Luke 9:43 Cross References - Great

43 And they were all amased at the myghtye power of God. But whyle they wondered euery one at all thinges which he dyd, he sayde vnto hys disciples:

Psalms 139:14

14 I will geue thankes vnto the: for I am fearfully & wonderously made: maruelous are thy workes, & that my soule knoweth right well.

Zechariah 8:6

6 Thus sayeth the Lord of hostes: yf the resydue of this people thynke it to be vnpossible in these dayes, shuld it therfore be vnpossyble in my syght, sayth the Lord of hoostes?

Matthew 17:22

22 While they were occupyed in Galile Iesus sayde vnto them: it wyll come to passe that the sonne of man shalbe betrayed into the handes of men,

Mark 6:51

51 And he went vp vnto them into the shyppe, & the wynde ceased, & they were sore amased in them selues beyonde measure, and marueyled.

Mark 9:30-32

30 And they departed thens, & toke theyr iorney thorow Galile, and he wold not, that eny man shuld knowe it. 31 For he taught hys disciples, and sayd vnto them: the sonne of man shalbe deliuered into the handes of men, and they shall kyll hym: and after that he is kylled, he shall aryse agayne the thyrd daye. 32 But they wist not what he sayde, and were afrayed to aske him.

Luke 4:36

36 And feare cam on them all, and they spake among them selues, sayinge: what maner a thing is thys? For with auctorite & power he commaundeth the foules spretes, and they come oute?

Luke 5:9

9 For he was astonnyed & all that were with hym, at the draught of fysshes which they had taken:

Luke 5:26

26 And they were all amased, and they gaue the glory vnto God. And were fylled with feare, saying: We haue sene straunge thynges to daye.

Luke 8:25

25 And he sayde vnto them: where is youre fayth? They feared, and wondred amonge them selues, saying: what (thynke ye) is thys? for he commaundeth both the windes & water, and they obey hym?

Luke 9:43-45

43 And they were all amased at the myghtye power of God. But whyle they wondered euery one at all thinges which he dyd, he sayde vnto hys disciples: 44 Lett these sayinges sinke downe into your eares. For it will come to passe: that the sonne of man shalbe deliuered into the handes of men. 45 But they wist not what the worde meant, and it was hyd from them, that they vnderstode it not. And they feared to aske him of that sayinge.

Acts 3:10-13

10 And they knewe hym, that it was he, which sate and begged at the beutyfull gate of the temple. And they wondred and were sore astonyed at that which had happened vnto hym. 11 And as the halt which was healed, helde Peter and Iohn, all the people ranne amased vnto them in the porche that is called Salomons. 12 When Peter sawe that, he answered vnto the people. Ye men of Isral, why maruayle ye at this, or why loke ye so on vs, as though by oure awne power or strength we had made thys man go? 13 The God of Abraham, and of Isaac and of Iacob, the God of oure fathers hath glorified hys sonne Iesus, whom ye delyuered, and denyed in the presence of Pylate, when he had iudged hym to be loosed.

2 Peter 1:16

16 For we haue not folowed deceatfull fables, when we opened vnto you the power and commynge of oure Lorde Iesus Christ, but wyth our eyes we sawe his maiestie:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.