1 Peter 2:21 Cross References - JMNT

21 for into this you are called (or: were invited), because Christ also experienced [this] (or: suffered) over you folks (or: for your sakes), leaving continuously below (or: behind) in you (or: with and for you) an underwriting (a writing under which you are to write or copy; hence: a pattern; a model) to the end that you could (or: would) follow-on in the footprints of Him

Matthew 10:38

38 "Furthermore, he who is not habitually taking his cross (execution stake) and then constantly following after (behind) Me, is not suitable for Me (worthy of Me).

Matthew 11:29

29 "At once lift up My crossbeam (or: the yoke which is Me; the balance beam that comes from and pertains to Me) upon you people, and instantly learn from Me, because I am (or: I continuously exist being) mild-tempered (gentle, kind and considerate) and humble (low) in the heart, and ‘you folks will continue finding refreshment and discovering rest in and for your souls (the whole inner person; the mind, emotions and nerves). [Jer. 6:16]

Matthew 16:24

24 At that point Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone continues intending (purposing; willing; wanting) to come on behind Me, let him at once deny, reject and disown himself, and then in one move lift up his execution state (cross), and after that proceed to be by habit continuously following after Me!

Mark 8:34-35

34 Then, upon calling the crowd – together with His disciples – toward Himself, He said to them, "If anyone continues purposing (intending; willing) to come behind (or: after) Me, let him once for all completely renounce (deny; disown; = say "No!" to) himself and pick up his cross (or: torture and death stake), and [thus] let him be continuously (habitually; progressively) following (coming after and accompanying) Me. 35 "For you see, whosoever may continue purposing (intending; willing) to save (deliver; rescue) his soul (or: the soul-life pertaining and having its source in himself; or: the soul which is himself; his inner life) will progressively destroy and lose it (or: her). Yet whoever destroys his soul (or: soul-life; = the inner life of the false self) on account of Me and for the sake of the good news (the message of ease, wellness and goodness) will progressively deliver (rescue; save) it (or: will continue restoring her to health, wholeness and her original state and condition).

Luke 9:23-25

23 Now He went on to say to them, "If anyone continues willing and intending to progressively come after Me, let him at once lift up and carry his execution stake (or: cross), daily, and be habitually following after Me. 24 "You see, whoever may (or: would; can) habitually will (or: purpose; intend; want) to keep his soul safe (or: to rescue or save his self-life) will be destroying it (or: will lose her). Yet whoever can (or: may) at some point destroy his soul (or: lose his self-life) – on account of Me – this person will continue keeping it safe (or: will progressively rescue and deliver it, and return it to its original state and condition of health and wholeness). 25 "For how or in what way is a person normally furthered or benefited by gaining, or making a profit of, the whole world (organized system of economics, culture, religion or government; universe; adorned arrangement) while yet destroying (or: losing) himself or suffering detriment, loss, disadvantage, damage or forfeit?

Luke 14:26-27

26 "If anyone continues coming to (or: toward) Me, and does not habitually regard with a negative will (= put lesser importance to; hate, in the sense of giving less preference to) his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters – and still [more], even his own soul-life (his inner being and its concerns; the person which is himself) – he has no power and is unable to be My disciple! 27 "Whoever is not habitually picking up and carrying his own execution stake (or: the cross of himself; the cross which pertains to, or is, himself) and then continuing in coming behind Me – he has no power and is unable to be My disciple!

Luke 24:26

26 "Did it not continue necessary for the Christ (the Anointed One) to experience and suffer these things – and then to enter into His glory (or: His assumed appearance)?"

John 13:15

15 "for I give (or: gave) an underlying example (or: result of something pointed out as a specimen or illustration shown under your eyes) to you folks, so that just (accordingly; correspondingly) as I Myself do (or: did) for (to; in; among) you, you men should also be repeatedly doing.

