Matthew 15:9 Cross References - Great

9 but in vayne do they serue me; teachynge the doctrines and preceptes of men.

Exodus 20:7

7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne, for the Lorde wyll not holde him gyltlesse that taketh his name in vayne.

Leviticus 26:16

16 I also will do thys vnto you. For I will bring vpon you fearfulnesse, swellynge of body, and the burnynge agewe, to consume youre eyes, & gendre sorowe of hert. And ye shall sowe youre seed in vayne, for youre enemyes shall eate it,

Leviticus 26:20

20 And youre laboure shalbe spent in vayne. For youre lande shall not geue hyr encrease, nether shall the trees of the lande geue theyr frutes.

Deuteronomy 12:32

32 Therfore whatsoeuer I commaunde you, that take hede ye do and put thou nought therto, nor take ought therfrom.

1 Samuel 25:21

21 And Dauid sayde: in vayne haue I kept all that this felow hath in the wildernesse: so that nought was myssed of all that pertayned vnto hym. And he hath quite me euell for good.

Psalms 39:6

6 Beholde, thou hast made my dayes as it were a spanne longe, and myne age is euen as nothing in respecte of the: & verely euery man lyuing is all together vanite. Selah.

Psalms 73:13

13 Then haue I clensed my herte in vayne and washed my handes in innocency?

Proverbs 30:5-6

5 all the wordes of God are pure and cleane, for he is a shylde vnto all them, that put theyr trust in hym. 6 Put thou nothyng vnto hys wordes, lest he reproue the, and thou be founde a lyar.

Ecclesiastes 5:2-7

2 Be not hastye with thy mouth, and let not thine hert speake eny thing rashly before God. For God is in heauen, and thou vpon earth, therfore let thy wordes be few. 3 For where moch carefulnesse is, there are many dreames: and where many wordes are, there men maye heare fooles. 4 If thou make a vowe vnto God, be not slacke to perfourme it. As for folysh vowes, he hath no pleasure in them: 5 If thou promyse eny thinge, paye it: for better it is that thou make no vowe, then that thou shuldest promyse, and not paye. 6 Suffre not thy mouth to cause thy flesh for to synne, nether saye thou before the angell, that it is thy ignoraunce. For then God wilbe angrie at thy voyce, & destroye all the worckes of thyne handes. 7 And why? where as are many dreames and many wordes, there are also diuerse vanytes: but loke that thou feare God.

Isaiah 1:13-15

13 Therfore offre me no mo oblacions, for it is but lost laboure. Incense is an abhominable thinge vnto me. I Maye not awaye with youre newe moones, your Sabbathes & gatheringe togyther at the solempne dayes. 14 I hate your newe mone dayes & solempne feastes, euen fro my very hert. I can not awaye wt suche vanitie & holdinge in of the people. 15 They lye vpon me as a burthen, and I am wery of beringe them. Whan ye holde out your handes, I will turne myne eyes from you. And though ye make many prayers, yet wil I heare nothynge at all, seyng your handes are ful of bloude.

Isaiah 29:13

13 Therfore thus hath the Lorde sayde: For somoche as this people when they be in trouble, do honour me with their mouth & wt their lippes: but their hert is far fro me, & the feare which they haue vnto me, proceadeth of a commaundment that is taught of men.

Isaiah 58:1-3

1 Crye nowe, as loude as thou canst. Leaue not of, lyft vp thy voyce lyke a trompet, & shewe my people theyr offences, & the house of Iacob their synnes. 2 For they seke me daylye, & wyll knowe my wayes, euen as it were a people that dyd ryght, and had not forsaken the statutes of theyr God. They argue wyth me concernynge ryght iudgement, and will be nye vnto God. 3 Wherfore fast we (saye they) and thou seest it not? we put out lyues to straytenes, and thou regardest it not?

Malachi 3:14

14 Ye haue sayde: It is but lost labour, to serue God? What profyt haue we for kepynge his commaundementes, and for walkynge humbly before the Lorde of hostes?

Mark 7:7

7 howbeit, in vayne do they serue me, teachyng the doctrines and commaundementes of men.

1 Corinthians 15:2

2 by the which also ye are saued: I do you to wit, after what maner I preached vnto you, yf ye kepe it, except ye haue beleued in vayne.

Colossians 2:18-22

18 Let no man make you shote at a wronge marke, by the humblenes and holynes of angels, in the thynges which he neuer sawe, beynge causelesse puft vp with his flesshly mynde, 19 & holdeth not the heed, wherof all the body by ioyntes and couples receaueth norisshment & is knet together, and encreaseth with the increasynge that commeth of God. 20 Wherfore, yf ye be deed with Chryst from the ordinaunces of the worlde, why as though ye yet lyued in the worlde, are ye led with tradicions? 21 Touch not, tast not, handell not: 22 which all perisshe thorowe the very abuse: after the commaundmentes and doctrynes of men:

1 Timothy 1:4

4 nether geue hede to fables & endles genealogyes whych brede doubtes more then Godlye edifyinge, which is by fayth

1 Timothy 4:1-3

1 The sprete speaketh euydently, that in the later tymes some shall departe from the fayth, and shall geue hede vnto spretes of erroure, and deuelysshe doctrines of them 2 which speake false thorowe ypocrysye, & haue their consciences marcked wt an hote yron, 3 forbyddynge to mary, & commaundynge to abstayne from meates which God hath created to be receaued with geuynge thanckes, of them whych beleue, & knowe the trueth.

1 Timothy 4:6-7

6 If thou put the brethren in remembraunce of these thynges thou shalt be a good mynyster of Iesu Chryst whych hast bene norisshed vp in the wordes of the fayth & of good doctrine, whych thou hast continually followed. 7 But cast awaye vngostly and olde wyues fables. Exercyse thy selfe rather vnto godlynes.

Titus 1:14

14 not takynge hede to Iewes fables and commaundementes of men that turne awaye the trueth.

Hebrews 13:9

9 Be not caryed aboute with diuers and straunge learnyng. For it is a good thynge that the herte be stablysshed with grace, and not wt meates, which haue not proffeted them that haue had theyr pastyme in them.

James 2:20

20 But wilt thou vnderstande. (O thou vayne man) the fayth without dedes is deed?

Revelation 22:18

18 I testifye vnto euery man that heareth the wordes of the prophesy of thys boke: yf eny man shall adde vnto these thynges, God shall adde vnto hym the plages that are wrytten in thys boke.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.