1 Next I saw another sign in the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven) – great and wonderful (marvelous): seven agents continuously holding the last seven plagues (smitings, strokes), because within them God’s strong passion (or: fury; wrath) is (or: was) brought to its goal (has been brought to its purpose; is completed; is finished, was ended; has accomplished its destiny).
Revelation 15:1 Cross References - JMNT
Matthew 13:41-42
41 "The Son of the Man will progressively send off His agents (messengers; folks with the message) as emissaries, and they will continue gathering together out of His kingdom (collect and cull out of His reign) all the snares and things which entrap, as well as the folks habitually producing (or: doing; constructing; practicing; creating) the lawlessness.
42 "Next they will continue throwing them into the furnace (oven; kiln) of The Fire [note: a figure of being dealt with in, and by, God]: 'the weeping (crying and lamentation) and the grinding of teeth' will continue being in that situation (or: place).
Matthew 13:49-50
49 "It will be the same way within the destined conclusion (the combined final act; the joining of all parts and aspects to one purposed end and goal) of the (or: = this) age: the agents (messengers) will be constantly going forth and will be progressively marking off boundaries for (limiting off, thus separating) the worthless and disadvantageous folks or circumstances (those people or situations who/which bring pain and misery through hard works; the wicked people or evil conditions) from out of the midst of the fair and equitable folks or situations (those having been placed within the Way of right relationships, rightwised behavior and justice)
50 "and then will continue casting them into the furnace (oven; kiln) of The Fire [= God's dealings]: the weeping (crying and lamentation) and the grinding of teeth' will continue being in that situation or place.
Revelation 8:2
2 Next I saw the seven agents (or: messengers; or: folks with a message) – the folks having stood and now standing before (in the presence and sight of) God. And seven trumpets (or: = shofars; rams horns) were given to them.
Revelation 8:6
6 Next the seven agents (or: messengers) – the folks holding the seven trumpets – prepared themselves (made themselves ready), so that they may sound the trumpets.
Revelation 8:13
13 Next I saw and heard one vulture (or: eagle), constantly flying within mid-heaven, repeatedly saying by a great voice, "Woe (or: Tragic will be the fate)! Woe (or: Alas)! Woe (or: Tragedy)! for those (or: to or in the folks) constantly dwelling upon the Land (or: soil; earth), from out of the midst of the remaining sounds (voices) of the trumpets of the three agents who are about to be one after another sounding a trumpet!"
Revelation 10:3
3 Then He uttered a cry with (or: by) a great Voice, even as a Lion is roaring. And when He uttered a cry (or: cried out), the Seven Thunders uttered their own voices.
Revelation 11:14
14 The second woe departed (or: tragedy went away). Consider! The third woe is progressively coming swiftly.
Revelation 12:1-3
1 Next a great sign was seen within the atmosphere (or: sky; or: heaven): a Woman having been clothed (cast around) with the sun, and the moon down under her feet, and a wreath of twelve stars upon her head.
2 And being pregnant (continuously having or holding within the womb), she is constantly crying (or: repeatedly uttering a cry), travailing with birth-pangs, and being progressively tested and tried in the labor pains (or: experiencing the touchstone) to bring forth (= to bear a child).
3 Then another sign was seen within the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven): and consider this!, a great fiery-colored dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven bands (diadems; kingly ornaments) upon its seven heads.
Revelation 14:10
10 "he or she will also proceed drinking out of the wine of God's rushing emotion (strong passion; anger) – of the one having been mixed undiluted within the cup of His inherent fervor (natural bent; impulse; indignation; wrath). And he will proceed being examined (scrutinized with the touchstone to test his "mettle") within Fire and Deity (or: in union with Fire, even Divine qualities) in the presence of (before; in the sight of) the set-apart agents, and in the presence of (before) the little Lamb."
Revelation 14:19
19 And so the agent cast (or: thrusts) his sickle into the Land (or: earth), and picks (gathers) the vineyard of the Land and he casts [it; them] into the great wine-press (trough; tub) of God's strong passion (rushing emotion; or: anger).
Revelation 15:6-7
6 and the seven agents – those continuously holding the seven plagues (smitings) – came out of the Temple, being clothed with bright, clean (unsoiled, pure) linen [other MSS: liqon, stone], and having been bound with a girdle around the breasts [with] golden girdles.
7 Then one out of the four living ones gave (or: gives) to the seven agents seven golden bowls (or: shallow cups) continuously brimming (being full) of the strong passion (rushing emotion; or: fury; anger) of the God Who is continuously living on into the ages of the ages (or: from God, the One continuously living [and proceeding] into the [most significant] eons of [all of] the eons).
Revelation 16:1-17:1
1 And I heard a great Voice out of the Temple, saying to the seven agents, "You must go (depart) and you must pour out the seven bowls (shallow cups) of God’s strong passion (fury; rushing emotion; anger) into the Land (or: earth)."
Revelation 17:1-1
1 Next one of the seven agents – the ones holding the seven bowls – came and spoke with me, saying, "Come here! I will show (point out to) you the effect of the judgment (the result of the administering of justice; the effect of the judicial decision and equitable sentence) of the Great Prostitute – the one continuously sitting upon the many waters,
Revelation 19:15
15 Also, a sharp two-edged broadsword repeatedly goes out (issues forth; proceeds) from His mouth, to the end that in it He may smite (or: strike) the multitudes (nations; ethnic groups). And He will continue shepherding them with an iron staff. Furthermore He is continually treading, [as on a path], (or: trampling) the tub (the wine vat) of the wine of the strong passion of the internal swelling fervor (natural impulse; mental bent; personal emotion; or: indignation; wrath) of the All-Strong (Almighty) God.
Revelation 21:9
9 And one of the seven agents – the ones holding (having) the seven shallow bowls: the ones being continuously full of (or: brimming with) the seven plagues – came and spoke with me, saying, "Come here! I will proceed in showing you the Bride, the Wife of the little Lamb."