1 Of Dauid. Pleate thou my cause, O Lorde, with them that stryue with me: and fyght thou agaynst them that fyght agaynst me.
2 Laye hande vpon the shilde & buckler, and stande vp to helpe me.
3 Brynge forth the speare, & stoppe the waye agaynst them that persecute me: saye vnto my soule: I am thy saluacyon.
4 Let them be confounded and put to shame, that seke after my soule: let them be turned backe, and brought to confusyon, that ymagyne myschefe for me.
5 Let them be as the dust before the wynde, and the angell of the Lorde scatterynge them.
6 Let theyr waye be darcke and slyppery, and let the angell of the Lorde persecute them.
7 For they haue pryuely layed theyr net to destroye me without a cause, yee euen without a cause haue they made a pytte for my soule.
8 Let a soden destruction come vpon him vnawares: & hys net that he hath layed priuely, catch hym selfe, that he maye fall into hys awne myschefe.
9 And my soule be ioyfull in the Lorde: it shall reioyse in his saluacyon.
10 All my bones shall saye: Lorde, who is lyke vnto the? which delyuerest the poore from hym that is to stronge for hym, yee the poore and hym that is in misery, from hym that spoyleth hym.
11 False witnesse dyd ryse vp: they layed to my charge, thynges that I knowe not.
12 They rewarded me euell for good, to the greate dyscomforte of my soule.
13 Neuerthelesse, when they were sycke, I put on a sacke clothe: and humbled my soule with fastynge, and my prayer shall turne into myne awne bosome.
14 I behaued my selfe as though it had bene my frende or my brother, I wente heuely, as one that mourneth for hys mother.
15 But in myne aduersyte they reioysed, and gathered them together: Yee the very abiectes came together agaynst me vnawares, makynge mowes at me, and ceassed not.
16 With the flatrers were busy mockers, which gnasshed vpon me with theyr teeth.
17 Lorde, howe longe wylt thou loke vpon thys? O delyuer my soule from the calamityes which they brynge on me, and my dearlynge from the lyons?
18 So wyll I geue the thankes in the greate congregacyon I wyll prayse the amonge moche people.
19 O let not them that are myne enemyes triumphe ouer me vngodlye nether: let them wyncke with theyr eyes, that hate me without a cause.
20 And why? theyr comonyng is not for peace, but they ymagyne disceatfull wordes agaynst them that are quyet in the lande.
21 They gaped vpon me with theyr mouthes, and sayde: fye on the, fye on the: we dyd se it with oure eyes.
22 This thou hast sene, O Lorde: holde not thy tonge then, go not farre fro me, O Lord.
23 A wake and stande vp to iudge my quarell auenge thou my cause, my God, and my Lorde.
24 Iudge me, O Lorde my God, accordynge to thy ryghteousnesse, and let them not triumphe ouer me.
25 Let them not saye in their hertes: there, there, so wolde we haue it: nether lett them saye: we haue deuoured hym.
26 Let them be put to confusyon and shame together that reioyse at my trouble: let them be clothed with rebuke and dishonoure that boast them selues agaynst me.
27 Let them be glad and reioyse, that fauoure my ryghteous dealynge: yee let them saye allwaye blessed be the Lorde, which hath pleasure in the prosperitye of hys seruaunt.
28 And as for my tonge, it shalbe talkynge of thy ryghteousnes and of thy prayse, all the daye longe.
Psalms 35 Cross References - Great
Exodus 14:25
25 and toke of hys charet wheles & caryed them awaye violently. So that the Egipcians sayde: Let vs fle from the face of Israel: for the Lorde fighteth for them agaynst the Egipcians.
Joshua 10:42
42 All those kynges and their lande dyd Iosua take at one tyme: because the Lorde God of Israell fought for Israell.
1 Samuel 24:15
15 The Lorde be iudge, and iudge betwene the and me, & se & pleate my cause, and avenge me of thyne hande.
Nehemiah 4:20
20 Loke in what place therfore ye heare the noyse of the trompet, resorte ye thyther vnto vs, & our God shal fight for vs,
Psalms 43:1
1 Geue sentence wt me (O God) & defende my cause agaynst the vngodly people: Oh delyuer me from the disceatfull & wycked man.
Psalms 119:154
154 Auenge thou my cause, and delyuer me, quycken me accordynge vnto thy worde.
Proverbs 22:23
23 for the Lord him selfe will defende their cause, & do violence vnto them that haue vsed violence.
Proverbs 23:11
11 For he that delyuereth them, is mightie, euen he shall defende theyr cause against the.
Isaiah 49:25
25 And therfore, thus sayeth the Lorde. The prisoners shalbe taken from the gyaunte, and the spoyle delyuered from the violente: for I wyll maynteyne thy cause agaynst thyne aduersaryes, and saue thy sonnes.
Jeremiah 51:36
36 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde: Beholde, I wyll defende thy cause, and auenge the: I wyll drincke vp her see, and drye vp her water sprynges.
Lamentations 3:58
58 Thou (O Lorde) hast mayntened the cause of my soule, and hast redemed my lyfe.
Micah 7:9
9 I wyll beare the punishement of the Lord (for why, I haue offended him) tyll he syt in iudgement vpon my cause, & se that I haue right. He wyll bryng me forth to the lyght, & I shall se his rightuousnesse.
Acts 5:39
39 But and yf it be of God, ye cannot destroye it, lest haply ye be founde to stryue agaynst God.
Acts 23:9
9 And there arose a greate crye: and whan the Scrybes which were of the Phariseyes parte arose, they stroue saying: we fynde none euyll in thys man. Though a sprete or an angell hath apeared to hym, let vs not stryue agaynst God.
Exodus 15:3
3 The Lorde is a man of warre. The Lorde is hys name.
Deuteronomy 32:41-42
41 If I whett the edge of my swerde, & myne hande take holde to do iustice, I wyll recompence vengeaunce on myne enemyes, & wyll rewarde them that hate me.
42 I will make myne arowes droncke with bloude, and my swerde shall eate fleshe, & that for the bloude of the slayne, & for their captiuite, sens the begynnynge of the wrath of the enemye.
Psalms 7:12-13
Psalms 91:4
4 He shall defende the vnder hys wynges, and thou shalte be safe vnder hys fethers: hys faythfulnesse and trueth shall be thy shylde and buckler.
Isaiah 13:5
5 They come out of a farre countree, from the ende of heauen: Euen the Lord hym selfe wt the ministers of his wrath, to destroye the whole lande.
Isaiah 42:13
13 The Lorde shall come forth as a gyaunte, and take a stomack to him lyke as a fresh man of warre. He shall roare & crie, & ouercome his enemies.
Genesis 49:18
18 after thy saluacyon haue I loked (o Lorde.)
1 Samuel 23:26-27
26 And when Saul hearde that, he folowed after Dauid in the wildernesse of Maon. And Saul & his men went on the one syde of the mountayne, & Dauid & his men on the other syde. And Dauid toke thought, how to get from Saul. For Saul & his men compased Dauid & his men, rounde about, to take them.
27 But there cam a messenger to Saul, saying Hast the, & come, for the Philistines are come into the land.
Job 1:10
10 hast thou not preserued him, & his house, and all that he hath on euery syde? Thou hast blessed the worckes of hys handes, and hys possessyon is encreased in the lande.
Psalms 27:2
2 When the wycked (euen myne enemyes and my foes) came vpon me, to eate vp my fleshe, they stombled & fell.
Psalms 51:12
12 O geue me the comforte of thy helpe agayne, & stablysh me wyth thy fre sprete.
Psalms 62:7
7 In God is my health & my glory, the rocke of my might, & in God is my trust.
Psalms 76:10
10 The fearcenesse of man shall turne to thy prayse: and the fearcenesse of other shalt thou refrayne.
Psalms 91:16
16 With longe lyfe wyll I satisfye hym, and shewe hym my saluacion.
Isaiah 8:9-10
9 Breake downe (o ye peple of Assur) and ye shall be, broken downe: herken to all ye of farre countrees. Muster you, and you shalbe broken downe, prepare you to batell and you shall be torne in peces:
10 take your councell together, yet must your councel come to naught: go in hande withall, yet shall it not prospere: for God is with vs.
