1 Iacob dwelt in the lande where in his father was a straunger, euen in the lande of Chanaan.
2 These are the generacyons of Iacob. when Ioseph was .xvij. yere olde, he kepte shepe wyth hys brethren, and the lad was with the sonnes of Bilha and with the sonnes of Zilpha his fathers wyues. And he brought vnto their father an euyll sayinge of them.
3 But Israel loued Ioseph more than all hys chyldren, because he begat him in hys olde age, and he made hym a coote of many coloures.
4 And when hys brethren sawe that theyr father loued him more than all his brethren, they hated hym & coulde not speke peaceably vnto hym.
5 Moreouer whan Ioseph had dreamed a dreame, he tolde it his brethren whych hated hym yet the more.
6 And he sayde vnto them: heare I praye yowe thys dreame which I haue dreamed:
7 Beholde we were byndinge sheues in the felde: & lo, my sheffe arose, and stode vp ryght, and youres stode rounde aboute and made obeysaunce to my sheffe.
8 To whom hys brethren sayde: shalt thou be oure kynge in dede? or shalt thou in dede haue dominyon ouer vs? And they hated hym yet the more, because of hys dreames, and of his wordes.
9 And he dreamed yet another dreame and tolde it his brethren sayinge: beholde, I haue had one dreame more: me thought the sonne and the moone & .xj. starres made obeysaunce to me.
10 And when he had tolde it vnto his father and hys brethren, hys father rebuked him & sayde vnto him: what is thys dreame which thou hast dreamed: shall I & thy mother and thy brethren come to fall on the grounde before the?
11 And hys brethren hated him, but hys father noted the sayinge.
12 Hys brethren also went to kepe their fathers shepe in Sichem,
13 and Israel sayde vnto Ioseph: do not thy brethren kepe in Sichem? come, and I wyll sende the to them. He answered here am I.
14 And he sayde vnto him: goo and see whether it be well with thy brethren and the shepe, and brynge me worde agayne. And so he sent him out of the vale of Hebron and he went to Sichem.
15 And a certayne man founde hym, and beholde he was wandrynge out of hys waye in the felde, and the man asked him: what sekest thou?
16 He answered: I seke my brethren, tell me I praye the where they kepe shepe.
17 And the man sayde, they are departed hence, for I herde them saye: let vs goo vnto Dothan. Thus went Ioseph after his brethren, and founde them in Dothan.
18 And when they sawe him a farre of before he came at them, they toke councell agaynst him, for to sley hym.
19 For one sayde to another: Beholde this dreamer commeth:
20 come nowe therfore and let vs sley hym and cast hym in to some pytt, and we wyll saye a wycked beast hath deuoured hym, and we shall se what wyll come of hys dreames.
21 When Ruben hearde that, he ryd him out of their handes and sayde, we wyll not kyll hym.
22 And Ruben sayde moreouer vnto them, shede not his bloude, but cast him into thys pytt that is in the wyldernes, and laye no hande vpon him: Namely, that he myght rydd him out of their handes & delyuer him to hys father agayne.
23 And it happened that whan Ioseph was come vnto hys brethren, they strypte him out of his coot, hys party coloured coote that was vpon hym,
24 and they toke hym and cast hym into an emptye pytt: Wherin was no water.
25 And they satt them downe to eate brede. And as they lyft vp their eyes and loked aboute, there came a companye of Ismaelytes from Gilead, and their camels laden with spicery, baulme, and myrre, and were goynge downe to cary it into Egypte.
26 And Iuda sayde vnto his brethren: what auayleth it yf we sley oure brother, and kepe hys bloude secrett?
27 come on and let vs sell hym to the Ismaelytes, and let not oure hande be vpon hym: for he is oure brother and oure fleshe. And hys brethren were content.
28 Than as the Madianites marchaunt men passed by, they drewe and lyft Ioseph out of the pytt and solde him vnto the Ismaelytes for .xx. peces of syluer. And they brought him into Egypte.
29 And when Ruben came agayne vnto the pytt & founde not Ioseph there, he rent his cloothes
30 and went agayne vnto his brethren sayinge: the lad is not yonder, and whether shall I goo?
31 And they toke Iosephs coote and kylled a goote, & dypped the coote in the bloude.
32 And they sent that partye coloured coote, and brought it vnto their father and sayde: Thys haue we founde: se whether it be thy sonnes coote or no.
33 And he knewe it sayinge, it is my sonnes coote, a wycked beast hath deuoured hym, Ioseph is rent in peces.
34 And Iacob rent hys cloothes, and put sacke clothe aboute his loynes, and sorowed for his sonne a longe season.
35 But all his sonnes and all hys doughters rose vp to comforte him. Neuertheles he wolde not be comforted, but sayde: I wyll go downe into the graue vnto my sonne, mourninge. And thus hys father wepte for hym.
36 And the Madianytes solde hym in Egypte vnto Putiphar a Lord of Pharaos, and his chefe Stewarde.
Genesis 37 Cross References - Great
Genesis 17:8
8 And I wyll geue vnto the and to thy seed after the, the lande where in thou art a straunger: Euen all the lande of Canaan, for an euerlastynge possessyon, and wyll be their God.
Genesis 23:4
4 I am a straunger & a foryner amonge you, geue me a possessyon to burye in wyth you, that I maye bury my coarse out of my syght.
Genesis 28:4
4 and geue the the blessynge of Abraham: to the and to thy seed wyth the, that thou mayst possesse the lande (wherin thou art a straunger) whyche God gaue vnto Abraham.
Genesis 36:7
7 for their ryches was moche, and they coulde not dwell together, and the lande where in they were straungers, coulde not receaue them: because of their possession.
Hebrews 11:9-16
9 By fayth he remoued into the lande of promes, as into a straunge countre, whan he had dwelt in tabernacles: & so dyd Isaac & Iacob heyres wt hym of the same promes.
10 For he loked for a cytie hauyng a foundacyon, whose buylder and maker is God.
11 Thorow fayth Sara also receaued strength to conceaue and be with chylde, and was delyuered of a childe when she was past age, because she iudged him faythful which had promysed.
12 And therfore sprange ther of one (euen of one whych was as good as deed) so many in multitude as are the starres of the skye, & as the sond, that which is by the see shore, innumerable.
13 These all dyed accordinge to fayth, whan they had not receaued the promises: but sawe them a farre of, and beleued them, & saluted them, and confessed, that they were straungers and pilgrems on the erthe.
14 For they that saye soch thynges, declare, that they seke a countre.
15 Also yf they had bene myndfull of the countre, from whence they came out, they had leasure to haue returned agayne:
16 but now they desyre a better (that is to saye) a heauenly. Wherfore God himselfe is not ashamed to be called theyr God for he hath prepared for them a citye.
Genesis 2:4
4 These are the generacions of the heauens and of the earth when they were created, in the daye, when the Lorde God made the earth and the heauens
Genesis 5:1
1 This is the boke of the generacyons of Adam. In the daye that God created man, in the lyknesse of God made he him.
Genesis 6:9
9 These are the generacyons of Noah Noah was iust & perfect in his generacions, and walked wt God.
Genesis 10:1
1 These are the generacions of the sonnes of Noah, Sem, Ham and Iapheth: And vnto them were chyldren borne after the floude.
Genesis 30:4
4 And she gaue hym Bilha hyr handmayde to wyfe.
Genesis 30:9
9 When Lea sawe that she had left bearinge, she toke Silpha hyr mayde, and gaue her Iacob to wyfe.
Genesis 35:22
22 And it chaunced as Israel dwelt in the lande, that Ruben went and laye wyth Bilha hys fathers concubyne, and it came to Israels eare. The sonnes of Iacob were .xij. in nombre.
Genesis 35:25-26
1 Samuel 2:22-24
22 Eli was very olde, & herde all that his sonnes dyd vnto all Israel, and how they laye with the wemen that wayted at the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse,
23 & he sayde vnto them: why do ye soche thynges? For of all these people I heare euell reportes of you.
24 Oh, naye my sonnes: for it is no good reporte that I heare, how that ye make the lordes people to trespasse.
John 7:7
7 The worlde cannot hate you. But me it hateth: because I testify of it, that the workes therof are euill.
1 Corinthians 1:11
11 For it is shewed vnto me (my brethren) of you, by them which are of the house of Cloe, that ther is stryfes amonge you.
1 Corinthians 5:1
1 There goeth a commen sayinge that ther is fornicacion amonge you, and soch fornicacyon, as is not named amonge the gentyls: that one shuld haue hys fathers wyfe.
1 Corinthians 11:18
18 For fyrst of all when ye come together in the congregacion, I heare that there is dyssencyon amonge you: and I partely beleue it.
Genesis 37:23
23 And it happened that whan Ioseph was come vnto hys brethren, they strypte him out of his coot, hys party coloured coote that was vpon hym,
Genesis 37:32
32 And they sent that partye coloured coote, and brought it vnto their father and sayde: Thys haue we founde: se whether it be thy sonnes coote or no.
