet, prayse hym vpon the lute and harpe.
Psalms 150:3-5
Psalms 150:4-5
4 Prayse hym in the cymbales and daunse prayse hym vpon the strynges and pype.
Psalms 150:4
Psalms 150:5-5
5 Prayse hym vpon the weltuned cymbals prayse him vpon the loude cymbales.
Proverbs 28:13
13 He that hydeth hys synnes, shall not prospere: but who so knowledgeth them and forsaketh them shal haue mercy.
Ecclesiastes 3:4
4 A time to wepe, and a time to laugh: A time to mourne, and a tyme to daunce:
Isaiah 49:23
23 For kynges shalbe thy noursynge fathers, and Quenes shalbe thy noursynge mothers. They shall fall before the wt theyr faces flat vpon the earth, and lycke vp the duste of thy fete: that thou mayest knowe, how that I am the Lord. And wo so putteth his trust in me, shal not be confounded.
Isaiah 66:21
21 And I shall take oute certayne of them for to be Pryestes and Leuytes, sayeth the Lorde.
Jeremiah 3:16
16 Moreouer, when ye be increased and multyplied in the land, then (sayeth the Lorde) there shall no more boost be made of the arcke of the Lordes Testament: No man shal thincke vpon it, neyther shall any man make mencion of it: for from thence forth it shall neyther be visited, nor honoured with gyftes.
Jeremiah 30:19
19 And oute of them shall go thankesgeuynge, and the voyce of ioye. I wyll multyplye them, and they shall not mynishe: I shall endue them wyth honoure, and no man shall subdue them.
Jeremiah 33:11
11 Shall the voice of gladnesse be hearde agayne, the voyce of the Brydegrome and of the bryde, the voyce of them that shall synge: Prayse the Lorde of Hostes, for he is louinge and his mercy endureth for euer, and the voyce of them that shall offer vp gyftes in the house of the Lorde. For I will restore the captiuite of this lande, as it was afore, saieth the Lord.
Jeremiah 33:17-22
17 For thus the Lorde promyseth: Dauid shal neuer want one, to syt vpon the stole of the house of Israell:
18 neyther shal the priestes and Leuites want one to offre alwaye before me burntofferinges, to kyndle the meatofferynges, and to prepare the sacryfyces.
19 And the worde of the Lorde came vnto Ieremy after this maner.
20 Thus sayeth the lord: May the couenaunt whiche I haue made wt daye and night be broken, that there shoulde not be day and night in due season?
21 Then maye my couenaunt also be broken, whyche I made with Dauid my seruaunte, and so he not to haue a sonne to reygne in hys Trone. So shall also the Priestes and Leuites neuer fayle, but serue me.
22 For lyke as the starres of heauen may not be nombred, neither the sand of the sea measured: so will I multyplie the seade of Dauid my seruaunt, and of the Leuites my mynisters.
Ezekiel 45:23
23 And in the feast of the seuen dayes he shall offre euery daye a bullocke and a ram, that are without blemish for a burntoffrynge vnto the Lorde: and an he gaote daylye for a synofferynge.
Ezekiel 48:11
11 Yee this same place shalbe the prestes that are of the children of Sadoch, and haue kepte my holy ordynaunce: which wente not astraye in the erroure of the chyldren of Israel lyke as the Leuites are gone astraye:
Joel 2:1
1 Blowe oute the trompet in Sion, & crye vpon my holy hyl, that al suche as dwell in the land, may tremble at it, for the daye of the Lorde commeth, and is harde at hande:
Joel 2:15
15 Blowe oute with the trompet in Syon, proclame a fastynge, cal the congregacyon,
16 and gather the people together: warne the congregacyon, gather the elders, brynge the chyldren & suckelynges together. Let the brydgrome go forth of his chambre, & the bryde oute of her closet.
17 Let the prestes serue the Lorde betwixte the porche & the aulter, weping and saying: be fauourable (O Lorde) be fauourable vnto thy people: let not thyne herytage be broughte to suche confusyon, leste the Heathen be Lordes therof. Wherfore shulde they saye amonge the Heathen: where is nowe theyr God?
Micah 5:2
2 And thou Bethleem Ephrata, art lytle among the thousandes of Iuda, Out of the shall come vnto me, whyche shall be the gouernoure in Israell: whose out goinge hath bene from the begynnyge, and from euerlastynge.
