Romans 11:36 Cross References - JMNT

36 Because, forth from out of the midst of Him, then through the midst of Him (or: through means of Him), and [finally] into the midst of Him, [is; will be] the whole (everything; [are] all things; or: = Because He is the source, means and goal/destiny of all things – everything leads into Him)! By Him (In Him; To Him; For Him; With Him) [is] the glory (the manifestation of that which calls forth praise; the reputation; the notion; the opinion; the imagination; the credit; the splendor) on into the ages. It is so (Amen; So be it; Count on it)!

Matthew 6:13

13 Also, may You not bring (or: carry) us into an ordeal or a putting to the proof – neither by trial, nor by temptation, nor by examination. But to the contrary, rescue us away from the bad situation (the wicked person; the miserable condition; the painful labor; the unprofitable endeavor; the malicious man). [later MSS add: because Yours is the reign (kingdom) and the ability (power) and the manifestation which calls forth praise (the reputation; the glory), on into the ages. It is true (Make it so; Amen).]'

Luke 2:14

14 " [This is] a reputation for God, in the highest places! (or: Glory to God, in the midst of the highest [realms]; or: [It is] a manifestation which call forth praise to God, among the highest [peoples]; or: An appearance and a manifestation by God, within the midst of a most elevated location; or: A notion and an imagination within [the] highest places in God); and upon earth – among humanity (or: within mankind; in union with people) – a peace and harmony having the qualities and characteristics of well-thinking and goodwill (or: [= shalom] whose source is good opinions and imaginations of well-being; or: peace which is a manifestation and a reputation of good and ease; or: a peace which belongs to good pleasure; peace from a disposition of goodness)!"

Luke 19:38

38 repeatedly and one after another saying, "Having been spoken well of and blessed [is] the One presently and progressively coming in [the authority of] and in union with the Name of [the] Lord [= Yahweh]: the King! [Ps. 118:26] Peace and shalom within the midst of heaven (or: in [the] atmosphere), and a manifestation which calls forth praise (or: glory and a good reputation) in union with the highest places, and in [the authority of the] highest Ones!"

Acts 17:25-26

25 "Neither is He continuously provided for, attended or habitually served by human hands – as constantly being in want, or having a need of something – He Himself being the One constantly giving to all people (or: all things) life and breath and all things (or: everything; the whole [universe])! 26 "Besides this, He made (formed; or: constructs; or: produced) from out of one [man, or, source; D and other MSS add: blood] every ethnic group of mankind, to continue dwelling (or: to be repeatedly residing) upon all [the] face of the earth (or: land) – while setting a boundary for (or: defining; determining; specifying) [the] seasons and fitting situations (or: fertile moments and opportunities) which have been set and arranged with [predetermined] aspects (or: facing toward [specific purposes]), as well as [the] limits and bounds of their dwelling place (residence; habitat) –

Acts 17:28

28 "For you see, within the midst of and in union with Him we continuously live (or, as a subjunctive: could be constantly living), and are constantly moved about and put into motion, and continue existing (experiencing Being). Even as certain of the poets down among you people have said, 'You see, we are also a family of the One (or: we even continuously exist being a race whose source is the One; or: we also are His species and offspring; we are even a family which is composed of the One and which is the One).'

Romans 16:27

27 by God (or: with God; in God), alone wise, through Jesus Christ, in Whom [is] the glory (by Whom [is] the reputation) on into the ages of the ages. It is so (Count on it; Amen)! [Written circa A.D. 57 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]

1 Corinthians 8:6

6 to the contrary, to us (or: for us; with us) [there is] one God, the Father, from out of the midst of Whom [is] the whole (or: [are] all things) – and we [directed and proceeding] into Him – even one Lord (or: as well as one Owner and Master), Jesus Christ: through Whom [is] the whole (or: [are] all things) – and we through means of and through the midst of Him!

1 Corinthians 11:12

12 For you see, just as the woman [was] forth from out of the midst of the adult male, in the same manner, the adult male [is] through the woman – yet all things [are] (or: the whole [is]) forth from out of the midst of God.

Galatians 1:5

5 in Whom [is] the glory (or: by Whom [is] the manifestation which calls forth praise; for Whom [is] the reputation; with Whom [comes] an appearance which creates and effects opinions in regard to the whole of human experience) on into the indefinite times of the ages (or: into the [crowning and most significant] eons of the eons). It is so! (Count on it; Amen!)