John 16:33

33 "I have spoken these things to you so that you may continuously have (hold; possess) peace centered in, within the midst of and in union with Me. Within the System (controlling world of culture, religion, economy and government) you normally have pressure and stress (or: continually have squeezing; repeatedly have tribulation and oppression), but nonetheless, be confident and take courage! I Myself have overcome and conquered the System (dominating world; organized arrangement of religion and society) so that it stands a completed victory!"

Acts 9:16

16 "For you see, I Myself will proceed underlining and pointing out (or: plainly showing) to him how many things it continues being binding and necessary for him to experience and be suffering – over [the situation of] (or: for; on behalf of) My Name."

Acts 14:22

22 progressively establishing (fixing and making to stand) the souls (inner lives) of the disciples (or: students), repeatedly calling [them] alongside to give relief, aid and comfort while encouraging [them] to continue abiding and remaining within the midst of the faith (or: trust; confidence; loyalty; reliance; conviction; assurance), and [saying] that, "It continues binding and necessary for us to enter into the reign of God (or: God's kingdom; the sovereign activities which are God) through the midst of many pressures, squeezings, tribulations, afflictions and oppressions."

Acts 17:3

3 thoroughly and progressively opening [them] up and repeatedly placing [them] side-by-side (= explaining and setting forth proofs) that it had continued binding and necessary for the Anointed One (the Christ) to experience, and at some point to suffer, but then to rise (stand back up again) from out of the midst of dead folks – and [saying] that "This Jesus, Whom I myself am now fully announcing to (or: progressively publishing down among) you folks, is the Anointed One (the Christ)."

Romans 8:29

29 because those whom He foreknew (whom He knows from previous intimate experience), He also marked out beforehand (determined, defined and designed in advance) [as] copies (joint-forms) of the image (material likeness; portrait; mirrored image) of His Son (or: He previously divided, separated and bounded conformed patterns from the image of His Son) into the [situation for] Him to be (or: to continually exist being) the Firstborn among, within the center of, and in union with many brothers (= a vast family of believers)!

1 Corinthians 11:1

1 Progressively come to be imitators of me, correspondingly as I, myself, also [am] of Christ and from [the] Anointing.

Ephesians 5:2

2 and keep on walking (walking around; = progressively living and maintaining your life) within, and in union with, Love, according as the Christ also loves (or: to the same level and commensurately as the Anointed One loved) you, and gives (or: gave) Himself over (or: up; alongside) in our behalf (over us and our [situation]; [other MSS: you]): a bearing toward and a bringingto be face to face, and then an offering (or: sacrifice) by (or: in; with; to; for) God (or: an approach [present], even a sacrifice by God) [turning] into a fragrant odor (sweet smell).

Philippians 2:5

5 You see, this way of thinking (this attitude and disposition) is continuously within and among you folks (or, as an imperative: So let this minding be habitually within you folks) – which [is] also within Christ Jesus,

1 Thessalonians 3:3

3 that no one be continuously wagged as a tail (= shaken or agitated) within these pressures (contractions, constrictions; oppressions), for you yourselves have seen and are aware that we are continually laid into (= repeatedly destined and set for) this!

1 Thessalonians 4:2

2 For you have seen and are aware what instructions (messages alongside) we gave to you through the Lord Jesus.

2 Timothy 3:12

12 And indeed (or: And so) all those habitually resolving (intending; willing) to be continuously living in a reverent, devout and pious manner with virtuous conduct from ease and goodness within Christ Jesus will be repeatedly pursued, persecuted and harassed.

Hebrews 2:10

10 You see, it was fitting for Him – on account of Whom [is] the collective whole ([are] all things that exist) and through Whom [is] the collective whole ([are] all things that exist) – in, when and by leading many sons [note: a figure for all humanity] into glory (a good reputation), to finish and perfect the Leader who first walked the Path of their deliverance (to bring to a complete state the Originator and Chief Agent of their rescue; to script the final scene for the Chief Conveyor of their restoration; to bring the Pioneering Bringer of their salvation to the destined goal) through the effects of sufferings and results of experiences [note, pascho means: to be affected by something - either good or bad; to feel, have sense experiences; thus, also: to suffer or undergo passion].

