16 For doubtless (or: assuredly; I hardly need say) it [i.e., fear of death] is not normally taking hold upon [the] messenger-agents (or: folks with the message), but even so it is repeatedly and progressively taking hold upon (seizing) Abraham's seed (= descendants).
Hebrews 2:16 Cross References - JMNT
Matthew 1:1-17
1 A scroll of a lineage and birth (or: genesis; origin; genealogy) of Jesus Christ (or: Jesus [the] Anointed One; = Jesus [the] Messiah) – son of David; son of Abraham. [note: the term "son" can mean "a descendant," or, "one having the qualities and characteristics of"]
2 Abraham generated and became the father of Isaac; then Isaac produces Jacob, and then Jacob produced Judah and his brothers.
3 Now Judah produced Perez and Zerah from out of Tamar, then Perez produced Hezron, and Hezron begat Aram (= Ram).
4 Then Aram (Ram) produced Amminadab, Amminadab sired Nahshon, and Nahshon effected Salmon's birth.
5 Later Salmon generated Boaz from out of Rahab, then Boaz produced Obed from out of Ruth and Obed begat Jesse.
6 Now [it was] Jesse [who] effected the birth of David, the king. And then David caused the birth of Solomon from out of the woman (= wife) [that had] belonged to Uriah.
7 Later Solomon fathered Rehoboam, next Rehoboam begat Abijah, and Abijah generated Asa.
8 Now Asa effected the birth of Jehoshaphat (or: Joshaphat), then Jehoshaphat produced Jehoram and Jehoram caused the birth of Uzziah.
9 Later Uzziah produced Jotham, next Jotham begat Ahaz, then Ahaz generated Hezekiah.
10 Now Hezekiah produced Manasseh, Manasseh produced Amos (or: Amon), and Amos (Amon) begat Josiah.
11 Then Josiah generated Jechoniah and his brothers upon the [occasion of] the change of abode (= deportation and exile) to Babylon.
12 Now after the change of abode (deportation; exile) to Babylon, Jechoniah begat Shealtiel, then Shealtiel produced Zerubbabel,
13 Zerubbabel generated Abiud (or: Abihud), Abiud produced Eliakim, and Eliakim sired Azor.
14 Then Azor begets Zadok, Zadok produces Achim, and Achim fathers Eliud.
15 Later Eliud causes the birth of Eleazar, then Eleazar generates Matthan, and Matthan produces Jacob.
16 Now [it was] Jacob [who] fathered Joseph, the husband of Mary – from out of whom Jesus, the One being normally called Christ (or: termed Anointed [= Messiah]), was given birth.
17 Consequently, all the generation from Abraham until David [were] fourteen generations, and from David until the change of abode (the deportation and exile) to Babylon [were] fourteen generations, and from the change of abode to Babylon until the Christ [were] fourteen generations.
Romans 2:25
25 Now you see, circumcision, indeed, continues being beneficial (continues to profit, to help), if you should continue practicing (or: observing) [the] Law (= Torah). But if you should be a transgressor (side-stepper; violator) of [the] Law, your circumcision (cutting around) has become uncircumcision (literally: the foreskin).
Romans 4:16-25
16 On account of this (or: Therefore) [it is; it was; the Promise comes] from out of faith-trust, to the end that [it is] down from, in line with and according to grace: a joy-producing act of favor [leading] unto (or: into) the [situation for] the Promise to be continuously firm (steadily walked; secured, confirmed and established; guaranteed as valid and made sure) in all (or: to all; for all) the seed (or: = realized by all the offspring), not in the [seed] (or: to the one; for the person) from out of the Law only (or: by that only from out of custom), but rather also in the [seed] (or: to the one; for the person; or: by that) from out of Abraham’s faith, which is a father of all of us (or: out of [the] trust of Abraham, who is [the] father of us all).
17 According as it has been and stands written, "A father of many multitudes (nations; ethnic groups) I have placed (put; set; deposited) you" [Gen. 17:5] – [while he was being] down in the midst of and facing [the One] Whom (or: down in a place that was in opposition, of which; or: in line with and in union with, yet being on the opposite side of the matter) he believed, which was God (or: he trusted in [the message] which was God; or: he relied upon [the idea] which [came] from God; or: he gained confidence from God) – the One continuously (habitually; or: repeatedly; periodically) making the dead ones alive, and (or: even) continuously calling (or: repeatedly and habitually summoning) the things not existing as existing (or: = not being into continuously being) –
18 who, to the side of expectation (or: more than or beyond expectation; beside hope; near the side of expectation) trusted (believed; relied; put faith) upon expectation (or: hope) into the [situation for] him to become (to bring himself into being) a father of many multitudes (nations; ethnic groups), in accord with (down from and in line with) that having been and still being spoken (or: declared), "Thus shall progressively be your seed (or: offspring; descendants)."
