Exodus 36:1 Cross References - Great

1 And Bezaleel wrought, & Aholiab and all wyse harted men, to whom the Lorde gaue wysdome and vnderstandynge, to knowe howe to worcke all maner worke for the seruyce of the Sanctuary, and all that the Lorde had commaunded.

Exodus 23:21-22

21 Beware of hym, and heare his voyce, and resyst hym not: for he wyll not spare youre mysdedes & my name is in hym. 22 But and yf thou shalt herken vnto his voyce, & do all that I speake, I wylbe an enemye vnto thyne enemyes, and an aduersarye vnto thyne aduersaryes.

Exodus 25:8

8 And let them make me a sanctuarie (that I maye dwell amonge them.)

Exodus 28:3

3 And thou shalt speake vnto all that are wise harted, and whomsoeuer I haue filled with the sprete of wysdome: that they make Aarons rayment to consecrate him with, that he maye minyster vnto me.

Exodus 31:1-6

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, sayinge: 2 beholde, I haue called by name, Bezaleel the sonne of Ury, the sonne of Hur of the trybe of Iuda. 3 And I haue fylled hym wt sprete of God, in wysdome, & vnderstandynge, in knowledge & in all maner worke, 4 to fynd out sotle feates, & to worke in golde, syluer & brasse: 5 and in the crafte to sett stones, and to carue in timbre, and to worke in all maner workmanshyp. 6 And beholde, I haue geuen hym to be his companion Ahaliab the sonne of Ahisamach of the trybe of Dan, and in the hertes of all that are wyse harted, I haue putt wysdome, to make all that I haue commaunded the,

Exodus 35:30-35

30 And Moses sayde vnto the chyldren of Israel: beholde, the Lorde hath called by name Bezaleel the sonne of Uri the sonne of Hur of the trybe of Iuda, 31 & hath fylled hym with the sprete of God, in wisdome and vnderstanding, in knowledge, and in all maner worke, 32 to fynde out curious workes which are made in golde, syluer and brasse. 33 In the crafte of stones to set them: and in caruynge of wodd to make any maner of sotle worke. 34 And he hath put in his harte that he may teache: both he and Aholiab the sonne of Ahisamach of the trybe of Dan. 35 Them hath he fylled with wysdome of herte, to worke all maner of grauen, and sotle, and nedle worke in yelowe sylke, and purple, in scarlet, and whyte sylke, and in weuynge. And to do all maner of worke and sotle feates.

Exodus 36:3-4

3 And they receaued of Moses all the present, whyche the chyldren of Israell had brought for the worcke of the seruyce of the Sanctuary, to make it. And besyde that they brought giftes vnto it euery daye in the mornynge. 4 And all the wyse men that wrought all the holye worcke, came euery man from hys worcke whyche they made,