Genesis 44:20-30
20 And we answered my Lorde we haue a father that is olde, and a yonge lad which he begat in hys age: and the brother of the sayde lad is dead, and he is all that is left of that mother. And hys father loueth hym.
21 And thou saydest vnto thy seruauntes: brynge him vnto me, that I maye sett myne eye vpon him.
22 And we answered my Lorde, that the lad coulde not goo from his father, for yf he shulde leaue his father, he were but deed.
23 Than saydest thou vnto thy seruauntes excepte your youngest brother come with you, loke that ye se my face no moare.
24 And when we came vnto thy seruaunt oure father, we shewed hym what my lorde had sayd:
25 And oure father sayd vnto vs: goo agayne, & bye vs a lytle fode.
26 And we answered: we cannot goo downe. Neuerthelesse: yf oure yongeste brother go wt vs, then wyll we go downe, for we maye not see the mannes face, excepte oure youngest brother be wt vs.
27 And thy seruaunt oure father sayde vnto vs: ye knowe that my wyfe bare me .ij. sonnes.
28 And the one went out from me, and I sayde: of suertye he is torne in peaces, and I sawe hym not sence.
29 And ye take this also awaye from me. If some mysfortune happen vpon him, ye shall brynge my gray heed in sorowe vnto the graue.
30 Nowe therfore, when I come to thy seruaunt my father, and the lad be not with vs (seynge that his lyfe hangeth by the laddes lyfe)
Judges 5:30
30 Surely they haue founde, they deuyde the spoyles: euery man hath a damsell or two: Sisera hath a praye of diuerse couloured garmentes, euen a praye of rayment dyed wt sondrye coloures, & that are made of nedle worke: rayment of diuerses coloures & of nedle worke which is mete for him that is chefe in distributinge of the spoyles.
2 Samuel 13:18
18 And she had a kirtell of diuerse coloures vpon her: for wt soche were the kynges daughters (that were virgines) appareled. Then his seruaunt brought her oute, and locked the dore after her.
Psalms 45:13-14
Ezekiel 16:16
16 yee, thou hast taken thy garmentes of diuerse colours, & deckte thyne aulters therwith, where vpon thou myghtest fulfyll thyne whordome, & of soch a fashyon, as neuer was done, ner shalbe.
John 3:35
35 The father loueth the sonne & hath geuen all thynges into hys hande
John 13:22-23
Genesis 4:5
5 But vnto Cain and to hys offrynge he had no respecte. For the whych cause Cain was exceadyng wrothe, and hys countenaunce abated.
Genesis 27:41
41 And Esau hated Iacob, because of the blessynge that hys father blessed hym wyth. all. And Esau sayde in his harte: The dayes of my fathers sorowe are at hande, and I wyll sley my brother Iacob.
Genesis 37:5
5 Moreouer whan Ioseph had dreamed a dreame, he tolde it his brethren whych hated hym yet the more.
Genesis 37:11
11 And hys brethren hated him, but hys father noted the sayinge.
Genesis 37:18-24
18 And when they sawe him a farre of before he came at them, they toke councell agaynst him, for to sley hym.
19 For one sayde to another: Beholde this dreamer commeth:
20 come nowe therfore and let vs sley hym and cast hym in to some pytt, and we wyll saye a wycked beast hath deuoured hym, and we shall se what wyll come of hys dreames.
21 When Ruben hearde that, he ryd him out of their handes and sayde, we wyll not kyll hym.
22 And Ruben sayde moreouer vnto them, shede not his bloude, but cast him into thys pytt that is in the wyldernes, and laye no hande vpon him: Namely, that he myght rydd him out of their handes & delyuer him to hys father agayne.
23 And it happened that whan Ioseph was come vnto hys brethren, they strypte him out of his coot, hys party coloured coote that was vpon hym,
24 and they toke hym and cast hym into an emptye pytt: Wherin was no water.
Genesis 49:23
23 They haue prouoked hym, and shot hym thrugh with dartes. The archers haue enuyed him:
1 Samuel 16:12-13
12 And he sent, & brought hym in. And he was browne, and of an excellent bewtye, & well fauored in syght. And the Lorde sayde: Aryse, and anoynt him, for this is he.
13 Therfore Samuel toke the horne wyth the oyntment, & anoynted him in the myddes of hys brethren. And the sprete of the Lorde came vpon Dauid, from that daye forwarde. And Samuel rose vp, and went to Rama.
1 Samuel 17:28
28 And Eliab his eldest brother hearde when he spake vnto the men, and Eliab was angrye wt Dauid, and sayde: Why camest thou downe hither? and with whom hast thou lefte those few shepe in the wildernesse? I know thy pryde, and the malyce of thyne herte, that thou art come downe to se the battell.
Psalms 38:19
19 But myne enemyes lyue, & are myghtie: & they that hate me wrongfully, are many in nombre.
Psalms 69:4
4 They that hate me without a cause, are mo then the heeres of my head: they that are myne enemies & wolde destroie me giltlesse are mightie:
John 7:3-5
3 Hys brethren therfore sayde vnto him: get the hence, and go into Iewry, that thy disciples also maye se thy worckes that thou doest.
4 For ther is no man that doeth eny thynge in secret, and he hym selfe seketh to be knowne openlye. If thou do soch thinges, shewe thy selfe to the world.
5 For his brethren beleued not in him.
John 15:18-19
Titus 3:3
3 For we oure selues also were somtyme foolyshe dysobedient, deceaued, seruynge diuerse lustes and volupteousnes, lyuynge in maliciousnes and enuye, full of hate, hatynge one another.
1 John 2:11
11 He that hateth his brother, is in dercknes, & walketh in dercknes: and can not tell whyther he goeth, because that dercknes hath blynded hys eyes.
1 John 3:10
10 In thys are the chyldren of God knowen, and the chyldren of the deuyll. Whosoeuer doeth not ryghteousnes, is not of God, nether he that loueth not hys brother.
1 John 3:12
12 not as Cayn which was of that wicked, and slewe his brother. And wherfore slewe he hym? Because his awne workes were euyll, and hys brothers good.
1 John 4:20
20 If a man say, I loue God, and yet hate his brother, he is a liar. For how can he that loued not hys brother whom he hath sene, loue God whom he hath not sene?
Genesis 28:12
12 And he dreamed: and beholde, there stode a ladder vpon the erth, and the topp of it reached vp to heauen. And se, the angels of God went vp and downe vpon it,
Genesis 37:4
4 And when hys brethren sawe that theyr father loued him more than all his brethren, they hated hym & coulde not speke peaceably vnto hym.
Genesis 37:8
8 To whom hys brethren sayde: shalt thou be oure kynge in dede? or shalt thou in dede haue dominyon ouer vs? And they hated hym yet the more, because of hys dreames, and of his wordes.
Genesis 40:5
5 And they dreamed ether of them in one nyght: both the butteler and the baker of the kynge of Egypte which were bounde in the preson house, ether of them his dreame, and eache mannes dreame of a sondrye interpretacyon.
Genesis 41:1
1 And it fortuned after two yeres, that Pharao dreamed, and beholde, he stode by a ryuers syde,
Genesis 42:9
9 And Ioseph remembred his dreames which he dreamed of them, and sayd vnto them: ye are spies, and to se where the lande is weake is youre comynge.
Numbers 12:6
6 And he said: heare my wordes. If there be a prophete of the Lordes amonge you, I wylbe knowne of him in a visyon: and wyll speake vnto him in slepe.
Judges 7:13-14
13 And when Gedeon was come: Beholde, there was a man that tolde a dreame vnto his neyhgboure, & sayde: Behold, I dreamed a dreame, and me thought that a loffe of barley bread, tombled into the hoste of Madian, and came vnto a tente, and smote it that it felle, & ouerturned it, that the tente laye a longe.
14 And his felowe answerd and sayde: this is nothing elles saue the swerde of Gedeon the sonne of Ioas a man of Israell: for into his hande hath God delyuered Madian, and all the hoste.
1 Kings 3:5
5 and in Gibeon the Lorde apeared to Salomon in a dreame by nyght. And God sayde: aske what thou wylt, that I maye geue it the.
Psalms 25:14
14 The secrete of the Lorde is amonge them that feare him & he wyll shewe them hys couenaunt.
Daniel 2:1
1 In the seconde yeare of the raygne of Nabuchodonosor, had Nabuchodonosor a dreame, where thorow his sprete was vexed, and his slepe brake from hym.
Daniel 4:5
5 sawe a dreame, which made me afrayed: & the thoughtes that I had vpon my bedd, with the visyons of myne head, troubled me.
Joel 2:28
28 After this, will I poure out my sprete vpon all flesh: and your sonnes and your daughters shall prophecy: your olde men shall dreame dreames, and youre yonge men shall se visyons,
Amos 3:7
7 Nowe doth the Lorde God no maner of thinge, but he telleth his secrete before vnto hys seruauntes the prophetes.
John 17:14
14 I haue geuen them thy worde, and the worlde hath hated them, because they are not of the world, euen as I also am not of the world.
