John 10:1 Cross References - JMNT

1 [continuing the above discussion] "I tell you folks it is certainly true (amen, amen; count on it): the person not habitually entering in through door (or: gate; opening for entrance/exit) into the sheepfold (the walled-in pen for the sheep), but rather repeatedly climbing up elsewhere (or: stepping back over [the wall] from another place), that one exists being a thief and a plunderer (one who seizes by violence; or: an insurrectionist; a brigand).

Matthew 7:15

15 "Constantly apply yourselves to holding off the false prophets – whatsoever ones that are habitually coming to you folks in clothing belonging to sheep (= disguised as sheep; pretending to have the covering or appearance of sheep), yet inside they are ravenous, savage wolves.

Matthew 23:16-28

16 "It will be a tragic fate for you, blind guides of the way and leaders on the path, folks who are constantly saying, 'Whoever should lay hold of a sacred object in the Temple (or: swear within, or in union with, the Temple), it is nothing (= it does not matter). Yet whoever should lay hold of the gold of the Temple, as a sacred object (or: swear an oath pertaining to a connection with the gold of the Temple), he continues indebted and is owing [it].' 17 "[You are] senseless morons (stupid folks), as well as blind ones! For which is greater: the gold, or the Temple which is setting apart and consecrating the gold? 18 "Further, [you say], 'Whoever grabs hold of the altar as a sacred object (or: Whoever may swear an oath in connection with the altar), it means nothing. Yet, whoever should lay hold of the gift (or: may swear an oath in connection with the offering) which is on top of it, he continues indebted and is owing [it].' 19 "Senseless morons and blind ones! You see, which one [is] more important (greater): the gift (offering), or the altar which is constantly setting the gift (the offering) apart and consecrating [it]? 20 "Therefore, the person laying hold of the altar for a religious purpose (or: swearing an oath in conjunction with the altar), continues holding onto it (or: swearing in relation to it) as well as in union with all the things which are on top of it. 21 "Also, the person holding onto something in the Temple, or swearing in union with it, continues to hold onto it – or swearing in its midst – and also to, and in union with, the one making His home down in (dwelling in; inhabiting) it. 22 "Further, the one taking hold of something within heaven (or: in union with the atmosphere, sky or outer space), or swearing in its midst, continues to hold onto, and is swearing in the presence of, God's throne, as well as the One constantly sitting on top of it. [comment: the term heaven refers figuratively to the Temple; the ark was "God's throne"] 23 "O the tragic fate by (or: for; with) you folks – scholars, theologians and experts in the Scriptures and [the] Pharisees – [you] under-discerning folks who live by close inspection of minor details [see 6:3, above]: [it is] that you habitually give away a tenth (or: tithe back) from the mint and the dill and the cummin, and yet you abandon and let flow away the weightier (= more important) matters of the Law [= Torah]: the justice (equity; fairly evaluated decisions), the mercy, and the trust (the faith; the faithfulness and the fidelity; the reliance and the reliability; the confidence). Now these things it continued being binding and necessary [for you] to do and perform – and not to abandon (send away; set aside) those things! 24 "Blind 'guides and leaders' of the way: constantly filtering and straining [out] the gnat, yet habitually gulping (drinking; swallowing) down a camel! 25 "How tragic is the fate in you people – scribes (scholars, etc.) and Pharisees: overly-critical interpreters [see 6:2, above]! For you folks are habitually cleansing the outside of the cup and of the fine side dish – yet inside they continuously contain a full load from snatching (plunder; pillage; = the fruits of forceful greed) and lack of strength (or: self-indulgence). 26 "Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and of the fine side dish – so that its outside can also come to be (be birthed) clean! 27 "Tragic will be the fate of you Law scholars and Pharisees – you who recite a front of your own opinions and answers (or: overly-critical folks; [see 6:2, above])! [It will be] because you continue closely resembling whitewashed (i.e., smeared or plastered with lime) tombs (sepulchers; grave sites), which indeed, from outside, continue being made to appear in the prime of beauty, for a time – yet inside they contain a full load of bones of dead folks, as well as every uncleanness. 28 "In this way you, yourselves, also on the one hand are continually made to outwardly appear to people [to be] just (fair, righteous, in right relationships, and in accord with the way pointed out) – yet inside you continuously exist being men glutted and distended, full of opinionated answers (or: perverse detail-oriented scholarship; hyper-criticism and judgmentalism; well-sifted wicked interpretations) and lawlessness (= practice which is contrary to the Law [Torah]).

