Genesis 2 Cross References - JMNT
Matthew 5:45
45 "so that (by what means) you folks can be birthed (may come to be) sons of your Father – the One within [the] atmosphere and in union with [the] heavens – because He is repeatedly making His sun to rise back up again upon bad (evil; wicked; worthless) folks as well as [upon] good (virtuous) folks, and He is habitually sending rain upon fair and equitable people (those in right relationship; those within the Way pointed out; just ones; rightwised ones) as well as [upon] unfair and inequitable people (those not in right relationship; those not in the Way pointed out; unjust folks).
Matthew 19:3-9
3 Later, Pharisees came to Him, examining, testing and trying to put Him to the proof, as well as proceeding to ask if [a man] is normally allowed by Law and custom to loose-away (dismiss; divorce) his wife in correspondence to every cause (= for any sort of grounds or reason). [note: "every cause" was a technical term from current Jewish law that had been introduced by Rabbi Hillel; it allowed a man to divorce his wife if she did anything he disliked – even, e.g., for burning his food while cooking it]
4 So He, giving a discerning reply, said, "Do (or: Did) you men not read that the Creator (the Framer and Founder; [other MSS: the Maker]) 'makes (or: made) them male and female,' from [the] beginning? [Gen. 1:27; 5:2]
5 "Further on it said, For this reason a man (person; human) will completely leave behind the father and the mother, and he will be glued to and joined in his wife, and so the two will be existing progressively into one flesh'? [Gen. 2:24]
6 "Consequently, they no longer exist being two, but rather [are] one flesh. Therefore, what God yokes together (or: coupled together with a yoke), let no human proceed to be splitting apart or separating."
7 They proceeded saying to Him, "Why, then, did Moses impart the directive whose end in view was to give a little scroll of divorce (a standing-away; apostasy; defection) and to release her (or: loose her away)?" [Deut. 24:1, 3]
8 Jesus then answers them, "Moses, facing (or: with a view toward) your hardheartedness, completely turned directions and made concession to you people, allowing you to divorce your wives. Yet from [the] beginning it had not happened in this way.
9 "Now I am saying to you that whoever may loose-away or divorce his wife (or: woman) – [when it is] not upon [the case of] infidelity (fornication; sexual misconduct) – and then should marry another woman, he is continuing in committing adultery. Also, the man involved in marrying a woman having been divorced proceeds in committing adultery." [comment: Jesus here sides with Rabbi Shammai who held the earlier interpretation of Deut. 24:1-4 that marital unfaithfulness was the only cause for divorce]
Mark 2:27
27 And He went on to say to them, "The sabbath came into being (was birthed) because of and for the sake of humanity (or: the human; mankind) – and not humanity (or: the human; mankind) because of and for the sake of the sabbath.
Mark 8:38
38 "Furthermore, whosoever may be ashamed of or embarrassed because of Me and My messages (Words; Thoughts; Ideas) within the midst of this adulterous and erring (failing; mis-shooting; sinful; deviating) generation, the Son of the Man (or: the son of mankind; the Human Son) will also continue being ashamed of and embarrassed because of him – whenever (at the time that) He may come within the midst of His Father's glory (or: in a manifestation which calls forth praise for His Father) along with the set-apart agents (or: holy messengers; sacred folks with the message)."
Mark 10:6-12
6 "however, from [the] beginning of creation 'He made them (or: forms and constructs them) male, and female.' [Gen.1:27; 5:2]
7 'On account of this, a person (a human; mankind; or: a man) will proceed completely leaving his/her father and mother,'
8 'and the two people will proceed coming into an existence of being one flesh,' [Gen. 2:24] [note: Westcott & Hort and Panin follow the above reading of vs. 7, with Aleph, B & other MSS. The Concordant Text and Tasker include, while Nestle-Aland & Griesbach bracket the following addition to vs. 7: '... and will continue joined (glued; welded) together with and focused toward his wife,'] [note: this latter reading suggests being matrilocal] with the result that they no longer exist being two [people], but rather, one flesh.
9 "Therefore, what God yokes together, humanity (a person; mankind; a man) must not be continually separating (or: by customary action be putting apart)."
10 Then, [having entered] into the house again (= when indoors once more), the disciples kept on asking Him about this.
11 So He proceeds saying to them, "Whoever may loose-away (dismiss; divorce) his wife and should marry another woman proceeds to commit adultery on her.
12 "Also, if she [i.e., the wife], upon loosing-away (divorcing) her adult male, should marry another man, she proceeds in committing adultery." [comment: thus, it is the same for both husband and wife; in this verse, Jesus points out that the action could be initiated by the wife]
Luke 2:13
13 Then unexpectedly and suddenly [the] fullness of a band of heavenly soldiers (or: a full number of an army which inhabits, and can be compared to, the atmosphere) came to be with the agent (messenger) – ones continuously praising God and repeatedly saying,
Luke 9:26
26 "You see, whoever may be ashamed of or embarrassed by Me and [of or by] My words (message; thoughts; ideas), the Son of the Man (mankind's offspring; = Adam's son; or: the eschatological messianic figure) will proceed in being ashamed of and embarrassed by this person – whenever He (or: it) may come within His glory (in union with its manifestation which calls forth praise) as well as the Father's (or: can come in a reputation and exhibiting an opinion which belongs to Him and has its source in the Father; or: should come in a glorifying thought which is Him and is the Father) and which belongs to the set-apart agents (or: sacred, or holy, messengers).
Luke 23:56
56 Now after returning, they prepared aromatic spices and perfumed oils. Then they indeed rested (were calm and quiet) [for; on] the sabbath – according to the implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive).
