Hebrews 10:26 Cross References - LITV

26 For if we are willfully sinning after receiving the full knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice concerning sins,

Leviticus 4:2

2 Speak to the sons of Israel saying, When a person sins against any of the commands of Jehovah through ignorance, which is not to be done, and shall do any one of them;

Leviticus 4:13

13 And if the whole company of Israel shall err, and the thing has been hidden from the eyes of the assembly, and they do that which is not to be done to any of all the commands of Jehovah, and are guilty;

Numbers 15:28-31

28 And the priest shall atone for the soul that errs when he sins through error, before Jehovah, to atone for him. And he shall be forgiven, 29 both the homeborn among the sons of Israel, and the alien that lives among them; one law shall be to you for him who acts in error. 30 And the soul that does anything with a high hand, whether of a homeborn or of the alien, the same blasphemes Jehovah. And that person shall be cut off from the midst of his people. 31 For he has despised the word of Jehovah and has broken His command; that soul shall utterly be cut off; his iniquity shall be on him.

Deuteronomy 17:12

12 And the man who acts with pride so as not to listen to the priest who is standing to serve Jehovah your God there, or to the judge, even that man shall die; and you shall put away evil from Israel.

Psalms 19:12-13

12 Who can discern errors? Acquit me from secret faults, 13 also withhold Your servant from arrogant sins; do not let them rule over me; then I shall be upright, and shall be innocent from great transgression.

Daniel 5:22-23

22 And you, his son, O Belshazzar, have not bowed your heart, though you knew all this. 23 But you have lifted yourself up against the Lord of Heaven. And they have brought the vessels of His house before you. And you, and your nobles, your wives, and your concubines have drunk wine from them. And you have praised the gods of silver, and gold, bronze, iron, wood, and stone, which do not see, nor hear, and do not know. And you have not glorified the God in whose hand your life breath and all your ways is .

Matthew 12:31-32

31 Because of this, I say to you, Every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven to men, but the blasphemy concerning the Spirit shall not be forgiven to men. 32 And whoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him. But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, not in this age nor in the coming one .

Matthew 12:43-45

43 But when the unclean spirit goes from a man, he goes through dry places seeking rest and does not find it . 44 Then he says, I will return to my house from which I came out. And coming, he finds it standing empty, swept and decorated. 45 Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and entering dwells there. And the last things of that man become worse than the first. So it will be also to this evil generation.

Luke 12:47

47 But that slave knowing the will of his Lord, and not preparing, nor doing according to His will, will be beaten with many stripes .

John 9:41

41 Jesus said to them, If you were blind, you would have no sin. But now you say, We see; therefore, your sin remains.

John 13:17

17 If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.

John 15:22-24

22 If I had not come and had not spoken to them, they had no sin. But now they do not have excuse as to their sin. 23 The one hating Me also hates My Father. 24 If I did not do the works among them which no other did, they had no sin. But now they both have seen and also have hated Me and My Father.

2 Thessalonians 2:10

10 and in all deceit of unrighteousness in those being lost, because they did not receive the love of the truth in order for them to be saved.

1 Timothy 1:13

13 the one who before was a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and insolent; but I received mercy, because being ignorant I did it in unbelief.

Hebrews 6:4-6

4 For it is impossible for those being once enlightened, and having tasted of the heavenly gift, and becoming sharers of the Holy Spirit, 5 and tasting the good Word of God, and the works of power of a coming age, 6 then falling away, it is impossible for them again to renew to repentance, crucifying again for themselves the Son of God, and putting Him to open shame.

James 4:17

17 Therefore, to anyone knowing to do good, and not doing it, it is sin to him.

2 Peter 2:20-22

20 For if by a full knowledge of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, they have escaped the defilements of the world, and again being entangled they have been overcome by these, then their last things have become worse than the first. 21 For it was better for them not to have fully known the way of righteousness, than fully knowing to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. 22 But the word of the true proverb has happened to them: " The dog turning to his own vomit;" also, the washed sow to wallowing in mud. Prov. 26:11

1 John 5:16

16 If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin not unto death, he shall ask; and He shall give life to him, to the ones not sinning unto death. There is a sin unto death. I do not say that he should ask about that.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.