1 And Moses gathered all the company of the children of Israel together, and sayd vnto them: these are the wordes which the Lord hath commaunded that ye shulde do them:
2 Sixe dayes ye shall worke: but the seuenth daye shalbe vnto you the holye Sabbath of the Lordes reste: whosoeuer doth any worke therin, shall die.
3 Ye shall kyndle no fier thorowout all youre habitacions vpon the Sabbath daye.
4 And Moses spake vnto all the multitude of the children of Israel saying: this is the thing which the Lorde commaunded, saying:
5 Take from among you an heue offering vnto the Lorde. Whosoeuer is of a willing hert, let him bryng it for the heue offerynge of the Lorde. Namely gold, syluer and brasse,
6 and yelowsilk, purple, scarlet, whyte sylke, goates heerre,
7 and rams skynnes red and taxus skinnes with sethim wod:
8 oyle for light and spices for the anoynting oyle, & for the swete cense.
9 And Onix stones and stones to be set in the Ephod and in the brestlappe.
10 And let all them that are wyse harted among you, come and make all that the Lord hath commaunded:
11 the habitacyon with the tent therof and his coueryng, & hys rynges, and his bordes, his barres, his pyllers, and his sockettes:
12 the arck and the staues therof, with the mercy seate and the vayle that couereth it:
13 the table and his barres and all his vessels: and the shewebred:
14 the candelstick of lyght and his apparell and his lampes with the oyle for the light:
15 the cens aultar and his barres: the anoynting oyle & the swete cens: and the hangyng of the dore at the entryng in of the tabernacle:
16 the aultar of burnt sacrifyce with his brasen grediren, his staues, and all his vessels: the lauer and hys fote:
17 and the hangynges of the court with his pyllers and their sockettes, and the hangyng in the dore of the court:
18 the pynnes of the habitacion and the pynnes of the court wt their coardes:
19 the minystring garmentes to minystre in the holy place: and the holy vestimentes for Aaron the preast, and the vestimentes of his sonnes, that they maye minystre him.
20 And all the companye of the chyldren of Israel departed from the presence of Moses.
21 And euery one came (as many as theyr hertes coraged them, & as many as their spretes made them wylling) & brought a present for the Lord, to the making of the tabernacle of witnes, and for all his vses, and for the holy vestimentes.
22 And they came both men & wemen (euen as many as were willing harted) and brought bracelettes, and earinges, ringes and chaynes, which iewels were all of golde: & all the men brought a waue offeryng of golde vnto the Lord.
23 And euery man, with whom was founde yelow sylk, purple, scarlet, whyte sylk, and goates hearre and redd skynnes of rams & taxus skynnes, brought them.
24 All that dyd heue vp an oblacyon of golde and brasse, and brought an heue offering vnto the Lorde. And all men with whom was found sethim wod for any maner worke of the ministracyon, brought it.
25 And all the women that were wyse herted dyd spynne with theyr handes, and brought the sponne worke both of yelow sylke, purple, scarlet and whyte sylk.
26 And all the wemen whom their awne hert moued, span goates hearre wisely.
27 And the Lorde brought onix stones, & stones to be set in the Ephod, and in the brestlappe,
28 and spyce and oyle for lyght and for the anoynting oyle and for the swete cens.
29 And the children of Israel brought a willyng offeryng vnto the Lorde, both men and wemen: as many as had willing hertes to brynge, for all maner workes which the Lorde had commaunded to be made, by the handes of Moses.
30 And Moses sayde vnto the chyldren of Israel: beholde, the Lorde hath called by name Bezaleel the sonne of Uri the sonne of Hur of the trybe of Iuda,
31 & hath fylled hym with the sprete of God, in wisdome and vnderstanding, in knowledge, and in all maner worke,
32 to fynde out curious workes which are made in golde, syluer and brasse.
33 In the crafte of stones to set them: and in caruynge of wodd to make any maner of sotle worke.
34 And he hath put in his harte that he may teache: both he and Aholiab the sonne of Ahisamach of the trybe of Dan.
35 Them hath he fylled with wysdome of herte, to worke all maner of grauen, and sotle, and nedle worke in yelowe sylke, and purple, in scarlet, and whyte sylke, and in weuynge. And to do all maner of worke and sotle feates.
Exodus 35 Cross References - Great
Exodus 25:1-40
1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayinge:
2 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel that they brynge me an heue offerynge: of euery man that geueth it wyllyngly with hys herte, ye shall take it.
3 Thys is the heue offrynge which ye shall take of them golde and syluer and brasse:
4 yelowe sylke, purple, scarlet, white sylke, and gootes here
5 rams skynnes that are redd, and the skynnes of taxus and sethim wodd,
6 oyle for lyghte, spices for anoyntynge oyle, and for swete cense,
7 Onix stones and stones to be sett in the Ephod and in the brest lappe.
8 And let them make me a sanctuarie (that I maye dwell amonge them.)
9 And accordinge to all that I shewe the both after the facyon of the habitacyon, and after the facyon of all the ornamentes therof, euen so shall ye make it.
10 And they shall make an arke of sethim wood .ii. cubytes and an halfe longe, a cubite and an halfe broade and a cubyte & an halfe hye.
11 And thou shalt ouerlaye it with pure golde, within and without shalt thou ouerley it, and shalt make an hye vpon it a crowne of golde rounde aboute.
12 And thou shalt cast foure rynges of gold for it, and put them in the foure corners therof .ii. rynges shalbe in the one syde of it, and .ii. in the other.
13 And thou shalt make barres of sethim wood, and couer them with golde,
14 and put the barres in the ringes alonge by the sydes of the arke, to bere it with all
15 And the barres shall be in the rynges of the arke, and shall not be taken awaye from it.
16 And thou shalt put in the arke, the witnesse which I shall geue the.
17 And thou shalt make a mercyseate of pure golde .ii. cubytes and an halfe longe and a cubite & a halfe brode.
18 And thou shalt make .ii. cherubins of golde: Euen of a whole worke shalt thou make them in the two endes of the mercyseate:
19 and the one cherub shalt thou make on the one ende, and the other on the other ende. Euen of the same mercyseate shall ye make Cherubins in the two endes therof.
20 And the Cherubins shall stretch theyr wynges abrode ouer an hye, coueringe the mercy seate with theyr wynges, and theyr faces shall loke one to another: euen to the mercyseate warde, shall the faces of the cherubins be.
21 And thou shalt put the mercyseate aboue vpon the arke, and in the arke thou shalt put the witnesse which I wyll geue the.
22 And from thence I wyll testifye vnto the and wyll comon with the from vpon the mercyseate: from betwene the two Cherubins which are vpon the arke of witnesse, of all thynge which I wyll geue the in commaundement vnto the chyldren of Israel.
23 Thou shalt also make a table of sethim wodd of two cubytes longe, and one cubytt brode, and a cubytt and an halfe hye.
24 And thou shalt couer it with pure golde, and make there to a crowne of golde rounde aboute.
25 And make vnto that an whope of foure fyngers brode, rounde aboute. And make a golden crowne also to the whope rounde aboute.
26 And make for it foure rynges of gold, and put the rynges in the corners that are on the foure fete therof:
27 euen ouer against the whope shall the rynges be, to put in barres, to bere the table with all.
28 And thou shalt make the barres of Sethim wodd, and ouerlaye them with gold, that the table maye be borne with them.
29 And thou shalt make hys disshes, and spones, flatpeces, and pottes to powre oute withall: Euen of fyne golde shalt thou make them.
30 And thou shalt sett vpon the table, shewbreed before me alwaye.
31 And thou shalt make a candelstycke of pure golde euen of a whole worke shall the candelstycke be made with his shaft, braunches, bolles, knoppes and floures proceadinge there out.
32 Syxe braunches also shall procede out of the sydes of it: thre braunches of the candelstycke out of the one syde and thre out of the other.
33 Thre cuppes lyke vnto almondes with knoppes & floures in one braunche. And thre cuppes lyke almondes in the other braunche, with knoppes and floures. And euen so thorowe out the syxe braunches that procede out of the candelstycke:
34 and in the candelstycke selfe foure cuppes lyke vnto almondes with theyr knoppes and floures:
35 and there shall be a knoppe vnder euery two braunches. Of the syxe that procede out of the candelstyck.
36 And the knoppes and the braunches shalbe of it. And it shalbe one worke euen of pure golde.
37 And thou shalt make the seuen lampes of it: and the seuen lampes therof, shalt thou put an hye there on, to geue lyghte vnto the other syde that is ouer against it.
38 The tongges and snoffers therof shalbe of pure golde.
39 Of an hundred pounde weyghte of fyne golde shalt thou make it with all the apparell.
40 Loke therfore that thou make them after the facyon that was shewed the in the mounte.
Exodus 31:1-11
1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, sayinge:
2 beholde, I haue called by name, Bezaleel the sonne of Ury, the sonne of Hur of the trybe of Iuda.
3 And I haue fylled hym wt sprete of God, in wysdome, & vnderstandynge, in knowledge & in all maner worke,
4 to fynd out sotle feates, & to worke in golde, syluer & brasse:
5 and in the crafte to sett stones, and to carue in timbre, and to worke in all maner workmanshyp.
6 And beholde, I haue geuen hym to be his companion Ahaliab the sonne of Ahisamach of the trybe of Dan, and in the hertes of all that are wyse harted, I haue putt wysdome, to make all that I haue commaunded the,
7 the tabernacle of witnes, the arck of witnes, and the mercy seate that is therupon: and all the ornamentes of the tabernacle,
8 and the table and his ornamentes: and the pure candelstick with all his apparell, and the aulter of incens:
9 and the aulter of burntofferinges and all hys vesselles, and the lauer with his fote.
10 The vestimentes to ministre in, and the holye garmentes for Aaron the preaste, and the garmentes of his sonnes to ministre in,
11 and the anoyntyng oyle: and swete cense for the sanctuary, according to all that I haue commaunded the shall they do.
Exodus 34:32
32 And afterward, all the children of Israel came nye, & he commaunded them all that the Lord had sayde vnto hym in mount Sinai.
Matthew 7:21-27
21 Not euery one that sayth vnto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kyngdome of heauen: but he that doth the wyll of my father, which is in heauen.