Genesis 44:18
18 Then Iuda went vnto hym and sayde: oh my Lorde, let thy seruaunte speake a worde in my Lordes eares, and be not wrooth wyth thy seruaunte: for thou art euen as Pharao.
Judges 9:7
7 And when they tolde it to Ioatham, he went and stode in the toppe of mount Garizim, and lyfte vp hys voyce, and cried, and sayde vnto them: Herken vnto me you men of Sichem, that God maye herken vnto you.
Genesis 42:6
6 And Ioseph was gouerner in the lande, and solde to all the people of the lande. And hys brethren came, and fel flat on the grounde before hym.
Genesis 43:26
26 When Ioseph came home, they brought the present into the house to him, whych was in their handes, & fell flat on the grounde before hym.
Genesis 44:14
14 And Iuda and hys brethren came to Iosephs house for he was yet there, and they fell before him on the grounde.
Genesis 44:19
19 My Lord asked his seruaunte sayinge: haue ye a father or a brother?
Philippians 2:10
10 that in the name of Iesus euery knee shulde bowe, both of thinges in heauen and thynges in erth and thynges vnder the erth,
Colossians 1:18
18 And he is the heed of the body, euen of the congregacyon: he is the begynnynge and fyrst begotten of the deed, that in all thynges he myght haue the preeminence.
Genesis 49:26
26 The blessynges of thy father were stronger then the blessynges of my elders, vnto the vtmost of the hylles of the worlde, and they shalbe on the heade of Ioseph, and on the toppe of the heade of hym that was separat from his brethren.
Exodus 2:14
14 He answered: who made the a man of auctoryte to iudge vs? Speakest thou to kyll me, as thou kylledst the Egyptian? And Moses feared & sayde: of a suertie thys thynge is knowne:
1 Samuel 10:27
27 But the chyldren of Belial sayde: howe shall he saue vs? and they despised him, and brought him no presentes. And he helde is tonge.
Psalms 2:3-6
3 Let vs breake theyr bondes asunder, and cast awaye theyr coardes from vs.
4 He that dwelleth in heauen shall laugh them to scorne: the Lorde shall haue them in derisyon.
5 Then shall he speake vnto them in hys wrath, and vexe them in hys sore displeasure.
6 Yet haue I set my kynge vpon my holy hyll of Syon.
Psalms 118:22
22 The same stone whyche the buylders refused, is become the heade stone in the corner.
Luke 19:14
14 But hys cytesens hated hym, & sent a message after him, sayinge: we will not haue thys man to raygne ouer vs.
Luke 20:17
17 And he behelde them, and sayde: what is thys then that is wrytten: the stone that the buylders refused, the same is become the heed of the corner?
Acts 4:27-28
Acts 7:35
35 This Moses whom they forsoke (saying: who made the a ruler and a iudge?) the same dyd God sende to be a ruler and a delyuerer, by the handes of the aungell which appeared to hym in the busshe.
Hebrews 10:29
29 how moch sorer (suppose ye) shall he be ponisshed which treadeth vnder fote the sonne of God: & counteth the bloude of the testament, wherwith he was sanctifyed, as an vnholy thyng, & doth dishonoure to the sprete of grace.
Genesis 37:7
7 Beholde we were byndinge sheues in the felde: & lo, my sheffe arose, and stode vp ryght, and youres stode rounde aboute and made obeysaunce to my sheffe.
Genesis 37:10
10 And when he had tolde it vnto his father and hys brethren, hys father rebuked him & sayde vnto him: what is thys dreame which thou hast dreamed: shall I & thy mother and thy brethren come to fall on the grounde before the?
Genesis 41:25
25 And Ioseph answered Pharao: both Pharaos dreames are one. And God hath shewed Pharao what he is aboute to do.
Genesis 41:32
32 And as concernynge that the dreame was doubled vnto Pharao the seconde tyme, beholde, the thynge is certaynly prepared of God, & God wyll shortly brynge it to passe.
Genesis 43:28
28 they answered: thy seruaunte oure father is in good health, and is yet alyue. And they bowed downe theyr heades, and made obaysaunce.
Genesis 45:9
9 Hast you, and goo vp to my father and tell him. This sayeth thy sonne Ioseph: God hath made me Lorde of all Egypte. Come downe therfore vnto me, tarye not.
Genesis 46:29
29 And Ioseph made redye hys charett, and went vp to mete Israel hys father vnto Gosan, and presented hym selfe vnto hym, and fell on hys necke, and wepte vpon hys necke a good whyle.
Genesis 47:12
12 And Ioseph made prouisyon for hys father, hys brethren & all his fathers housholde wyth bread, euen as yonge chyldren are fedd.
Genesis 50:15-21
15 And when Iosephs brethren sawe that their father was dead, they sayde: Ioseph myghte fortune to hate vs & rewarde vs agayne all the euell which we dyd vnto him.
16 And they did a commaundement vnto Ioseph sayinge, thy father charged vs before hys deeth sayinge:
17 Thys wyse shall ye saye vnto Ioseph, forgeue (I praye the) the trespace of thy brethren, and theyr synne: for they rewarded that euell. And nowe (we praye the) forgeue the trespace of the seruauntes of thy fathers God. And Ioseph wept, when they spake vnto hym.
18 For hys brethren came vnto hym, & fell flat before hys face sayinge: beholde, we be thy seruauntes.
19 To whom Ioseph sayde feare not. Am I God?
20 Ye thought euell agaynste me: but God turned it vnto good, to brynge to passe, as it is thys daye, and to saue moch people alyue.
21 Feare not therfore, Nowe, I wyll noryshe you, and youre chyldren, and he comforted them, & spake kyndly vnto them.
Daniel 8:10
10 It grewe vp to the hoost of heauen, wherof it dyd cast some downe to the grounde, and of the starres also, and trode them vnder fete.
Acts 7:9-14
9 And the patriarkes hauing indygnacyon solde Ioseph into Egypte. And God was with hym,
10 and delyuered hym out of al his aduersities, and gaue him fauour & wysdome in the syght of Pharao kynge of Egypte. And he made hym gouernoure ouer Egypte, and ouer all hys housholde.
11 But ther came a derth ouer all the land of Egypt and Canaan, and great afflyccion that our fathers founde no sustenaunce.
12 But when Iacob hearde that there was corne in Egypt he sent our fathers first.
13 And at the second tyme, Ioseph was knowen of his brethren, & Iosephs kynred was made knowne vnto Pharao.
14 Then sent Ioseph a message, and caused hys father to be brought, and all his kynne .lxxv. soules.
Philippians 2:15
15 that ye maye be soche as no man came complayne on: and vnfayned sonnes of God without rebuke, in the myddes of a croked and peruerse nacyon: amonge whom se that ye shyne as lyghtes in the worlde,
Genesis 27:29
29 People be thy seruauntes, and nacyons bowe vnto the. Be Lorde ouer thy brethren, and thy mothers chyldren stowpe vnto the. Curssed be he that cursseth the, and blessed be he that blesseth the.
Isaiah 60:14
14 Moreouer, those shall come knelyng vnto the, that haue vexed the: and all they that despysed the, shall fall downe at thy fote. Thou shalt be called the cytie of the Lorde, Sion the cytie of the holy one of Israel.
Philippians 2:10-11
Genesis 24:31
31 And he sayde: come in thou blessed of the Lorde. Wherfore stondest thou wythout? I haue dressed the house, and made rowme for the camels.
Genesis 26:14-16
14 for he had possessyon of shepe, of oxen and a myghtye housholde, and therfore the Philistians had enuy at hym:
15 for the Philystines stopped & fylled vp wyth erth all the welles which his fathers seruauntes dygged in hys father Abrahams tyme.
16 And Abimelech sayde vnto Isahac: get the from vs, for thou art myghtyer then we a great deale.
Psalms 106:16
16 They angred Moses also in the tentes, and Aaron the sayncte of the Lorde.
Ecclesiastes 4:4
4 Agayne, I sawe that all trauayle, & dilygence of labour, that euery man taketh in hande, was done of enuy agaynst his neyboure This is also a vaine thinge, and a vexacion of mynde.
Isaiah 11:13
13 The hatred of Ephraim also and enemyes of Iuda shalbe cleane roted oute. Ephraim shall beare no euell will to Iuda, and Iuda shal not hate Ephraim:
Isaiah 26:11
11 Lorde, when thy hande is lyfte vp to stryke, they se it not: but they shall se it, and be confounded with the zele of the people, and the fyer that consumeth thyne enemyes, shall deuoure them.
Daniel 7:28
28 Thus farre extende the wordes. Neuertheles, I Daniel was so vexed in my thoughtes, that my countenaunce chaunged but the wordes I kepte styll in my herte.
Matthew 27:18
18 For he knewe that for enuie they had delyuered him.
Mark 15:10
10 For he knewe, that the hye Prestes had delyuered him of enuy.
Luke 2:19
19 But Mary kepte all those saienges, and pondered them in her hert.
Luke 2:51
51 And he went downe wt them, & came to Nazareth, & was obedient vnto them. But his mother kept all these sayenges together in her hert.