Isaiah 10:12
12 Wherfore the Lord sayeth: Assone as I haue perfourmed my whole worcke vpon the hyll of Syon and Ierusalem, then wyll I vyset the noble and stoute hart of the kynge of Assyria, with hys proude lookes.
Isaiah 12:2
2 Behold, God is my saluacion in whom I will trust, and not be afrayde. For the Lorde God is my strength, & my songe, he also is become my saluacion.
Luke 2:30
30 For myne eyes haue sene the saluacion:
Acts 4:28
28 for to do whatsoeuer thy hande and thy counsell determyned before to be done.
1 Samuel 23:23
23 Se therfore, & know all the lourkyng places, where he hideth him self, and come ye agayne to me with the certentye, & I will go wyth you. And yf he be in the land, I will serche him out thorow out all the thousandes of Iuda.
1 Kings 19:10
10 And he answered. I haue bene gelous for the Lorde God of Hostes sake. For the chyldren of Israel haue forsaken thy couenant, broken downe thyne aulters and slayne thy prophetes with the swerde, and I onlye am lefte, and they seke my lyfe to take it awaye.
Psalms 31:17-18
Psalms 35:26
26 Let them be put to confusyon and shame together that reioyse at my trouble: let them be clothed with rebuke and dishonoure that boast them selues agaynst me.
Psalms 38:12
12 They also that sought after my life, layed snares for me: & they that went aboute to do me euell, talked of wickednesse, & ymagined disceate all the daye longe.
Psalms 40:14-15
Psalms 70:2-3
Psalms 71:24
24 for they are confounded and brought vnto shame, that seke to do me euell.
Psalms 129:5
5 Let them be confounded and turned backwarde, as many as haue euyll wyll at Sion.
Isaiah 37:29
29 Therfore thy furiousnes against me, and thy pryde is come before me. I wyll put my rynge in thy nose, and my brydle byt in the chawes of the, and turne the about, euen the same waye thou camest.
Jeremiah 46:5
5 But alas, howe happeneth it, that I se you so afrayde? why shryncke ye backe? Theyr worthyes are slayne. Yee, they runne so fast awaye, that none of them looketh behynde him. Fearfulnes is fallen vpon euerychone of them, sayth the Lorde.
Ezekiel 13:19
19 and dishonoure me to my people, for an handfull of barly, and for a pece of bread: whan ye kyll the soules of them, that dye not, and promes lyfe to them, that lyue not: Thus ye dissemble wt my people, that beleueth youre lyes.
Matthew 27:1
1 When the mornynge was come, all the chefe prestes and the elders of the people helde a counsayle agaynst Iesus, to put him to deeth,
John 18:6
6 Assone then as he had sayde vnto them, I am he, they went backewarde and fell to the grounde.
Exodus 14:19
19 And the angell of God which went before the hoost of Israel remoued, and beganne to go behynde them. And the clowden piller that was before the face of them beganne to stonde behynde them,
Job 21:18
18 Yee, they shall be euen as haye before the wynde, and as chaffe that the storme caryeth awaye.
Psalms 1:4
4 As for the vngodly, is it not so wt them: but they are lyke the chafe which the wynde scatered awaye.
Psalms 83:13-17
13 O my God, make them lyke vnto a whele, and as the stubble before the wynde.
14 Lyke as a fyre that burneth vp the wod, and as the flame that consumeth the mountaynes.
15 Persecute them euen so with thy tempest, and make them afrayed wyth thy storme.
16 Make their faces ashamed, O Lorde, that they maye seke thy name.
17 Let them be confounded and vexed euer more and more: let them be put to shame and perish.
Isaiah 17:13
13 Euen lyke many waters shall the people rage. God shall rebuke him, and he shal flye farre of. He shalbe chaced awaye lyke as drye strawe vpon the mountaynes before the wynde, and lyke a thing that turneth before the storme.
Isaiah 29:5
5 Thy voyce also shall come out of the grounde lyke the voyce of a witch: and thy talkyng shall whisper out of the dust. Moreouer, the noyse of thy straunge enemyes shalbe lyke thynne dust, & the multitude of tyrauntes shalbe as drye strawe, that cannot tary: euen sodenly and in hayste shall theyr blast go.
Isaiah 37:36
36 Thus the angel went forth, and slewe of the Assyrians hoost, an hundred fourescore and fyue thousande. And when men arose vp early in the mornynge. Beholde, they were slayne, and all laye full of deed bodyes.
Hosea 13:3
3 Therfore, they shalbe as the morninge cloude, and as the dewe that early passeth awaye and lyke as dust that the whorle wynde taketh awaye, from the flore, and as smoke that goeth out of the chymney.
Acts 12:23
23 And immediatly the angell of the Lorde smote hym, because he gaue not God the honour, and he was eaten of wormes and gaue vp the ghost.
Hebrews 11:28
28 Thorow fayth he ordeyned the passeouer and that effusyon of bloud, lest he that destroyed the fyrst borne, shulde touch them.
Psalms 73:18
18 Namely, how thou dost sett them in slyppery places, and castest them downe and destroyest them.
Proverbs 4:19
19 But the waye of the vngodly is as the darcknesse: they knowe nott where they fall.
Jeremiah 13:16
16 Honoure the Lord your God here in, or he take hys lyght from you, & or euer youre fete stomble in darcknesse at the hyll: lest when ye loke for the lyght, he turne it into the shadowe & darcknesse of death,
Jeremiah 23:12
12 Wherfore, their way shall be slyppery in the darcknesse, where in they maye stacker & fall. For I wyll bryng a plage vpon them, euen the yeare of theyr visitacion saieth the Lorde.
Job 18:8
8 For his fete are taken as it were in the nett, and he is at his wittes ende.
Psalms 7:3-5
3 O Lorde my God, yf I haue done any soche thynge, or yf there be any wyckednes in my handes.
4 Yf I haue rewarded euyll vnto him that dealt frendly with me, yee, I haue delyuered hym, that without any cause is myne enemye.
5 Then lett myne enemye persecute my soule, and take me: ye let hym treade my lyfe downe vpon the earth, & laye myne honoure in the dust. Sela.
Psalms 9:15
15 The Heithen are suncken downe in the pytte that they made: in the same nett which they hydd pryuely, is their awne foote taken.
Psalms 25:3
3 For all they that hope in the, shall not be a shamed: but soch as transgresse without a cause, shall be put to confusion
Psalms 64:4
4 That they maye preuely shote at him which is perfecte: sodenly do they hit him & feare not.
Psalms 69:4
4 They that hate me without a cause, are mo then the heeres of my head: they that are myne enemies & wolde destroie me giltlesse are mightie:
Psalms 119:85
85 The proude haue dygged pyttes for me, whych are not after thy lawe.
Psalms 140:5
5 The proude haue layed a snare for me: and spred a net abroad with coardes: yee, & set trappes in my waye Sela.
John 15:25
25 But thys happeneth that the sayinge myght be fulfylled, that is writen in their lawe: they hated me without a cause.
1 Samuel 18:17
17 And Saul sayde to Dauid. Beholde, my eldest daughter Merob, her I wyll geue the to wyfe Only playe the man with me, and fyght the Lordes batelles. For Saul thought: myne hande shall not be vpon hym, but the hand of the Philistines.
1 Samuel 31:2-4
2 And the Philistynes preased sore vpon Saul & his sonnes, & slewe Ionathas, & Abinadab & Melchisua Sauls sonnes.
3 And whan the battell went sore agaynst Saul, the archers with bowes founde hym, & he was sore afrayed of the archers.
4 Then sayd Saul vnto his harnesberer draw out thy swerde, & thrust me thorowe therwyth, lest these vncircumcised come, & thrust me thorowe and make a mockynge stocke of me. But hys harnesberer wolde not, for he was sore afrayed. And Saul toke a swerde, and fell vpon it.