John 3:3

3 Jesus considered, and replies to him, saying, "Certainly it is so, I am saying (= I now point out) to you, unless anyone (or: someone) may be born back up again to a higher place (or: can be brought to birth again; or: would be given birth from above), he continues having no power (or: he is continuously unable) to see or perceive God’s reign, sovereign influence/activity, or kingdom."

John 10:8-10

8 "All – as many as came – before Me are thieves and plunderers (those who seize by violence; brigands; insurrectionists), but yet the sheep did not listen to (or: hear, pay attention or [obey]) them. 9 "I Myself am the Door (or: Gate; Entrance); if anyone should enter in through Me he will be constantly kept safe and protected (made whole and returned to his original condition; rescued; delivered; saved), and he will be habitually going in (entering) and going out (exiting), and he will continue finding pasture (something to feed on). 10 "The thief does not constantly come, except to the end that he may steal, slaughter (slay for food – as for a feast – or, for a sacrifice) and destroy (utterly loose away). I Myself come so that they can progressively possess (would continuously have; could habitually hold) Life, and may continue possessing [it] in superabundance (or: and may have a surplus surrounding them in excessive amounts).

Romans 10:15

15 Yet how can they publicly proclaim unless they may be sent forth as representative with a mission (or: as emissaries)? Just as it has been and stands written, "How timely and seasonable [are] the feet of the folks continually bringing and announcing goodness (or: the good news of ease and well-being): the good and excellent things!" [Isa. 52:7]

Romans 16:18

18 for such folks are not habitually performing as slaves for our Lord Christ, but rather for their own belly (cavity; bowels or stomach; = appetite), and through the useful smooth talk (profitable words) and complimentary speech (blessings!) they continuously deceive (mislead; seduce) the hearts of the folks without malice (those with no bad qualities; blameless and innocent ones).

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

13 For such folks [are] false emissaries (pseudo-representatives) – fraudulent and deceitful workers – constantly changing their outward fashion and transforming themselves into emissaries of Christ (representatives of [the] Anointed One). 14 And no wonder ([it is] no marvel or cause for astonishment), for the adversary (opponent; satan) itself is repeatedly changing its form and outward fashion (transforming itself) into a messenger of light (or, as a passive: is from time to time being transformed and changed in its outward expression into an agent from [the] Light). 15 Therefore, [it is] no great thing if its attending servants and dispensers also repeatedly change their form and outward fashion (or: are habitually transformed) as attending servants of fairness and equity (dispensers of the way pointed out; = ministers of the covenant) – whose finish (or: end in view; finished product; attained goal; consummation; accomplished end) will proceed in being in accord with, along the line of, to the level of and corresponding to their works and actions (or: = their outcome will constantly be what they reap from their deeds).

Ephesians 4:8-12

8 For this reason He (or: it) is constantly saying, "Going up (or: Stepping up; Ascending) into a height (unto [the] summit) He led (or: leads) captive a captive multitude (or: He led 'captivity' captive). He gave (or: gives) gifts to mankind (or: to, for and in humanity)." [Ps. 68:18] 9 Now (or: Yet) this "He went up (ascended),"what is it if not (or: except) that He also [first] descended (stepped down) into the lower parts (or: the under regions) of the earth (or: land)? 10 The One stepping down (descending) is Himself also the One stepping up (ascending) far above (back up over) all of the heavens (or: atmospheres; skies), to the end that He would at once fill the Whole (permeate and saturate everything; or: make all things full; bring all things to full measure and completion). 11 And He Himself at one point gave (or: gives; [p46: has given and it now exists as a gift]), on the one hand (or: indeed), the folks sent off with a commission (the emissaries; the representatives), yet also those who have light ahead of time andspeak it before others (the prophets), and on the other hand those who announce goodness and well-being and bring good news, and then the shepherds, and finally teachers (or: the shepherds-and-instructors), 12 facing and with a viewtoward the bringing down of the fresh and timely, for the preparation (mending; knitting together; adjusting; fitting; repairing; perfectly adjusting adaptation; equipping; completely furnishing) of the set-apart folks (the saints; the holy ones) untoa work (or: into an action; into the midst of a deed or task) of attending service, [leading] unto (or: into) construction (house-building) of the body which is the Christ (or: whose source, character and quality is from the Anointed One; or: the body formed by the Anointing),

Titus 1:11

11 who it continues necessary to repeatedly muzzle (gag; put something upon their mouth; or: reign them in), who are habitually turning-back whole households [i.e., into the Law cultus of Judaism] (or: = constantly upsetting entire families), repeatedly teaching things which it is binding to not [teach]: a “grace” of ugly (deformed; disgraceful) profit, gain or advantage!