Acts 7:9
9 And the patriarkes hauing indygnacyon solde Ioseph into Egypte. And God was with hym,
Acts 13:45
45 But when the Iewes sawe the people, they were full of indignacion & spake agaynst those thynges, which were spoken of Paul, spekynge agaynst it, & raylinge on it:
Galatians 5:21
21 enuyinge, murther, dronkennes, glottonye, and soche lyke: of the which I tell you before as I haue told you in tyme past, that they which commyt soch thinges shall not be inheritours of the kyngdome of God.
James 3:14-16
James 4:5
5 Ether do ye thynke that the scripture sayth in vayne. The sprete the dwelleth in vs, lusteth euen contrary to enuy:
Genesis 33:18
18 And Iacob came to Salem a cytie of Sichem which is in the lande of Canaan, after that he was come from Mesopotamia, and pytched before the cytie,
Genesis 34:25-31
25 And it happened the thyrde daye (when it was paynefull to them) .ij. of the sonnes of Iacob Symeon and Leui Dinas brethren, toke ether of them his swerde and went in to the cytie boldly, and slewe all that was male,
26 and slewe also Hemor and Sichem hys sonne with the edge of the swerde, and toke Dina out of Sichems house, and went their waye.
27 And the sonnes of Iacob commynge vpon the deed, spoyled the cytie, because they had defyled their syster:
28 & toke their shepe, oxen, and their asses and whatsoeuer was in the cytie and also in the feldes.
29 And all their goodes & all their chyldren, and theyr wyues toke they captiue and made hauouck of all that was in the house.
30 But Iacob sayde to Simeon and Leui: ye haue troubled me and made me styncke before the inhabitours of the lande, before the Canaanyte and the Pherezite. And I beynge fewe in nombre, they shall gather them selues together agaynst me & sley me, and so shall I and my house be destroyed.
31 And they answered: shulde they deale with oure syster as with an whoore.
Genesis 37:1
1 Iacob dwelt in the lande where in his father was a straunger, euen in the lande of Chanaan.
Genesis 22:1
1 After these sayinges it happened that God dyd proue Abraham and sayde vnto hym: Abraham. Whych answered: here am I.
Genesis 27:1
1 And it came to passe that whan Isahac wexed olde and hys eyes were dymme (so that he coulde not see) He called Esau his eldest sonne and sayd vnto hym: my sonne. And he sayde vnto hym: here am I.
Genesis 27:18
18 Whan he came to hys father, he sayde: my father? And he answered: here am I, who art thou my sonne?
1 Samuel 3:4-6
4 And the Lorde called Samuel, & he sayde, here am I,
5 and he ran vnto Eli, & sayd: here am I, for thou calledst me. And he sayd: I called the not: go agayne, & slepe. And he went, and layde him downe to slepe.
6 And the Lorde called once agayne: Samuel, & Samuel arose & went to Ely, & sayd, I am here, for thou dyddest call me. And he answered: I called the not, my sonne. Go agayne, and take thy rest:
1 Samuel 3:8
8 And the Lorde went to, & called Samuel the thyrd tyme. And he arose, & went to Eli, & sayde: I am here, for thou hast called me. And Eli perceaued that the Lorde had called the chylde.
1 Samuel 3:16
16 Then Eli called Samuel, & sayde: Samuel my sonne. And he answered: here I am.
1 Samuel 17:17-20
17 And Isai sayde vnto Dauid his sonne take for thy brethren an Epha of this parched corne and these ten loaues, and brynge it vnto the hoste to thy brethren.
18 And carye these ten freshe cheses vnto the captayne, & loke howe thy brethren fare, and fett out their pledge.
19 And Saul and they, and all the men of Israel were in the oke valey, fightinge with the Philistines.
20 And Dauid rose vp erlye in the mornynge, and lefte the shepe with a keper, & toke and went as Isai had commaunded him, and came with in the compasse of the host. And the hoste went out in araye, and showted in the battell:
Matthew 10:16
16 Beholde, I sende you forth, as shepe among wolues. Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes and innocent as doues.
Luke 20:13
13 Then sayd the Lord of the vineyarde: what shall I do? I wyll sende my deare sonne: peraduenture they will stande in awe of him, when they se hym.
Ephesians 6:1-3
Genesis 13:18
18 And Abram takynge downe hys tente, came and dwelled in the okegroue of Mamre, namely in Ebron, and buylded there an alter vnto the Lorde.
Genesis 23:2
2 & Sara dyed in kyriat Arba. The same is Hebron in the lande of Canaan. And Abraham came to morne Sara, and to wepe for her.
Genesis 29:6
6 And he sayde vnto them, is he in good health? And they sayde, he his in good health, and beholde, hys daughter Rahel commeth with the shepe.
Genesis 35:27
27 And so Iacob came vnto Isahar hys father to Mamre vnto kyriath Arba which is Hebron: where Abraham & Isahac soiourned as straungers.
Genesis 41:16
16 Ioseph answered Pharao, sayinge: Not I, but God shall geue Pharao an answere of peace.
Numbers 13:22
22 & they ascended vnto the south, and came vnto Hebron, where Ahiman was & Sesai & Thalmani, the sonnes of Enack. Hebron was buylt seuen yere before Zoan in Egipt.
Joshua 14:13
13 And Iosua blessed him, & gaue vnto Caleb the sonne of Iephune, Hebron to enheret.
Joshua 14:15
15 And the name of Hebron was called in olde tyme, kariatharbe. For the same was a great man amonge the Enakims. And the lande ceased from warre.
1 Samuel 17:17-18
2 Samuel 18:32
32 And the Kynge sayde vnto Chusi. Is the younge man Absalom safe? Chusi answered: The enemyes of my Lord the kynge, and all that ryse agaynst the, to do the hurt, be as that younge man is.
1 Kings 2:33
33 Theyr bloude shall therfore returne vpon the heed of Ioab, and on the heed of hys seed for euer. But vpon Dauid, and vpon his seed, and vpon hys house, and vpon hys seate shall there be peace for euer of the Lord.
Psalms 125:5
5 As for soche as turne backe vnto their awne wyckednesse, the Lorde, shall leade them forth wyth the euyll doers, but peace shall be vpon Israel.
Jeremiah 29:7
7 but seke after peace and prosperite of the citye, wherin ye be presoners, & praye vnto God for it. For in the peace therof, shall yor peace be.
Luke 19:42
42 sayinge: If thou haddest knowen those thynges whych belonge vnto thy peace, euen in thys thy daye, thou woldst take hede. But now are they hydde from thyne eyes.
Genesis 21:14
14 And so Abraham rose vp early in the morninge, and toke bread and a bottell of water, and gaue it vnto Hagar, puttynge it on hyr shulders with the ladd also, & sent her awaye. who departynge, wandred vp and doune in the wyldernes of Beer Seba.
Judges 4:22
22 And Beholde, as Barak folowed after Sisara, Iael came out to mete him, & sayde vnto him: come, & I wyll shew the the man, whom thou sekest. And when he came into her tente: Beholde, Sisara laye deed, & the nayle was in his temples.
2 Kings 6:19
19 And Elisa sayde vnto them this is not the waye, nether is this the towne: folowe me, and I wyll bringe you to the man whom ye seke. But he ledd them to Samaria.
John 1:38
38 And Iesus turned about, and sawe them folowe hym, & sayeth vnto them: what seke ye? They sayd vnto hym: Rabbi (whych is to saye yf one interprete it Master) where dwellest thou?
John 4:27
27 And immediatly came hys disciples, & marueyled that he talked with the woman. Yet no man sayd: what meanest thou or why talkest thou with her?
John 18:4
4 And Iesus knowyng all thynges that shulde come on hym, went forth, and sayde vnto them: whom seke ye?
John 18:7
7 Then asked he them agayne: whom seke ye? They sayde: Iesus of Nazareth.
John 20:15
15 Iesus sayeth vnto her: woman, why wepest thou? Whom sekest thou? She supposing that he had bene a gardener, sayeth vnto him. Syr: yf thou haue borne him hence, tell me wher thou hast layde him, and I wyll fet him.
Song of Songs 1:7
7 Tell me of him whom my soule louethe where thou fedest the shepe, where thou makest them rest at the noone daye: for why shall I belyke him, that goeth wronge aboute the flockes of thy companyons?
Luke 19:10
10 For the sonne of man is come to seke, and to saue that whych was loste.
2 Kings 6:13
13 He sayde: go, & spie where he is, that I maye sende and fett him. And one tolde him, sayinge: beholde, he is in Dothan.
1 Samuel 19:1
1 Saul spake to Ionathas hys sonne, and to all hys seruauntes, that they shulde kyll Dauid.
Psalms 31:13
13 I became a reprofe amonge all myne enemyes, but specially amonge my neyghbours, and they of myne acquayntaunce were afrayed of me: & they that dyd se me without, conueyed them selues fro me.