2 Samuel 17:2-4
2 And I wyll come vpon hym, whyle he is werye and weake handed, and wyll feare hym: And all the people that are with hym, shall flee. And so will I smyte the kynge onlye,
3 and wyll bryng agayne all the people vnto the, euen as easely as yf I wolde brynge anye other thing. And whan I haue slayne the man whom thou sekest, all the people shall haue rest.
4 And the saying pleased Absalom well, and all the elders of Israel.
2 Samuel 17:23
23 And when Ahithophel sawe, that his councell was not folowed, he sadelled his Asse, & arose, & gate hym home to hys awne house, and to hys awne cytie, and put hys housholde in order, and hanged him selfe, and dyed, and was buryed in the sepulchre of hys father.
2 Samuel 18:14-15
Esther 7:10
10 So they hanged Haman on the galowes, that he had made for Mardocheus. Then was the kynges wrath pacified.
Psalms 7:15-16
Psalms 57:6
6 They haue layed a nett for my fete, and pressed downe my soule: they haue dygged a pytt before me, and are fallen into the myddes of it them selues. Sela.
Psalms 64:7
7 But God shal sodenly shote at them with a swift arowe, that they shalbe wounded.
Psalms 73:18-20
Psalms 141:9-10
Proverbs 5:22
22 The wyckednesse of the vngodly shall catch hymselfe, and with the snares of hys awne synnes shall he be trapped.
Proverbs 29:1
1 He that is styfnecked, & wyll not be refourmed, shall sodenly be destroyed without eny help.
Isaiah 47:11
11 Therfore shall trouble come vpon the, and thou shall not knowe, from whence it shall aryse. Myschefe shall fall vpon the, which thou shalt not be able to put of. A sodayne vtter destruction, shall come vpon the or euer thou be aware.
Matthew 27:3-5
3 Then Iudas (which had betrayed him) seyng that he was condempned, repented him selfe, and brought agayne the thirtye plates of syluer, to the chefe Prestes and elders,
4 sayinge: I haue synned, betrayinge the innocent bloud. And they sayd: what is that to vs? Se thou to that.
5 And he cast downe the syluer plates in the temple, and departed and went and hanged hym selfe.
Luke 21:34
34 Take hede to your selues, lest at anye tyme youre hertes be ouercome with surfettynge and dronkennes and cares of thys lyfe, and so the daye come vpon you vnwares.
1 Thessalonians 5:3
3 For when they shall saye, peace and all thynges are safe, then shall soden destruccyon come vpon them (as sorowe commeth vpon a woman traualynge with chylde) & they shall not scape:
1 Samuel 2:1
1 And Hanna prayed and sayde: myne herte reioyseth in the Lord, and myne horne is exalted in the Lorde. My mouth is wyde open ouer myne enemyes, for I reioyse in thy saluacyon.
Psalms 9:14
14 That I maye shewe all thy prayses wyth in the portes of the daughter of Syon, I wyll reioyse in thy saluacyon.
Psalms 13:5
5 But my trust is in thy mercy, and my hert is ioyfull in thy saluacyon.
Psalms 21:1
1 To the chaunter, a Psalme of Dauid. The kynge shall reioyce in thy strength, O Lorde, exceadynge glad shall he be of thy saluacion.
Psalms 33:21
21 For oure herte shall reioyse in hym, because we haue hoped in hys holy name.
Psalms 48:11
11 Let the mount Sion reioyse, and the daughters of Iuda be glad because of thy iudgementes.
Psalms 58:10-11
Psalms 68:1-3
1 To the chaunter, a Psalme and songe of Dauid. Let God aryse, and let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him, flye before him.
2 Like as the smoke vanysheth, so shalt thou dryue them awaye: and lyke as waxe melteth at the fyre: so let the vngodly perysh at the presence of God.
3 But let the ryghteous be glad & reioyse before God: let them also be mery and ioyfull.
Isaiah 61:10
10 And therfore I am ioyfull in the Lorde, & my soule reioyseth in my God. For he hath put vpon me the garment of saluacion, & couered me with the mantle of ryghteousnes. He shall decke me lyke a brydegrome, and as a bride that hath hyr apparell vpon her.
Habakkuk 3:18
18 But as for me, I wyll be glad in the Lorde, and will reioyce in God my Sauyoure.
Luke 1:46-47
Galatians 5:22
22 Contrarely, the frute of the sprete is, loue, ioye, peace, longe sufferinge, gentylnes, goodnes, faythfulnes,
Philippians 3:1-3
1 Moreouer, (brethren) reioyce ye in the Lorde. It greueth me not to wryte one thynge often to you. For to you it is a sure thynge.
2 Beware of dogges, beware of euyll workers. Beware of dissensyon.
3 For we are circumcisyon, which serue God in the sprete, and reioyce in Chryst Iesu, and haue no confydence in the flesshe:
Exodus 15:11
11 Who is lyke vnto the, o Lorde, among goddes? who is lyke the so glorious in holynes, fearfull in prayses, shewing wonders?
Job 5:15-16
Job 33:19-25
19 He chasteneth hym wyth sycknesse, and bryngeth hym to his bed: he layeth sore punyshement vpon hys bones,
20 so that hys lyfe maye awaye wyth no bred, and his soule abhorreth to eat any dayntie meat:
21 In so moch that hys body is cleane consumed awaye, and his bones appeare no more.
22 Hys lyfe draweth on to the graue, and hys lyfe to death.
23 Now, yf there be a messenger (one amonge a thousande) sent for to speake vnto man, and to shewe him the ryght waye:
24 then the Lorde is mercyfull vnto hym, and sayeth: He shalbe delyuered, that he fall not downe to the graue, for I am sufficiently reconcyled.
25 Than shall hys flesh be as well lykyng as it was afore, and shalbe as it was in hys youth.
Psalms 10:14
14 Surely thou hast sene it. For thou beholdest vngodlynesse and wronge. That thou mayest take the matter in to thy hande: the poore committeth hym selfe vnto the, for thou art the helper of the frendlesse.
Psalms 18:17
17 He shall delyuer me from my strongest enemye, & from them which hate me: for they are to myghty for me.
Psalms 22:14
14 I am powred out lyke water, & all my bones are out of ioynt: my hert also in the myddest of my bodye is euen lyke meltynge waxe.
Psalms 22:24
24 For he hath not despysed ner abhorred the lowe estate of the poore he hath not hyd hys face from hym, but when he called vnto him, he harde him.
Psalms 32:3
3 For whyle I helde my tonge, my bones consumed awaye thorowe my daylye complayninge.
Psalms 34:6
6 Lo, the poore cryeth, & the Lorde heareth hym, yee and saueth hym out of all hys troubles.
Psalms 34:20
20 He kepeth all hys bones, so that not one of them is broken.
Psalms 37:14
14 The vngodly haue drawen out the swerde, and haue bended their bowe, to cast downe the poore and nedye, and to slaye soch as be of a ryght conuersacion.
Psalms 38:3
3 There is no health in my flessh, because of thy displeasure: nether is there anye rest in my bones, by reason of my synne.