John 5:17
17 But Jesus decidedly answers them, "My Father is continuously working and keeps on being in action until the present moment (or: up to right now); I, Myself, also am continually working (or: and so I Myself continue active, regularly performing in [His] trade)."
John 6:48
48 "I Myself am (or: continuously exist being) the 'Bread of the Life' (or: the bread which is life and which gives life), 49. "– your fathers ate the manna within the wilderness (desert; desolate place), and they died –
John 20:22
Acts 4:24
24 So upon hearing [it], the [group] unanimously with the same mind and like passion lifted up a voice (or: sound) to God and said, "O Sovereign Owner – absolute in power – You, ‘the One making (or: constructing) the heaven (or: the atmosphere and sky) and the earth (or: the land) and the sea as well as all the things within them,’ [Ps. 146:6]
Acts 7:42
42 "So God turned [away], and then handed them over to be habitually rendering sacred service, as hirelings, to the host (= sun, moon, stars; or: the band or company of the military force; the army) of the sky (or: atmosphere; heaven), just as it has been written in the scroll of the prophets, 'O house (= people) of Israel, it was not to or for Me [that] you people offered slaughtered victims and sacrifices [for] forty years, within the midst of the wilderness (desolate place; desert)!
Acts 11:23
23 who, upon coming to be at [their] side and seeing the grace and favor – that which has its source in God, and which has the qualities and characteristics of God, and which in fact is God – at once rejoiced and began calling everyone to his side so that he could assist and encourage them to habitually remain oriented to and focused in the Lord [= Christ and Yahweh] – with (or: by) the plan and purpose of the heart!
Acts 17:25
25 "Neither is He continuously provided for, attended or habitually served by human hands – as constantly being in want, or having a need of something – He Himself being the One constantly giving to all people (or: all things) life and breath and all things (or: everything; the whole [universe])!
Romans 1:32
32 those who, fully knowing by experience (being fully aware of) the effect of God’s justice (or: the result of God's fairness and equity; or: the result of what is right, from the way pointed out, which is God; or: God's decree of the Way pointed out) – that those continually performing (committing; executing) such things are folks deserving (worthy; of equivalent value) of death – not only keep on doing the same things, but also are constantly mutually approving, taking pleasure in and consenting with those habitually performing (or: committing; practicing) them.
Romans 5:12-21
12 Because of and through this (or: Therefore; That is why), just as through one man (or: So it is that, even as through the act or agency of one person,) The Sin (or: the failure, miss of the target and deviation from the goal) entered into the aggregate of humanity (ordered system of religion, culture, society and government; or: world; cosmos), and through The Sin (failure; the mistake; the miss of the target; the deviation) The Death [also], in this way The Death thus also passed through in all directions (or: came through the midst causing division and duality; went throughout) into all mankind (or: into the midst of humanity; or: to all people), upon which [situation, condition, and with the consequential result that] all people sin (or: everyone failed, missed the target, fell short of the goal; or: all make mistakes and deviate from the goal)
13 – for until (up to the point of; = prior to) Law (or: custom), sin (failure; missing of the target; deviation from the goal) continued existing within the ordered System (world of religion, government, economy and culture; or: organized societies; or: cosmos), yet sin (failure; missing; deviating) is not continuing to be logically considered (is not being taken into account; is not habitually being put on one’s account; is not continually counted), there being (or: existing) no law (or: custom) –
14 But nonetheless The Death reigned (or: holds royal and kingly rule) from Adam as far as and as long as Moses [= Law], even upon those not sinning (failing to hit the target; deviating from the goal) upon [B and other MSS: within] the result of that which is conformed to (upon the occasion of the effect of the similarity of, or in the likeness of) the stepping aside (or: the transgression) of Adam – who is, and continues being, a type (an impress; a prefigure; a pattern) of the One being repeatedly (or: always) about to '85 [be (?) come (?) do something (?)] (or: the One habitually impending) (or: which exists being an impression made by a blow from the [situation; Person; creation; realm; arrangement] progressively being about to [exist]).
15 Yet to the contrary, [it is] not in the same way [with] the effect of grace (result of favor; the thing graciously given) as [it was with] the effect of the fall to the side (or: = the result of the stumbling aside and the offence is not simply balanced out by the result of the joyful gift of grace – the gratuitous favor). For you see, since (or: if) by (or: in) the effect of the fall to the side (the result of the stumbling aside and the offense) of the one THE MANY (= the mass of humanity) died, MUCH MORE (= infinitely greater) [is] the Grace of God (God’s Grace; favor which is God), and the gift (or: gratuitous benefit) within Grace – a joy-producing act of Favor – by that of the One Man, Jesus Christ, surrounded (or: encircles) into encompassing superabundance (extraordinary surplus and excess) into THE MANY (= the mass of humanity).
16 And further, [it is] not [with] the effect of the gush and flow of the gratuitous gift as [it was] through one missing of the target (failing; deviating; sinning). For you see, on the one hand, the effect of the decision and judgment (result of the separating, evaluation and verdict) [was] from out of one [failure and deviation, which led] into a commensurate effect of a decision (a corresponding result of a negative evaluation which fell in line with the decision and followed the pattern which divided [us] down). But on the other hand, the effect of the grace (the product of the gratuitous favor and the resulting joyous benefit) [is] from out of the effect of many falls to the side (result of many stumblings-aside and offenses) into the effect of a rightwising [of covenant inclusion] (the result of a placing into right relationships within the Way pointed out; or: the effect of an act of justice; an effect of equity; a just award; or: a result of fairness, removal of guilt, and justification, while being turned in the right direction; an amendment of what was wrong; a just-effect; = the effect of covenant inclusion and participation).
