12 And when it was told Kynge Dauid howe that the Lorde had blessed the house of Obed Edom and all that pertayned vnto hym, because of the arck of God he went and brought the arcke of God from the house of Obed Edom vnto the cytye of Dauid wyth gladnes.
13 And euer when they that bare the arcke of the Lorde, had gone sixe passes, he offered an oxe and a fat shepe.
14 And Dauid daunsed before the Lorde wyth all hys myght in a lynnen Ephod gyrde vnto hym.
15 And Dauid & all the house of Israel brought the arcke of the Lorde wyth shoutyng & trompet blowyng.
16 And as the arcke of the Lorde came into the cytye of Dauid, Michol Sauls doughter loked thorowe a wyndowe, and saw Kynge Dauid spryng and daunse before the Lord, & therfore dyspysed hym in her hert.
17 And when they had brought in the arcke of the Lorde, & had set it euen in hys place, euen in the tabernacle that Dauid had prepared for it: Dauid offered burntofferynges and peaceofferynges before the Lorde,
18 and as sone as Dauid had made an ende of offeryng burnteofferynges and peaceofferynges he blessed the people in the name of the Lorde of Hostes,
19 & gaue amonge all the folcke, euen amonge the hole multytude of Israel, as well to the wemen as men euerye one a cake of bread, and a pece of fleshe and a flacket of wyne. And so the people departed euerye man to hys house.
20 Then Dauid returned to salute hys housholde. And Michol the doughter of Saul came out agaynst hym, and sayde: Oh how gloryous was the kynge of Israel to day, which strypte hym selfe to daye before the eyes of the maydens of hys seruauntes, as a lyght brayned felowe is wont to strype hymselfe.
21 But Dauid sayd agayne to Michol, I wyll make sporte before the Lorde which chose me before thy father & before all hys kynne, commaundynge me to be ruler ouer al hys people Israel.
22 And I wylbe yet more vyle then so, & wyl be meke in myne owne syght: and shal for all that of the very same maydeseruauntes which thou speakest of, be had in honoure.
23 But the sayd Michol doughter to Saule had no chyld vnto the daye of her death.