Psalms 51:8
8 Thou shalt make me heare of ioye and gladnesse, that the bones whych thou hast broken, maye reioyse.
Psalms 69:33
33 The humble shal consydre this, and be glad: seke ye after God, and youre soule shall lyue.
Psalms 71:19
19 Thou hast brought me to great honour and comforted me on euery syde.
Psalms 86:8
8 Amonge the Goddes there is none lyke vnto the (O Lord) there is not one that can do as thou doest.
Psalms 89:6-8
Psalms 102:3
3 For my dayes are consumed awaye lyke smoke, and my bones are brent vp, as it were a fyre brande.
Psalms 102:17-20
17 Whan he turneth him vnto the prayer of the poore destitute, & despyseth not theyr desyre.
18 This shalbe wrytten for those that come after: & the people which shalbe borne, shall prayse the Lord.
19 For he hath loked downe from his Sanctuary, out of the heauen dyd the Lorde beholde the earth.
20 That he might heare the mournynges of soch as be in captiuite, and delyuer the chyldren appoynted vnto death.
Psalms 109:31
31 For he shall stand at the ryght hand of the poore, to saue his soule from vnryghteous iudges.
Psalms 140:12
12 Sure I am, that the Lorde wyll auenge the poore, and mainteyne the cause of the helpeles.
Proverbs 22:22-23
Isaiah 40:18
18 To whom then wyll ye liken God? or what Similitude will ye set vp vnto him?
Isaiah 40:25
25 To whom nowe will ye lyken me, & whom shall I be lyke, sayeth the holy one?
Jeremiah 10:7
7 Who wolde not feare the? O kyng of the Gentils for thyne is the domynion. For amonge all the wyse men of the Gentyles, and in all theyr kyngdomes, there is none that maye be lickened vnto the.
1 Samuel 24:9
9 & sayd to Saul: wherfore geuest thou an eare to mennes wordes that saye, Dauid seketh euell agaynst the?
1 Samuel 25:10
10 And Nabal answered Dauids seruauntes, & sayde: what is Dauid? & what is the sonne of Isai? there is plentye of seruauntes now a dayes, that breake awaye euery man from his master.
Psalms 27:12
12 Delyuer me not ouer into the will of myne aduersaryes, for there are false wytnesses rysen vp agaynst me, and soch as speake wronge.
Matthew 26:59-60
Acts 6:13
13 and brought him to the councell, and brought forth false witnesse, which sayde: Thys man ceaseth not to speake blasphemous wordes against this holy place and the lawe:
Acts 24:5-6
Acts 24:12-13
1 Samuel 19:4-5
4 And Ionathas spake good of Dauid vnto Saul hys father, and sayde vnto hym: let not the kynge synne agaynst hys seruaunt Dauid, for he hath not synned agaynst the, and hys workes haue bene to the ward very good.
5 For he dyd put hys lyfe in hys hande, and slue the Philistine, and the Lorde brought to passe a greate health for all Israel. Thou sawest it, and thou reioysedest, wherfore then wilt thou synne against innocent bloude, and slaye Dauid without a cause?
1 Samuel 19:15
15 And Saul sent the messengers agayne to se Dauid, sayinge: bringe him to me, bed & all, that I maye slaye him.
1 Samuel 20:31-33
31 For as longe as the sonne of Isai lyueth vpon the erth, thou shalt not be stablished, nor yet thy kingdome, wherfore now sende and sett him vnto me, for he is the chylde of deeth.
32 And Ionathas answered vnto Saul his father, and sayde to him. Wherfore shulde he dye? what hath he done?
33 And Saul lyfte vp a speare to hyt him, wherby Ionathas wyst well, that it was vtterlye determined of his father; to sleye Dauid.
1 Samuel 22:13-14
13 And Saul sayde vnto hym: why haue ye conspired agaynst me, thou & the sonne of Isai, in that thou hast geuen him vitaile, & a swerde, and hast asked councell of God for him, that he shuld aryse agaynst me, & lye awayte for me this daye?
14 Ahimelech answered the king & sayd who is so faithfull among all thy seruauntes as Dauid, & therto the kinges sonne in law, & goeth at thy bydding, & is had in honoure in thyne house?
Psalms 38:20
20 They also that rewarde euell for good are agaynst me, because I folowe the thynge that good is.
Psalms 109:3-5
Proverbs 17:13
13 Who so rewardeth euell for good, the plage shall not departe from his house.
Jeremiah 18:20
20 shall they recompence euell for good? for they haue digged a pit for my soule. Remembre, howe that I stode before the, to speake good for them, & to turne awaye thy wrath from them.
Luke 23:21-23
21 But they cryed, sayinge: Crucifye hym, Crucifye hym.
22 He sayde vnto them the thyrde tyme: What euyll hath he done? I fynde no cause of deeth in him. I wyll therfore chasten him, & let him go.
23 And they cryed wyth loude voyces, requiryng that he myght be crucyfyed. And the voyces: of them and of the hye Prestes preuayled.
John 10:32
32 Iesus answered them: many good worckes haue I shewed you from my father: for which of them do ye stone me?
Leviticus 16:29
29 And thys shalbe an ordinaunce for euer vnto you: that in the tenth daye of the seuenth moneth, ye humble youre soules, and do no worke at all: whether it be one of youre selues or a straunger that soiourneth amonge you,
Leviticus 16:31
31 Let it be a Sabboth of rest vnto you, and ye shall humble youre soules, by an ordinaunce for euer.
1 Kings 21:27-29
27 And it fortuned, that when Ahab hearde those wordes, he rent hys clothes, and put sackecloth about his flesh, and fasted, and laye in sack and went bare fote.
28 And the worde of the Lorde came to Elia, the Thesbyte, sayenge:
29 seest thou how Ahab humbleth hym selfe before me? because he so submytteth hym selfe before me, I wyl not bringe that euell in his dayes: but in his sonnes dayes, wyll I bringe euell vpon hys house.
Job 30:25
25 Did not I wepe with him that was in trouble? Had not my soule compassion vpon the poore?
Psalms 69:10-11
Isaiah 58:3
3 Wherfore fast we (saye they) and thou seest it not? we put out lyues to straytenes, and thou regardest it not?
Isaiah 58:5
5 Thyncke ye this fast pleaseth me, that a man shulde chasten him selfe for a daye, and to wrythe his head aboute lyke an hoope, & to lye vpon the earth in an heary cloth? Shulde that be called fastynge, or a daye that pleaseth the Lorde?
Matthew 5:44
44 But I saye vnto you: loue your enemyes. Blesse them that curse you. Do good to them that hate you. Praye for them which hurt you and persecute you,
Matthew 9:14-15
14 Then came the Disciples of Iohn vnto him, saying: why do we and the Pharises fast, for the most parte: but thy disciples fast not?
15 And Iesus sayde vnto them: can the brydegromes children mourne as longe as the brydegrome is with them? But the dayes wyll come, when the brydegrome shalbe taken from them, and then shall they fast.
Matthew 10:13
13 And yf the house be worthy, let youre peace come vpon it. But yf it be not worthy, let youre peace retourne to you agayne.
Luke 10:6
6 And yf the sonne of peace be there, your peace shall rest vpon him: yf not, it shall turne to you agayne.
Romans 12:14-15
Genesis 24:67
67 And Isahac broughte her in to his mother Saraes tente, and toke Rebecca, and she became hys wyfe, and he loued her: and so Isahac receaued conforte after hys mother
2 Samuel 1:11-12
2 Samuel 1:17-27
17 And Dauid mourned with thys lamentacyon ouer Saul and ouer Ionathas hys sonne,
18 and bad teache the chyldren of Israel the vse of the bowe. And Beholde, it is wrytten in the boke of the ryghtwes.
19 O noble Israell, the wounded are slayne vpon thy hilles: Oh howe are the myghtie ouerthrowen.
20 Tell yt not in Gath, nor publishe it in the streats of Ashalon: lest the daughters of the Philistines reioyse, and lest the daughters of the vncircumcysed triumphe.
21 Ye mountaynes of Gilboa, vpon you be nether dewe nor rayne, not vpon these feldes of offerynges. For there the shilde of the myghtie is cast downe: the shylde of Saul, as though he had not bene anoynted with oyle.
22 The bowe of Ionathas & the swerde of Saul turned neuer backe agayne emptie, from the bloude of the slayne, & from the fatte of the myghtye warryoures.
23 Saul and Ionathas were louely & pleasaunt in their lyues, and in their deathes they were not deuided: They were swifter then Egles, and stronger then Lyons.