17 For since (or: if) by the effect of the fall to the side (or: in the result of the stumbling aside; with the effect of the offense) of the one The Death reigned (or: reigns; rules as king) through that one, much more, rather, will the peoples (= the masses of humanity) – in continuously receiving and seizing upon (taking in hand) the surrounding superabundance (encircling, extraordinary surplus and excess) of the Grace and of the gratuitous gift of the rightwising (of the fair and equitable dealing; from the placement in right [covenant]-relationship in the Way; of the justification and freedom from guilt while being turned in the right direction) – continue reigning (or: ruling as kings) within and in union with Life through the One, Jesus Christ.
18 Consequently, then, as [it was] through the effect of one fall to the side (or: the result of one offense) [coming] into all mankind ([permeating] into all humanity; = [extending] into the whole race) [bringing them] into a commensurate effect of a decision (a corresponding result of a negative evaluation which fell in line with the decision and followed the pattern which divided [us] down), THUS ALSO and in the same way, through one just-effect and the result of one right act which set [all humanity] right and in accord with the Way pointed out (through the result of one act of justice, equity and solidarity; through a single decree creating rightwised relationships; through one effect of rightwising which turns [people] in the right direction) [it comes] into ALL MANKIND (all humanity; all people; = the whole race) [bringing them] into a setting right of Life and a rightwising from Life [including them in covenant community] (or: Life’s turning [folks] in the right direction resulting in right relating, equity and justice which is in accord with the Way pointed out; a making of situations and conditions to be right, which pertain to Life; an expressing of fairness and equity, which is LIFE; a rightly directed solidarity coming from Life; a just-acting having the qualities of life).
19 For you see, JUST AS through the unwillingness to listen, or to pay attention, resulting in disobedience (or: the erroneous hearing leading to disobedience) of the one person THE MANY (= the mass of humanity) were rendered (established; constituted; placed down and made to be) sinners (failures; ones who diverge and miss the target), THUS – in the same way – ALSO through the submissive listening and paying attention resulting in obedience of the One, THE MANY (= the mass of humanity) will continue being rendered (placed down and established as; constituted; appointed to be) just ones (folks who have been rightwised; people in the Way pointed out; righteous ones who are free from guilt; fair, equitable, rightly-turned folks in right, covenant relationships).
20 Now Law and custom at one point entered in alongside (or: intruded into the situation by the side) to the end that the effect of the fall to the side (or: so that the result of the offense and the stumbling aside) would increase to be more than enough (should greatly abound and become more intense). But where the Sin (the failure; the divergence and missing of the target) increases (or: abounded to be more than enough; becomes more intense) THE GRACE ("the act producing happiness, which is granted as a favor" – Jim Coram) at once super-exceeds (or: hyper-exceeded) over and above, surrounding to excessive abundance and overflow,
21 to the end that JUST AS the Sin (the failure; the erroneous act; the deviation and digression which issued in missing the goal) at one point reigned (or: ruled as king; exercised sovereign sway) within, and in union with, the Death, THUS SO (or: in THIS way) also the Grace and joyous favor would reign (should rule as king; can exercise sovereign sway) through rightwisedness (or: by means of rightly-turned existence with equity in [covenantal] solidarity of right relationships which accord to the Way; through a Justice-[expression]) [which leads] into Life which belongs to, pertains to and has the characteristics of the Age (or: eonian life; Life of the Age [of Messiah]; a life for the ages) – through Jesus Christ, our Owner (Lord; Master).
Romans 6:16
16 Have you not seen and thus know (Are you not aware) that to whom (for whom; or: in what) you habitually place yourselves alongside, presenting and providing yourselves as slaves into submissive, obedient hearing, you folks are, and continue being, [his or its] slaves – to whom (in what; for which) you habitually submit in obedient hearing – whether of failure (of sin; of missing the target) into death, or of submissive, hearing obedience into fair and equitable dealings of rightwised relationship in the Way pointed out ([covenant] justice).
Romans 6:23
23 For you see, the subsistence pay (the ration money; the allowance) of the Sin (failure; the missing of the target; the deviation) [is] death, but God’s grace-effect (or: the result of the joyous and gracious gift of and from God; the effect of the favor, which is God,) [is] life which belongs to, is proper to, pertains to and is connected to the Age (eonian life; Life of and for the ages) within Christ Jesus, our Owner (or: in union with [the] Anointed Jesus, our Lord).
Romans 7:2
2 For instance, the married woman (the woman under subjection to a husband or to an adult male) has been bound and remains tied up by Law and custom to the living husband (or: has been wrapped up and stands tied to law [= Torah; or: custom] by the living man). Yet if the husband may die, she has been released from employment and stands idle (or: has been brought down to living without labor and rendered inactive; she is discharged and brought down to unproductivity, being idled down) away from the husband’s law (or: from pertaining to the law [= Torah] and custom of the adult man).
Romans 7:10-13
10 Also, the implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive; commandment) – the one [meant to lead] into Life – this was found by me (for me; in me; to me) [to be leading] into death.
11 For the Sin (failure; error; the miss when shooting at a target; the deviation from the goal), taking a starting point (receiving an occasion and base of operation) through the implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive; commandment [to Adam, then to Israel]), completely makes me unable to walk the Path (made me incapable to walk out [customs of the Law]; thoroughly cheats and deludes me, making me lose my Way; deceives me; [comment: reference to Eve in Gen. 3:13]) and through it kills me off (or: slaughtered me).
12 And thus (or: Consequently) the Law [= the Torah], indeed, [is] set-apart (holy; sacred; consecrated) and the implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive; commandment) [is] set-apart (holy; sacred) and in accord with the Way pointed out (fair; equitable; just; = related to covenant) and good (virtuous).