22 Many wyll saye to me in that daye: Lord, Lorde, haue we not prophecyed thorow thy name? And thorow thy name haue cast out deuyls? And done many miraracles thorow thy name?
23 And then wyll I knowledge vnto them. I neuer knewe you. Departe fro me, ye that worcke iniquyte.
24 For whosoeuer heareth of me these wordes, & doth the same, I will lyken hym vnto a wyse man, which buylt hys house vpon a rock:
25 and a shower of rayne descended, & the flouddes came, & the wyndes blewe, and bet vpon that house, & it fell not, because it was grounded on the rocke.
26 And euery one that heareth of me these wordes, and doth them not shalbe likened vnto a folysh man, which built his house vpon sande:
27 and a shower of rayne descended, and the floudes came, and the wyndes blew, and bet vpon that house, and it fell, and greate was the fall of it.
Romans 2:13
13 For in the syght of God, they are not ryghteous which beare the lawe: but the doers of the lawe shalbe iustifyed.
James 1:22
22 And se that ye be doars of the worde & not hearers onely, deceauing your awne selues.
Exodus 20:9-10
9 Sixe dayes shalt thou laboure and do all that thou hast to do:
10 but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the Lorde thy God, in it thou shalt do no maner of worke, thou and thy sonne, and thy daughter, thy man seruaunte and thy mayde seruaunte, thy catell and the straunger that is within thy gates.
Exodus 23:12
12 Syxe dayes thou shalt do thy worcke, and in the seuenth daye thou shalt rest, that thyne oxe and thyne asse maye rest, and the sonne of thy mayde and the straunger maye be refreshed.
Exodus 31:13-16
13 Speake vnto the children of Israel and saye: In any wise se that ye kepe my Sabbathes: for it is a signe betwene me and you in your generacions, for to knowe that I the Lorde am he that doth sanctify you.
14 Kepe my Sabbath therfore: for it is holy vnto you. He that defyleth it, shalbe slayne. For whosoeuer worketh therin, the same soule shalbe roted oute from amonge hys people.
15 Syxe dayes shall men worcke. And in the seuenth daye is the Sabboth of the holye rest of the Lorde. Whosoeuer doth any worcke in the Sabboth daye, shall dye:
16 wherfore lett the children of Israel kepe the Sabboth, that they obserue it thorowout theyr generacions, that it be an appoyntment for euer.
Exodus 34:21
21 Syxe dayes thou shalt worke, and in the seuenth daye thou shalt rest, bothe from earyng and reaping.
Leviticus 23:3
3 Syxe dayes ye shall worke, but the seuenth daye is the Sabboth of reast, an holy conuocacyon: so that ye doo no worke therin, it is the Sabboth of the Lorde, in all youre dwellynges.
Numbers 15:32-36
32 And whyle the chyldren of Israel were in the wyldernesse, they founde a man that gathered styckes vpon the Sabboth daye.
33 And they that founde him gatherynge styckes, brought hym vnto Moses and Aaron and vnto all the congregacyon:
34 and they put him inwarde, seyng it was not declared what shulde be done vnto him.
35 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: Let the man die: and let all the multitude stone him with stones without the hoost.
36 And all the multitude brought him without the hoost, & stoned him with stones, and he dyed as the Lord commaunded Moses.
Deuteronomy 5:12-15
12 Kepe the Sabboth daye, that thou sanctifye it, as the Lorde thy God hath commaunded th
13 Syxe dayes thou shalt laboure and do all that thou hast to do,
14 but the seuenth daye is the Sabboth of the Lorde thy God: thou shalt not do any worke, thou and thy sonne, thy daughter, thy seruaunte and thy mayde, thyne oxe and thyne asse, and all thy catell, and the straunger that is within thy gates, that thy seruaunte & thy mayde maye rest as well as thou.
15 Remembre, that thou wast a seruaunte in the lande of Egypt, and howe that the Lorde thy God brought the out thence thorowe a myghtye hande and a stretched out arme. For whyche cause the Lord thy God commaunded the, to kepe the Sabboth daye.
Luke 13:14-15
14 And the ruler of the synagoge answered with indignacion (because that Iesus had healed on the Saboth daye) and sayde vnto the people. Ther are syxe dayes in which men ought to worke, in them come, that ye maye be healed, and not on the Saboth daye.
15 But the Lorde answered him and sayde: Thou ypocryte, doth not each one of you on the Saboth daye lowse his oxe or his asse from the stall, and leade him to the water?
John 5:16
16 And therfore the Iewes dyd persecute Iesus, and sought the meanes to slee him, because he had done these thynges on the Sabboth daye.
Hebrews 2:2-3
2 For yf the worde whych was spoken by angells was stedfast: And euery transgressyon and disobedience receaued a iust recompence of rewarde,
3 howe shall we escape, yf we despyse so great saluacyon, which at the fyrst began to be preached of the Lorde hym selfe, and was confirmed vnto vs warde, by them that hearde it?
Hebrews 10:28-29
28 He that despiseth Moses lawe, dyeth wythout mercy vnder two or thre witnesses:
29 how moch sorer (suppose ye) shall he be ponisshed which treadeth vnder fote the sonne of God: & counteth the bloude of the testament, wherwith he was sanctifyed, as an vnholy thyng, & doth dishonoure to the sprete of grace.
Exodus 12:16
16 The fyrste daye shalbe an holy conuocation, and the seuenth daye shalbe an holy conuocation vnto you. There shalbe no maner of worcke done in them, saue about that onely which euery man must eate, that onely maye ye do.
Exodus 16:23
23 And the sixte day, they gathered twise so moch breed two gomers for one man: & all the rulers of the multitude came, & tolde Moses.
Isaiah 58:13
13 Yee, yf thou turne thy fete in the Sabbath, so that thou do not the thynge which pleaseth thy self in my holy daye: & thou call the pleasaunt, holy, and glorious Sabbath of the Lorde, and that thou gyue him the hononoure: so that thou do not after thyne awne ymagination, nether seke thyne awne wyll, ner speake thyne awne wordes.
Exodus 25:1-2
Exodus 25:2-7
2 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel that they brynge me an heue offerynge: of euery man that geueth it wyllyngly with hys herte, ye shall take it.
3 Thys is the heue offrynge which ye shall take of them golde and syluer and brasse:
4 yelowe sylke, purple, scarlet, white sylke, and gootes here
5 rams skynnes that are redd, and the skynnes of taxus and sethim wodd,
6 oyle for lyghte, spices for anoyntynge oyle, and for swete cense,
7 Onix stones and stones to be sett in the Ephod and in the brest lappe.
Judges 5:9
9 My hart loueth the gouerners of Israel, and them that are willing amonge the people. O prayse ye the Lorde.
Psalms 110:3
3 In the daye of thy power shall thy people offre the frewyll offrynges wt an holy worshippe, the dewe of thy byrth is of the wombe of the mornyng.
Mark 12:41-44
41 And whan Iesus sat ouer agaynst the treasury, he behelde, how the people put money into the treasury. And many that were ryche, cast in moch.
42 And ther cam a certayne poore wydowe, and she threwe in two mytes, whych make a farthynge.
43 And he called vnto him hys discyples & sayeth vnto them. Uerely I saye vnto you, that thys poore wydowe hath cast moare in, then all they which haue cast into the treasury.
44 For they all dyd cast in of their superfluyte: but she of her pouerte, dyd cast in all that she had, euen all her lyuynge.
2 Corinthians 8:11-12
2 Corinthians 9:7
7 And let euery man do, accordinge as he hath purposed in hys herte, not groudgyngly, or of necessyte. For God loueth a chearfull geuer.
Exodus 26:1
1 The tabernacle shalt thou make wt ten curtaynes of whyte twyned sylke: yelowe sylke, purple and scarlet. And in them thou shalt make pictures of broderd worke.
Exodus 26:7-14
7 And thou shalt make .xi. curtaynes of gotes heere, to be a coueringe vpon the Tabernacle.
8 The length of a curtayne shalbe .xxx. cubytes and the bredeth foure and they shalbe all .xi. of one measure.
9 And thou shalt couple .v. curtaynes by them selues, and the sixe by them selues, and shalt double the syxt in the fore front of the tabernacle.
10 And thou shalt make fyftye lowpes in the edge of the vtmost curtayne on the one syde: euen in the edge of the couplynge courtayne:
11 and fyftye lowpes in the edge of the other curtayne that must be ioyned vnto it. And thou shalt make fyftie buttones of brasse and put them on the lowpes, and couple the couerynge to gether, that it maye be one.
12 And the remnaunt that resteth in the curtaynes of the couerynge: euen the halfe curtayne that resteth, shalbe lefte on the backe sydes of the habitacyon:
13 that a cubyte on the one syde and a cubyte on the other syde maye remayne in the length of the curtaynes of the coueryng, and that it maye remayne of ether syde of the habitacyon to couer it with all.
14 And vpon the Tabernacle thou shalt make a couerynge of rams skynnes dyed redd: & yet a coueringe aboue all of taxus skynnes.
Exodus 26:31
31 And thou shalt make a vayle of yelowe sylke, of purpull, scarlet, and whyte twyned sylke. Of broderd worke with pictures shalt thou make it.
Exodus 26:36
36 And thou shalt make an hangynge for the dore of the Tabernacle: of yelowe sylke purple, scarlet, and white twined sylk wroughte with nedle worke.
Exodus 28:5-6
Exodus 28:15
15 And thou shalt make the brestlap of iudgement with broderd worke, euen after the worke of the Ephod shalt thou make it: namely of golde, yelow sylke, purple, skarlet, and whyte twyned silke, shalt thou make it.
Exodus 28:33
33 And beneth vpon the hem, thou shalt make pomgranates of yelow sylke and of purple and skarlet, round about the hem,
Exodus 27:20
20 And thou shalt commaunde the children of Israel, that they geue the pure oyle olyue beaten for the lyght, to powre allwaye into the lampes.
Exodus 30:23
23 Take vnto the principall spices: of the most pure myrre fyue hundred sicles, of swete cynamon halfe so moche, euen two hundred and fyftie sycles:
Exodus 30:28
28 and the aulter of burntsacrifice with all his vessels, & the lauer and his fote.
