Luke 9:44 Cross References - Great

44 Lett these sayinges sinke downe into your eares. For it will come to passe: that the sonne of man shalbe deliuered into the handes of men.

2 Samuel 24:14

14 And Dauid sayde vnto Gad: I am in extreme trouble. We will fall now into the hande of the Lorde, for moch is his mercye, and lett me not falle into the hande of man.

Isaiah 32:9-10

9 Up (ye ryche and ydell women) herken vnto my voyce. Ye careles cities, marke my wordes. 10 After yeares and dayes shall ye be brought in feare, O ye careles cities. For haruest shalbe out, & the grape gatherynge shall not come.

Matthew 16:21

21 From that tyme forth beganne Iesus to shewe vnto his disciples, how that he must go vnto Ierusalem, & suffer many thinges of the elders, & hye Prestes, & Scribes, & must be kylled, and be raysed agayne the thyrde daye.

Matthew 17:22-23

22 While they were occupyed in Galile Iesus sayde vnto them: it wyll come to passe that the sonne of man shalbe betrayed into the handes of men, 23 and they shall kyll him and the thyrd daye shall he ryse agayne. And they were exceadyng sorye.

Matthew 20:18-19

18 Beholde, we go vp to Ierusalem, & the sonne of man shalbe betrayed vnto the chefe Prestes, & vnto the Scribes, & they shall condemne hym to deeth, 19 & shall delyuer hym to the gentyls, to be mocked and to be scourged, and to be crucifyed: and the thyrde daye he shall ryse agayne.

Matthew 21:38-39

38 But when the husbandmen sawe the sonne, they sayd amonge them selues: This is the heyre: come, let vs kyll him, & let vs enioye his inheritaunce 39 And they caught hym, & thrust hym out of the vineyarde, & slewe him.

Matthew 26:2

2 ye knowe that after two dayes shalbe Easter, and the sonne of man shalbe delyuered ouer, to be crucifyed.

Mark 8:31

31 And he beganne to teach them how that the sonne of man must suffre many thinges, and be reproued of the elders, and of the hye prestes, and scribes, and be kylled, & after thre dayes aryse agayne.

Mark 9:31

31 For he taught hys disciples, and sayd vnto them: the sonne of man shalbe deliuered into the handes of men, and they shall kyll hym: and after that he is kylled, he shall aryse agayne the thyrd daye.

Luke 1:66

66 and all they that herde them layde them vp in their hertes, saying: What maner of chylde shall this be? And the hande of the Lorde was with him:

Luke 2:19

19 But Mary kepte all those saienges, and pondered them in her hert.

Luke 2:51

51 And he went downe wt them, & came to Nazareth, & was obedient vnto them. But his mother kept all these sayenges together in her hert.

Luke 9:22

22 saying: the sonne of man must suffre many thinges, and be reproued of the elders, and of the hye prestes, and scribes, and be slayne, and ryse agayne the thyrd daye.

Luke 18:31

31 Iesus toke vnto him the twelue, & sayd vnto them: Beholde, we go vp to Ierusalem, and all shalbe fulfylled, that are wrytten by the Prophetes, of the sonne of man.

Luke 24:6-7

6 He is not here: but is rysen. Remember, how he spake vnto you, when he was yet in Galile, 7 sayinge: that the sonne of man must be delyuered into the handes of synfull men, and be crucyfyed, and the thyrde daye ryse agayne.

Luke 24:44

44 And he sayde vnto them. These are the wordes whych I spake vnto you, whyll I was yet with you: that all must nedes be fulfylled, whych were wrytten of me in the lawe of Moses and in the Prophetes, and in the Psalmes.

John 2:19-22

19 Iesus answered & sayde vnto them: destroye thys temple, and in thre dayes I wyll reare it vp. 20 Then sayde the Iewes .xlvj. yeres was thys temple a byldynge: & wylt thou reare it vp in thre dayes? 21 But he spake of the temple of his body. 22 Assone therfore as he was rysen from deeth agayne, his disciples remembred that he thus had sayde. And they beleued the scripture, & the wordes which Iesus had sayde

John 16:4

4 But these thinges haue I tolde you, that when the tyme is come, ye maye remember then that I tolde you. These thynges sayde I not vnto you at the begynninge, because I was present with you.

John 19:11

11 Iesus answered: Thou couldest haue no power at all agaynst me, except it were geuen the from aboue. Therfore he that delyuered me vnto the, hath the more synne.

Acts 2:23

23 hym haue ye taken by the handes of vnryghtewes persones, after he was delyuered by the determinat counsell & foreknowledge of God, & haue crucifyed and slayne him:

Acts 3:13-15

13 The God of Abraham, and of Isaac and of Iacob, the God of oure fathers hath glorified hys sonne Iesus, whom ye delyuered, and denyed in the presence of Pylate, when he had iudged hym to be loosed. 14 But ye denyed the holy and iust, and desyred a mortherar to be geuen you, 15 and kylled the Lorde of lyfe, whom God hath raysed from deeth, of the which we are witnesses.

Acts 4:27-28

27 For of a trueth, agaynst thy holy chylde Iesus (whom thou hast anoynted) both Herode and also Poncius Pylate, which the Gentyls and the people of Israel, gathered them selues together 28 for to do whatsoeuer thy hande and thy counsell determyned before to be done.

1 Thessalonians 3:3-4

3 that no man shulde be moued in these affliccyons, For ye your selues knowe, that we are euen apoynted there vnto. 4 For when we were wyth you, we tolde you before, that we shude suffre tribulacyon, euen as it came to passe, and as ye knowe.

Hebrews 2:1

1 Wherfore, we ought to geue the more ernest hede to the thynges that are spoken vnto vs, lest at any tyme we perysshe.

Hebrews 12:2-5

2 lookyng vnto Iesus the captayne & finissher of our fayth, which (for the ioye that was set before him) abode the crosse, & despised the shame, & is set downe on the ryghte hande of the throne of God. 3 Consyder therfore, how that he endured such speakinge agaynst hym of synners lest ye shuld be weryed and faynte in your mindes. 4 For ye haue not yet resysted vnto bloud, striuynge agaynst synne. 5 And haue forgotten the exhortacion, which speaketh vnto you as vnto children? my sonne, despyse not thou the chastening of the Lord, nether faynt, when thou art rebuked of hym:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.