13 Then did the good come to be death for me (in me; to me)? Certainly not (may it not come to be)! But rather, the Sin (failure; error; the miss; the mistake; the deviation) – to the end that sin (failure; error; etc.) may be brought to light and made visible (or: in order that it may be made to appear and be shown as being sin) – is constantly producing (or: working down) death through the good [i.e., the commandment], to the end that the Sin (failure; the miss; error; the deviation), through the implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive; commandment), may come to be in accord with a throwing-beyond that is missing the target (or: may happen according to excess which is failing; may become extremely erroneous; should come to be in line with a deviating shooting over the goal; or, substantively: may become an exceeding failure, and excessive sinner or a total outcast).
Romans 8:2
2 For the principle and law of, from and which is the spirit and attitude of 'The Life within Christ Jesus' (or: For you see, the Law of Life’s spirit, joined with [the] Anointing of Jesus; or: For the Spirit’s law of life within Christ Jesus; or: the Law [= Torah] from the Breath-effect, which is Life in union with [the] Anointed Jesus) frees you away from the Law of the Sin (or: the principle of failure and the missing of the target; the code of behavior that produces error; the principle of deviation from the goal) and the Death (or: immediately set you [other MSS: me] at liberty from the law that deals with and has the character of sin and death). [comment: = the principle of the old Adamic life, and Israel's Torah]
Romans 9:20
20 O man (or: human)! On the contrary, even more, what (or: who) are you – the one habitually answering back to God (or: replying against God; from a position of standing instead and in opposition, judging for God; disputing with God)? "The thing molded and formed will not proceed to be saying to the One molding and forming, 'Why do you make me thus (or: did you create and construct me this way)?'" [cf Isa. 29:16; 45:9; 64:8]
Romans 10:11
11 For the Scripture is saying, "Everyone habitually believing (putting trust) upon Him will not continue being disgraced, put to shame, humiliated or be disappointed." [Isa. 28:16]
1 Corinthians 6:16-17
16 Or, have you folks not seen so as to know that the man continually joining himself (or: being habitually glued in intimate union) to (or: in) a prostitute exists being one body [with her]? For, He says, "The two will continue existing, being [joined] into one flesh." [Gen. 2:24]
17 Now the person continually joining himself (or: being habitually glued in intimate union; in himself being continuously welded) to (or: in; with) the Lord exists being one spirit (or: one Breath-effect).
1 Corinthians 7:2-4
2 Well, because of prostitutions (= the dangers of sexual immorality, or the lure of pagan temple prostitutes), let each man continually hold and be permanently having a wife (or: woman) for himself, and each woman be constantly holding and permanently having her own husband.
3 Let the husband habitually render (give away in answer to claim and expectation) to the wife [her] due (what is owed to her; the obligation; the debt), yet likewise the wife, also, to the husband.
4 The wife continues having no right or authority pertaining to her own body, but to the contrary, the husband [does]. Now likewise the husband, also, continues having no right or authority pertaining to his own body, but to the contrary, the wife [does].
1 Corinthians 7:10-11
10 Now beside this, I – not I myself, but rather, the Lord – am giving an added message to those being married: a wife is not at any point to be separated (disunited so as to be apart from) [her] husband
11 – yet, even if she should get separated or be caused to depart, let her remain unmarried or else she must at once be reconciled to [her] husband – and a husband is not to proceed in divorcing (or: leaving, or sending away) [his] wife!
1 Corinthians 7:36
36 Now if anyone continues reasoning about custom [so as] to go on bringing the appearance of bad form (or: is behaving dishonorably or indecently – that which is contrary to the accepted fashion) upon [the situation of] his virgin [daughter; or: fianc'e9e] – if she may be over her prime (= beyond marriageable age; past the bloom of youth) – and thus (or: in this way) he has obligation [for it] to proceed in occurring, let him continue to do what he is wanting and intending – he is not making a mistake or missing the goal: let them be marrying.
1 Corinthians 8:1
1 Now concerning [foods] that were offered in sacrifice to idols, we have seen and know that we all continue having insight and knowledge (gnosis) gained by personal experience. [note: this may have been a quotation from their letter to Paul] The (or: This) knowledge (gnosis) keeps on puffing [you; us] up, but The Love (agape: urge toward unambiguous, participating, accepting reunion) progressively edifies and builds up the house!
1 Corinthians 11:7-12
7 So a husband (or: an adult male), on the one hand, is continually obligated not to be covering [his] Source (or: veiling down the head) – [he] being inherently (or: constantly being under the rule and headship of) God's image (resemblance; likeness; portrait) and glory (reputation; splendor; manifestation which calls forth praise). On the other hand, the wife (or: woman) is, and continuously exists being, a husband's (or: an adult male's) glory (reputation; splendor; manifestation which calls forth praise). [note: a reference to Gen. 1:28; 2:26]
8 You see, [the] adult male is not (or: a husband does not exist being) forth from out of the midst of a woman (or: [the] wife), for to the contrary, [the] woman ([the] Wife) [is] forth from out of the midst of [the] adult male ([the] Husband)! [Gen. 2:21,22] [note: it can be argued that thus she is crowning glory of creation]
1 Corinthians 11:8-9
8 You see, [the] adult male is not (or: a husband does not exist being) forth from out of the midst of a woman (or: [the] wife), for to the contrary, [the] woman ([the] Wife) [is] forth from out of the midst of [the] adult male ([the] Husband)! [Gen. 2:21,22] [note: it can be argued that thus she is crowning glory of creation]
9 For also, [the] adult Male (or: Husband) was not created through (or: because of) the Woman (or: Wife), but to the contrary, [the] Woman (or: Wife) through (or: because of) the adult Male (or: the Husband).
1 Corinthians 11:9-9
9 For also, [the] adult Male (or: Husband) was not created through (or: because of) the Woman (or: Wife), but to the contrary, [the] Woman (or: Wife) through (or: because of) the adult Male (or: the Husband).