24 Ye daughters of Israel, wepe ouer Saul, which clothed you in purple with pleasures, and hanged ornamentes of golde vpon your apparell.
25 Howe were the myghtye slayne in battell? Ionathas is deed on the hye hylles.
26 Woo is me for the (my brother Ionathas) verye kynde hast thou bene vnto me. Thy loue to me was wonderfull, passynge the loue of wemen.
27 O howe are the myghtie ouerthrowen, and the wepons of warre destroyed?
Psalms 38:6
6 I ambrought in to so greate trouble & misery, that I go mournynge all the daye longe.
Luke 19:41-42
Job 16:9
9 He is angrye at me, he hateth me and gnassheth vpon me wyth hys teth. Myne enemye skouleth vpon me wyth hys eyes.
Job 30:1-12
1 But now they that are younger then I, haue me in derysion: yee, euen they, whose fathers I wolde haue thought scorne to haue set with the dogges of my catell.
2 The power & strength of their handes might do me no good: for the tyme is but lost among them.
3 For very misery and honger, they fled in to the wyldernesse horrible & waist,
4 pluckynge vp nettels amonge the busshes, and the Iuniper rotes for their meate.
5 And when they were dryuen forth, men cryed after them, as it had bene after a thefe.
6 Their dwelling was besyde foule brokes, yee, in the caues and dennes of the earth.
7 Amonge the busshes wente they aboute crying, and vnder the thornes they gathered them selues together.
8 They were the chyldren of fooles and vylaines, which are vexed out of the worlde.
9 Now am I their songe, and am become their ieastinge stock:
10 they abhorre me, and flye farre fro me, and stayne my face with spetle.
11 For the Lord hath loosed the strength of my body, and brought me lowe. The brydle haue they cast out of my syght.
12 Upon my right hande ryse the yonge men agaynst me, they haue hurte my fete, treadinge vpon me, as vpon the wayes that they wolde destroye.
Job 31:29
29 Haue I euer reioysed at the hurte of myne enemy? Or was I euer glad, that any harme happened vnto him? Oh no.
Psalms 7:2
2 Lest he deuoure my soule lyke a lyon, and teare it in peces, whyle there is none to helpe.
Psalms 22:16
16 For dogges are come aboute me, & the councell of the wycked laye seage agaynst me.
Psalms 35:8
8 Let a soden destruction come vpon him vnawares: & hys net that he hath layed priuely, catch hym selfe, that he maye fall into hys awne myschefe.
Psalms 35:25-26
Psalms 38:17
17 And I truly am set in the plage, & my heuinesse is euer in my syght.
Psalms 41:8
8 Let the sentence of giltynesse proceade agaynst him: & now that he lyeth, let him ryse vp nomore.
Psalms 57:4
4 My soule is among lyons and I lye euen amonge the chyldren of men (that are sett on fyre) whose tethe are speares and arowes, and their tonge a sherp swearde.
Psalms 69:12
12 They that sitte in the gate, speake agaynst me, and the dronckardes make songes vpon me.
Psalms 71:10-11
Proverbs 17:5
5 Who so laugheth the poore to scorne, blasphemeth his maker: and he that is glad of another mans hurte, shall not be vnpunyshed.
Proverbs 24:17-18
Jeremiah 20:10
10 For why I herde so many derisions and blasphemies on euery syde of me: complayne vpon him, saye they, and we will tell his tale, yee euen of myne awne companions, and soch as were conuersant with me: went about to murther me, saying vpon him, we shall one waye or other begyle him and preuayle agaynst him, and be auenged of hym.
Matthew 27:27-30
27 Then the soudeours of the debite toke Iesus in the comen hall, and gathered vnto him al the company.
28 And they stripped him, and put on him a purpill robe,
29 and platted a croune of thornes and put vpon his heed, and a rede in his ryght hande: and bowed the knee before him: & mocked him, saying: hayle, kyng of the Iewes:
30 and whan they had spytt vpon him, they toke the rede, and smote him on the heed.
Matthew 27:39-44
39 They that passed by, reuyled him, waggynge their heades,
40 and sayinge: thou that destroydest the temple of God and dyddest bylde it in thre dayes, saue thy selfe If thou be the sonne of God, come downe from the crosse.
41 Like wyse also the hye prestes, mocking him with the Scribes and elders sayde:
42 He saued other, him selfe can he not saue. If he be the kynge of Israel: let him now come doune from the crosse, & we will beleue him.
43 He trusted in God, let him delyuer him now, yf he wyll haue him: for he sayde, I am the sonne of God.
44 The theues also, which were crucifyed with him, cast the same in his tethe.
Mark 14:65
65 And some beganne to spit at him, & to couer his face, & to beate him with fistes, and to saye vnto him, Areade: And the seruauntes boffeted him on the face.
Acts 17:5
5 But the Iewes which beleued not, had indignacion and toke vnto them euyll men, which were vagabundes, and gathered a company, and set all the cytie on a roare, & made assaute vnto the house of Iason, & sought to brynge them out to the people.
1 Corinthians 13:6
6 reioyseth not in iniquyte: but reioyseth in the trueth,
1 Samuel 20:24-42
24 And so Dauid hyd him selfe in the felde. And when the newe mone was come, the kynge sat him downe to eate meate.
25 And the kynge sat him downe after the olde maner, in hys seate by the wall. And Ionathas arose and Abner sate by Sauls syde, & Dauids place was emptye.
26 Neuerthelesse, Saul sayde nothinge at all that daye. For he thought: some thynge hath chaunced him that he is not cleane.
27 But on the morowe which was the seconde daye of the newe mone, it happened that Dauids place was emptye agayne. And Saul sayde vnto Ionathas his sonne. Wherfore commeth not the sonne of Isai to meate, nether yesterdaye nor to daye?
28 And Ionathas answered vnto Saul. Dauid asked lycence of me, to go to Bethlehem,
29 for he sayde: let me go I praye the for oure kynred dothe holde an offerynge in the cytie, and my brother hath sent for me. And therfore yf I haue founde fauoure in thyne eyes, lett me go, and se my brethren. This is the cause, that he commeth not vnto the kynges table.
30 Then was Saul angrye with Ionathas, & sayde vnto him: Thou wycked rebell, do not I knowe, that thou hast chosen the sonne of Isai vnto thyne awne rebuke, & vnto the rebuke & shame of thy mother?
31 For as longe as the sonne of Isai lyueth vpon the erth, thou shalt not be stablished, nor yet thy kingdome, wherfore now sende and sett him vnto me, for he is the chylde of deeth.
32 And Ionathas answered vnto Saul his father, and sayde to him. Wherfore shulde he dye? what hath he done?
33 And Saul lyfte vp a speare to hyt him, wherby Ionathas wyst well, that it was vtterlye determined of his father; to sleye Dauid.
34 And so Ionathas arose from the table in a greate anger, & dyd eate no meat the seconde daye of the moneth, for he was sory for Dauid, because hys father had done him shame.
35 On the nexte morning, Ionathas went out into the felde, at the tyme apoynted with Dauid, & a lytle ladd with him.
36 And he sayde vnto his boye: runne & seke out myne arowes whych I shote. And as the boye ran he shot an arowe beyonde him.
37 And when the lad was come to the place whether Ionathas had shot the arowe, Ionathas cryed after the lad, and sayde: Is not the arowe beyonde the?
38 And Ionathas cried after the lad agayne: make spede, and stande not styll. And Ionathas lad geathered vp the arowes, & came to his master.
39 But the lad wist nothinge of the matter. Onely Ionathas and Dauid wist it.
40 And Ionathas gaue his weapons vnto the lad that was wyth him, & sayde vnto him: go & carye them to the towne.
41 And as sone as the lad was gone, Dauid arose out of a place that was towarde the south, and fell on hys face to the grounde, and worshypped thre tymes. And they kissed ether other, & wept together so longe, tyll Dauid exceaded in weping.