Exodus 39:1-40:38

1 And of the yelowe sylke, purple & scarlet, they made the vestimentes of ministracyon to do seruice in the holy place, and made the holy garmentes for Aaron, as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 2 And he made the Ephod of golde, yelow sylke, purple, scarlet & whyte twyned sylke. 3 And they dyd beate the gold into thynne plates, and cutte it into wyers: to worke it in the yelowe sylke, purple, scarlet, and in the fyne whyte, with broderd worke. 4 And they made two sydes for it, to cloose them vp by the two edges. 5 And the brodrynge of the gyrdell that was vpon it, was of the same stuffe, and after the same worcke: of golde, yelowe sylk, purple, scarlet, and twyned whyte sylke, as the Lorde comaunded Moses. 6 And they wrought Onix stones cloosed in ouches of golde, and graued as sygnettes are grauen with the names of the chyldren of Israel, 7 and put them on the shoulders of the Ephod, that they shuld be stones for a remembraunce of the chyldren of Israel, as the Lord commaunded Moses. 8 And he made the breastlappe of connyng worcke, and lyke the worcke of the Ephod: euen of golde, yelowe sylke, purple, scarlet, & twyned whyte sylke. 9 It was .iiii. square, and they made the breastlappe double, an hande breadeth longe and an hande breadeth brode. 10 And they fylled it with .iiii. rowes of stones. The fyrst rowe: a Sardios, a Topas and Smaragdus: 11 the seconde rowe, a Rubye a Saphir and a Diamonde: 12 in the .iii. rowe, Ligurios, an Achat, and an Amatist: 13 in the fourth rowe: a Turcas, and Onix, and a Iaspis. And they were closed in ouches of golde in theyr inclosers. 14 And the .xii. stones were grauen as sygnettes with the names of the chyldren of Israel: euery stone wt hys name, accordynge to the .xii. trybes. 15 And they made vpon the breastlappe, two fastenynge cheynes of wrethen worcke and pure golde. 16 And they made two hokes of golde, & two golde rynges, and put the two rynges in the two corners of the breastlappe 17 And they put the two chaines of golde in the two ringes, in the corners of the brestlappe: 18 And the two endes of the two chaynes they fastened in the two hokes, and put them on the shulders of the Ephod vpon the fore front of it. 19 And they made two rynges of golde, and put them on the two corners of the breastlappe vpon the edge of it whych was on the insyde by the Ephod. 20 And they made two golden rynges, and put them on the two sydes of the Ephod, beneth on the foresyde of it and ouer agaynst hys felowe, aboue vpon the brodrynge of the Ephod, 21 and they strayned the breastlappe by hys rynges vnto the rynges of the Ephod, wyth a lace of yelowe sylke: that it myght be vpon the brodrynge of the Ephod, and that the breastlappe shulde not be lowsed from of the Ephod: as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 22 And he made the tunycle vnto the Ephod of wouen worke, all together of yelowe sylke, 23 and there was an hole in the myddest of the tunycle, as the coler of a partlet, wyth a bonde rounde aboute the coler, that it shulde not rent. 24 And in the tunycle they made hemmes with pomgranates, of yelowe sylke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twyned sylke. 25 And they made lytle belles of pure golde, and put them amonge the pomgranates rounde aboute vpon the edge of the tunycle: a bell and a pomgranate, 26 a bell and a pomgranate rounde about the hemmes of the tunycle to mynistre in, as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 27 And they made cotes of fyne whyte of wouen worcke for Aaron and hys sonnes, 28 & a mytre of fyne whyte, and goodly bonettes of fyne whyte, and lynen breches of twyned whyte, 29 and a gyrdell of twyned whyte, yelowe sylke, purple and scarlet: euen of nedleworcke, as the Lord commaunded Moses. 30 And they made the plate for the holy croune of fyne golde, and wrote vpon it wyth grauen worcke, the holynes of the Lorde: 31 and tyed vnto it a lace of yelowe silke to fasten it an hye vpon the mytre, as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 32 Thus was all the worcke of the habitacyon and of the Tabernacle of witnesse fynysshed. And the chyldren of Israel dyd accordynge to all that the Lorde had commaunded Moses: Euen so dyd they. 33 And they brought the habitacyon vnto Moses: the tent and all his apparell, buttones, boordes, barres, pillers & sockettes. 34 the coueryng of rams skynnes redd, and the couerynge of taxus skynnes, and the hangynge vayle, 35 the arcke of witnesse and the barres therof and the mercyseate: 36 the table and all the vessels therof, & the shewbred: 37 the pure candelstycke, with the lampes therof: euen with the lampes to be prepared and all the vessels therof, and the oyle for lyghte: 38 the golden altare, and the anoyntynge oyle, and the swete cens, and the hangynge of the Tabernacle doore,