Ephesians 3:21

21 y Him (to Him; for Him; in Him; with Him) [is] the glory (the manifestation which calls forth praise) within the called-out community (the summoned-forth congregation) as well as within Christ Jesus: unto (or: [proceeding] into) all the generations (births; progenies) of the Age of the ages (= the most significant, or crowning, Age of all the ages)! Make it so (or: Amen)!

Ephesians 4:6-10

6 one God and Father of all humans the One upon all people and moving through all people, and within the midst of all humanity and in union with all people and all things. 7 Butto each one of us was given (or: Now in each one of us is imparted and supplied) the grace and favor down from, in accord with and to the level of (or: commensurate to) the measure of the undeserved gift of the Christ (or: the gratuity whose source is the Anointed One; or: the free gift which is the Anointing; or: the gift from the [Messiah]). 8 For this reason He (or: it) is constantly saying, "Going up (or: Stepping up; Ascending) into a height (unto [the] summit) He led (or: leads) captive a captive multitude (or: He led 'captivity' captive). He gave (or: gives) gifts to mankind (or: to, for and in humanity)." [Ps. 68:18] 9 Now (or: Yet) this "He went up (ascended),"what is it if not (or: except) that He also [first] descended (stepped down) into the lower parts (or: the under regions) of the earth (or: land)? 10 The One stepping down (descending) is Himself also the One stepping up (ascending) far above (back up over) all of the heavens (or: atmospheres; skies), to the end that He would at once fill the Whole (permeate and saturate everything; or: make all things full; bring all things to full measure and completion).

Philippians 4:20

20 Now in our God and Father [is] the glory (or: Now for our God and Father [is] the reputation; Yet by our God and Father [is] the manifestation which calls forth praise; So to our God and Father [is] the good opinion; But with our God and Father [is] the imagination) on into the indefinite and unseen time periods of the ages! Count on it, for it is so!

Colossians 1:15-17

15 It is [this Son] Who is the Image (portrait; the Exact Formed Likeness; the Figure and Representation; visible likeness and manifestation) of the not-seen God (or: the unable to be seen God; the invisible God), the Firstborn of all creation (or: of every creature; or: of every framing and founding; of every act of settling from a state of disorder and wildness; or: pertaining to the whole creation; or: = the Inheritor of all creation Who will also assume authority over and responsibility for every creature [note: this is the duty of the firstborn]), 16 because within Him was created the whole (or: in union with Him everything is founded and settled, is built and planted, is brought into being, is produced and established; or: within the midst of Him all things were brought from chaos into order) – the things within the skies and atmospheres, and the things upon the earth (or: those [situations, conditions and/or people] in the heavens and on the land); the visible things, and the unseen (or: unable to be seen; invisible) things: whether thrones (seats of power) or lordships (ownership systems) or governments (rulers; leadership systems; sovereignties) or authorities – the whole has been created and all things continue founded, put in order and stand framed through means of Him, and [proceeds, or were placed] into Him (or: = He is the agent and goal of all creation). 17 And He is before (prior to; or: maintains precedence of) all things and all people, and the whole has (or: all things have) been placed together and now continues to jointly-stand (stands cohesively; is made to have a co-standing) within the midst of and in union with Him,

1 Timothy 1:17

17 So, to [the] King of The Ages (or: eons; indefinite time periods), to [the] incorruptible (undecayable; unspoilable), invisible (unseen; not-able-to be seen) One, to [the] only God [some MSS add: wise; so: only wise God], [be] honor (value; worth) and glory (reputation which calls forth praise), on into the ages (or: indefinite time periods) of the ages. It is so (Amen)! (or: Now in and by the King to Whom belongs the ages – in and by the imperishable, invisible [and] only One – in and by God [is] honor and glory, [leading] into the [most important] eons of the eons. So it is!)

1 Timothy 6:16

16 the Only One continuously holding and having possession of immortality (the absence or privation of death; deathlessness), the One continuously making inaccessible (or: unapproachable) light His home (or: dwelling), Whom not one of mankind sees, saw or perceived, nor is able or has power to see or perceive, in Whom [is] honor (value; worth), and eonian strength (might having the qualities and characteristics of the Age; strength enduring through and pertaining to the eons). It is so (Amen)!