42 And Ionathas sayde to Dauid: go in peace. And the thynges which we haue sworne both of vs in the name of the Lorde, sayinge: the Lorde be betwene the & me, & betwene thy sede & myne, let them stonde for euer. And he arose, & departed. And Ionathas went into the towne.
Psalms 37:12
12 The vngodly seketh councell agaynst the iust, & gnassheth vpon hym with his tethe.
Isaiah 1:14-15
14 I hate your newe mone dayes & solempne feastes, euen fro my very hert. I can not awaye wt suche vanitie & holdinge in of the people.
15 They lye vpon me as a burthen, and I am wery of beringe them. Whan ye holde out your handes, I will turne myne eyes from you. And though ye make many prayers, yet wil I heare nothynge at all, seyng your handes are ful of bloude.
Lamentations 2:16
16 All thyne enemies gape vpon the: whysperinge and bytinge their teth, saying: let vs deuoure, for the tyme that we loked for, is come: we haue founde and sene it.
John 18:28
28 Then led they Iesus from Cayphas into the hall of iudgement. It was in the mornynge, & they them selues went not into the iudgement hall lest they shulde be defyled, but that they myght eate Passeouer.
Acts 7:54
54 When they heard these thinges, theyr hertes claue asunder, and they gnasshed on him with theyr teth.
1 Corinthians 5:8
8 Therfore, let vs kepe holy daye, not with olde leuen, nether with the leuen of malicyousnes & wickednes: but with the swete breed of purenes and trueth.
Psalms 6:3
3 My soule also is sore troubled: but Lorde howe longe wylt thou punyshe me?
Psalms 13:1-2
Psalms 22:20-21
Psalms 69:14-15
Psalms 74:9-10
Psalms 89:46
46 The dayes of his youth hast thou shortened: and couered him wt dishonoure. Selah.
Psalms 94:3-4
Psalms 142:6-7
Habakkuk 1:13
13 Thyne eyes are clene, thou mayest not se euel, thou canst not beholde, the thinge that is wycked. Wherfore then dost thou loke vpon the vngodly, and holdest thy tunge, when the wycked deuoureth the man that is better then him selfe?
Psalms 22:22-25
22 I wyll declare thy name vnto my brethren: in the myddest of the congregacion wyll I prayse the.
23 O prayse the Lorde ye that feare him: Magnifye hym all ye of the sede of Iacob, & feare him all ye sede of Israel.
24 For he hath not despysed ner abhorred the lowe estate of the poore he hath not hyd hys face from hym, but when he called vnto him, he harde him.
25 My prayse is of the in the great congregacion, my vowes wyll I perfourme in the syght of them that feare hym.
Psalms 22:31
31 Sede shall serue him: they shalbe counted vnto the Lorde for a generacyon. They shall come, and shall declare hys ryghteousnes: vnto a people that shall be borne, whom the Lorde hath made.
Psalms 40:9-10
9 I haue declared thy ryghtuousnesse in the great congregacion: Lo, I will not refrayne my lippes, O Lord, & that thou knowest.
10 I haue not hyd thy ryghtuousnes within my hert my talkynge hath bene of thy truth and of thy saluacion. I haue not kept backe thy louing mercy, & truth from the greate congregacion.
Psalms 67:1-4
1 To the chaunter, in melodyes: a Psalme and songe. God be mercyfull vnto vs, & blesse vs, and shewe vs the lyght of hys countenaunce. Sela.
2 That thy waye maye be knowne vpon earth, thy sauynge health amonge all nacions.
3 Let the people prayse the, O God, yee, let all people prayse the.
4 O let the nacions reioyse and be glad, For thou shalt iudge the folke ryghteously, and gouerne the nacions vpon earth. Sela.
Psalms 69:30-34
30 As for me, whan I am poore and in heuynesse, thy helpe (O God) shall lyfte me vp.
31 I wyll prayse the name of God with a songe, and magnifye it wt thankesgeuing.
32 This also shall please the Lorde better then a bullocke, that hath hornes and hooffes.
33 The humble shal consydre this, and be glad: seke ye after God, and youre soule shall lyue.
34 For the Lord heareth the poore, and despyseth not his presoners.
Psalms 111:1
1 Prayse the Lorde. I Wyll geue thanckes vnto the Lord with my whole hert: secretly among the faithfull, and in the congregacion.
Psalms 116:14
14 I wyll paye my vowes now in the presence of all his people, ryght deare in the syght of the Lorde is the death of hys saynctes.
Psalms 116:18
18 I wyll paye my vowes vnto the Lord in the syght of all his people,
Psalms 117:1-2
Psalms 138:4-5
Isaiah 25:3
3 Therfore shall the mighty people geue glory vnto the: the citye of the valeaunt Heithen shall feare the.
Romans 15:9
9 that the gentyls myght prayse God for hys mercy, as it is wrytten. For this cause I will prayse the amonge the gentyls, and synge vnto thy name.
Hebrews 2:12
12 sayinge: I wyll declare thy name vnto my brethren, in the myddes of the congregacyon wyll I prayse the.
1 Samuel 24:11-12
11 And moreouer, my father, behold, & se yet the lapp of thy garment in my hand: in as moch as I kylled the not, when I cutt of the lapp of thy garment. Understande therfore & se, that there is nether euell nor wickednesse in me, and that I haue not synned agaynst the. And yet thou huntest after my soule to take it.
12 The Lord be iudge betwene the and me, and the Lorde aduenge me of the. But myne hand be not vpon the.
Job 15:12
12 Why doth thyne hert so be wytch the? And wherfore wynckest thou wyth thyne eyes,
Psalms 13:4
4 Lest myne enemye saye: I haue preuayled agaynst hym: for yf I be cast downe, they that trouble me wyll reioyse at it.
Psalms 25:2
2 My God, I haue put my trust in the: Oh lett me not be confounded, nether let myne enemyes triumphe ouer me.
Psalms 35:15
15 But in myne aduersyte they reioysed, and gathered them together: Yee the very abiectes came together agaynst me vnawares, makynge mowes at me, and ceassed not.
Psalms 38:16
16 I haue required, that they shuld not triumphe ouer me: for whan my fote slypte, they reioysed greatly against me.
Psalms 38:19
19 But myne enemyes lyue, & are myghtie: & they that hate me wrongfully, are many in nombre.
Psalms 109:3
3 For the loue that I had vnto them, lo, they take now my contrary part, but I geue my self vnto prayer.
Psalms 119:161
161 Prynces haue persecuted me wythout cause, but my herte standeth in awe of thy wordes.
Proverbs 6:13
13 he wyncketh with his eyes, he tokeneth with hys fete, he poynteth with hys fyngers,
Proverbs 10:10
10 He that wynciteth with his eye, will do some harme: but he that hath a foolyshe mouth, shalbe beaten.
Lamentations 3:52
52 Myne enemies hunted me out sharpely, lyke a byrde, yee, and that without a cause.
John 16:20-22
20 Uerely verely, I saye vnto you: ye shall wepe and lamente, but contrary wyse, the world shall reioyse. Ye shall sorowe, but yor sorowe shalbe turned to ioye.
21 A woman when she trauaileth, hath sorowe, because her houre is come: but assone as she is deliuered of the childe, she remembreth nomore the anguisshe, for ioye that a man is borne into the worlde.
22 And ye now therfore haue sorowe: but I will se you agayne, and your hertes shall reioyse, and your ioye shal no man take from you.
Revelation 11:7-10
7 And when they haue finysshed their testimony, the beast that cam out of the bottomlesse pyt, shall make warre agaynst them, & shall ouercome them, & kyll them.
8 And their bodyes shall lye in the stretes of the greate citye, which spritually is called Zodom and Egypte, where oure Lorde was crucyfyed.