Exodus 40:1-38

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayinge. 2 In the fyrst daye of the first moneth, shalt thou sett vp the habitacyon, and the Tabernacle of witnesse, 3 and put therin the arcke of witnesse, and couer the arcke wyth the vayle, 4 and brynge in the table and apparell it accordynge to the order therof. And thou shalt brynge in the candelstycke, and lyght hys lampes, 5 and sett the cens alter of golde before the arcke of wytnesse, and put the hangynge at the dore of the habitacyon. 6 And set the burntofferyng alter before the dore of the habitacyon and Tabernacle of witnesse, 7 and sett the lauer betwene the Tabernacle of witnesse and the alter and put water therin, 8 and make the courte round aboute, and hange vp the hangynge at the courte gate. 9 And thou shalt take the anoyntynge oyle, and anoynt the habitacyon, and all that is therin, and halowe it with all the vessels therof, that it maye be holye. 10 And thou shalt anoynte the altare of burntofferynge and all hys vessels, and sanctifye the altare, that it may be an altare moost holy. 11 And thou shalt anoynte also the lauer and hys fote, and sanctifye it. 12 And thou shalt brynge Aaron and hys sonnes vnto the dore of the Tabernacle of witnesse, and washe them with water. 13 And thou shalt put vpon Aaron the holy vestymentes, and anoynte him, and sanctifye hym that he maye mynistre vnto me. 14 And thou shalt bringe his sonnes, and clothe them with garmentes, 15 and anoynte them as thou dyddest anoynt theyr father, that they maye minystre vnto me. For theyr anoyntynge shall be an euerlastynge presthode vnto them thorowe out theyr generacyons. 16 And Moses dyd accordynge to all that the Lorde commaunded hym: euen so dyd he. 17 Thus was the Tabernacle reared vp the fyrst daye in the fyrst moneth in the seconde yere. 18 And Moses reared vp the Tabernacle and fastened hys sockettes, and set vp the bordes therof, and put in the barres of it and reared vp hys pyllers, 19 and sprede abrode the tent ouer the habitacion, & put the couerynge of the tent an hye aboue it: as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 20 And he toke the testimonye, and put it in the arcke, & set the barres to the arcke, & put the mercyseate an hye vpon the arcke, 21 & brought the arcke into the habitacyon, & hanged vp the vayle, & couered the arcke of witnesse, as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 22 And he put the table in the Tabernacle of witnesse in the north syde of the habitacyon, (but without the vayle) 23 and set the bread in ordre before the Lorde, euen as the Lord had commaunded Moses. 24 And he put the candelsticke in the tabernacle of witnesse oueragaynst the table towarde the south syde of the habitacyon, 25 and set vp the lampes before the Lorde: as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 26 And he put the golden alter in the tabernacle of witnesse before the vayle, 27 and brent swete cens theron, as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 28 And he hanged vp the hangynge at the dore of the habitacyon, 29 and set the burntofferynge alter by the entrynge in of the habitacyon of the tabernacle of witnesse, and offred burntofferynges and meateofferynges theron, as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 30 And he set the lauer betwene the tabernacle of witnesse and the alter, and poured water therin, to wash withall. 31 And Moses Aaron & his sonnes wasshed their handes and their fete therat: 32 when they went into the tabernacle of witnesse, & when they went to the alter they wasshed them selues as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 33 And he reared vp the courte rounde aboute the habitacyon and the alter, & set vp an hangynge at the courte gate: and so Moses fynysshed the worcke. 34 And the clowde couered the tabernacle of witnesse, and the glorye of the Lorde fylled the habitacyon. 35 And Moses coulde not entre into the tabernacle of witnesse, because the clowde abode theron, and the glorye of the Lorde fylled the habitacyon. 36 And when the clowde was taken vp from of the habitacyon, the chyldren of Israel toke theyr iorneys thorowe out theyr armyes. 37 And whan the clowde was not taken vp, they iorneyed not tyll it was taken vp: 38 for the clowde of the Lorde was vpon the habitacyon by daye, and fyre by nyght: in the syghte of all the house of Israel thorow out all theyr armyes.

Numbers 7:9

9 But vnto the sonnes of Cahath he gaue none, because they had vpon them the offyce of holy thynges, whych they dyd beare vpon shoulders.

Psalms 119:6

6 So shall I not be confounded, whyle I haue respecte vnto al thy commaundementes.

Matthew 28:20

20 Teachinge them to obserue all thinges, whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo I am wyth you allwaye, euen vntyll the ende of the worlde.

Luke 1:6

6 they were, both ryghteous before God, and walked in all the lawes and ordynaunces of the Lorde, that no man coulde fynde fawte with them.

Hebrews 8:2

2 and is a minyster of holy thynges, and of the true tabernacle, whych God pyght, and not man.

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