26 As touching the deed, that they ryse agayne: haue ye not redde in the boke of Moses, how in the bushe, God spake vnto hym, sayinge: I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob?
Mark 12:26 Cross References - Great
Genesis 17:7-8
7 Moreouer I will make my bonde betwene me and the, and thy seed after the in theyr generacyons, by an euerlastynge testament, that I maye be God vnto the and to thy seed after the.
8 And I wyll geue vnto the and to thy seed after the, the lande where in thou art a straunger: Euen all the lande of Canaan, for an euerlastynge possessyon, and wyll be their God.
Genesis 26:24
24 And the Lorde appeared vnto hym the same nyght, and sayde: I am the God of Abraham thy father, feare not, for I am wyth the, & wyll blesse the, and multiplye thy seed for my seruaunt Abrahams sake.
Genesis 28:13
13 yce and God stode vpon it, and sayde. I am the Lorde God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isahac: The lande whyche thou slepest vpon wyll I geue the and thy seed.
Genesis 31:42
42 And excepte the God of my father, the God of Abraham & the feare of Isahac had bene wyth me: surely thou haddest sent me awaye now all emptie. But God behelde my trybulacyon, and the laboure of my handes, and rebuked the yesterdaye.
Genesis 32:9
9 And Iacob sayde agayne: O God of my father Abraham; & God of my father Isahac: Lorde whych saydest vnto me returne vnto thy countre and to thy kynred, & I wyll do all well wyth the.
Genesis 33:20
20 And he made there an aulter, & called vpon the myghtie God of Israel.
Exodus 3:2-6
2 And the angell of the Lorde appeared vnto him in a flame of fyre out of the myddes of a bush. And he loked, & beholde, the bush burned wt fyre, and the bush was not consumed.
3 Therfore Moses sayde: I wyll goo nowe, and see thys greate syght, howe it cometh that the bushe burneth not.
4 And when the Lorde sawe that he came for to see, God called vnto him out of the myddes of the bushe, and sayde: Moses, Moses. He answered: here am I.
5 And he sayde: come not hyther, put thy shooes of thy fete: for the place where on thou stondest is holy grounde.
6 And he sayde I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isahac & the God of Iacob And Moses hyd his face, for he was afrayed to loke vpon God.
Exodus 3:16
16 Goo and gather the elders of Israel to gether, and thou shalt saye vnto them: the Lorde God of youre fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isahac, and the God of Iacob apeared vnto me, and sayde: In visitynge haue I visited you, and knowe that which is done to you in Egypte
Isaiah 41:8-10
8 But thou Israel art my seruaunte: thou Iacob art electe, thou art the sede of Abraham my beloued
9 thou art he whom I led from the endes of the earth by the hande. For I called the from farre euen from among the gloriouse men of it, & sayd vnto the. Thou art my seruaunt. I haue chosen the, and not cast the awaye:
10 be not afrayed, for I am wt the. Melt not away as waxe, for I am thy God, to strength the, helpe the, & to kepe the wt this ryght hande of myne.
Matthew 22:31-32
Mark 12:10
10 Haue ye not red this scrypture? The stone whych the buylders dyd refuse, is become the chefe stoone of the corner?
Luke 20:37
37 And that the deed shall ryse agayne: Moses also sheweth besides the busshe, when he calleth: the Lord, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob.
Acts 7:30-32
30 And whan fourty yeares were expired, there appeared to hym in the wildernesse of mount Sina an angell of the Lord in a flamme of fyre in a busshe.
31 When Moses sawe it, he wondred at the syght. And as he drue neare to beholde, the voyce of the Lord came vnto hym.
32 I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob. Moses trembled, and durst not beholde.