Hebrews 5:4

4 And no one takes the honor (value; worth) to himself, but rather [is] one being called (summoned; invited) by God, just as Aaron, also, [was].

1 Peter 1:10

10 Concerning (or: Round about) which deliverance (health and wholeness; rescue; salvation) [the] prophets, carefully scrutinizing, sought out and then diligently searched out the [Scriptures] prophesying concerning (or: about) the grace and favor [directed and coming] into you folks,

2 Peter 2:1

1 Yet false prophets also birthed themselves (or: Now of themselves folks who pretended to have light ahead of time, or who had false knowledge and spoke before folks, came to be) among the People – as also false teachers will continue existing (or: being) among you folks, ones who will proceed to stealthily introduce (or: will continue bringing in alongside or smuggling in) destructive choices (or: destructive sects or schools; heresies marked by, and which pertain to, loss or destruction) even repeatedly denying (disowning; disclaiming) the Sovereign Owner (or: Absolute Master) having purchased them (or: buying them at the gathering, or market, place), continuously bringing swift loss, ruin or destruction upon themselves.

2 Peter 2:3

3 and in greed (desire to take advantage in order to have more), by formed (molded; fabricated, and thus, counterfeit) words, they will constantly exploit you (use you for business; market you; use you in trade and travel by sea), to whom (or: for which folks) the sentence (or: the result of the evaluation; the effect of a separating process) [coming] from long ago (or: out of old times; forth from old) is not continuing inactive (is not constantly unemployed; is not remaining idle), and their loss (or: destruction) is not nodding in sleep or taking a nap.

2 Peter 2:14-19

14 people always having bulging eyes very full of an adulteress (= for nothing but adultery), and being unceasing regarding sin and error; people by habit using bait to entrap unstable souls (= people); folks constantly having a heart that has been exercised (trained in gymnastic discipline) regarding greed (desire for advantage and riches); children of a cursing (or: having the qualities and character of [the] curse). 15 By practice leaving behind [other MSS: at one point abandoning] [the; a] straight path (road; Way), they were (or: are) led astray (or: caused to wander), following out the path (road; way) of Balaam of Bosor [other MSS: Beor] who loved [the] wage of injustice (inequity; wrongdoing; unrighteousness; nonobservance of the Way pointed out). 16 But he had an exposure and a rebuke leading to conviction regarding his own transgression of law: a voiceless yoke-animal – emitting a sound in a voice of a man – hindered (or: checked) the insanity (madness; being beside one's thinking) of the prophet. 17 These people are (or: exist being) springs without water and clouds (or: mists; fogs) being constantly driven by (or: under) a storm (or: a squall), for whom the gloom of the darkness has been kept for an indefinite period of time. 18 For you see, in continuously uttering over-swollen (over-weighted; extravagant; pompous) things pertaining to emptiness (vanity; futility), they are constantly using bait to trap – in the midst of cravings (or: full passions) of flesh (= alienated human nature) by outrageous (or: licentious) behavior – those folks scarcely [other MSS: actually] fleeing from the people habitually twisting themselves up in deception (in wandering), 19 while constantly promising freedom (or: liberty) to them, they themselves continuously subsist inherently being slaves of the corruption (the ruin; the decay) – for you see, by whom (or: by what) anyone has been, and now exists being, made inferior (or: less), to this one (or: by this thing) he has [some MSS add: also] been enslaved, and now exists as a slave.

1 John 4:1

1 Beloved ones, stop believing (or: you must not continually believe or put trust in; being loyal or pledging allegiance to) every spirit (or: expression of some influence; breath-effect; attitude), but rather, you folks must constantly examine, test and prove the spirits (influences; attitudes) to assay (or: prove) if they are existing from out of God, because many false prophets have gone (or: come) out into the ordered System (world of societal culture, government, economy and religion) and continue there.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.