Exodus 25:5
5 rams skynnes that are redd, and the skynnes of taxus and sethim wodd,
Exodus 28:9
9 And thou shalt take two onix stones, and graue in them the names of the chyldren of Israel:
Exodus 28:17-21
17 And thou shalt fill it with foure rowes of stones. In the first rowe shalbe a Sardions, a Topas, and Smaragdus:
18 in the second rowe, a Ruby, Saphir and Diamond:
19 in the thyrde Lygurios, an Achat, & Amatist:
20 in the fourth a Turcas, Onix and Iaspis. And they shall be set in golde in their inclosers.
21 And the stones shalbe grauen as sygnettes be grauen wt the names of the children of Israel, euen with twelue names, euery one with his name accordyng to the twelue tribes.
Exodus 39:6-14
6 And they wrought Onix stones cloosed in ouches of golde, and graued as sygnettes are grauen with the names of the chyldren of Israel,
7 and put them on the shoulders of the Ephod, that they shuld be stones for a remembraunce of the chyldren of Israel, as the Lord commaunded Moses.
8 And he made the breastlappe of connyng worcke, and lyke the worcke of the Ephod: euen of golde, yelowe sylke, purple, scarlet, & twyned whyte sylke.
9 It was .iiii. square, and they made the breastlappe double, an hande breadeth longe and an hande breadeth brode.
10 And they fylled it with .iiii. rowes of stones. The fyrst rowe: a Sardios, a Topas and Smaragdus:
11 the seconde rowe, a Rubye a Saphir and a Diamonde:
12 in the .iii. rowe, Ligurios, an Achat, and an Amatist:
13 in the fourth rowe: a Turcas, and Onix, and a Iaspis. And they were closed in ouches of golde in theyr inclosers.
14 And the .xii. stones were grauen as sygnettes with the names of the chyldren of Israel: euery stone wt hys name, accordynge to the .xii. trybes.
Exodus 31:1-6
1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, sayinge:
2 beholde, I haue called by name, Bezaleel the sonne of Ury, the sonne of Hur of the trybe of Iuda.
3 And I haue fylled hym wt sprete of God, in wysdome, & vnderstandynge, in knowledge & in all maner worke,
4 to fynd out sotle feates, & to worke in golde, syluer & brasse:
5 and in the crafte to sett stones, and to carue in timbre, and to worke in all maner workmanshyp.
6 And beholde, I haue geuen hym to be his companion Ahaliab the sonne of Ahisamach of the trybe of Dan, and in the hertes of all that are wyse harted, I haue putt wysdome, to make all that I haue commaunded the,
Exodus 36:1-4
1 And Bezaleel wrought, & Aholiab and all wyse harted men, to whom the Lorde gaue wysdome and vnderstandynge, to knowe howe to worcke all maner worke for the seruyce of the Sanctuary, and all that the Lorde had commaunded.
2 And Moses called Bezaleel, Aholiab and all the wyse herted men and soche as the Lorde had geuen wysdome vnto, and as many as theyr hartes coraged to come vnto that worcke to worcke it.
3 And they receaued of Moses all the present, whyche the chyldren of Israell had brought for the worcke of the seruyce of the Sanctuary, to make it. And besyde that they brought giftes vnto it euery daye in the mornynge.
4 And all the wyse men that wrought all the holye worcke, came euery man from hys worcke whyche they made,
Exodus 26:1-37
1 The tabernacle shalt thou make wt ten curtaynes of whyte twyned sylke: yelowe sylke, purple and scarlet. And in them thou shalt make pictures of broderd worke.
2 The length of one curtayne shalbe eyght and twenty cubytes, & the bredth of one curtayne foure cubytes, and euery one of the curtaynes shall haue one measure:
3 fyue curtaynes shalbe coupled together one to another: and fyue curtaynes shalbe coupled together one to another.
4 And thou shalt make lowpes of yelow sylke, a longe by the edge of the one curtayne which is in the seluege of the couplynge courtayne. And lykewyse shalt thou make in the edge of the vtmost curtayne that is to be coupled therwith on the other syde.
5 Fyftye lowpes shalt thou make in the one curtayne, and fyftie lowpes shalt thou make in the edge of the curtayne that is to be couppled therwith on the other syde: that the lowpes maye take holde one of a nother.
6 And thou shalt make fyftye buttons of golde, and couple the curtaynes together with the buttons: and it shalbe one habitacyon.
7 And thou shalt make .xi. curtaynes of gotes heere, to be a coueringe vpon the Tabernacle.
8 The length of a curtayne shalbe .xxx. cubytes and the bredeth foure and they shalbe all .xi. of one measure.
9 And thou shalt couple .v. curtaynes by them selues, and the sixe by them selues, and shalt double the syxt in the fore front of the tabernacle.
10 And thou shalt make fyftye lowpes in the edge of the vtmost curtayne on the one syde: euen in the edge of the couplynge courtayne:
11 and fyftye lowpes in the edge of the other curtayne that must be ioyned vnto it. And thou shalt make fyftie buttones of brasse and put them on the lowpes, and couple the couerynge to gether, that it maye be one.
12 And the remnaunt that resteth in the curtaynes of the couerynge: euen the halfe curtayne that resteth, shalbe lefte on the backe sydes of the habitacyon:
13 that a cubyte on the one syde and a cubyte on the other syde maye remayne in the length of the curtaynes of the coueryng, and that it maye remayne of ether syde of the habitacyon to couer it with all.
14 And vpon the Tabernacle thou shalt make a couerynge of rams skynnes dyed redd: & yet a coueringe aboue all of taxus skynnes.
15 And thou shalt make bordes for the habitacyon of sethim wod to stonde vp ryghte:
16 ten cubytes longe shall euery borde be, and a cubite & an halfe brode.
17 Two fete shall there be in one borde: and they shalbe separate one from another. And thus shalt thou make for all the bordes of the Tabernacle.
18 And thou shalt make .xx. bordes for the habitacyon on the south syde,
19 and thou shalt make .xl. sockettes of syluer vnder the .xx. bordes two sockettes vnder one borde; for hys two fete,
20 & two sockettes vnder another borde for his two fete. In lyke maner in the north syde of the habitacyon there shalbe .xx. bordes
21 and .xl. sockettes of syluer: two sockettes vnder one borde, and two sockettes vnder another borde.
22 And in the west ende of the habitacyon, shalt thou make syxe bordes,
23 and two bordes shalt thou make in the corners of the habitacyon in the metynge together of the two sydes.
24 And they shall be coupled together beneth and lyke wyse aboue to a rynge. And thus shall it be for the two bordes that are in the corners.
25 And they shalbe eyght bordes, hauynge sockettes of syluer, euen syxtene sokettes: that there maye be two sokettes vnder one borde, and two sokettes vnder another borde.
26 And thou shalt make barres of sethim wodd, fyue for the bordes of the Tabernacle in one syde, and fyue barres for the bordes of the Tabernacle in the other syde,
27 and fyue barres for the bordes of the Tabernacle in the west ende.
28 And the mydle barre shall goo alonge thorowe the myddes of the bordes from the one ende vnto the other.
29 And thou shalt couer the bordes with golde, and make theyr rynges of golde, to put the barres thorowe, and thou shalt couer the barres with golde also.
30 And thou shalt rere vp the habitacyon accordynge to the facion therof, as it was shewed the in the mount.
31 And thou shalt make a vayle of yelowe sylke, of purpull, scarlet, and whyte twyned sylke. Of broderd worke with pictures shalt thou make it.
32 And hange it vpon foure pilers of sethim wodd couerd with golde. Whose heades shalbe of golde, stondynge vpon foure sockettes of syluer.
33 And thou shalt hange vp the vayle wyth rynges, that thou mayest bringe in (with in the vayle) the arcke of witnesse. And the vayle shall vnto you deuyde the holye from the most holy.
34 And thou shalt put the mercy seate vpon the arcke of wytnesse in the holyest place.
35 And thou shalt put the table without the vayle: and the candelsticke ouer agaynst the table on the south syde of the habitacyon. And put the table on the north syde.
36 And thou shalt make an hangynge for the dore of the Tabernacle: of yelowe sylke purple, scarlet, and white twined sylk wroughte with nedle worke.
37 And thou shalt make for the hangyng, fyue pillers of sethim wodd and couer them with golde, and theyr knoppes shalbe of golde, and thou shalt cast fyue sockettes of brasse for them.
Exodus 31:7-9
7 the tabernacle of witnes, the arck of witnes, and the mercy seate that is therupon: and all the ornamentes of the tabernacle,
8 and the table and his ornamentes: and the pure candelstick with all his apparell, and the aulter of incens:
9 and the aulter of burntofferinges and all hys vesselles, and the lauer with his fote.
Exodus 36:8-34
8 All the wyse harted men therfore, and they that wroughte for the habitacyon, made ten curtaynes of whyte twyned sylke, yelowe sylke, purple and scarlet: with pictures of broderd worcke made he them.
9 The length of one curtayne was .xxviii. cubytes, and the breadth foure and the curtaynes were all of one syse.
10 And he coulpled fyue curtayns by them selues, and other fyue by them selues.
11 And he made lowpes of yelowe sylke alonge by the edge of one curtayne, euen in the seluege of the couplynge courtayne. And lykewyse he made on the syde of the couplynge curtayne on the other syde.
12 Fyftye lowpes made he in the one curtayne, & fyftye in the edge of the couplynge curtayne on the other syde: and the lowpes helde one curtayne to another.
13 And he made fyftye rynges of golde, and coupled the curtaynes one to another wyth the rynges: and so was it made one dwellynge place.
14 And he made .xi. curtaynes of goates herre, to be a tent ouer the tabernacle.
15 The length of a curtayne, had .xxx. cubytes and was foure cubites brode, and they all eleuen of one syse.
16 And he coupled fyue curtaynes by them selues, & syxe by them selues,
17 and he made fyftye lowpes alonge by the border of the vtmost couplynge curtayne, and fyftye in the edge of the other couplynge curtayne.
18 And he made fyftye rynges of brasse to couple the tent together, that it myght be one.
19 And he made a couerynge vpon the tent of rammes skynnes redd, and yet another of taxus skinnes aboue that.
20 And he made stondynge bordes (for the tabernacle) of Sethim wodd.
21 The length of a borde was ten cubytes, the breadth one cubyte and a halfe.
22 One borde had two fete, wherby they were ioyned one to another. And thus made he for all the bordes of the Tabernacle.