10 Because of this, the woman (or: wife) is continually obligated to be habitually having privilege and right from being (or: permission) upon [her] head – because of the agents (or: normally ought to constantly hold authority from out of being herself, [based] upon the Source, [as shown] through the messengers). [comment: she ought to veil her glory, just as Moses veiled the glory that was on him – 2 Cor. 3:13]
11 Nevertheless (However), in union with – and in the midst of – the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] neither [is] a woman separate or apart from an adult male (or: a wife separated from a husband), nor [is] an adult male (husband) separate or apart from a woman (wife).
12 For you see, just as the woman [was] forth from out of the midst of the adult male, in the same manner, the adult male [is] through the woman – yet all things [are] (or: the whole [is]) forth from out of the midst of God.
1 Corinthians 15:22
22 For just as within Adam all keep on (or: everyone continues) dying, in the same way, also, within the Christ, all will keep on being made alive (or: in union with the Anointed One, everyone will one-after-another be created with Life)
1 Corinthians 15:45
45 Thus also (or: In this way also), it has been written, "The first human (or: man), Adam, came for existence (or: was birthed) into [being] a living soul" [Gen. 2:7]; the Last Adam into [being] a continuously life-making (life-engendering; life-creating; life-giving) Spirit (or: Breath-effect; Attitude).
1 Corinthians 15:47
47 The first human (person; man) [was/is] forth from out of the earth (land; ground; soil; dirt), made of moist soil and mud (or: having the quality and characteristics of moist dirt that can be poured; soilish), the Second Human (Person; Man; [p 46 reads: {is} spiritual; other MSS add: {is} the Lord]) [is made] of heaven (or: sky; atmosphere). [note: the phrases describing the material of the two humans are parallel in the Greek of the first textual reading]
1 Corinthians 15:56
56 Now the sharp point and stinger of (or: the sting, thus, the injection from) the Death [is] the Sin (the mistake; the error; the failure), and the power and ability of the Sin [is] the Law.
2 Corinthians 4:7
7 Now we presently and continuously hold (have and possess) this treasure within containers (jars; pots; vessels; equipment) made of baked clay [e.g., pottery; bone ware] so that the transcendence of the power may habitually originate its existence in God – and not from out of us (or: the over-cast of ability can be that which is God – and not of us; or: the overwhelming which comes from the Power would exist with the character and quality of God – and not from what characterizes us)!
2 Corinthians 5:1
1 For we have seen, and thus know, that if our house, of the tabernacle which is pitched on the land, would at some point be dismantled (or: that whenever our house, which is this tent upon the earth, should be loosed down), we constantly have (continuously hold; presently possess) a structure (a building) forth from out of the midst of God: an eonian house (a house having the qualities and character which pertain to the Age; a house for the ages) – not made by hands – resident within the heavens (or: in union with the atmospheres).
Galatians 3:10
10 You see, however many people continue their existence from the midst of observances and works of Law (= Everyone who lives by deeds and actions based upon the Torah) are continuously under a curse (a negative, down-focused or adversarial prayer; an imprecation), for it has been and now stands written, namely that, "A curse (or: an adversarial prayer; imprecation) [is settled] upon all (or: [is] added to everyone) not constantly remaining within all the things having been and standing written within the scroll of the Law [= Torah], in order to do them." [Deut. 27:26]
Ephesians 2:1-6
1 And you folks [who were] continuously existing being dead ones by (or: to; with; in) the results and effects of your stumblings aside (offences; wrong steps) and failures to hit the mark (or: mistakes; errors; times of falling short; sins; deviations)
2 within the midst of and in union with which things you once walked about (= lived your lives) in accord (or: in keeping; corresponding) with (or: as directed by) the age of this ordered System (or: down through the time period of this world of secular culture, religion, economy and government), in line with the primary directive of the right and privilege of air (or: corresponding to the Ruler out of Being with regard to air): the Breath-effect of the One at the present time continuously operating within the sons of The Disobedience (or: down under the controlling aspect of the authority of "the blowing" of the Spirit of the One now progressively working internally in union with people having the character and qualities of incompliance; or: in correlation to the chief and leader of the privilege which comes from blowing: the attitude which expresses a lack of persuasion, or of not being convinced, which repeatedly energizes at the present time; or: in keeping with the one in first position with regard to the right concerning the atmosphere the attitude now habitually effecting inward action within the midst of people displaying non-conviction or an incompliant disposition),
3 immersedamong which folks we all also were once twisted up (or: entangled; overturned; upset) within the cravings (full longings; over-desires) of our flesh (= the estranged human nature, or the alienated self; or: = system of our works and sacrificial religion), continually doing the will (or: producing the intentions) of the flesh (= our existence while in bondage, or the duties of religion), and of the divided thoughts and things passing through the mind. Furthermore, we were continuously existing in essence (in natural condition; by instinct) being children of natural impulse (natural disposition; inherent fervor and swelling passion; teeming desire; or: anger; wrath) even as (or: as also) the rest (the remaining ones) [were].
4 But God, continuously being wealthy and rich in mercy, because of His vast (much; great in magnitude and quantity; outstretched; long-lasting; repeated) Love in (or: with) which He focused love on (or: loves and accepts) us [p46 reads: had mercy on us],
5 even us, being continuously dead ones by (or: in; to; with) the results and effects of stumblings aside (wrong steps; offences) [p46 reads: ... in (to; by) the bodies; other MSS: by the failure (s) to hit the mark (sin/sins); B reads: within the stumblings aside and the cravings (lusts)], He made alive together by (or: joins us in common life with, for and in; [p46, B: within; in union with]) the Christ by Grace and joyous favor you continually exist, being folks having been delivered (rescued and saved, so that you are now safe; made whole)!