9 And they of the people & kynredes, & tonges, & they of the nacyons, shall se their bodyes .iii. dayes and an halfe, & shall not suffre their bodyes to be put in graues.
10 And they that dwell vpon the erth, shall reioyce ouer them, and be glad, & shall sende gyftes one to another, for these two prophetes vexed them that dwelt on the erth.
Psalms 31:13
13 I became a reprofe amonge all myne enemyes, but specially amonge my neyghbours, and they of myne acquayntaunce were afrayed of me: & they that dyd se me without, conueyed them selues fro me.
Psalms 36:3-4
Psalms 52:2
2 Where as the goodnesse of God endureth yet daylie.
Psalms 64:4-6
4 That they maye preuely shote at him which is perfecte: sodenly do they hit him & feare not.
5 They courage them selues in myschefe, and commune amonge them selues, how they maye laye snares: and saye, that no man shall se them.
6 They ymagin wickednes, & practyse it that they kepe secrete amonge them selues, euery man in the depe of his hert.
Psalms 120:5-7
Psalms 140:2-5
2 Which ymagin myschefe in their hertes: and stere vp strife all the daye longe.
3 They haue sharpened theyr tonges like a serpent: adders poyson is vnder their lyppes. Sela.
4 Kepe me, O Lorde, from the handes of the vngodly: preserue me from the wyckedmen, which are purposed to ouerthrowe my goynges.
5 The proude haue layed a snare for me: and spred a net abroad with coardes: yee, & set trappes in my waye Sela.
Jeremiah 11:19
19 But I am (as a meke lambe an oxe) that is caryed awaye to be slayne, not knowynge, that they had deuysed soch a councell agaynst me, sayeng: We wyll destroye his meate with wodd, & dryue him out of the land, of the lyuyng: that his name shall neuer be thought vpon.
Daniel 6:5
5 Then sayde these men: we wyll get no quarell agaynst thys Daniel, excepte it be in the lawe of hys God.
Matthew 12:19
19 He shal not stryue ner crye, nether shall eny man heare hys voyce in the stretes,
Matthew 12:24
24 But when the Pharises hearde it, they sayd. This felow dryueth the deuyls no nother wyse out, but by the helpe of Belzebub the chefe of the deuyls.
Matthew 26:4
4 and helde a counsell, that they myght take Iesus by suttelte, and kyll him.
Acts 23:15
15 Nowe therfore geue ye knowledge to the vpper captayne and to the councell, that he brynge hym forth vnto vs to morowe, as though we wold knowe some thyng more perfectly of him. But we (or euer he come neare) are redy to kyll hym.
Acts 25:3
3 and desyred fauour agaynst hym, that he wolde sende for hym to Ierusalem: and they layde awayte for hym in the waye, to kyll hym.
1 Peter 2:22-23
Psalms 22:13
13 They gape vpon me with theyr mouthes as it were a rampynge and roarynge lyon.
Psalms 40:15
15 Let all those that seke the, be ioyfull and glad in the: & let soch as loue thy saluacion, saye allwaye the Lorde be praysed.
Psalms 54:7
7 For he hath delyuered me out of all my trouble, and myne eye hat sene his desyre vpon myne enemyes.
Psalms 70:3
3 Let them (for theyr rewarde) be soone brought to shame, that crye ouer me: there, there.
Isaiah 9:12
12 that the Sirians shall laye holde vpon them before, and the Philistynes behynde, and so deuoure Israel with open mouth. After all thys is not the wrath of the Lorde ceassed, but yet hys hande stretched oute styll.
Luke 11:53-54
Exodus 3:7
7 And the Lorde sayde: I haue surely sene the trouble of my people whych are in Egypte, and haue herde theyr crye from the face of their taskemasters. For I knowe their sorowes,
Psalms 10:1
1 Why stondest thou so farre of (O Lord) & hydest thy face in that neadefull tyme of trouble?
Psalms 22:11
11 O go not fro me, for trouble is harde at hande, and ther is none to helpe me.
Psalms 22:19
19 But be not thou farre fro me, O Lord: thou art my succoure, haste the to helpe me.
Psalms 28:1
1 A Psalme of Dauid. Unto the wyll I crye, O Lorde, my strength: thyncke no scorne of me, lest, yf thou make the as though thou heardest not. I become lyke them, that go downe into the pytte.
Psalms 38:21
21 Forsake me not (O Lorde my God.) Be not thou farre fro me.
Psalms 39:12
12 Heare my prayer, O Lord, & wt thyne eares consydre my callynge: holde not thy peace at my teares. For I am a straunger wt the, & a sogeourner, as all my fathers were.
Psalms 50:21
21 These thynges hast thou done, & I helde my tonge: & thou thoughtest that I am euen soch a one as thy selfe: but I wyll reproue the, and set before the, the thinges that thou hast done.
Psalms 71:12
12 As for me, I wyll paciently abyde all waye, and will prayse the more and more.
Psalms 83:1
1 A songe and Psalme of Asaph. Holde not thy tonge, O God, kepe not styll sylence, refrayne not thy self O God.
Isaiah 65:6
6 Beholde it is wryten before my face, & shall not be forgotten, but recompensed. I shall rewarde it them into their bosome:
Acts 7:34
34 I haue perfectlye sene the affliccyon of my people, which is in Egypte, and I haue heard theyr gronyng, and am come downe to delyuer them. And nowe come, and I wyll sende the into Egypte.
Psalms 7:6
6 Stande vp, O Lorde, in thy wrath: and lyfte vp thy selfe, because of the indygnacyons of myne enemyes: aryse vp for me, in the iudgement that thou hast commaunded.
Psalms 44:23
23 Up Lorde why slepest thou? A wake, & be not absent from vs for euer.
Psalms 59:4
4 They runne and prepare them selues without my faute: Aryse, thou therfore to helpe me, and beholde.
Psalms 80:2
2 Before Ephraim, Ben Iamin, and Manasses: stere vp thy strength, and come helpe vs.
Psalms 89:26
26 I wyll set hys dominion also in the see, and hys ryght hande in the floudes.
Psalms 142:5
5 Consydre my complaynte: for I am brought very lowe.
Isaiah 51:9
9 Wake vp, wake vp: and be stronge. O thou arme of the Lorde, wake vp, lyke as in tyme past, euer and sence the worlde beganne.
John 20:28
28 Thomas answered, and sayde vnto him: my Lorde, & my God:
Job 20:5
5 the gladnes of the vngodly hath bene shorte, and that the ioye of ypocrites continued but the twyncklynge of an eye?
Psalms 7:8
8 The Lorde shall iudge the people geue sentence with me, O Lorde, accordyng to my ryghtewesnes, and accordynge to the innocencye that is in me.
Psalms 18:20-24
20 The Lorde shall rewarde me after my righteous dealing: accordinge to the clennes of my handes shall he recompense me.
21 Because I haue kepte the wayes of the Lorde: and haue not forsaken wyckedlye my God.
22 For I haue an eye vnto all hys lawes: & wyll nott cast out hys commaundementes fro me.
23 I was also vncorrupte before him: and eschued myne awne wickednes.
24 Therfore shall the Lord rewarde me after my righteous dealing: and according vnto the clennes of my handes in hys eye syght.
Psalms 26:1
1 Of Dauid. Be thou my iudge, O Lorde, for I haue walked innocently: my trust hath bene also in the Lorde therfore shall I not fall.
Psalms 35:19
19 O let not them that are myne enemyes triumphe ouer me vngodlye nether: let them wyncke with theyr eyes, that hate me without a cause.
2 Thessalonians 1:6
6 It is verely a ryghtewes thyng with God that he recompence tribulacyon to them that trouble you:
1 Peter 2:22
22 whych dyd no synne, nether was there gyle found in hys mouth:
Exodus 15:9
9 The enemye sayd: I wyll folowe on them: I will ouertake them, I will deuyde the spoyle, I wyll satisfye my lust vpon them, I wyll drawe my sweard, myne hande shall destroye them.