2 Timothy 4:18

18 The Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] will continue dragging (or: drawing) me away from every harmful act (malicious or evil work) and will continue delivering me into the midst of the reign and kingdom – the one [having dominion] upon the heavens (or: into the realm of His activities and way of doing things: the one [exercising authority] upon, and which can be compared to, the atmosphere) – which is from Him and belongs to Him, in Whom [is] the glory (or: for Whom [is] the reputation; by Whom [is] the manifestation of that which calls forth praise; to Whom [is] the good opinion), on into the ages of the ages (or: into the principle ages which consummate all the ages; into the obscure time periods of the ages). It is so! (Amen)

Hebrews 2:10

10 You see, it was fitting for Him – on account of Whom [is] the collective whole ([are] all things that exist) and through Whom [is] the collective whole ([are] all things that exist) – in, when and by leading many sons [note: a figure for all humanity] into glory (a good reputation), to finish and perfect the Leader who first walked the Path of their deliverance (to bring to a complete state the Originator and Chief Agent of their rescue; to script the final scene for the Chief Conveyor of their restoration; to bring the Pioneering Bringer of their salvation to the destined goal) through the effects of sufferings and results of experiences [note, pascho means: to be affected by something - either good or bad; to feel, have sense experiences; thus, also: to suffer or undergo passion].

Hebrews 13:21

21 at once render you folks thoroughly equipped (fitted; adapted) in the midst of all good and in every virtue, immersed in, and in union with, the blood of a thorough arrangement (or: a covenant; a deposit which moves throughout in every direction; a placing through the midst; or: a will and testament) pertaining to and having the qualities of the Age (or: an eonian – through the ages – settlement), in order to at once do (produce; perform) His will (the effect of His intent and purpose; the result of His design and pleasure) – progressively creating (doing; forming; producing) within you folks and in union with you people [other MSS: in us] the well-pleasing and satisfying [result] in His presence and sight, through Jesus Christ, in Whom (and: for Whom, by Whom, and to Whom) [is] the glory (the reputation and the manifestation which calls forth praise) on into the ages of the ages. It is so (Count on it; Amen)!

1 Peter 4:11

11 If anyone is normally speaking, [let it be] as God's little words (= inspired sayings, messages, thoughts and ideas); if anyone is habitually providing attending service and dispensing, [let it be] as out of [the] strength which God is continually supplying (furnishing; providing), to the end that, in union with all people (and: within all things), God may be constantly glorified (may habitually receive a good reputation) through Jesus Christ, in Whom (by Whom; for Whom; to Whom; with Whom) is (or: exists) the glory (the manifestation of that which calls forth praise; the good reputation) and the strength (the might), on into the ages of the ages (or: into the indefinite time periods of the ages; into the superlative times of the eons).

1 Peter 5:11

11 the strength (or: might) [to do these things is] in Him and by Him, on into the ages. It is so (Count on it)! [other MSS: the glory and the strength {is} in Him, on into the superlative times of the ages (or: the ages of the ages)]

2 Peter 3:18

18 So be continually growing and increasing within grace and in union with favor, as well as [in] intimate, experiential knowledge and insight of (or: the source of which is) our Lord (Owner; Master) and Savior (or: Deliverer; Rescuer; Restorer to health and wholeness), Jesus Christ (or: Anointed Jesus; = Jesus the Messiah). By Him (or: To Him; For Him; In Him) [is] the glory (the manifestation which calls forth praise) both now and on into a Day that lasts for an indefinite period of time, and which is [the] Age (or: unto a day whose character and quality is [the] Age; or: into the midst of a day whose source is [the] Age [of the Messiah]; or: to a day which belongs to [the] Age; into a Day which is an age). It is so (or: Count on it; Amen)! [written circa A.D. 61-62 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]

Jude 1:25

25 By the only God (or: To God alone; In God alone), our Deliverer (Rescuer; Safe-keeper; Savior; Restorer) – through Jesus Christ our Lord (Master; Owner) [is] glory (or: a manifestation of that which calls forth praise; a good reputation), greatness, strength, and authority (right and privilege from out of Being) both now and on into all the ages (eons; indefinite periods of time)! Amen (It is so; Count on it). [written circa A.D. 60-62 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]