Psalms 37:12
12 The vngodly seketh councell agaynst the iust, & gnassheth vpon hym with his tethe.
Psalms 37:32
32 The lawe of his God is in his hert, and his goynges shall not slyde.
Psalms 94:21
21 They gather them together agaynste the soule of the righteous, and condemne the innocent bloude
Psalms 105:25
25 Whose hert turned, so that they hated his people, & dealt vntruly with his seruauntes.
Psalms 109:4
4 Thus haue they rewarded me euell for good, and hatred for my good wyll.
Matthew 21:38
38 But when the husbandmen sawe the sonne, they sayd amonge them selues: This is the heyre: come, let vs kyll him, & let vs enioye his inheritaunce
Matthew 27:1
1 When the mornynge was come, all the chefe prestes and the elders of the people helde a counsayle agaynst Iesus, to put him to deeth,
Mark 12:7
7 But the husbandmen sayd amongest them selues: this is the heyre: come let vs kyl him, & the inheritaunce shalbe oures.
Mark 14:1
1 After two dayes was Easter, and the dayes of swete breed And the hye Prestes and the Scribes sought, how they myghte take hym by crafte, & put him to deeth.
Luke 20:14-15
John 11:53
53 Then from that daye forth they toke councel together, for to put him to death.
Acts 23:12
12 And whan it was daye, certayne of the Iewes gathered them selues togeather, and made a vowe, sayinge: that they wolde nether eate nor dryncke, tyll they had kylled Paul.
1 Samuel 24:20
20 And now beholde, I wote well that thou shalt be kyng, and that the kingdom of Israel shalbe stablyshed in thyne hande.
1 Samuel 26:2
2 Saul arose, and went dwne to the wyldernesse of Ziph, hauyng thre thousande chosen men of Israel with hym, for to seke Dauid in the wildernesse of Ziph.
1 Kings 13:24
24 And whan he was gone, a Lyon mett hym by the waye, and slue him, and his carkasse was cast in the waye, and the Asse stode therby, and the Lyon stode by the coarse also.
2 Kings 2:24
24 And he turned backe, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lorde. And there came two she Beares out of that woodd & tare .xlii. chyldren of them.
Psalms 64:5
5 They courage them selues in myschefe, and commune amonge them selues, how they maye laye snares: and saye, that no man shall se them.
Proverbs 1:11-12
Proverbs 1:16
16 For their fete runne to euell: & are hasty to shed bloud.
Proverbs 6:17
17 A proude looke a lyinge tonge, handes that shed innocent bloude,
Proverbs 10:18
18 Dissemblynge lyppes kepe hatred secretely, and he that speaketh any sclaunder, is a foole.
Proverbs 27:4
4 Wrath is a cruell thinge and furiousnesse is a very tempest: but who is able to abyde enuye?
Proverbs 28:13
13 He that hydeth his synnes, shall not prospere: but whoso knowledgeth them and forsaketh them, shall haue mercy.
Matthew 2:2-16
2 sayinge: Where is he that is borne king of Iewes? For we haue sene hys starre in the east, and are come to worshyppe hym.
3 When Herode the kyng had hearde these thynges, he was troubled, and all the cyte of Ierusalem with hym.
4 And whan he had gathered all the chefe prestes and scrybes of the people togeather, he demaunded of them, where Christ shulde be borne.
5 And they sayd vnto hym: At Bethleem in Iewrye. For thus it is wrytten by the prophet:
6 And thou Bethleem in the lande of Iuda, art not the leest among the princes of Iuda. For oute of the shal there come vnto me the captayne, that shall gouerne my people Israel.
7 Then Herode (when he had preuely called the wyse men) he enquyred of them diligently what tyme the starre appered,
8 & he bad them go to Bethleem, & sayd: God your waye thither, & searche diligently for the childe. And when ye haue founde him, bryng me word agayne, that I maye come and worshyp hym also.
9 When they had heard the kyng, they departed: and lo, the starre which they sawe in the easte, went before them, tyll it came, & stode ouer the place, wherin the chylde was.
10 When they sawe the starre, they were exceadynge glad:
11 and went into the house, and found the chylde with Mary his mother & fel downe flatt and worshipped hym, and opened their treasures & offered vnto hym gyftes, golde, franckincense, & myrre.
12 And after they were warned of God in slepe (that they shuld not go agayne to Herode) they returned into their awne countre another waye.
13 When they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appered to Ioseph in slepe saying, aryse, & take the chyld and his mother, and flye into Egipt: and be thou there tyll I brynge the worde. For it wyll come to passe that Herode shall seke the chylde, to destroye hym.
14 So whan he awoke, he toke the childe and hys mother by night, and departed into Egipt,
15 and was there vnto the deeth of Herode, that it myght be fulfylled, which was spoken of the Lorde by the prophete, sayenge: out of Egypt haue I called my sonne.
16 Then Herode whan he sawe that he was mocked of the wyse men, he was exceading wroth, & sent forth men of warre, & slue all the chyldren that were in Bethleem, and in all the coastes, (as many as were two yeere olde or vnder) accordynge to the tyme, whych he had dilygently knowe out of the wyse men.
Matthew 27:40-42
40 and sayinge: thou that destroydest the temple of God and dyddest bylde it in thre dayes, saue thy selfe If thou be the sonne of God, come downe from the crosse.
41 Like wyse also the hye prestes, mocking him with the Scribes and elders sayde:
42 He saued other, him selfe can he not saue. If he be the kynge of Israel: let him now come doune from the crosse, & we will beleue him.
Mark 15:29-32
29 And they that went by, rayled on hym: wagging their heedes, and saying: A wretche thou that destroyest the temple, and byldest it in thre dayes:
30 saue thy selfe, & come doune from the crosse.
31 Lykewyse also mocked hym the hye Prestes amonge them selues with the Scrybes & sayde, he saued other men, hym selfe he cannot saue.
32 Let Christ the kynge of Israell descende now from the crosse, that we maye se, & beleue. And they that were crucifyed with him checked him also.
John 3:12
12 If I haue tolde you earthly thinges, and ye beleue not: how shall ye beleue, yf I tell you of heauenly thynges.
John 12:10-11
Acts 4:16-18
16 sayinge: what shall we do to these men? For a manifest sygne is done by them, and is openly knowen to all them that dwell in Ierusalem, and we cannot denye it.
17 But that it be noysed no farther amonge the people, let vs threaten and charge them, that they speake hence forth to no man in thys name.
18 And they called them, and commaunded them, that in no wyse they shulde speake ner teach in the name of Iesu.
Genesis 9:5
5 Els your bloude of your lyues wyll I requyre. From the hande of euery beaste wyll I requyre it, and from the hande of man: From the hande of mans brother wyll I requyre the lyfe of man.
Genesis 42:22
22 And Ruben answered them sayinge: sayde I not vnto you that ye shulde not synne agaynst the lad? and ye wolde not heare. And see, hys bloude is requyred.
Joshua 10:28
28 And that same daye Iosua toke Makeda, and smote it wyth the edge of the swerde, and the kynge therof also destroyed he vtterly, wyth all the soules that were therin, and let nought remayne. And he dyd to the kynge of Makeda as he dyd to the kynge of Iericho.
Matthew 10:28
28 And feare ye not them which kyll the body but are not able to kyll the soule. But rather feare him, which is able to destroye both soule and body into hell.
Genesis 22:12
12 And he sayde: laye not thy hande vpon the chylde, nether do any thinge at all vnto him, for now I knowe that thou fearest God, and hast for my sake not spared thyne onely sonne.
Exodus 24:11
11 and vpon the nobles of the chyldren of Israel he sett not his hand. And they sawe God and dyd eate and dryncke.
Deuteronomy 13:9
9 Thyne hande shalbe fyrst vpon him to kyll hym: & then the handes of all the people.
Matthew 27:24
24 When Pilate sawe that he coulde preuayle nothinge, but that more busynes was made, he toke water, and wasshed hys handes before the people, sayinge: I am innocent of the bloud of this iust person, ye shall se.
Acts 12:1
1 At the same tyme Herode the kyng stretched forth hys handes to vexe certen of the congregacyon.
Genesis 37:3
3 But Israel loued Ioseph more than all hys chyldren, because he begat him in hys olde age, and he made hym a coote of many coloures.
Genesis 37:31-33
31 And they toke Iosephs coote and kylled a goote, & dypped the coote in the bloude.
32 And they sent that partye coloured coote, and brought it vnto their father and sayde: Thys haue we founde: se whether it be thy sonnes coote or no.
33 And he knewe it sayinge, it is my sonnes coote, a wycked beast hath deuoured hym, Ioseph is rent in peces.
Genesis 42:21
21 And one sayde to another: we haue verely synned agaynst oure brother, in that we sawe the anguysh of hys soull when he besought vs, & we wolde nat heare him: and therfore is thys troubyll come vpon vs.
Psalms 22:18
18 They parte my garmentes amonge them and cast lottes vpon my vesture.
Matthew 27:28
28 And they stripped him, and put on him a purpill robe,
Psalms 35:7
7 For they haue pryuely layed theyr net to destroye me without a cause, yee euen without a cause haue they made a pytte for my soule.