1 Peter 1:20

20 being One having been foreknown (previously known by intimate experience), indeed, before [the] casting down (as of material for a foundation: founding; as of seed in a field: sowing; as of seed of a man: conception [cf Heb. 11:11]; as in throwing something down: overthrowing; as in battle = slaying; in politics: abandoning [a measure]; of debts: paying down by installments;) of [the; or: an] ordered System (world; universe; a particular order or arrangement of things; or: = the aggregate of humanity), yet One being set in clear light and manifested upon [the] last part (or: final; [p72 and others read plural: last things, circumstances or aspects]) of the times (or: of the [or: these] successive chronological time periods) because of you folks –

1 Peter 2:24

24 Who, Himself, bore back up again our failures (our mistakes; our times of falling short or to the side of the target; our sins and errors) [Isa. 53:4, 12] within His body upon the tree (the wood; the stake), to the end that, being folks suddenly coming to be parted away from the failures (mistakes; errors; sins; misses of the target), we can (or: would; may) live in (or: by; for; with) the fairness and equity, in rightwised relationships, in the Path of the Way pointed out (or: = in covenant participation), where "you folks are (or: were) healed (or: cured) in the wound (or: by the welt; in the bruise of the blow)." [Isa. 53:5]

1 Peter 3:9

9 not being ones habitually giving back (repaying; rendering; giving away) bad in the place of bad (or: poor quality in exchange for poor quality; evil for evil) or abusive language in the place of abusive language (reviling in exchange for reviling; insulting back against insults), but just the opposite: constantly speaking things that embody wellness or give a blessing, because into this you are called (or: were invited), to the end that you folks may inherit a word embodying wellness (a blessing; a message of goodness; a thought bringing ease).

1 Peter 3:18

18 because even Christ (or: considering that Messiah also) died [other MSS: suffered], once for all, concerning and in relation to failures to hit the target (about errors and mistakes; around and encompassing sins [some MSS: our failures; other MSS: your failures]) – a Just One (a rightwised One; One in accord with the Way pointed out; a fair and equitable individual) over [the situation of] (or: for the sake of) unjust ones (capsized folks; those out of accord with the Way pointed out; unfair and inequitable people) – to the end that He at once may bring (or: can lead; would conduct) you folks [other MSS: us] to (or: toward) God. [He], on the one hand, being put to death in flesh (= a physical body), yet on the other hand, being made alive in spirit (or: indeed, being put to death by flesh {or: = the estranged human condition}, yet, being engendered a living one by Breath-effect {or: [the] Spirit}),

1 Peter 4:1

1 Christ, then, having undergone experiences and suffering in flesh (or: being physically and emotionally affected to the point of suffering) over us (or: over our [situation] and for our sakes), you folks also arm and equip yourselves with the same mental inclination (idea; thought; way of thinking; frame of mind; attitude), because the person [thus] suffering or going through physical or emotional experiences which affect him in [the] flesh (or: = by [his] estranged humanity or alienated self) has in and for himself put a stop to failures, errors and mistakes (or: sins) [or, with other MSS: has been caused to cease from sin],

1 John 2:6

6 The person habitually speaking [thus, as though] to be constantly abiding (remaining; dwelling) within Him, is continuously under obligation himself also to go on walking about (= behaving and conducting his life) just as That One (or: on the level and in the sphere as [He]) walked (or: walks; = lives His life).

1 John 3:16

16 Within this we have come to know the Love (acceptance which drives to overcome estrangement and achieve reunion) by intimate experience: that That One placed (or: places; sets; deposited) His soul over us; we ourselves are also constantly indebted (obligated) to place [our] souls over the brothers (= fellow believers, or, fellow humans; = [God’s] family).

Revelation 12:11

11 And they at once overcame (or: at some point overcome; conquer) him because of the blood of the little Lamb, and (or: even) because of the word (or: message; Word; Logos) of their witness (evidence; testimony) – and they love not (or: did not love) their soul (soul-life; inner self; personhood) even to (or: until) death.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.