6 and He jointly roused and raised (or: suddenly awakens and raises) [us] up, and caused [us] to sit (or: seats [us]) together within the things situated upon [thus, above] the heavens (or: in union with the full, perfected heavenlies; or, although neuter: among those comprising the complete and perfected heavenlies; among the ones [residing] upon the atmospheres; in union with the celestials) within and in union with Christ Jesus,
Ephesians 4:28
28 Let the person habitually stealing no longer continue stealing, but rather let him be normally spent with labor, constantly working (performing; doing the business of) the good (the profitable; the virtuous; quality) by his own hands, to the end that he can continuously have (or: possess) [something] [in order] to repeatedly share with the one constantly having a need.
Ephesians 5:14
14 for you see, all that is continuously being manifested (clearly displayed, made apparent and is progressively shown for what it is) is, and continually exists being, light.Wherefore Heis now saying, "Let the sleeper (the person continuously down and being fast asleep) be waking up, continue rousing, and then stand up (arise) from out of the midst of the dead ones, and the Christ will continue shining upon you (enlightening you)!"
Ephesians 5:28-30
28 Thus (or: In like manner; In this way) the husbands also are continuouslyindebted (thus: obligated) to constantly love their wives as their own bodies (= persons).The one constantly loving his own wife continues loving himself,
Ephesians 5:28-31
28 Thus (or: In like manner; In this way) the husbands also are continuouslyindebted (thus: obligated) to constantly love their wives as their own bodies (= persons).The one constantly loving his own wife continues loving himself,
29 or you see, no one ever yet (at any time) hated (or: hates) his own flesh (= his body and interior self) but rather continually intensively nourishes (feeds and supports) and warms (cherishes; comforts) it, according as also the Christ [does] the called-out community,
Ephesians 5:29-31
29 or you see, no one ever yet (at any time) hated (or: hates) his own flesh (= his body and interior self) but rather continually intensively nourishes (feeds and supports) and warms (cherishes; comforts) it, according as also the Christ [does] the called-out community,
30 because we are (we exist continuously being) members of His Body.
Ephesians 5:30-31
30 because we are (we exist continuously being) members of His Body.
31 Answering this (or: In the place facing this [situation or reality]), "a man will continue leaving behind his father and mother, and he will be progressively glued (welded) to his wife, and the two will continue being [made] into one flesh (= one physical unit as though being one body)." [Gen. 2:4]
Colossians 2:13
13 And you folks – continuously being dead ones within [other MSS: by] the results and effects of falls to the side, and in (or: by) the uncircumcision of your flesh (= physical bodies or national heritage; or: = estranged human nature and alienated self) – He makes (or: made) alive together: you [other MSS: us] jointly together with Him, gracing us and granting favor to us [for; in] all the effects of the falls and stumbling to the side (= false steps),
1 Timothy 2:11-13
11 A woman (or: wife) must be habitually learning – within calm quietness (without making a fuss; in peaceableness and gentleness, exciting no disturbance in others, and with tranquility arising from within) – in union with every humble alignment while giving support (or: within every subordinate arrangement).
12 Now I am not turning upon a woman, so as to direct her to be habitually teaching (or: Yet I do not habitually turn on a wife, to regularly teach [her]) – neither to continually act in self-authority to use arms for murdering an adult male (or: = habitually to be a self-appointed master to domineer over a man [note: this may have been an exhortation against Gnosticism, and a possible rendering could be: And I am not permitting a woman to teach that she is the originator of a man]) – but rather to exist (or: be) within quietness (centered in gentleness, exciting no disturbance, with tranquility arising from within) –
13 for you see, Adam was molded and formed first, thereafter (or: next), Eve.
1 Timothy 2:13
13 for you see, Adam was molded and formed first, thereafter (or: next), Eve.
1 Timothy 4:4
4 Because all God's creation (or: every creature of God) [is] beautiful (fine; ideal), and not one thing is to be thrown away – being habitually received with thanksgiving –
1 Timothy 5:6
6 yet the woman continuously indulging herself in riotous luxury (excessive comfort; sensual gratification), continuing being alive (or: [though] living), she is dead (or: she has died).
1 Timothy 5:14
14 I am wanting and intending, therefore, younger women to be marrying: to be bearing children; to continuously rule and manage a household; to be by habit giving not even one starting point (base of operation; opportunity; incentive; inducement) favoring verbal abuse (slander; reviling) to the person occupying an opposing position (or: in the one lying in opposition; for the opposer or the opposing counterpart),
1 Timothy 6:17
17 Pass along the notice (or: be announcing) to those rich (or: wealthy) within the present age (the current eon) to not be habitually high-minded (proud; arrogant; or: to ponder high things), neither to have put expectation upon, and thus rely on, the uncertainty (insecurity; non-evidence) of riches (or: wealth), but rather, upon God, the One continuously holding all things alongside for us (or: the One constantly offering and providing all thing to us) richly, unto [our] enjoyment (or: into beneficial participation; unto the obtaining of a portion to enjoy; [leading] into pleasure),
Hebrews 4:3
3 For we, those at this point believing and trusting, are progressively entering into the rest (or: the stopping). Just as He has said, "As I swore in My inherent fervor (impulse; inner agitation; anger; native disposition; or: passionate desire), 'Since (or: If) they shall proceed entering into My rest ...!'," [Ps. 95:11] although (or: and yet) – with regard to the works (actions; deeds) – being born (or: brought into existence; caused to happen or occur) from [the] casting down (laying of a foundation) of an ordered system (or: of [the] world; or: namely, of the works born from cosmic conception [from the usage of katabolen with spermatos in ch. 11:11]; thus: of works generated from conception of a world).