Psalms 40:2
2 He brought me also out of the horrible pitte, out of the myer and claye, and sett my fete vpon the rocke, and ordred my goynges.
Psalms 88:6
6 Thyne indignacyon lyeth harde vpon me, and thou hast vexed me wyth all thy stormes. Selah.
Psalms 88:8
8 I am so fast in preson, that I can not get forth.
Psalms 130:1-2
Jeremiah 38:6
6 Then toke they Ieremy, and cast hym into the dongeon of Melchiah the sonne of Hamelech, that dwelt in the fore entrie of the preson. And they lett downe Ieremy with coardes into a dongeon, where there was no water, but myre.
Lamentations 3:52-55
Lamentations 4:20
20 The very breth of oure mouth: euen the anoynted Lorde hymselfe was taken in ther nett of whom we saye: Under hys shadowe we shalbe preserued amonge the Heythen.
Zechariah 9:11
11 Thou also thorow the bloude of thy couenaunt: shalt let thy presoners out of the pitte wher in is no water.
Genesis 16:11-12
11 And the Lordes angell sayde vnto her, se, thou art with chylde and shalt bere a sonne, and shalt call hys name Ismael: because the Lorde hath herde thy tribulacyon.
12 He also will be a wylde man, and hys hande will be agaynst euery man, and euery mans hande agaynst him. And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
Genesis 25:1-4
1 Abraham proceaded further and toke him a wyfe called Ketura,
2 whyche bare hym Simram, and Iecksan, and Medan, and Midian, and Iesback and Suah.
3 Iecksan begat Seba & Dedan. And the sonnes of Dedan were: Assurim. Letusim and Leumim.
4 And the sonnes of Midian: Epha, and Epher, Hanoch, and Abida & Elda. All these were the chyldren of ketura.
Genesis 25:16-18
16 These are the sonnes of Ismael, & these are, theyr names, by theyr townes and castels .xij. princes of their housholdes.
17 And these are the yeares of the lyfe of Ismael, an hundred and .xxxvij. yeare, and he fell sycke, & dyed, & was layde vnto hys people.
18 And they dwelled from Heuilah vnto Sur that is by the border of Egypte, as thou goest towarde the Assirians. And he dyed in the presence of all hys brethren.
Genesis 31:21
21 So fled he & all that he had, and made hym selfe redy, & passed ouer the ryuer, & set hys face streyght toward the mount Gilead.
Genesis 31:23
23 Than he toke his brethren with hym and folowed after him .vii. dayes iourney, & ouer toke hym at the mounte Gilead.
Genesis 37:28
28 Than as the Madianites marchaunt men passed by, they drewe and lyft Ioseph out of the pytt and solde him vnto the Ismaelytes for .xx. peces of syluer. And they brought him into Egypte.
Genesis 37:36
36 And the Madianytes solde hym in Egypte vnto Putiphar a Lord of Pharaos, and his chefe Stewarde.
Genesis 39:1
1 Ioseph was brought vnto Egypte, and Putiphar a Lorde of Pharaos (& his chefe stewarde an Egyptian) bought him of the Ismaelytes which had brought him thyther.
Genesis 43:11
11 And theyr father Israel sayde vnto them: If it must nedis be so nowe: than do thus. Take of the best frutes of the lande in youre vesselles, and brynge the man a present, a curtesye bawlme, and a curtesye of hony, spyces and myrre, notts & almondes.
Esther 3:15
15 And the postes went in all the hast, accordyng to the kynges commaundement. And in Susan the chefe cytie was the commaundement deuised. And the kyng & Haman sate & drancke: whan in the meane tyme the cytie of Susan was disquieted.
Psalms 14:4
4 Haue they no knowledge, that all are soche worckers of myscheffe, eatynge vp my people, as it were bread and call not vpon the Lorde?
Psalms 83:6
6 The tabernacles of the Edomites and Ismaelytes, the Moabytes and Hagarenes.
Proverbs 30:20
20 Soch is the waye also of a wyfe that breaketh wedlocke, which wypeth her mouth lyke as when she hath eaten and sayeth: As for me. I haue done no harme.
Jeremiah 8:22
22 is ther no triacle at Gilead? Is ther no physycyon ther? Why then is not the helthe of my people recouered?
Jeremiah 46:11
11 Go vp, O Gilead, and brynge triacle vnto the daughter of Egypt. But in vayne shalt thou go to surgery: for thy wounde shall not be stopped.
Amos 6:6
6 ye that dryncke wyne out of goblettes, and anoynte youre selues with the best oyle, but no man is sory for Iosephs hurte.
Genesis 4:10
10 And he sayde: What hast thou done? The voyce of thy brothers bloude crieth vnto me out of the grounde.
Genesis 25:32
32 Esau sayde: Loo I am at the poynte to dye, and what profyte shall thys byrthryghte do me?
Genesis 37:20
20 come nowe therfore and let vs sley hym and cast hym in to some pytt, and we wyll saye a wycked beast hath deuoured hym, and we shall se what wyll come of hys dreames.
Deuteronomy 17:8
8 If there ryse a matter to harde for the in iudgement betwene bloud and bloud, betwene plee and plee, betwene plage and plage, and the matters come to stryfe wythin thy gates, Then shalt thou aryse, and get the vp vnto the place which the Lord thy God hath chosen,
2 Samuel 1:16
16 then sayde Dauid vnto him: thy bloude be vpon thyne awne heed. For thyne awne mouth hath testyfied agaynst the sayinge: I haue slayne the Lordes anoynted.
Job 16:18
18 O earth couer not thou my bloude, and let my cryenge fynde no rowme.
Psalms 30:9
9 What profyt is there in my bloude, whan I go downe to the pytte?
Jeremiah 41:8
8 Amonge these .lxxx. men there were ten, that sayde vnto Ismael: Oh slaye vs not, for we haue yet a great treasure in the felde, of wheate barley, oyle and hony. So he spared them, & slewe them not with theyr brethren.
Ezekiel 24:7
7 for the bloude is yet in it. Upon a playne drye stone hath she powred it, & not vpon the grounde, that it myght be couered wt dust.
Matthew 16:26
26 For what doth it proffet a man, yf he wynne all the whole worlde: & lose hys awne soule? Or what shal a man geue to redeme his soule agayne with all?
Romans 6:21
21 What frute had ye then in those thynges, wherof ye are now asshamed. For the ende of those thynges, is deeth.
Genesis 29:14
14 To whom Laban sayde: well, thou art my bone & my fleshe. And he abode wyth him the space of a moneth.
Genesis 37:22
22 And Ruben sayde moreouer vnto them, shede not his bloude, but cast him into thys pytt that is in the wyldernes, and laye no hande vpon him: Namely, that he myght rydd him out of their handes & delyuer him to hys father agayne.
Exodus 21:16
16 He that stealeth a man and selleth him (yf it be proued vpon hym) shall be slayne for it.
Exodus 21:21
21 And yf they continue a daye or two, it shall not be auenged, for they are hys money.
1 Samuel 18:17
17 And Saul sayde to Dauid. Beholde, my eldest daughter Merob, her I wyll geue the to wyfe Only playe the man with me, and fyght the Lordes batelles. For Saul thought: myne hande shall not be vpon hym, but the hand of the Philistines.
2 Samuel 11:14-17
14 On the morow Dauid wrote a letter to Ioab, and sent it by the hande of Urias.
15 And he wrote thus in the letter, sayeng: put Urias in the forefront of the sharper battell, and come ye backe from hym, that he maye be smytten and dye.
16 So whan Ioab beseged the cytie, he assygned Urias vnto a place, where he wyst that stronge men were.
17 And the men of the cytie cam out, and fought wyth Ioab. And there were certen ouerthrowen of the people, and of the seruauntes of Dauid, and Urias the Hethite dyed also.
2 Samuel 12:9
9 Wherfore then hast thou despised the commaundement of the Lorde, to do wyckednesse in hys syght? thou hast kylde Urias the Hethite with the swerde, and hast taken his wife to thy wyfe, & hast slayne hym with the swerde of the chyldren of Ammon.
Nehemiah 5:8
8 and sayd vnto them we (after oure abilite) haue bought our brethren the Iewes, which were solde vnto the heathen. And wyll ye sell your brethren agayne vnto the heathen, after that they haue bene solde vnto vs? Then helde they theyr peace, and coulde fynde nothynge to answere.
Matthew 26:15
15 and sayd vnto them: what will ye geue me, and I wyll delyuer him vnto you? And they apoynted vnto hym thyrty peces of syluer.
1 Timothy 1:10
10 to whormongers: to them that defyle them selues whyth mankynde: to manstealers: to lyars, to periured, and yf ther be eny other thynge that is contrary to the holsome doctryne,
Revelation 18:13
13 & synamom, and odours, & oyntmentes, and franckinsence, & wyne, and oyle, and fyne floure, and wheate, beastes, and shepe, and horsses, and charetes, and bodyes, and soules of men.