23 And he made .xx. bordes for the southsyde of the habitacyon,
24 and .xl. sockettes of syluer vnder the .xx. boordes two sockettes vnder one boorde, for his two fete.
25 And for the other syde of the dwelling which is towarde the north, he made twentye boordes,
26 & theyr fourtye sockettes of syluer, two sockettes vnder one boorde.
27 And towarde the west ende of the Tabernacle. He made syxe boordes,
28 and two other bordes made he in the corners of the habitacyon for eyther syde,
29 and they were ioyned closse beneth and aboue with a clampe, and thus they dyd to both the corners.
30 And there were eyght boordes & syxtene sockettes, of syluer, vnder euery borde two sockettes.
31 And he made barres of Sethim wodd fyue for the bordes of the Tabernacle in the one syde:
32 and fyue for the bordes of the Tabernacle in the other syde, and fyue barres for the boordes of the habitacyon in the west ende.
33 And he made the myddest barre to shote thorowe the bordes: euen from the one ende to the other,
34 and ouerlayde the boordes wyth golde, and made rynges of golde to thrust the barres thorowe, and couered the barres wyth golde.
Exodus 25:10-22
10 And they shall make an arke of sethim wood .ii. cubytes and an halfe longe, a cubite and an halfe broade and a cubyte & an halfe hye.
11 And thou shalt ouerlaye it with pure golde, within and without shalt thou ouerley it, and shalt make an hye vpon it a crowne of golde rounde aboute.
12 And thou shalt cast foure rynges of gold for it, and put them in the foure corners therof .ii. rynges shalbe in the one syde of it, and .ii. in the other.
13 And thou shalt make barres of sethim wood, and couer them with golde,
14 and put the barres in the ringes alonge by the sydes of the arke, to bere it with all
15 And the barres shall be in the rynges of the arke, and shall not be taken awaye from it.
16 And thou shalt put in the arke, the witnesse which I shall geue the.
17 And thou shalt make a mercyseate of pure golde .ii. cubytes and an halfe longe and a cubite & a halfe brode.
18 And thou shalt make .ii. cherubins of golde: Euen of a whole worke shalt thou make them in the two endes of the mercyseate:
19 and the one cherub shalt thou make on the one ende, and the other on the other ende. Euen of the same mercyseate shall ye make Cherubins in the two endes therof.
20 And the Cherubins shall stretch theyr wynges abrode ouer an hye, coueringe the mercy seate with theyr wynges, and theyr faces shall loke one to another: euen to the mercyseate warde, shall the faces of the cherubins be.
21 And thou shalt put the mercyseate aboue vpon the arke, and in the arke thou shalt put the witnesse which I wyll geue the.
22 And from thence I wyll testifye vnto the and wyll comon with the from vpon the mercyseate: from betwene the two Cherubins which are vpon the arke of witnesse, of all thynge which I wyll geue the in commaundement vnto the chyldren of Israel.
Exodus 26:7
7 And thou shalt make .xi. curtaynes of gotes heere, to be a coueringe vpon the Tabernacle.
Exodus 26:31-33
31 And thou shalt make a vayle of yelowe sylke, of purpull, scarlet, and whyte twyned sylke. Of broderd worke with pictures shalt thou make it.
32 And hange it vpon foure pilers of sethim wodd couerd with golde. Whose heades shalbe of golde, stondynge vpon foure sockettes of syluer.
33 And thou shalt hange vp the vayle wyth rynges, that thou mayest bringe in (with in the vayle) the arcke of witnesse. And the vayle shall vnto you deuyde the holye from the most holy.
Exodus 36:35-36
Exodus 37:1-9
1 And Bezaleel made the arke of Sethim wodd, two cubites and an halfe long, and a cubite and a halfe brode, and a cubite and a halfe hye:
2 and ouerlayde it with fyne golde within and without, and made a crowne of golde to it rounde aboute,
3 and cast for it foure rynges of golde for the foure corners of it: two rynges for the one syde, and two for the other,
4 and made barres of Sethim wodd, and couered them with golde,
5 and put the barres in the rynges a longe by the syde of the arke, to bere it with all.
6 And he made the mercy seate. of pure gold: two cubytes and a halfe was the length therof, and one cubyte and a halfe the breadth:
7 & he made two Cherubyns of thycke golde vpon the two endes of the merciseate.
8 One Cherub on the one ende, and another Cherub on the other ende.
9 Euen of the mercyseate made he the Cherubins: namely, in the endes therof. And the Cherubynes spred oute theyr wynges aboue an hie, and couered the mercyseate therwith. And theyr faces were one to another: euen to the mercyseate warde, were the faces of the Cherubyns.
Exodus 25:23-30
23 Thou shalt also make a table of sethim wodd of two cubytes longe, and one cubytt brode, and a cubytt and an halfe hye.
24 And thou shalt couer it with pure golde, and make there to a crowne of golde rounde aboute.
25 And make vnto that an whope of foure fyngers brode, rounde aboute. And make a golden crowne also to the whope rounde aboute.
26 And make for it foure rynges of gold, and put the rynges in the corners that are on the foure fete therof:
27 euen ouer against the whope shall the rynges be, to put in barres, to bere the table with all.
28 And thou shalt make the barres of Sethim wodd, and ouerlaye them with gold, that the table maye be borne with them.
29 And thou shalt make hys disshes, and spones, flatpeces, and pottes to powre oute withall: Euen of fyne golde shalt thou make them.
30 And thou shalt sett vpon the table, shewbreed before me alwaye.
Exodus 37:10-16
10 And he made the table of Sethim wodd two cubytes was the length therof and a cubyte the breadth, and a cubyte and a halfe the heygth of it.
11 And he ouerlayde it with fyne golde, and made therto a crowne of golde rounde aboute,
12 and made therto an whope of an hande breade, rounde aboute and made vpon the whope a crowne of golde rounde aboute,
13 and cast for it foure rynges of golde, and put the rynges in the foure corners that were in the foure fete therof.
14 Euen harde by the whope were the rynges, into the whiche the barres were put, to bere the table withall.
15 And he made the barres of Sethim wodd, & couered them with gold to bere the table withall,
16 and made the vessels (for the table) of pure golde: the disshes, spones, flat peces and pottes to powre withall.
Leviticus 24:5-6
Exodus 25:31-39
31 And thou shalt make a candelstycke of pure golde euen of a whole worke shall the candelstycke be made with his shaft, braunches, bolles, knoppes and floures proceadinge there out.
32 Syxe braunches also shall procede out of the sydes of it: thre braunches of the candelstycke out of the one syde and thre out of the other.
33 Thre cuppes lyke vnto almondes with knoppes & floures in one braunche. And thre cuppes lyke almondes in the other braunche, with knoppes and floures. And euen so thorowe out the syxe braunches that procede out of the candelstycke:
34 and in the candelstycke selfe foure cuppes lyke vnto almondes with theyr knoppes and floures:
35 and there shall be a knoppe vnder euery two braunches. Of the syxe that procede out of the candelstyck.
36 And the knoppes and the braunches shalbe of it. And it shalbe one worke euen of pure golde.
37 And thou shalt make the seuen lampes of it: and the seuen lampes therof, shalt thou put an hye there on, to geue lyghte vnto the other syde that is ouer against it.
38 The tongges and snoffers therof shalbe of pure golde.
39 Of an hundred pounde weyghte of fyne golde shalt thou make it with all the apparell.
Exodus 37:17-24
17 And he made the candelstycke of pure golde: euen of one pece made he the candelstycke. For hys fote, hys shafte, hys cuppes, his knoppes and hys floures were of one pece.
18 Syxe braunches proceding out of the sydes therof, thre out of the one side, and thre out of the other.
19 And in one braunche thre cuppes made lyke vnto almondes wyth knoppes & floures: and in another braunche thre cuppes made lyke almondes with knoppes and floures. And so thorowe out the syxe braunches that proceded out of the candelstycke.
20 And vpon the canndelstick self were .iiij. cuppes after the facyon of almondes wyth knoppes & floures:
21 vnder euery two braunches a knoppe.
22 And the knoppes and the braunches proceded out of it, and it was all one pece of pure thycke golde.
23 And he made hys seuen lampes with the tonges and snoffers therof, of pure golde.
24 Euen of an hundred weyght of pure golde, made he it with all the vessels therof.
Psalms 148:3
3 Prayse hym Sunne and Moone, prayse hym all ye starres and lyght.
Matthew 5:14-15
Exodus 30:1-10
1 And thou shalt make an alter to burne incense: of sethim wodde shalt thou make it,
2 a cubite long and a cubite broade: euen foure square shall it be and two cubites hye: the hornes ther of shall procede out of it,
3 and thou shalt ouerlaye it with fyne golde, both the roffe and the walles round about, and hys hornes also, & shalt make vnto it a crowne of golde round about
4 and two golden rynges on eyther syde: euen vnder the crowne, that they may be as places for the barres to beare it withall.
5 And thou shalt make the barres of sethim wodd, and couer them with golde.
6 And thou shalt putt it before the vayle, that is by the arcke of witnesse, before the mercy seate that is vpon the witnes, where I wyll mete the.
7 And Aaron shall burne theron swete incense euery mornynge, when he dresseth the lampes,
8 euen then shall he burne it: and lykewyse at euen, when he setteth vp the lampes he shall burne incense: and thys incensynge shalbe perpetually before the Lorde thorow out youre generacyons.
9 Ye shall putt no straunge incense theron, burnt sacrifyce or meateofferynge, neyther powre any drinckofferinge theron.
10 And Aaron shall reconcile vpon the hornes of it once in a yeare: wt the bloude of the synneofferynge of reconcylynge: euen once in the yeare shall he reconcyle it thorow your generacions. It is most holy vnto the Lord.
Exodus 30:22-38
22 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, saying:
23 Take vnto the principall spices: of the most pure myrre fyue hundred sicles, of swete cynamon halfe so moche, euen two hundred and fyftie sycles:
24 of swete calamus, two hundred and fyftye. Of cassia, two hundred and fyftye, after the holy sycle, and of oyle olyfe an hin.