4 For He said in a certain place concerning the seventh, thus, "And God rested in the seventh day from all His works." [Gen. 2:2]
Hebrews 4:4-10
4 For He said in a certain place concerning the seventh, thus, "And God rested in the seventh day from all His works." [Gen. 2:2]
5 And yet in this, again, "Since (or: If) they shall proceed entering into My rest ...!"
6 Since, then, there continues being left remaining [for] some folks to enter into it, and those being formerly addressed with goodness (or: being brought a message of ease and well-being) did not enter because of a lack of being convinced (or: incompliance; disobedience),
7 again, He is determining (or: He is again defining and setting bounds around) a certain day, "Today!" In David He is saying, after so long a time, just as it has been said before, "Today, if you would hear His voice, you would not be hardening your hearts." [Ps. 95:7-8]
8 For you see, if Joshua caused them to rest, He would not after these things have continued speaking concerning another "Day."
9 Consequently, a keeping of a sabbath (a state of rest) is being left remaining for (or: to; in; with) God's people,
10 for the person entering into His rest also caused himself to rest from his own works (actions; deeds), just as God [did] from His own.
Hebrews 6:7
7 For you see, a piece of land (or: ground; soil; = a field; or: a territory) which is drinking (= soaking in) the rain often coming upon it, and producing vegetation (pasture; produce) fit for and useful to them through whom it is habitually being cultivated, [is] also continuously sharing in and partaking of a blessing from God;
Hebrews 12:9
9 Then again, we indeed used to have instructors (educators; teachers of boys; discipliners) – the fathers of our flesh (= human parents) – and we continued being repeatedly turned among [them] (or: turned within and caused to reflect; = we listened to them and obeyed). To a much greater extent, shall we not be continually placed under and humbly arranged and aligned by the Father of the spirits (or: the Progenitor of breath-effects and Mentor of attitudes)? And then we shall proceed living (or: progressively live)!
Hebrews 13:4
4 Marriage [is] precious (of great value and honor) in the midst of all folks (or: among all peoples), and the conjugal bed [is] unstained and undefiled; yet God is continuously judging (or: repeatedly separating and making a decision about) fornicators (or: male prostitutes; or: men who have sexual intercourse with a prostitute) and adulterers.
James 1:15
15 Thereafter, with the over-covering passion conceiving (seizing together so as to become pregnant), it continuously gives birth to failure (or: repeatedly brings forth an offspring of missing the target; progressively bears sin). Now the failure (error; sin; missing of the target), being brought to full term (being finished off; being fully formed with all its parts; being brought to its goal) continues producing (keeps generating; from pregnancy progressively bears forth) death.
1 Peter 3:1-7
1 Likewise (In like manner), you wives: [Be] habitually with humility aligning yourselves to your own husbands (or: women: [Be] continually arranging yourselves for support, under your own adult males), to the end that if any (or: certain ones) are habitually unpersuaded by the Word (or: uncompliant or disobedient to the message; unconvinced with the thought, reason or idea), they will continue being profited (will progressively receive advantage; or: will proceed in being acquired as gain) without a word (or: message; reason), through the behavior (or: conduct; way of life) of the wives (or: women),
2 being eyewitnesses of (or: looking upon and observing) the pure behavior (or: way of life; conduct) of you folks – which is turned upward in reverence, respect and [sacred] fear and awe –
3 whose world must not consist of the external adornment – of braiding or interweaving or struggling with [the] hair and [the] placing-around of gold ornaments, or of dressing up (putting on garments) –
4 but to the contrary, [it should consist of] the hidden person (concealed humanity; cloaked personality) of the heart, within the incorruptible and imperishable quality of the gentle (tender; mild; calm; kind; meek) and still (at ease; restful; tranquil; quiet) spirit (or: attitude; disposition; or: Breath-effect), which is (or: continually exists being) of great value and very costly in God's sight (= view, or, perspective).
5 For thus, at one time, the set-apart wives (or: the holy women) – those being in the habit of placing their expectations and hopes into God – used to normally arrange their world and adorn themselves, constantly being put in humble alignment to their own husbands (or: continuously being arranged under their own adult males, to give support),
6 as Sarah used to humbly hear and submissively obey Abraham, habitually calling him "lord" ("master;" "my owner"), of which woman you were birthed children (or: you are become her born ones [= daughters]), women normally doing good (performing virtue; creating excellence), and not being repeatedly caused to fear even one dismay (alarm; intimidation).
7 Husbands (or: Adult males), likewise (or: in like manner): Continuously dwelling together (cohabiting; making a joint home) with [them] corresponding to intimate, experiential knowledge [of them] (= with a learned insight and an intelligent recognition of the nature and aspects of a married situation), [be] habitually assigning (portioning-off; awarding; allotting) honor (value; worth) to the female attributes (things pertaining to a woman; or: to a feminine one) as to a person having a disadvantaged position in her living (or: a weaker livelihood; or: a weaker vessel, utensil, instrument, container, gear, furniture, equipment), yet as to co-heirs of Life's grace and favor (or: of [the] grace which is life; or, with other MSS: as joint-participants in an inheritance of manifold {diverse; varied; multicolored} grace – of life [p72 adds: pertaining to and having the qualities of the Age {of eonian life}]), into the [situation where] your thoughts, words and actions projected toward goodness (or: prayers) continue not to be hindered or blocked, as if by a trench being cut in their path to impede their progress.