Genesis 25:2
2 whyche bare hym Simram, and Iecksan, and Medan, and Midian, and Iesback and Suah.
Genesis 37:25
25 And they satt them downe to eate brede. And as they lyft vp their eyes and loked aboute, there came a companye of Ismaelytes from Gilead, and their camels laden with spicery, baulme, and myrre, and were goynge downe to cary it into Egypte.
Genesis 45:4-5
4 And Ioseph sayde vnto his brethren: come nere to me, and they came nere. And he sayde: I am Ioseph youre brother whom ye solde in to Egypte.
5 Nowe therfore be not greued ther wyth, nether let it seme a cruel thynge in your eyes, that ye solde me hyther. For God dyd send me before you to saue lyfe.
Exodus 2:16
16 The preast of Midian had .vij. daughters which came and drewe water, and fylled the troughes, for to water their fathers shepe.
Numbers 25:15
15 And the name of the Madianitish wyfe that was slayne, was Cozbi the daughter of Zur, a heed ouer the people of an house and kynred of Madian.
Numbers 25:17
17 vexe the Madianites, and smyte them,
Numbers 31:2-3
Numbers 31:8-9
8 And they slue the kinges of Madian amonge other that were sleyne: Namely Eui, and Rekem, Zur and Hur and Reba: fyue kinges of Madian wt Balaam the sonne of Beor, whom they slue wt the sweard:
9 And the chyldren of Israel toke all the wemen of Madian presoners, & their chyldren: and spoiled all their catell, and all their flockes, and all their goodes.
Judges 6:1-3
1 And the chyldren of Israell committed wyckednes in the sight of the Lord. And the Lord delyuered them into the handes of Madian seuen yeres.
2 And the hande of Madian preuayled agaynst Israel, & because of the Madianites, the chyldren of Israel made them dennes in the mountaynes & caues and stronge holdes.
3 And when Israel had sowen, the Madianites, the Amalechites & they of the east contreye came vp together against them: & pytched their tentes against them,
Judges 8:22
22 Then the men of Israel sayde vnto Gedeon: Raygne thou ouer vs, bothe thou, thy sonne & thy sonnes sonne, for thou hast delyuered vs out of the hand of Madian.
Judges 8:24
24 And agayne Gedeon sayde vnto them: I wolde desyre a certayne request of you, euen that you wolde geue me euerye man the earynges of his praye. For they had golden earynges, because they were Ismaelites:
Psalms 83:9
9 But do thou to them as vnto the Madianites, vnto Sisera, and vnto Iabin at the broke of Kyson.
Psalms 105:17
17 But he had sent a man before them, euen Ioseph whych was solde to be a bonde seruaunt.
Isaiah 60:6
6 The multitude of Camels shall couer the, the dromedaries of Madian & Epha All they of Saba shall come, bryngynge golde & incense, & shewinge the prayse of the Lord.
Zechariah 11:12-13
12 And I sayde vnto them: yf ye thinck it good, bring hyther my pryce: yf no, then leaue. So they wayed downe .xxx. syluer pens, the value that I was prysed at.
13 And the Lorde said vnto me: cast it vnto the potter (a goodly pryce for me to be valued at of them) and I toke the .xxx. syluer pens, and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lorde.
Matthew 27:9
9 Then was fulfylled, that which was spoken by Ieremy the Prophet, sayinge: and they toke thirtye syluer plates, the pryse of him that was valued, whom they bought of the chyldren of Israel,
Genesis 34:13
13 But the sonnes of Iacob answered to Sichem & Hemor hys father talkynge amonge them selues deceytefully, because he had defyled Dina theyr syster.
Genesis 37:34
34 And Iacob rent hys cloothes, and put sacke clothe aboute his loynes, and sorowed for his sonne a longe season.
Genesis 44:13
13 Then they rent their clothes, and laded euery man his asse, and went agayne vnto the cytie.
Numbers 14:6
6 And Iosua the sonne of Nun, and Caleb the sonne of Iephune (which were of them that searched the lande) rent theyr clothes,
Judges 11:35
35 And when he sawe her, he rent his clothes, and sayde: Alas my daughter, thou hast brought me lowe, and art one of them that trouble me. For I haue opened my mouth vnto the Lord, and cannot go backe.
2 Kings 19:1
1 So it came to passe, that when kynge Hezekia hearde it, he rent hys clothes, and put on sacke, and came into the house of the Lorde,
Job 1:20
20 Then Iob stode vp, and rent his clothes, and shaued hys heade, fell downe vpon the grounde, worshipped,
Joel 2:13
13 rente your hertes, and not youre clothes. Turne you vnto the Lord your God, for he is gracious and mercyfull, longe sufferynge and of great compassyon: and redy to pardone wyckednes.
Acts 14:14
14 Which when the Apostles, Barnabas and Paul herde of, they rent their clothes, and ran in amonge the people, cryinge
Genesis 42:13
13 And they sayde: we thy seruauntes are .xii. brethren, the sonnes of one man in the lande of Canaan. And beholde, the yongest is thys daye wyth oure father, and one, no man woteth where he is.
Genesis 42:32
32 We be .xii. brethren, sonnes of oure father, one is a waye, and the yongest is thys daye wyth oure father in the lande of Canaan.
Genesis 42:35-36
35 And it fortuned as they emptyed theyr sackes, beholde: euery mans bundell of money was in his sacke. And when both they & their father sawe the bundells of money, they were afrayde.
36 And Iacob theyr father sayde vnto them: Me haue ye robbed of my chyldren: Ioseph is a waye, and Symeon is awaye, and ye take Ben Iamin awaye. All these thynges are agaynst me.
Jeremiah 31:15
15 Thus sayth the Lorde: The voyce of heuynes, weping and lamentation was heard on hye: euen of Rachel mournyng for her children, and wolde not be conforted, because they were awaye.
Genesis 44:20-23
20 And we answered my Lorde we haue a father that is olde, and a yonge lad which he begat in hys age: and the brother of the sayde lad is dead, and he is all that is left of that mother. And hys father loueth hym.
21 And thou saydest vnto thy seruauntes: brynge him vnto me, that I maye sett myne eye vpon him.
22 And we answered my Lorde, that the lad coulde not goo from his father, for yf he shulde leaue his father, he were but deed.
23 Than saydest thou vnto thy seruauntes excepte your youngest brother come with you, loke that ye se my face no moare.
Luke 15:30
30 but assone as this thy sonne was come (which hath deuoured thy goodes with harlotes) thou haste for his pleasure kylled the fatt caulfe.
Genesis 44:28
28 And the one went out from me, and I sayde: of suertye he is torne in peaces, and I sawe hym not sence.
Proverbs 14:15
15 An ignoraunt body beleueth all thinges: but who so hath vnderstandinge, loketh well to his goinges.
John 13:7
7 Iesus answered, and sayd vnto him: what I do, thou wotest not nowe, but thou shalt know herafter.
Genesis 37:29
29 And when Ruben came agayne vnto the pytt & founde not Ioseph there, he rent his cloothes
Joshua 7:6
6 And Iosua rent his clothes, and fell to the erth vpon his face before the arcke of the Lorde vntill the euen tyde, he and the elders of Israel, & put erth vpon their heddes.
2 Samuel 1:11
11 Then Dauid toke holde on hys clothes, and rent them, and so dyd all the men that were wt him
2 Samuel 3:31
31 And Dauid sayd to Ioab, and to all the people that were with hym. Rent youre clothes, and put on sacke cloth, and mourne before Abner. And king Dauid him self folowed the corse.
1 Kings 20:31
31 And his seruauntes sayde vnto hym. Beholde, we haue hearde saye, that the kynges of the house of Israel are mercyfull kinges. We will therfore put sacke cloth about or loynes and ropes about oure neckes, & go out to the kyng of Israel: yf happlye he wyll saue thy lyfe.
1 Kings 21:27
27 And it fortuned, that when Ahab hearde those wordes, he rent hys clothes, and put sackecloth about his flesh, and fasted, and laye in sack and went bare fote.
1 Chronicles 21:16
16 And Dauid lyfte vp hys eyes, and sawe the Angell of the Lord stande betwene the erth and heauen, hauynge a drawen swerde in hys hande, stretched out towarde Ierusalem. Then Dauid & the elders of Israel whych were clothed in sacke, fell vpon theyr faces.
Ezra 9:3-5
3 And when I hearde this saying, I rente my clothes and my rayment, and pluckte of the heer of my heade, and of my beerd, and sate mourninge.
4 And there resorted vnto me all soch as feared the wordes of the Lorde God of Israel, because of the transgression of the people of the captiuite. And I sate mournynge vntyll the euenynge sacryfice.
5 And aboute the euenynge sacrifice, I rose vp fro my heuynes, and rente my clothes and my rayment, and fell vpon my knees, and spred out my handes vnto the Lorde my God,
Nehemiah 9:1
1 In the foure & twentye daye of this moneth came the children of Israel together agayne, wyth fastinge and sack clothes, and erth vpon them,
Esther 4:1-3
1 When Mardocheus perceaued all that was done, he rente his clothes and put on sack cloth, with asshes, and went out into the myddes of the cytie, and cryed loud and lamentably,
2 & came before the kynges gate: but he myght not entre within the kynges gate, because he had sack cloth on.