25 And thou shalt make of the oyle an holy oyntment, euen an oyntment compounde after the crafte of the apoticarye.
26 And thou shalt noynte the tabernacle of witnes therwith, and the arck of witnes,
27 and the table, and all his apparell: and the candelstick, and all his apparell: and the aulter of incense,
28 and the aulter of burntsacrifice with all his vessels, & the lauer and his fote.
29 And thou shalt sanctifye them, that they maye be most holy: so that no man touche them, but they that be halowed.
30 And thou shalt anoynte Aaron and his sonnes, and consecrate them, that they maye mynistre vnto me.
31 And thou shalt speake vnto the children of Israel, sayinge: thys shalbe an holy oyntyng oyle vnto me, thorowout youre generacyons.
32 Upon mannes fleshe shall it not be powred: neyther shall ye make any other after the makynge of it, for yt is holye: and shalbe holye vnto you:
33 whosoeuer maketh lyke that, or whosoeuer putteth anye of it vpon a straunger, shall perysh from among hys people.
34 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: take vnto the swete spices: balme, Onycha, swete galbanum, these spices with pure franckincense, of eache lyke moch:
35 and make of them swete smellyng incense, after the craft of the apoticarye, myngled together, pure and holy.
36 And beate it to powdre and put of it before the witnes in the tabernacle of witnes, where I wyll mete the.
37 It shalbe vnto you most holy. And se that ye make none after the makyng of that, It shalbe vnto you holy for the Lorde.
38 Whosoeuer shall make like vnto that, to smell therto, shall perysh from amonge hys people.
Exodus 36:37-38
Exodus 37:25-28
25 And he made the cens alter of Sethim wood. The length of it was a cubyte, & the breadth a cubite, for it was, foure square & two cubytes hye, with hornes proceding out of it.
26 And he couered it with pure golde, both the toppe and the sydes therof rounde about,
27 and the hornes of it, & made vnto it a crowne of golde rounde about. And he made two rynges of golde for it, euen vnder the croune therof in the two corners of it and in the two sydes therof to put barres in, for to bere it withall:
28 & made the barres of Sethim wodd and ouerlayde them with gold.
Psalms 141:2
2 Let my prayer be set forth in thy sight as the incense: & let the lyftyng vp of my handes be an eueninge sacrifyce.
Exodus 27:1-8
1 And thou shalt make an aultare of sethim wodd: fyue cubytes longe and fyue cubytes brode. For it shall be foure square, and thre cubytes hye.
2 And thou shalt make it hornes in the foure corners of it the hornes shalbe of it selfe, and thou shalt couer it with brasse.
3 And make hys asshepannes, shouels, basens, fleshhokes, fyrepannes & all the apparell therof for the same, of brasse.
4 And thou shalt make vnto it a gredyern also (lyke a net) of brasse. And vpon that net shalt thou make foure brasen rynges in the foure corners therof:
5 and thou shalt put it vnder the compase of the altare beneth, that the net maye be in the myddes of the altare.
6 And thou shalt make (two) barres for the altare of sethim wodd, and couer them with brasse,
7 and let them be put in rynges a longe by the sydes of the altare to beare it wt all.
8 And make the aulter holowe with bordes: euen as it was shewed the in the mount, so shall they make it.
Exodus 30:18-21
18 thou shalt make a lauer of brasse, and his fote also of brasse to washe withall, and shalt putt it betwene the tabernacle of witnes, and the aulter: and put water therin.
19 For Aaron and his sonnes shall wash theyr handes and theyr fete therin:
20 euen when they go into the tabernacle of witnesse, or when they go vnto the aulter to minystre and to burne the Lordes offeringe, they shall wash them selues with water, lest they dye.
21 And it shalbe an ordinaunce vnto them for euer, both vnto him and his seed thorow out their generacyons.
Exodus 38:1-8
1 And he made the burntoffering alter of Sethim, wodd fyue cubytes was the length therof, and fyue cubytes the breadth: euen .iiii. square, & .iii. cubytes hye.
2 And he made vnto it hornes in the foure corners of it procedyng out of it, & he ouerlayde it with brasse.
3 And he made all the vessels of the alter: the cauldrons, shouels, basyns, fleshhokes and colepannes. All the vessels therof made he of brasse.
4 And he made a brasen gredyren of networcke vnto the alter, rounde aboute alowe beneth vnto the myddes of the altare,
5 & cast .iiii. rynges of brasse for the .iiii. endes of the gredyren to put barres in.
6 And he made the barres of Sethim wood and couered them with brasse,
7 and put the barres into the rynges in the foure corners of the altare, to bere it withall, and made the alter holowe wyth in the bordes.
8 And he made the lauer of brasse, and the fote of it also of brasse in the syghte of them that dyd watch at the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse.
Exodus 27:9-19
9 And thou shalt make the courte of the habitacyon, that there maye be in the south syde hangynges of white twyned sylke, of an hundred cubytes longe, for one syde,
10 and .xx. pyllers therof, with theyr .xx. sockettes of brasse: but the knoppes of the pyllers & theyr whopes shalbe syluer.
11 In lykewyse on the north syde there shalbe hangynges of an hundred cubytes longe and .xx. pylers with their twentye sockettes of brasse, and the knoppes and the whopes of syluer.
12 13 And the breadth of the court which is eastwarde, shall haue fyftye cubytes.
14 Hangynges of fyftene cubytes in the one syde: and their pillers with their thre sockettes:
15 and lykewyse on the other syde shalbe hanginges of fiftene cubites with their thre pillers and thre sockettes.
16 And in the gate of the court shalbe a vayle of twentye cubites of yelowe silk, purple, and skarlet & whyte twined silke, wrought with nedle worke: & foure pillers with their foure sockettes.
17 All the pillers round about the court shalbe whoped with syluer, & their knoppes shalbe of syluer, and their sockettes of brasse.
18 The length of the court shalbe an hundred cubites, and the breadth fyftye & the heigth fyue. And the hanginges shalbe of whyte twined sylk, and their sockettes of brasse.
19 All the vesselles of the habitation in all maner seruice and the pynnes therof: yee, and all the pynnes also of the courte shalbe of brasse.
Exodus 38:9-20
9 And he made the courte on the southsyde, & the hangynges of the courte were of whyte twyned sylke, hauynge an hundred cubites.
10 Theyr pylers were twentye, & theyr brasen sockettes twenty. But the knoppes of the pylers, & theyr whopes were of syluer.
11 And on the north syde the hangynges were an hundred cubytes. Theyr pylers were .xx. & theyr sockettes of brasse .xx. But the knoppes & the whopes of the pylers were of syluer.
12 On the west syde, were hangynges of .l. cubytes .x. pyllers & theyr .x. sockettes. But the knoppes & the whopes of the pillers were of syluer.
13 And towarde the east syde, were hangynges of .l. cubytes:
14 the hangynges of the one syde of the gate were fyftene cubytes longe, with thre pyllers, and thre sockettes.
15 And of the other syde of the court gate were hangynges also of .xv. cubytes longe, with thre pyllers and thre sockettes.
16 All the hangynges of the courte rounde aboute, were of whyte twyned sylke:
17 but the sockettes of the pyllers were of brasse: and the knoppes and the whopes of the pyllers were of syluer, and the couerynge of the heedes was of syluer, and all the pyllers of the courte were whoped about with syluer.
18 And the hangynge of the gate of the courte was nedle worke, of yelowe, sylke purple, scarlet and whyte twyned sylke .xx. cubytes longe, and fyue in the bredth, ouer agaynst the hangynges of the courte.
19 And theyr pyllers were foure and theyr foure sockettes of brasse, and the knoppes of syluer, and the heedes ouerlayed wyth syluer, and whoped aboute with syluer,
20 and all the pynnes of the tabernacle & of the courte rounde aboute were of brasse.
2 Samuel 7:2
2 he sayde vnto Nathan the prophet: behold, I dwell now in an house of Cedar trees, but the Arcke of God dwelleth within the curtayne.
Exodus 27:19
19 All the vesselles of the habitation in all maner seruice and the pynnes therof: yee, and all the pynnes also of the courte shalbe of brasse.
Exodus 28:1-43
1 And take thou vnto the Aaaron thy brother and hys sonnes wt him, from amonge the chyldren of Israel, that they maye minister vnto me. Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aarons sonnes.
2 And thou shalt make holy rayment for Aaron thy brother, that they maye be vnto glory and bewtye.
3 And thou shalt speake vnto all that are wise harted, and whomsoeuer I haue filled with the sprete of wysdome: that they make Aarons rayment to consecrate him with, that he maye minyster vnto me.
4 These are the garmentes which they shall make, a brestlap, Ephod, a tunycle, a strayte cote, a miter and a gyrdell. These holy garmentes shall they make for Aaron thy brother and his sonnes, that they maie minister vnto me.
5 And lett them take golde, yelowe silk, purple, skarlet and whyte twyned silk.
6 They shall make the Ephod of gold, yelow sylke, purple, skarlet and whyte twyned silke with broderd worke.
7 The two sydes shal come together, and be closed vp in the two edges therof.
8 And the gyrdell of the Ephod shalbe of the same workmanship, and of the same stuffe, euen of golde, yelow sylke, purple, skarlet and whyte twyned sylke.
9 And thou shalt take two onix stones, and graue in them the names of the chyldren of Israel:
10 syxe names of them in the one stone, and the other syxe in the other stone: accordynge to their byrth.
11 After the work of a stonegrauer, and of him that graueth signettes shalt thou graue the two stones with the names of the children of Israel, and shalt make them to be set in golde.
12 And thou shalt put the two stones vpon the two shoulders of the Ephod, that they maye be stones of remembraunce vnto the chyldren of Israel. And Aaron shall beare their names before the Lorde vpon hys two shoulders for a remembraunce.
13 And thou shalt make hokes of golde
14 & two cheynes of fyne golde: link worke and wrethed, and fasten the wrethed cheynes to the hokes.
15 And thou shalt make the brestlap of iudgement with broderd worke, euen after the worke of the Ephod shalt thou make it: namely of golde, yelow sylke, purple, skarlet, and whyte twyned silke, shalt thou make it.
