Genesis 36:33 Cross References - Great

33 And when Bela dyed, Iobab the sonne of Serah out of Bozra, reygned in hys steade.

Isaiah 34:6

6 And the Lordes swearde shalbe full of bloude, & be rusty wt the fatnes and bloude of lambes and goates, with the fatnesse of the kidneys of wethers. For the Lord shall kill a great offering in Bozra, & a great slaughter in the lande of Idumea.

Isaiah 63:1

1 What is he thys, that cometh from Edom, wt redd coloured clothes of Bosra: (which is so costly cloth) & cometh in so myghtylye wt all his strength. I am he that teacheth ryghtuousnes, & am of power to helpe.

Jeremiah 49:13

13 For why? I haue sworne by my selfe, sayth the Lorde, that Bozrah shall become a wyldernes, an open shame, a laughyng stocke and cursynge: and all her cyties shalbe a continuall deserte.

Jeremiah 49:22

22 Beholde, the enemye shall come and fle vp hither, like as it were an aegle, & sprede his winges vpon Bozrah. Then shall the hertes of the worthyes in Edom be as the hert of a woman trauelyng of chylde.

Amos 1:12

12 Therfore wyll I sende a fyre into Theman, which shall deuoure the palaces of Bosra.

Micah 2:12

12 But I will gather the in dede, O Iacob, & dryue the remnaunt of Israell all together. I shal cary them one with another, as a flocke in the folde, and as the catell in theyr stalles, that they maye be dysquyeted of other men.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.