3 And in all landes, countrees, & places, as farre as the kynges worde and commaundment extended, there was greate lamentacion among the Iewes, fasting, weping, and mourning, and many laye in sack clothes & in asshes.
Job 2:12
12 So when they lyfte vp theyr eyes a farre of, they knewe him not. Then they cryed, and wepte: & euery one of them rente his clothes, and sprynckled dust vpon theyr heades in the ayre.
Psalms 69:11
11 I put on a sacke cloth also, & they iested vpon me.
Isaiah 22:12-13
Isaiah 32:11
11 O ye rych ydell cities ye that feare no parell. Be abashed, you that lyue in aboundaunce: tremble, you that lyue careles: cast of your rayment, make your selues bare, put sacke cloth aboute you.
Isaiah 36:22-37:2
22 So came Eliakim Helkias sonne the president, Sobna the scribe, and Ioah Asaphs sonne the secretary, vnto Hezekias with rent clothes, and tolde hym the wordes of Rabsaketh.
Jeremiah 36:24
24 Yet no man was abashed therof, or rente his clothes: nether the kynge hym selfe, ner his seruauntes, though they hearde all these wordes.
Jonah 3:5-8
5 And the people of Niniue beleued God, and proclaymed fastynge, and arayed them selues in sack cloth, as well the greate as the small of them.
6 And the tydinges came vnto the kyng of Niniue which arose out of hys seate, and dyd hys apparell of and put on sack cloth, and sate hym downe in asshes.
7 And it was cryed & commaunded in Niniue, by the auctorite of the kynge and hys Lordes, sayenge: se that nether man or beest, oxe or shepe taste ought at all: and that they nether fede ner drinke water:
8 but put on sack cloth both man & beast: and crye myghtely vnto God: yee, se that euery man turne from his euell waye, and from the wyckednesse, that he hath in hande.
Matthew 11:21
21 Wo vnto the Chorasin: Wo vnto the Bethsaida: for yf the miracles which were shewed in you, had bene done in the cytie of Tyre or Sidon, they had repented of their synnes longe agon in sack cloth and asshes.
Matthew 26:65
65 Then the hye preste rent his clothes, sayinge: he hath spoken blasphemye. what nede we of eny moo witnesses? Beholde, now ye haue hearde his blasphemy:
Revelation 11:3
3 And I wyll geue power vnto my two witnesses, & they shall prophesy a thousande, two hundred & .lx. dayes, clothed in sacke clothe.
Genesis 31:43
43 Laban answered and sayde vnto Iacob: these daughters are my daughters, and these chyldren are my chyldren, and these shepe are my shepe, and all that thou seyst, is myne. And what can I do thys daye vnto these my daughters, or vnto theyr chyldren whych they haue borne?
Genesis 35:22-26
22 And it chaunced as Israel dwelt in the lande, that Ruben went and laye wyth Bilha hys fathers concubyne, and it came to Israels eare. The sonnes of Iacob were .xij. in nombre.
23 The sonnes of Lea. Ruben Iacobs eldest sonne, and Simeon, Leui, Iuda, Isachar, and Zabulon.
24 The sonnes of Rahel: Ioseph and Ben Iamin.
Genesis 42:31
31 And we sayd vnto him: we meane truely & are no spyes.
Genesis 42:38
38 And he sayde: my sonne shall not go downe wyth you. For hys brother is dead, & he is left alone. If some mysfortune happen vnto him by the waye which ye go, ye shall brynge my gray head with sorowe vnto the graue.
Genesis 44:29-31
29 And ye take this also awaye from me. If some mysfortune happen vpon him, ye shall brynge my gray heed in sorowe vnto the graue.
30 Nowe therfore, when I come to thy seruaunt my father, and the lad be not with vs (seynge that his lyfe hangeth by the laddes lyfe)
31 then shall it come to passe, that as soone as he seeth that the lad is not come, he wyll dye. So shall we thy seruauntes bringe the gray hedde of thy seruaunt our father with sorowe vnto the graue.
Genesis 45:28
28 And Israel sayde: I haue ynough that Ioseph my sonne is yet alyue: I wyll goo, and se hym, yer that I dye.
2 Samuel 12:17
17 And the elders of hys house arose and went to hym, to take him vp from the erth. But he wolde not, nether dyd he eate meat wyth them.
Job 2:11
11 Now when Iobs frendes hearde of all the trouble, that happened vnto hym, there came thre of them, euery one from hys awne place: namely, Eliphas the Themanite, Bildad the Suhite, & Zophad the Naamathite. And they were agreed together to come, to shewe their compassion vpon him, and to comforte hym.
Psalms 77:2
2 In the tyme of my trouble I sought the Lorde: my sore ranne and ceassed not in the nyght ceason: my soule refused comforte.
Genesis 25:1-2
Genesis 39:1-23
1 Ioseph was brought vnto Egypte, and Putiphar a Lorde of Pharaos (& his chefe stewarde an Egyptian) bought him of the Ismaelytes which had brought him thyther.
2 And God was with Ioseph, & he became a luckye man, continuynge in the house of his master the Egyptian.
3 And his master sawe that God was with him, & that God made all that he dyd to prosper in his hande.
4 And Ioseph founde grace in hys masters syghte, and serued him. And made hym rular of hys house, and put all that he had in his hande.
5 And it fortuned from the tyme that he had made him rular ouer hys house and ouer all that he had, the Lorde blessed the Egyptyans house for Iosephs sake, and the blessynge of the Lorde was vpon all that he had: in the house, and in the felde.
6 And therfore he left all that he had in Iosephs hande, and loked vpon nothynge that was wt hym, saue only on the bread whych he dyd eate. And Iosep was a goodly persone & a well fauored.
7 And it fortuned after thys, that his masters wyfe cast hyr eyes vpon Ioseph and sayde: come lye with me.
8 But he refused, and sayde to hys masters wyfe: Beholde, my master woteth not what he hath in the house with me, and hath commytted all that he hath to my hande.
9 There is no man greater in the house than I, Neyther hath he kepte any thynge from me, but only the, because thou art hys wyfe. Howe than can I do this great wyckednes, and synne agaynst God?
10 And after thys maner spake she to Ioseph daye by daye: but he harkened not vnto her, to slepe nere her, or to be in her company.
11 And it fortuned on a certayne conuenient daye, that Ioseph entred into the house, to do hys busynes: and there was none of the housholde by, in the house.
12 And she caught him by the garment sayinge: come slepe with me. And he lefte hys garment in hyr hande and fled, and gott hym out. And it chaunced.
13 When she sawe that he had lefte his garment in hyr hande, and was fled out.
14 She called vnto the men of hir house, and tolde them, sayinge: Se, he hath brought in an Hebrewe vnto vs to do vs shame: for he came in to me, for to haue slept wyth me. And I begane to crye wyth a lowde voyce.
15 And when he hearde that I lyfte vp my voyce & cryed, he left hys garment wt me, and fled awaye, and got him out.
16 And she layed vp hys garment by her, vntyll hyr Lorde came home.
17 And she tolde him with these wordes sayinge: Thys Hebrues seruaunte whych thou hast brought vnto vs, came into me to do me shame.
18 But as soone as I lyft vp my voyce and cryed, he left hys garment wyth me and fled out.
19 When his master. hearde the wordes of hys wyfe whych she tolde hym sayinge: after this maner dyd thy seruaunte to me, he waxed wrooth.
20 And the master toke Ioseph & put hym in pryson euen in to the place where the kynges prysoners laye bounde. And there continued he in preson,
21 but the Lorde was wyth Ioseph, and shewed hym mercye, and gote hym fauoure in the syghte of the Lorde of the preson.
22 And the keper of the preson commytted to Iosephs hande all the presoners that were in the preson house. And whatsoeuer was done there, that dyd he.
23 And the keper of the preson loked vnto nothynge that was vnder his hande, seynge that the Lorde was with him. For whatsoeuer he dyd, the Lorde made it to prosper.
Genesis 40:4
4 And the chefe Stewarde gaue Ioseph a charge with them, & he serued them. And they contynued a season in warde.
2 Kings 25:8
8 And the .vij. daye of the .v. moneth which is the .xix. yere of king Nabuchadnezer king of Babylon, came Nebusaradan a seruaunt of the kynge of Babylon, and chefe captayne of the men of warre, vnto Ierusalem:
Esther 1:10
10 And on the seuenth daye when the kyng was mery after the wyne, he commaunded Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, Abagthan, Zethar & Carchas, the seuen chamberlaynes (that dyd seruice in the presence of kyng Ahasuerus)
Isaiah 56:3
3 Then shall not the straunger, which cleaueth to the Lorde, saye: Alas, the Lorde hath shut me cleane out from hys people. Nether shall the gelded man saye: lo, I am a drye tre.