16 Foure square it shalbe and double, an hande brede longe, and an handbrede broade.
17 And thou shalt fill it with foure rowes of stones. In the first rowe shalbe a Sardions, a Topas, and Smaragdus:
18 in the second rowe, a Ruby, Saphir and Diamond:
19 in the thyrde Lygurios, an Achat, & Amatist:
20 in the fourth a Turcas, Onix and Iaspis. And they shall be set in golde in their inclosers.
21 And the stones shalbe grauen as sygnettes be grauen wt the names of the children of Israel, euen with twelue names, euery one with his name accordyng to the twelue tribes.
22 And thou shalt make vpon the brestlapp two fastenyng cheynes of pure golde & wrethen worke.
23 And thou shalt make lykewyse vpon the brestlap two rynges of golde: and put them on the edges of the brestlap,
24 and put the two wrethen cheynes of golde in the two rynges which are in the edges of the brest lappe.
25 And the other two endes of the two cheynes, thou shalt fasten in two close hokes, and put them vpon the shulders of the Ephod on the foresyde of it.
26 And thou shalt yet make two rynges of golde, which thou mayest put in the two edges of the brestlappe, euen in the borders therof, towarde the insyde of the Ephod oueragenst it.
27 And yet two other ringes of golde thou shalt make: and put them on the two sydes of the Ephod, beneth oueragaynst the brestlap, alowe where the sydes are ioyned together vpon the brodered gyrdell of the Ephod.
28 And they shall bynde the brestlappe by hys rynges vnto the ringes of the Ephod with a lace of yelow silke, that it maye lye closse aboue the broderd gyrdell of the Ephod, and that the brestlap be not losed from the Ephod.
29 And Aaron shall beare the names of the chyldren of Israel in the brestlapp of iudgement vpon his hert, when he goeth into the holy place for a remembraunce before the Lorde allwaye.
30 And thou shalte put in the brestlappe of iudgement Urim and Thumin: and they shalbe euen upon Aarons hert, when he goeth in before the Lord: and Aaron shall beare the iudgement of the children of Israel vpon his herte before the Lorde allwaye.
31 And thou shalt make the tunycle vnto the Ephod altogether of yelow sylke.
32 And ther shalbe an hole for the heed in the myddes of it, hauyng a bonde of wouen worke rounde about the coler of it (as it were the coller of a partlet) that it rent not.
33 And beneth vpon the hem, thou shalt make pomgranates of yelow sylke and of purple and skarlet, round about the hem,
34 and belles of golde betwene them rounde about: and lett there be euer a golden bell and a pomgranate, a golden bell and a pomgranate, rounde about vpon the hem of the tunycle.
35 And Aaron shall haue it vpon him, when he ministreth, and the sounde shalbe hearde, when he goeth into the holy place before the Lorde, & when he commeth out, and he shall not dye.
36 And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold, and graue theron, as sygnettes are grauen. The holynesse of the Lorde,
37 and put it on a yelow sylke lace to be vpon the mytre, euen vpon the forefront of it.
38 And it shalbe vpon Aarons foreheede: that Aaron maye beare the synne of the holy thynges which the chyldren of Israel halowe in all theyr holye gyftes. And it shalbe allwayes vpon his foreheed, for the reconcylynge of them before the Lorde.
39 And thou shalt make a lynnen cote, and thou shalt make a mytre of lynnen and a girdell of nedle worke.
40 And thou shalt make for Aarons sonnes also cotes, gyrdelles and bonettes, glorious and bewtyfull:
41 and thou shalt put them vpon Aaron thy brother, and on hys sonnes with him: and shalt anoynte them, and fyll their handes, and sanctifye them, that they maye ministre vnto me.
42 And thou shalt make them lynnen breches to couer their preuityes, from the loynes vnto the thies shall they reach.
43 And they shalbe vpon Aaron and his sonnes, when they come into the tabernacle of witnes, or when they come vnto the aultare to minister in holynesse, that they beare no sinne, and so dye. And it shalbe a lawe for euer vnto Aaron and his seed after him.
Exodus 31:10
10 The vestimentes to ministre in, and the holye garmentes for Aaron the preaste, and the garmentes of his sonnes to ministre in,
Exodus 39:1-31
1 And of the yelowe sylke, purple & scarlet, they made the vestimentes of ministracyon to do seruice in the holy place, and made the holy garmentes for Aaron, as the Lorde commaunded Moses.
2 And he made the Ephod of golde, yelow sylke, purple, scarlet & whyte twyned sylke.
3 And they dyd beate the gold into thynne plates, and cutte it into wyers: to worke it in the yelowe sylke, purple, scarlet, and in the fyne whyte, with broderd worke.
4 And they made two sydes for it, to cloose them vp by the two edges.
5 And the brodrynge of the gyrdell that was vpon it, was of the same stuffe, and after the same worcke: of golde, yelowe sylk, purple, scarlet, and twyned whyte sylke, as the Lorde comaunded Moses.
6 And they wrought Onix stones cloosed in ouches of golde, and graued as sygnettes are grauen with the names of the chyldren of Israel,
7 and put them on the shoulders of the Ephod, that they shuld be stones for a remembraunce of the chyldren of Israel, as the Lord commaunded Moses.
8 And he made the breastlappe of connyng worcke, and lyke the worcke of the Ephod: euen of golde, yelowe sylke, purple, scarlet, & twyned whyte sylke.
9 It was .iiii. square, and they made the breastlappe double, an hande breadeth longe and an hande breadeth brode.
10 And they fylled it with .iiii. rowes of stones. The fyrst rowe: a Sardios, a Topas and Smaragdus:
11 the seconde rowe, a Rubye a Saphir and a Diamonde:
12 in the .iii. rowe, Ligurios, an Achat, and an Amatist:
13 in the fourth rowe: a Turcas, and Onix, and a Iaspis. And they were closed in ouches of golde in theyr inclosers.
14 And the .xii. stones were grauen as sygnettes with the names of the chyldren of Israel: euery stone wt hys name, accordynge to the .xii. trybes.
15 And they made vpon the breastlappe, two fastenynge cheynes of wrethen worcke and pure golde.
16 And they made two hokes of golde, & two golde rynges, and put the two rynges in the two corners of the breastlappe
17 And they put the two chaines of golde in the two ringes, in the corners of the brestlappe:
18 And the two endes of the two chaynes they fastened in the two hokes, and put them on the shulders of the Ephod vpon the fore front of it.
19 And they made two rynges of golde, and put them on the two corners of the breastlappe vpon the edge of it whych was on the insyde by the Ephod.
20 And they made two golden rynges, and put them on the two sydes of the Ephod, beneth on the foresyde of it and ouer agaynst hys felowe, aboue vpon the brodrynge of the Ephod,
21 and they strayned the breastlappe by hys rynges vnto the rynges of the Ephod, wyth a lace of yelowe sylke: that it myght be vpon the brodrynge of the Ephod, and that the breastlappe shulde not be lowsed from of the Ephod: as the Lorde commaunded Moses.
22 And he made the tunycle vnto the Ephod of wouen worke, all together of yelowe sylke,
23 and there was an hole in the myddest of the tunycle, as the coler of a partlet, wyth a bonde rounde aboute the coler, that it shulde not rent.
24 And in the tunycle they made hemmes with pomgranates, of yelowe sylke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twyned sylke.
25 And they made lytle belles of pure golde, and put them amonge the pomgranates rounde aboute vpon the edge of the tunycle: a bell and a pomgranate,
26 a bell and a pomgranate rounde about the hemmes of the tunycle to mynistre in, as the Lorde commaunded Moses.
27 And they made cotes of fyne whyte of wouen worcke for Aaron and hys sonnes,
28 & a mytre of fyne whyte, and goodly bonettes of fyne whyte, and lynen breches of twyned whyte,
29 and a gyrdell of twyned whyte, yelowe sylke, purple and scarlet: euen of nedleworcke, as the Lord commaunded Moses.
30 And they made the plate for the holy croune of fyne golde, and wrote vpon it wyth grauen worcke, the holynes of the Lorde:
31 and tyed vnto it a lace of yelowe silke to fasten it an hye vpon the mytre, as the Lorde commaunded Moses.
Exodus 39:41
41 the mynistrynge vestimentes to serue in the holy place, and the holy vestimentes for Aaron the preast, & his sonnes raymentes to mynistre in,
Numbers 4:5-15
5 And when the hoste remoueth, Aaron & hys sonnes shall come & take doune the vayle, that hangeth betwene, & wrappe the Arke of wytnesse in it:
6 and shall put theron a couerynge of taxus skynnes, & shall sprede vpon it a cloth that is altogether of yelow silke, and put in the barres therof.
7 And vpon the shewe table, they shall sprede abrode a cloth of yelowe sylke, & put theron the dysshes, spones, flatpeces, and pottes to powre wyth, and there shalbe breed theron continually:
8 & they shall spreade vpon them a couerynge of purple, and couer the same with a couerynge of taxus skynnes, and put in the barres therof.
9 And they shall take a cloth of yelow silke, and couer the candelstycke of lyght, with his lampes, tonges, and snoffers, and all the oyle vessels which they occupye aboute it,
10 & they shall put both it, and all the vessell therof within a couerynge of taxus skynnes, & put it vpon a barre.
11 And vpon the golden alter they shall sprede a cloth of yelowe sylke, and couer it with a couerynge of taxus skynnes, & put in the barres therof.
12 And they shall take all the thynges (whych they occupye to mynistre with in the holy place) and put a cloth of yelowe sylke vpon them, and couer them wt a couerynge of taxus skynnes, and put them on a barre.
13 And they shall take awaye the asshes from the alter, and sprede a purple cloth theron: and put vpon it all the vessels therof,
14 that they mynistre wythall: euen the cole pannes, the fleshe hokes, the shouels, the basens and the other vessels of the alter, and they shall sprede vpon it a couerynge of taxus skynnes, and put in the barres of it.
15 And when Aaron and hys sonnes haue made an ende of couerynge the holy thinges, and all the vessels of the sanctuarye (agaynst that the hoste remoue) then the sonnes of Cahath shall come in for to beare, but they shall not touche any holy thynge, least they dye. And thys is the charge of the sonnes of Cahath in the Tabernacle of wytnesse.
Exodus 25:2
2 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel that they brynge me an heue offerynge: of euery man that geueth it wyllyngly with hys herte, ye shall take it.