2 Samuel 20:19
19 I am one of them that are peaceable and faythfull in Israel. And thou goest about to destroye a citie and a mother in Israel. Why wilt thou deuoure the enheritaunce of the Lorde?
Job 1:5
5 And it fortuned, that when they had passed ouer the tyme of their bancketting rounde aboute, Iob sent for them, and sanctified them, and gat vp early, and offered for euery one a brentofferynge. For Iob sayde: lest peraduenture my sonnes haue done some offence, & haue bene vnthankfull to God in their hertes. Thus did Iob euery daye.
Psalms 28:3
3 O plucke me not awaye with the vngodly and wicked doers which speake frendly to their neyghbours, but ymagine myschefe in their hertes.
Psalms 56:1-2
1 To the chaunter vpon the doue of him that was domme in a farre countreye: the badg (or armes) of Dauid, when the Philistines toke hym in Geth. Be mercyfull vnto me (O God) for man goeth about to deuoure me: he is dayly fyghtynge and troublyng me.
2 Myne enemyes are dayly in hande to swalowe me vp: for they be many that fyght agaynst me, o thou moost hyest.
Psalms 57:3
3 He shall sende from heauen, and saue me from the reprofe of hym that wold eate me vp. Sela. God shall sende forth hys mercy & treuth.
Psalms 74:8
8 They haue set fyre vpon thy holy places, and haue defyled the dwellynge place of thy name, euen vnto the grounde.
Psalms 124:3
3 Yee, the waters had drowned vs, and the streame had gone ouer oure soule.
Psalms 140:8
8 Let not the vngodly haue his desyre, O Lorde, let not hys mischeuous ymaginacyon prosper: lest they be to proude. Sela.
Matthew 27:43
43 He trusted in God, let him delyuer him now, yf he wyll haue him: for he sayde, I am the sonne of God.
Mark 2:6
6 But ther were certayne of the Scribes syttinge there, & thinking in their hertes:
Mark 2:8
8 And immediatly when Iesus perceaued in hys sprete, that they so thought wyth in them selues, he sayeth vnto them: why thynke ye soch thinges in youre hertes?
1 Corinthians 15:54
54 When this corruptible hath put on incorruption, and this mortall hath put on immortalite: then shalbe brought to passe the saying that is written:
Job 8:22
22 They also that hate the, shalbe confounded, and the dwellinge of the vngodly shall come to naught.
Job 19:5
5 But yf ye will enhaunce your selues agaynst me, and accuse me to be a wycked personne because of the shame that is come vpon me:
Psalms 35:4
4 Let them be confounded and put to shame, that seke after my soule: let them be turned backe, and brought to confusyon, that ymagyne myschefe for me.
Psalms 55:12
12 But it was euen thou my companion: my gyde, and myne awne familyer frende.
Psalms 71:13
13 My mouth shall daylie speake of thy righteousnesse & saluacion, for I knowe no ende therof.
Psalms 109:28-29
Psalms 132:18
18 There shall I make the horne of Dauid to florysh, I haue ordened a lanterne for myne anoynted. As for hys enemyes, I shall clothe them wyth shame, but vpon hym selfe shall hys crowne floryshe.
Isaiah 41:11
11 Beholde, all they that resyst the shall come to confusyon & shame: and thyne aduersaries shalbe destroyed & brought to naught.
Isaiah 65:13-15
13 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde God: Beholde, my seruauntes shall eate, but ye shall haue honger: Beholde, my seruauntes shall dryncke, but ye shall suffre thurste. Beholde, my seruauntes shall be mery, but ye shall be confounded.
14 Beholde, my seruauntes shall reioyce for very quyetnesse of herte: But ye shall crye for sorowe of hert, and complayne for vexacyon of mynde.
15 Youre name shall you leaue accursed amonge my chosen, for God the Lorde shall slaye you, and call his seruauntes by another name.
Jeremiah 48:26
26 Make her dronken, for she magnifyed her selfe aboue the Lorde, that men maye clappe theyr handes at her vomyte, and that she also maye be laughed to scorne.
Daniel 11:36
36 The kynge shall do what hym lyst he shall exalte and magnifye him selfe agaynst all that is God. Yee, he shall speake maruelous thinges agaynst the God of all goddes wherin he shall prospere, so longe tyll the wrath be fulfylled, for the conclusyon is deuised alredy.
1 Peter 5:5
5 Lykewyse ye yonger, submyt your selues vnto the elder: Submit youre selues euery man, one to another, knyt youre selues together in lowlynes of mynde. For God resisteth the proude, and geueth grace to the humbl
Psalms 9:4
4 For thou hast mayntened my ryght & my cause: thou art sett in the throne that iudgest ryght.
Psalms 32:11
11 Greate plages remayne for the vngodly, but who so putteth hys trust in the Lorde, mercy embraceth him on euery syde. Be glad, O ye ryghteous and reioyse in the Lorde: and be ioyfull all ye that are true of herte.
Psalms 40:16
16 As for me, I am poore & neadye, but the Lorde careth for me.
Psalms 68:3
3 But let the ryghteous be glad & reioyse before God: let them also be mery and ioyfull.
Psalms 70:4
4 But let all those that seke the, be ioyfull and glad in the: and let all soch as delyte in thy saluacyon, saye alwaye: the Lorde be praysed.
Psalms 132:9
9 Let thy Preastes be clothed wyth ryghteousnesse, & let thy saynctes synge with ioyfulnesse,
Psalms 132:16
16 I wyll blesse her vytaylles wyth increasse, & will satisfye her poore wyth bread.
Psalms 142:7
7 Brynge my soule out of preson, that I maye geue thankes vnto thy name: which thynge yf thou wylt graunte me, then shall the ryghteous resorte vnto my company.
Psalms 147:11
11 But the Lordes delyte is in them that feare hym, and put their trust in hys mercy.
Psalms 149:4
4 For the Lorde hath pleasure in hys people, and helpeth the meke harted.
Proverbs 8:18
18 Ryches and honoure are with me, ye excellent goodes and ryghteousnes.
Isaiah 66:10-11
Jeremiah 32:40-41
40 And I wyll sett vp an euerlastyng couenaunt with them. Namelye, that I wyll neuer ceasse to do them good, and that I wyll put my feare in their hertes, so that they shall not runne awaye from me.
41 Yee, I will haue a lust and pleasure to do them good, and faythfully to plante them in this lande with my whole hert and with all my soule.
Zephaniah 3:14
14 Geue thankes, O daughter Syon, be ioyfull, O Israel: reioyce & be glad from thy whole hert, O daughter Ierusalem,
Zephaniah 3:17
17 for the Lorde thy God is with the, it is he that hath power to saue: he hath a speciall pleasure in the, & a maruelous loue towarde the: yee, he reioyseth ouer the wt gladnesse.
John 16:22
22 And ye now therfore haue sorowe: but I will se you agayne, and your hertes shall reioyse, and your ioye shal no man take from you.
Romans 12:15
15 Be mery with them that are mery. Wepe also with them that wepe.
1 Corinthians 12:26
26 yf one member be had in honour, all membres be glad also.
Psalms 34:1
1 Of Dauid, when he chaunged his speche before Abimelech. which droue hym awaye and he departed. I Wyll allwaye geue thanckes vnto the Lorde, hys prayse shall euer be in my mouth.
Psalms 50:15
15 And call vpon me in the tyme of trouble, so wyll I heare the, and thou shalt prayse me.
Psalms 51:14-15
Psalms 71:15
15 Thou, O God, hast taught me fro my youth vp vntill now, therfore will I tell of thy wonderous worckes.
Psalms 104:33-34
Psalms 145:1-2
Psalms 145:5
5 As for me I wylbe talkyng of thy worship, thy glory, thy prayse, & wonderous worckes.
Psalms 145:21
21 My mouth shall speake the prayse of the Lorde, and let all flesh geue thankes vnto hys holy name for euer and euer.