15 and would set them free (or: could fully change and transform these; or: should move them away to another [situation; existence]): as many as were through all of life held within slavery by fear of death (or: in fear, from death: or: with fear, which is death)!
Hebrews 2:15 Cross References - JMNT
Luke 1:74-75
74 "to give to us – upon being drug out of danger from [the] hand of enemies –
75 "to fearlessly render habitual sacred, public service to Him, in pious ways sanctioned by divine law and in accord to the way pointed out (or: with [covenant] fairness, equity, justice and right relationships) in His sight (or: before Him and in His presence) for all our days.
Romans 8:15
15 For you folks did (or: do) not receive again a spirit of slavery to fear (or: get slavery’s spirit or breath-effect again, unto fear; or: take an attitude which personifies being a slave [in Egypt or under the Law, leading] into fear again), but rather you received a spirit of being placed as a son (or: a Breath-effect which set you in the position of a son; or: you receive an attitude of one having been adopted [in accord with Greek or Roman law]), within which (or: in union with Whom) we are habitually crying out, “Abba (Dad), O Father!”
Romans 8:21
21 because (or: that) even the creation itself will continue being progressively set free (will be habitually liberated and constantly made free) from the slavery of decay – even the bondage of deterioration which leads to fraying and ruin – [and released] into the freedom of the glory and splendor of God’s children (or: into the liberty of the manifestation of that which calls forth praise from, and a good opinion which pertain to, God’s born-ones; or: unto the freedom coming from God's imagination pertaining to God's children; or: into the midst of the freedom of the glory from the children [who] belong to God; or: toward centering in the liberty from the glory, which is God, [and] belongs to the children).
1 Corinthians 15:50-57
50 Now I am saying this, brothers (= fellow members and believers), that flesh and blood (= humans in their estranged condition; = people of dust who have not been resurrected) have no power and continue unable to inherit or receive and participate in an allotted portion of God's reign (kingdom or sovereign action) – neither is corruption and decay (the perishable) continuing on to inherit (participate in the allotment of) the Incorruption (Imperishability).
51 See (Look and consider)! I am progressively telling you a secret ([the] mystery)! We, indeed, shall not all continue falling asleep, yet we all will continue being changed (or: On the one hand, not all of us will continue [dying], but on the other hand, we all will be progressively altered; or: We all shall not continue being put to repose, and so we all shall keep on being transformed; or: All of us shall not continue sleeping, but we all will continue being rearranged to be another or made to be otherwise),
52 within the midst of an instant (or: in union with what is uncut and indivisible), in a rapid sweep or blink of an eye, within, or in union with, the midst of the last or final trumpet. You see, the trumpet will continue sounding (or: For He will proceed to be trumpeting; Indeed, it will keep on trumpeting), and the dead people will one-after-another be awakened and raised up [A, D and others: will keep on standing back up again; will continue being resurrected] incorruptible (imperishable). And so we ourselves will keep on, one-after-another being changed (or: progressively be made otherwise, altered and transformed).
53 For it continues being necessary (it is habitually binding) for this perishable and corruptible to at some point plunge (or: sink) in and clothe itself with (or: slip on; put on) incorruption and imperishability, and for this mortal (one that is subject to death) to at some point plunge and sink in and clothe itself with (or: put on; slip on as a garment) immortality (or: the absence of death; deathlessness; undyingness).
54 Now whenever [other MSS add: this corruptible would (or: may) put on incorruption and] this mortal would (or: may) plunge, sink in and clothe itself with (or: slip on; put on) the Immortality, then will continue taking place (or: proceed being birthed; successively come into existence) the word (the thought; the message; the saying) which has been written, "The Death was drunk down and swallowed into Victory (or: overcoming)!" [Isa. 25:8]
55 "Where, O Death, [is] your victory (or: overcoming)? Where, O Death, [is] your stinger (sharp point; sting; goad; spur)?" [Hos. 13:14; note: TR reads "O Unseen (Hades)" in the second line, following the LXX and Heb.]
56 Now the sharp point and stinger of (or: the sting, thus, the injection from) the Death [is] the Sin (the mistake; the error; the failure), and the power and ability of the Sin [is] the Law.
57 But grace and joyous favor [is] in God (or: by God) – the One presently and progressively giving the Victory (or: the overcoming) to us, in us and for us through our Lord (Owner; Master), Jesus, [the] Christ!
2 Corinthians 1:10
10 He Who snatched (dragged so as to rescue) us from out of the midst of the very prime (or: peak) of Death (or: out of a death of such proportions) will also repeatedly rescue and drag us to Himself – into Whom we have placed our hope and expectation so as to yet rely that He also will Himself continue still dragging us further toward Himself.
Galatians 4:21
21 Go on telling me, those of you constantly wanting or intending to be under Law (or: exist [controlled] by a legalistic custom or system, or [Torah]), do you not continue listening to and hearing the Law (or: paying attention to the [Torah])?
2 Timothy 1:7
7 for you see, God does not give to us (or: did not supply for us) a spirit of cowardice (or: a Breath-effect or attitude of timidity in us), but rather [a spirit and attitude] of ability and of power, as well as of love and of soundness in frame of mind (of wholeness in thinking; of healthiness of attitude; of sanity; of sensibility; of controlled reasonableness; of rational moderation; anatomically: of a saved diaphragm).