Exodus 35:5
5 Take from among you an heue offering vnto the Lorde. Whosoeuer is of a willing hert, let him bryng it for the heue offerynge of the Lorde. Namely gold, syluer and brasse,
Exodus 35:22
22 And they came both men & wemen (euen as many as were willing harted) and brought bracelettes, and earinges, ringes and chaynes, which iewels were all of golde: & all the men brought a waue offeryng of golde vnto the Lord.
Exodus 35:26
26 And all the wemen whom their awne hert moued, span goates hearre wisely.
Exodus 35:29
29 And the children of Israel brought a willyng offeryng vnto the Lorde, both men and wemen: as many as had willing hertes to brynge, for all maner workes which the Lorde had commaunded to be made, by the handes of Moses.
Exodus 36:2
2 And Moses called Bezaleel, Aholiab and all the wyse herted men and soche as the Lorde had geuen wysdome vnto, and as many as theyr hartes coraged to come vnto that worcke to worcke it.
Judges 5:3
3 Heare O ye kynges, herken o ye prynces: I, euen I, will syng vnto the Lord, I wyl prayse the Lorde God of Israel.
Judges 5:12
12 Up Debora vp, get the vp, and syng a songe: Aryse Barac, and leade the captiuyte captyue, thou sonne of Abinoam.
2 Samuel 7:27
27 For thou, O Lord of Hostes, God of Israell, hast tolde in the eare of thy seruaunt, sayeng: I wyll bylde the an house And therfore hath thy seruaunt found in his harte, to praye this prayer vnto the.
1 Chronicles 28:2
2 And kynge Dauid stode vp vpon hys fete, and sayde. Heare me my brethren & my people. I had in myne hert to buylde an house of rest for the Arcke of the couenaunt of the Lord, & for the fote stole of oure God, & had made redye, for the buylding.
1 Chronicles 28:9
9 And thou Salomon my sonne, knowe thou the God of thy father, and serue hym with a pure hert, and wyth a swete courage. For the Lorde sercheth all hertes, and vnderstandeth all the ymaginacyons of thoughtes. And yf thou seke hym, he wylbe founde of the: But yf thou forsake hym, he wyll cast the of for euer.
1 Chronicles 29:3
3 And because I haue lust to the house of my God:
1 Chronicles 29:5-6
5 the golde for thynges of golde syluer for them of syluer, & for all maner of worcke by the handes of artifycers. And whosoeuer is willing, maye this daye consecrate hys hande vnto the Lorde.
6 And so the auncient fathers and the Lordes of the trybes of Israel, the captaynes of thousandes and hundredes, with the Lordes that were rulers ouer the kynges worke, were wyllynge
1 Chronicles 29:9
9 And the people reioysed, whan they were so wyllynge to geue their goodes, and wyth a perfecte hert they offred vnto the Lorde. And Dauid the kynge reioysed wyth great gladnesse.
1 Chronicles 29:14
14 But whom am I? and what is my people? that we shulde enforce oure selues to geue these thinges so willingly? But all thynges come of the: and of that which we receaued of thyne hande we haue geuen the.
1 Chronicles 29:17-18
17 (I wote also my God) that thou tryest the hertes, and hast pleasure in vnfaynednesse. And in the unfaynednesse of myne herte. I haue willinglye offred all these thinges. And nowe haue I sene thy people which are founde here, to offer vnto the willyngly and wyth gladnesse.
18 O Lorde God of Abraham, Isahac, & of Israel oure fathers, kepe this for euer, as the begynnynge of the thoughtes of the herte of thy people, and prepare their hertes vnto the.
Ezra 1:5-6
5 Then gat vp the principal fathers of Iuda and Beniamin, & the prestes & leuites, and all they whose sprete God had raysed to go vp, & to buylde the house of the Lord, which is at Ierusalem.
6 And al they that were about them strengthed their hand, wt vessels of syluer, & golde, with good and catell, & Iewels: in so moch that euery one shewed hym selfe liberall.
Ezra 7:27
27 Blessed be the Lorde God of oure fathers, which so hath inspired the kynges hert, to garnysh the house of the Lorde, that is at Ierusalem:
Proverbs 4:23
23 Kepe thyne herte with all diligence, for there vpon hangeth lyfe.
Jeremiah 30:21
21 A captayne also shall come of them: and a prynce shall springe out from the myddest of them: hym will I chalenge to my selfe, and he shall come vnto me. For what is he, that geueth ouer his hert to come vnto me? sayth the Lorde.
Matthew 12:34
34 O generacion of vypers, how can ye speake good thinges, when ye youre selues are euyll? For out of the aboundance of the hert, the mouth speaketh.
2 Corinthians 8:12
12 For yf there be fyrst a wyllynge mynde, it is accepted accordynge to that a man hath, and not accordynge to that he hath not.
Exodus 32:3
3 And all the people plucked of the golden earynges, which they had in theyr eares, & brought them vnto Aaron.
Numbers 31:50
50 We haue therfore brought a present vnto the Lorde what euery man founde of iewels of golde, cheyns, bracellettes, rynges, earynges and spangels, to make an atonement for our soules before the Lorde.
1 Chronicles 29:6-7
6 And so the auncient fathers and the Lordes of the trybes of Israel, the captaynes of thousandes and hundredes, with the Lordes that were rulers ouer the kynges worke, were wyllynge
7 and gaue for the seruyce of the house of God, fyue thousande talentes of Golde, and ten thousande peces of golde: and ten thousande talentes of syluer, and .xviij. thousande talentes of brasse, and an hundred thousande talentes of yron.
2 Chronicles 24:9-14
9 and made proclamacyon thorowe Iuda and Ierusalem, to bryng into the Lorde the taxacion of money, that Moses the seruaunt of God set vpon Israel in the wyldernesse.
10 And the Lordes and all the people reioysed, and brought in, and cast into the chest, vntill it was full.
11 And it fortuned, that at the same tyme they brought in the chest (vnto them which were in the kynges busynesse) by the hande of the Leuites. And when they sawe that there was moche money, the kynges scrybe (and one appoynted by the hye preast) came, and emptied the chest, and toke it, and caryed it to his place agayne: thus they dyd daye by daye, and gathered moche money.
12 And the kynge & Iehoiada gaue it to soch as dyd the laboure and worke in the house of the Lorde, and hyred masons and carpenters to repayre the house of the Lorde, and so dyd they artificers in yron and brasse, to mende the house of the Lorde.
13 And so the worckmen wrought, and the worcke mended thorowe theyr handes: and they made the house of God as it ought to be, and strengthed it.
14 And when they had finisshed it, they brought the rest of the moneye before the kyng and Iehoiada, and ther with were made vessels for the house of the Lorde: euen vessels to ministre withall, and to serue for burnt offerynges: chargers and spones, vessels of golde and syluer. And they offered burntofferynges in the house of the Lorde continuallye all the dayes of Iehoiada.
Ezra 2:68-69
68 And certayne of the chefe fathers, when they came because of the house of the Lorde at Ierusalem, they offered them selues wyllynge for the house of God, to sett in hys place,
69 and gaue gold after their habilite vnto the treasure of the worcke, euen one and threscore thousande peces, and fyue thousande pounde of syluer, and an hundred prestes garmentes.
Nehemiah 7:70-72
70 And certayne of the auncyent fathers gaue vnto the worcke. Hathirsatha gaue to the treasure a thousand peces of gold, fyftie basens, fyue hundred & thirtye prestes garmentes.
71 And some of the chefe fathers gaue vnto the treasure of the worke, twentie thousande peces of gold & two thousande & two hundred pounde of syluer.
72 And the other people gaue twentye thousande peces of golde, and two thousande pounde of syluer and thre skore and seuen preastes garmentes.
Isaiah 3:19
19 and colarres, bracelettes and hooues,
Isaiah 60:9
9 The Iles also shall wayte for me, & specially the shyppes of Tharsis: that they maye brynge thy sonnes from farre, & theyr syluer & their golde with them, vnto the name of the Lorde thy God, vnto the holy one of Israel, that hath glorifyed the.
Isaiah 60:13
13 The glory of libanus shall come vnto the. The Fyrre trees, Boxes and Cedres together, to garnyshe the place of my Sanctuary, for I wyll glorifye the place of my fete.
Ezekiel 16:11
11 I decked the wt costly apparell, I put rynges vpon thy fyngers: a chayne aboute thy necke,
Matthew 2:11
11 and went into the house, and found the chylde with Mary his mother & fel downe flatt and worshipped hym, and opened their treasures & offered vnto hym gyftes, golde, franckincense, & myrre.
Exodus 35:6-10
6 and yelowsilk, purple, scarlet, whyte sylke, goates heerre,
7 and rams skynnes red and taxus skinnes with sethim wod:
8 oyle for light and spices for the anoynting oyle, & for the swete cense.
9 And Onix stones and stones to be set in the Ephod and in the brestlappe.
10 And let all them that are wyse harted among you, come and make all that the Lord hath commaunded:
1 Chronicles 29:8
8 And they with whom preciouse stones were founde gaue them to the treasure of the house of the Lord, by the hande of Ichiel the Gersonite.
Exodus 28:3
3 And thou shalt speake vnto all that are wise harted, and whomsoeuer I haue filled with the sprete of wysdome: that they make Aarons rayment to consecrate him with, that he maye minyster vnto me.
Exodus 31:6
6 And beholde, I haue geuen hym to be his companion Ahaliab the sonne of Ahisamach of the trybe of Dan, and in the hertes of all that are wyse harted, I haue putt wysdome, to make all that I haue commaunded the,
Exodus 36:1
1 And Bezaleel wrought, & Aholiab and all wyse harted men, to whom the Lorde gaue wysdome and vnderstandynge, to knowe howe to worcke all maner worke for the seruyce of the Sanctuary, and all that the Lorde had commaunded.
2 Kings 23:7
7 And he brake downe the celles of the male stues that were by the house of the Lorde, where the wemen woue hangynges for the Idole groue.
Proverbs 14:1
1 Wyse women vpholde theyr house, but a folysh wyfe plucketh it downe.
Proverbs 31:19-24
19 She layeth her fyngers to the spyndell: and her hande taketh holde of the distaffe.
20 She openeth her hande to the poore, yee she stretcheth forth her handes to soche as haue nede.
21 She feareth not that the colde of wynter shall hurte her house, for all her housholde folkes are clothed with skarlett.