John 17:17
17 Sanctifye them with the truthe, thy saiyng is truthe,
Acts 2:13
13 Other mocked them sayinge: they are full of newe wyne.
Acts 7:46
46 Which found fauour before God, and desired that he myght fynde a tabernacle for the God of Iacob.
Acts 14:23
23 And when they had ordeyned them elders by election in euery congregacion, and after they had prayed and fasted, they commended them to God on whom they beleued.
Acts 26:22
22 Neuerthelesse I obtained helpe of God, and continue vnto this daye wytnessinge both to smal and to great, saiyng none other thinges, then those which the prophetes and Moyses dyd saye shoulde come
Romans 12:1-2
1 I beseche you therfore brethren, by the mercyfulnes of God, that ye make your bodyes a quicke sacrifyce holye and acceptable vnto God, which is youre reasonable seruynge of God:
2 And fashyon not youre selues lyke vnto thys worlde. But be ye chaunged in youre shape, by the renuynge of youre wyttes, that ye may fele what thynge that good, that acceptable, and perfect wyll of God is.
1 Corinthians 2:14
14 For the naturall man perceiueth not the thinges of the spyrite of God. For they are but folishnes vnto him. Neither can he perceiue them, because he is spiritually examined.
1 Corinthians 11:2
2 I commende you brethren that ye remembre me in al thinges, & kepe the ordinaunces euen as I deliuered them to you.
1 Corinthians 14:40
40 And let al thynges be done honestlye and iu ordre.
2 Corinthians 2:16
16 To the one part are we the sauoure of death vnto death. And vnto the other parte are we the lauoure of lyfe vnto lyfe. And who is mete vnto these thynges?
2 Corinthians 3:5
5 not that we are suffyciente of our selues to thynke any thynge as it were of our selues, but our ablenes cometh of God,
2 Corinthians 5:13
13 For yf we be to feruente, to God we are to feruente. Yf we kepe measure, for youre cause kepe we measure.
Philippians 3:3
3 For we are cyrcumcysion, whyche worship God in the spirite, and reioyce in Christe Iesu, and haue no confidence in the fleshe,
Philippians 4:4
4 Reioyce in the Lorde alway, and agayne I say reioyce.
1 Timothy 3:1-15
1 Thys is a true saiyng. If a man couete the offyce of a byshop, he desyreth a good worke.
2 Yea and a bishop muste be fautlesse the husband of one wyfe, sober discrete, hone style apparelled, harberous, apt to teache,
3 not dronken, no fyghter, not geuen to fylthy lucre: but gentle, abhorrynge fyghtyng, abhorrynge couetousnes,
4 and one that ruleth hys owne house honestlye, hauing children vnder obedience, wyth all honestye.
5 For yf a man can not rule hys owne house, howe shall he care for the congregacion of God.
6 He maye not be a yong scholer, lest he swell and fall into the iudgement of the euyll speaker.
7 He muste also be well reported of amonge them whiche are wythout forth, lest he fall into rebuke and snare of the euyll speaker.
8 Lykewyse muste the Deacons be honest, not double tonged, not geuen vnto much drinkynge, neyther vnto fylthy lucre:
9 but hauing the mystery of the fayth in a pure conscience.
10 And let them fyrste be proued, and then lette them mynyster, yf they be founde fautlesse.
11 Euen so muste theyr wyues be honeste, not euyll speakers, but sober and faythfull in all thynges.
12 Let the deacons be the husbandes of one wyfe, and suche as rule theyr chyldren well, and theyr owne housholdes.
13 For they that mynyster wel, get them selues good degree and greate lybertye in the faythe whiche is in Christ Iesu.
14 These thynges wryte I vnto the, trusting to come shortely vnto the:
15 but and yf I tarye longe, that then thou mayeste yet haue knowledge howe thou oughtest to behaue thy selfe in the housse of God, whiche is the congregacyon of the lyuynge God, the pyllar & ground of trueth.
2 Timothy 2:2
2 And what thynges thou hast hearde of me, manye bearyng wytnes, the same delyuer to faythfull men, whiche are apte to teache other.
Titus 1:5
5 For thys cause left I the in Crete, that thou shouldest performe that whiche was lackynge, and shouldest ordeyne elders in euery cytye as I appoynted the.
Hebrews 9:4
4 whiche had the golden senser, and the arcke of the testament ouerlayde roundabout wyth gold, wherein was the golden pot with manna, and Aarons rodde that sprong, and the tables of the testament.