19 And so, not being weak (without strength; infirm) in this faith, trust and loyalty, he attentively considered (studied, thought and perceived down upon) his own body by this time (or: already) having been made dead (or: deadened), subsisting in the circumstances of (or: beginning to be under the possession of) about one hundred years, as well as (or: also; and; even) the state of deadness (or: deadening) of Sarah’s womb,
20 but [being moved] into God’s Promise he was not divided in his judgment by unbelief (or: but by and in lack of trust he was not separated or undecided in view of, and with regard to, God’s Promise; or: yet unto God’s Promise he did not waiver or doubt in disloyalty), but on the contrary, he was empowered and enabled by faith (or: in trust; for conviction; with loyalty), giving glory (or: an opinion; an estimation; credit) to God and a reputation for God,
21 and being carried to full conviction and assurance that what He had promised He continuously exists being capable and powerful to do (to make; to perform).
22 Wherefore (or: Through which; For this reason), also, it was and is logically considered for him (reasonably reckoned in him and accounted to him) into rightwisedness (virtue in the Way pointed out and the setting in right relationship; righteousness; fair and equitable dealing; right thinking and conduct; being turned in the right direction; = covenantal inclusion).
23 Now it was not written because of him only, that, "it was and is logically considered for him (reckoned, concluded and accounted to him; it was put to his account)," [Gen. 15:6]
24 but rather (or: on the contrary) because of us also, for whom, in whom, with whom and to whom it is constantly about to be logically considered (or: it continues being about to be put on account) for, in and to the folks continually believing, constantly trusting, habitually expressing covenant allegiance and progressively relying upon the One rousing and raising Jesus, our Lord, forth from out of the midst of dead folks –
25 [He] who was handed (delivered) over through and because of the effects of our falls to the side (or: with a view to the results of our stumblings aside, transgressions and offenses), and yet was roused and raised up through and because of our being placed in the Way pointed out and turned in the right direction (or: for the benefit of our being made to be just; or: on behalf of our justifying, leading to freedom from guilt; or: for the purpose of our being brought into equity and right relationship: a rightwising of solidarity in covenant inclusion and participation).
Galatians 3:16
16 Now the promises were declared (said; spoken) to (or: for; in) Abraham, and to (or: for; in) his Seed (Descendant). It (or: He) is not saying, "And to the seeds (descendants)," as upon many, but rather, as upon One, "And to, for and in your Seed," [Gen. 12:7; 13:15; etc.] Who exists being Christ (or: which is [the] Anointed One [= the Messiah]).
Galatians 3:29
29 Now since you folks belong to Christ (or: have [the] Anointing as your source and origin; or: So since you people have the qualities and character of Christ, and [are] that which is Christ), you are straightway and consequently Abraham's Seed: heirs (possessors and enjoyers of the distributed allotment), down from, corresponding to and in the sphere of Promise!
Hebrews 6:16
16 For you see, men are swearing by (or: down on; according to) the greater, and to (or: for; with; among) them the oath [is] an end (limit; boundary; termination) of all contradiction and dispute (or: from talking-back in face-to-face opposition), unto an established confirmation.
Hebrews 12:10
10 You see, on the one hand, they were instructing (educating; disciplining; child-training) and continued thus toward a few days (= for a little while), according to and in line with that [which] normally was seeming [right] to them (or: was being in line with the opinion [held] by them). Yet on the other hand, upon this [instruction, arrangement and alignment] He is continuously bringing [things; situations] together (progressively collecting unto profitability) – unto this: to mutually partake of His set-apartness (or: to take by the hands together, share and mutually receive from the holiness and sacredness which is Him).
1 Peter 1:20
20 being One having been foreknown (previously known by intimate experience), indeed, before [the] casting down (as of material for a foundation: founding; as of seed in a field: sowing; as of seed of a man: conception [cf Heb. 11:11]; as in throwing something down: overthrowing; as in battle = slaying; in politics: abandoning [a measure]; of debts: paying down by installments;) of [the; or: an] ordered System (world; universe; a particular order or arrangement of things; or: = the aggregate of humanity), yet One being set in clear light and manifested upon [the] last part (or: final; [p72 and others read plural: last things, circumstances or aspects]) of the times (or: of the [or: these] successive chronological time periods) because of you folks –