Revelation 1:5-6

5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful Witness (or: reliable Evidence; loyal Martyr), the First-born of (or: pertaining to; from among; or: belonging to) the dead folks: even the Ruler (or: Prince; Leader, Beginner; Originator) of the kings of the earth – by (or: in) the One continuously loving us by loosing [other MSS: washing] us from [other MSS: out of] our failures and deviations (or: sins; errors; situations and results of where we missed the target or fell short of the goal) within His blood (or: in union with the blood which is Him), 6 and made (formed; created; produced) us [to be] a kingdom (or: sovereign reign; [other MSS: constructed of us a kingdom which brings sovereign influence]): priests in (or: by; for; with) His God and Father. In Him [is] the Glory (or: For Him [is] the good reputation; By Him [is] the manifestation of that which calls forth praise; With Him [is] the appearance which affects the opinion of the whole of human experience) and the Strength (or: Might), on into the ages! It is so (Count on it; Amen).

Revelation 4:10-11

10 the twenty-four elders (or: older people) will repeatedly fall before the One continuously sitting upon the throne, and will continue worshiping (kissing toward) the One continuously living on into the ages of the ages, and they will proceed casting their wreaths (symbols of victory or celebration) before the throne, repeatedly saying, 11 "You are constantly worthy (or: of equal value), our Lord [= Yahweh] and God, to receive (or: take) the glory (or: the reputation; ‘the opinion which is based on the whole of human experience’ – Paul Tillich), and the honor, and the power, because You create all things (or: You brought the whole from chaos, disorder and wildness to framed and founded order), and because of Your will, intent and purpose, they were and continued being, and they are (or: were) framed and created."

Revelation 5:12-14

12 repeatedly saying with a great voice, "The little Lamb, the One having been slaughtered, is worthy (of value) to take (receive) the power and ability, as well as wealth and riches, and wisdom and strength and honor and glory (or: reputation) and blessing." 13 And all creation (or: every creature) which exists within the sky (or: atmosphere; heaven), and on the earth, even down under the earth (or: ground; soil), as well as which is upon the sea – even all things (the whole; everything) within them – I heard repeatedly saying, "The blessing and the honor and the glory (good reputation) and the strength (might) [are] in (by; for; to; with) the One continuously sitting upon the throne, and in (by; to; for) the little Lamb, on into the ages of the ages." 14 And then the four living ones say (or: said), "It is so (Amen)!" And the elders fall (or: the older people fell [forward]) and worship (or: worshiped; kissed the hand toward [the throne] and paid homage).

Revelation 7:10

10 And they are uttering a cry (or: are exclaiming) with a great (= loud) voice, repeatedly saying, "The deliverance (Wholeness and health; The salvation) [is] by our God (in our God) – by (or: in) the One continuously sitting upon the throne, even (or: and) by (or: in) the little Lamb!"

Revelation 19:1

1 After these things I heard – as it were a great voice of a large crowd – folks in the atmosphere (or: heaven) repeatedly saying, "Hallelujah (Praise Yahweh)!: the Deliverance (Salvation) and the Glory and the Power of, from and which is our God!

Revelation 19:6-7

6 Next I heard as a voice of a large crowd, and as a sound of many waters, even as a sound of strong thunders saying, "Praise Yahweh (Hallelujah)! Because the Lord [= Yahweh] our God, the Almighty, reigns! 7 "We should (or: may) continually rejoice (be glad; be full of joy), and we should continually celebrate (exult), and we should [other MSS: we will continue to] give the glory to Him, because the wedding (marriage festival) of the little Lamb came (or: comes) and His Wife made (or: makes) herself ready (prepares herself)."

Revelation 21:6

6 Then He said to me, "They have come into being (been born; come to be) and stand accomplished (are produced) [Concordant Gr. Text reads, with Sinaiticus: I have become (been born)!; Griesbach reads gegone: It has been done; Rotherham simply says: Accomplished; Barclay, Young, Beck, NASB, NKJV, Amplified all read w/Griesbach; Weymouth, Williams, Wuest, Robertson & Vincent read w/the Nestle-Aland & Metzger Text, gegonan (3rd. per. pl.)]! I am the Alpha and the Omega: The Beginning (Origin; Source; Headship; First Principle) and The End (The Goal; Consummation; The Finished Product; The Destiny; The Purpose). "To him who is continuously thirsty, I will continue giving from out of the spring (or: fountain) of the Water of the Life, as an undeserved (free) gift (or: I will freely continue giving...).

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