1 Peter 3:7-7
7 Husbands (or: Adult males), likewise (or: in like manner): Continuously dwelling together (cohabiting; making a joint home) with [them] corresponding to intimate, experiential knowledge [of them] (= with a learned insight and an intelligent recognition of the nature and aspects of a married situation), [be] habitually assigning (portioning-off; awarding; allotting) honor (value; worth) to the female attributes (things pertaining to a woman; or: to a feminine one) as to a person having a disadvantaged position in her living (or: a weaker livelihood; or: a weaker vessel, utensil, instrument, container, gear, furniture, equipment), yet as to co-heirs of Life's grace and favor (or: of [the] grace which is life; or, with other MSS: as joint-participants in an inheritance of manifold {diverse; varied; multicolored} grace – of life [p72 adds: pertaining to and having the qualities of the Age {of eonian life}]), into the [situation where] your thoughts, words and actions projected toward goodness (or: prayers) continue not to be hindered or blocked, as if by a trench being cut in their path to impede their progress.
1 John 5:16
16 If anyone of you may happen to see his brother (= fellow believer, or, fellowman) habitually failing to hit a target (sinning; making mistakes), with a failure (error; offense; deviation) not with a view toward (= that would lead to) death, he shall keep on asking (repeatedly make a request) and He will continue giving life to him – for those habitually failing to hit a target (erring; sinning) not [leading] toward death. There is a failure to hit a target (a mistake; a deviation; sin) [which leads or points] toward (or: with a view to) death (perhaps: = bearing a death penalty, [within that culture]). I am not saying that he should ask about (or: concerning) that one.
Revelation 1:4
4 John, to the seven called-out communities (congregations; summoned forth assemblies) within Asia: grace and peace to you (or: favor and harmony [= shalom] for and among you) folks from the One continuously existing (or: unceasingly being; Who continuously IS), even the One Who was, and continued being, and the One Who is continuously (or: repeatedly; habitually; progressively) coming or going – even from the Seven Spirits (or: Breath-effects; Attitudes) which [are] in front of His throne –
Revelation 1:8
8 “I am continuously (or: repeatedly) the Alpha and the Omega, ” says the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] God, “the One continuously being, even the One Who was and continued being, and the One presently and continuously (or: progressively) coming and going, the Almighty.” (or: The Owner is laying out these thoughts: "I Myself exist being the Alpha and the Omega – the continuously existing God, even the One Who continued existing [as] Being, as well as the One habitually being on the go and repeatedly moving about – the All-Strong.")
Revelation 2:7
7 "Let the person having an ear hear what the Spirit is repeatedly saying to, in and by (or: the Breath-effect is continuously laying out for) the called-out communities: In (To; For) the one continuously overcoming (habitually conquering; normally victorious) I will continue giving in him (to him; for him) to eat from out of the substance of the tree (wood; log; post) of Life which continuously is (exists being) within the midst of God’s paradise [note: same word in Gen. 2:8, LXX; Luke 23:43; a garden of fruit trees]."
Revelation 2:11
11 "Let the person who has an ear hear what the Spirit is presently saying to the called-out communities (the summoned forth assemblies): The one habitually overcoming (or: repeatedly victorious) may by no means be injured or harmed from the midst of the second death."
Revelation 9:14
14 presently saying to the sixth agent, "Loose the four agents: the ones having been bound upon the great river Euphrates."
Revelation 11:17
17 repeatedly saying, "We are continuously grateful (thankful) for You (or: we continuously give You thanks), Lord [= Yahweh] God, the One of All Strength (the Almighty, Omnipotent One), the One continuously existing (or: being), even the One Who was continuously existing (being), because You have taken – so that You have in Your hand – Your great power and ability, and You reign (rule as King)."
Revelation 16:5
5 And I heard the Agent of the Waters saying, "You are continually a Just One (a Righteous One; One Who observes the way pointed out), the One continuously existing (or: being), even the One Who was continuously existing, the appropriately pious, sanctioned, benign One, because You suddenly judge (or: judged) these,
Revelation 20:6
6 Blessed and happy and set-apart (holy) [is] the one holding (or: having) a divided part (a piece) within the first resurrection (rising up) – upon these the second death has no authority (does not continue holding right or privilege), but rather, they will continue being priests belonging to God and to the Christ (or: priests pertaining to God and the Anointed One; or: God’s, even Christ’s, priests; or: priests from God and Christ), and they will continue reigning with Him a [other MSS: the] thousand years.
Revelation 20:14
14 Next the Death and the Unseen (or: = the grave) are cast (or: were thrown) into the lake (or: basin; artificial pool) of the Fire (or: the marshy area where there is fire). This is the second death: the lake of the Fire (or: the basin which is fire).
Revelation 21:8
8 "But for the timid (cowardly) folks and for faithless ones (unbelieving people) and for abominable folks (detestable ones) and for murderers, and for prostitutes and for sorcerers (enchanters; users of drugs) and for idolaters and for all the liars (the false ones): their portion [of the inheritance?] [is] within the lake (or: basin; artificial pool; marshy area) continuously burning with Fire and Deity, which is the Second Death."
Revelation 22:1
1 And he showed (points out to) me a river of "water of life" (or: Life's water; or: water which is Life), bright (resplendent, glistening, clear, sparkling) as crystal (clear ice), continuously flowing (issuing) forth from out of God's – even the little Lamb's – throne!
2 Within the midst of her broad place (plaza; square; street), and on each side of the river, [is] a tree (a wood; timber; a log; same word used in Gen. 2:9, LXX; figure for “the cross” in the NT) of life periodically producing twelve fruits, continually yielding (or: giving away) according to each month, and the leaves of the tree (wood; timber) [are given] for (or: into) service (nurture, care; healing or medical service; a body of household attendants) of the multitudes (nations; Gentiles; non-Jews; ethnic groups).
Revelation 22:14
14 "Blessed (Happy) folks [are] the ones (folks; people) continually washing their garments (equipment) [other MSS: continually doing His inner goals], to the end that their authority (or: right; privilege) will continue being over (or: upon) the tree (pole) of The Life, and they may enter into the City by the gates.