22 She maketh her selfe fayre ornamentes, her clothynge is whyte sylke & purple.
23 Her husband is moch set by in the gates, when he sytteth amonge the rulers of the land.
24 She maketh cloth of sylke and selleth it, & delyuereth gyrdles vnto the marchaunt.
Luke 8:2-3
Acts 9:39
39 Peter arose, & came with them. And when he was come, they brought him into the chamber. And all the widdowes stode round about him, wepynge, and shewyng the coates and garmentes, which Dorcas made, whyle she was with them.
Romans 16:1-4
1 I commende vnto you Phebe, oure syster (which is a minyster of the congregacion of Cenchrea)
2 that ye receaue her in Christ, as it becommeth sainctes, and that ye assyst her in what soeuer busynes she neadeth of youre ayde. For she hath suckered many, and myne awne selfe also.
3 Grete Prisca and Aquila my helpers in Christ Iesu,
4 whych haue for my lyfe layde downe their awne neckes. Unto whom not I onely geue thankes, but also all the congregacions of the Gentyls.
Romans 16:6
6 Grete Mary which bestowed moch labour on vs.
Romans 16:12
12 Salute Triphena and Triphosa, whych labour in the Lorde. Salute the beloued Persis, which laboured moch in the Lorde.
Galatians 3:28
28 There is no Iewe, nether Gentyll: there is nether bonde, ner fre: there is nether man, ner woman. For ye are all one in Christ Iesu.
Philippians 4:3
3 Yee and I beseche the faythfull yockefelowe, helpe the wemen which laboured with me in the Gospell, and with Clement also, and with other my laboure felowes whose names are in the boke of lyfe.
Exodus 35:21
21 And euery one came (as many as theyr hertes coraged them, & as many as their spretes made them wylling) & brought a present for the Lord, to the making of the tabernacle of witnes, and for all his vses, and for the holy vestimentes.
Exodus 36:8
8 All the wyse harted men therfore, and they that wroughte for the habitacyon, made ten curtaynes of whyte twyned sylke, yelowe sylke, purple and scarlet: with pictures of broderd worcke made he them.
Exodus 35:9
9 And Onix stones and stones to be set in the Ephod and in the brestlappe.
1 Chronicles 29:6
6 And so the auncient fathers and the Lordes of the trybes of Israel, the captaynes of thousandes and hundredes, with the Lordes that were rulers ouer the kynges worke, were wyllynge
Ezra 2:68
68 And certayne of the chefe fathers, when they came because of the house of the Lorde at Ierusalem, they offered them selues wyllynge for the house of God, to sett in hys place,
Exodus 35:8
8 oyle for light and spices for the anoynting oyle, & for the swete cense.
Exodus 35:4
4 And Moses spake vnto all the multitude of the children of Israel saying: this is the thing which the Lorde commaunded, saying:
Exodus 35:21-22
21 And euery one came (as many as theyr hertes coraged them, & as many as their spretes made them wylling) & brought a present for the Lord, to the making of the tabernacle of witnes, and for all his vses, and for the holy vestimentes.
22 And they came both men & wemen (euen as many as were willing harted) and brought bracelettes, and earinges, ringes and chaynes, which iewels were all of golde: & all the men brought a waue offeryng of golde vnto the Lord.
Exodus 36:3
3 And they receaued of Moses all the present, whyche the chyldren of Israell had brought for the worcke of the seruyce of the Sanctuary, to make it. And besyde that they brought giftes vnto it euery daye in the mornynge.
Deuteronomy 4:2
2 Ye shall put nothinge vnto the worde which I commaunde you, nether do ought therfrom, that ye maye kepe the commaundementes of the Lord youre God which I commaunde you.
Deuteronomy 11:32
32 Take hede therfore that ye do all the commaundementes and lawes, whych I sett before you thys daye.
Deuteronomy 12:32
32 Therfore whatsoeuer I commaunde you, that take hede ye do and put thou nought therto, nor take ought therfrom.
Judges 5:2
2 Prayse ye the Lord, for the auengyng of Israel, and for the people that became so wylling.
1 Chronicles 29:9-10
9 And the people reioysed, whan they were so wyllynge to geue their goodes, and wyth a perfecte hert they offred vnto the Lorde. And Dauid the kynge reioysed wyth great gladnesse.
10 And Dauid blessed the Lorde before all the congregacyon, and sayde: Blessed be thou Lord God of Israel oure father, from euer and for euer.
1 Chronicles 29:17
17 (I wote also my God) that thou tryest the hertes, and hast pleasure in vnfaynednesse. And in the unfaynednesse of myne herte. I haue willinglye offred all these thinges. And nowe haue I sene thy people which are founde here, to offer vnto the willyngly and wyth gladnesse.
Isaiah 8:20
20 If eny man want lyght, leet hym loke vpon the lawe, and the testimony, whether they speake not after this meaning.
Matthew 28:20
20 Teachinge them to obserue all thinges, whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo I am wyth you allwaye, euen vntyll the ende of the worlde.
1 Corinthians 3:5
5 What is Paul? What thynge is Apollo? Onely ministers are they by whom ye beleued, euen as the Lorde gaue euery man grace.
1 Corinthians 9:17
17 If I do it wt a good will, I haue a reward. But yf I do it against my will, an office is committed vnto me.
Galatians 6:16
16 And as many as walke accordynge to thys rule, peace be on them and mercy, & vpon Israell, that pertayneth to God.
2 Timothy 3:15-17
15 and for as moch also as of a chylde thou hast knowen the holy scriptures which are able to make the lerned vnto saluacyon thorow the fayth which is in Christ Iesu.
16 All scripture geuen by inspiracyon of God, is proffitable to teache, to improue, to amende and to instruct in ryghtewesnes,
17 that the man of God maye be perfecte & prepared vnto all good workes.
2 Peter 1:19
19 We haue also a ryght sure worde of prophecye, wher vnto yf ye take hede, as vnto a lyght that shyneth in a darcke place, ye do well, vntyll the daye dawne, and the daye starre aryse in youre hertes.
1 Kings 7:13-14
13 And kyng Salomon sent and fett one Hiram out of Tire,
14 a wedowes sonne of the tribe of Nephtalim, his father beyng a man of Tire. Which Hiram was a craftes man in brasse full of wysdome, vnderstandynge and connynge: to worke all maner of worcke in brasse. And he came to king Salomon, & wrought all his worcke.
Isaiah 28:26
26 God will instructe hym to haue discretion, euen his God wyll teach hym.
1 Corinthians 3:10
10 Accordynge to the grace of God geuen vnto me, as a wyse buylder haue I layde the foundacyon. And another bylt theron. But let euery man take hede, how he byldeth vpon.
1 Corinthians 12:4
4 Ther are diuersites of gyftes, yet but one sprete.
1 Corinthians 12:11
11 But these all worketh euen the selfe same sprete, diuidynge to euery man a seuerall gyfte, euen as he wyll.
James 1:17
17 Euery good gyfte, and euery parfayt gyft, is from aboue, and commeth downe from the father of lyghtes wt whome is no variablenes, nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes.
2 Chronicles 2:14
14 the sonne of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father was a man of Tire, and he can skylle to worke in gold and syluer, in brasse and yron, in stone and tymbre, in purple and yelowe sylke, in fyne whyte and cremosin: and can graue sondrie maner of grauinges, and to fynde out dyuerse maner of sotle worke that shalbe sett before him, with thy connynge men, & with the connynge men of my Lorde Dauid thy father.
Isaiah 11:2-5
2 The sprete of the Lord shall lyght vpon hym: the sprete of wysdome, and vnderstandynge: the sprete of councell, & strength the sprete of knowledge, and of the feare of the Lorde:
3 and shall make hym feruent in the feare of God. For he shall not geue sentence, after the thyng that shal be brought before his eyes, nether reproue a matter at the fyrst hearing:
4 but wt ryghteousnesse shal he iudge the poore, and with holynes shal he refourme the simple of the worlde. He shall smyte the worlde with the rodd of hys mouth, & wt the breath of hys mouth shall he staye the vngodly.
5 Ryghteousnesse shalbe the gyrdle of his loynes, trueth & faythfulnesse, the gyrdynge vp of hys raynes.
Isaiah 61:1-3
1 The sprete of the Lorde God is vpon me, for the Lorde hath anoynted me, and sent me, to preach good tydynges vnto the poore, that I myght bynde vp the wounded hertes, that I myght preach delyueraunce to the captyue, and open the preson to them that are bounde:
2 that I myght declare the acceptable yeare of the Lorde, and the daye of the vengeaunce of oure God: that I myght comforte all them that are in heuynesse,
3 that I myght geue vnto them that mourne in Sion, that I myght geue I saye, bewty in the steade of ashes, ioyfull oyntement for syghthinge, pleasaunt rayment for an heuy mynde: That they myght be called trees of ryghteousnesse, a plantynge of the Lorde for hym to reioyce in.
1 Corinthians 12:4-10
4 Ther are diuersites of gyftes, yet but one sprete.
5 And ther are differences of administracyons, and yet but one Lorde.
6 And ther are dyuers maners of operacyons, and yet but one God whych worcketh all in all.
7 The gyfte of the sprete is geuen to euery man, to edifye withall,
8 For to one is geuen thorow the spirite the vtteraunce of wisdome. To another is geuen the vttraunce of knowledge by the same sprete.
9 To another is geuen fayth, by the same sprete. To another the gyftes of healinge by the same sprete.
10 To another power to do miracles. To another prophesye. To another iudgement to discerne spretes. To another diuers tonges. To another the interpretacyon of tonges:
Colossians 2:3
3 in whom are hyd all the treasures of wysdome and knowledge.
Ezra 7:10
10 For Esdras prepared his hert to seke the lawe of the Lorde, and to do it, and to teach the precept and iudgement in Israel.
Nehemiah 2:12
12 and I gat me vp in the night season, and a fewe men with me: nether tolde I anye man, what God had geuen me in my hert to be at Ierusalem: and there was not one beast with me saue it that I rode vpon.
Isaiah 28:24-29
24 Doth not the husbandman plowe all the daie, and openeth & breaketh the clottes of his grounde, that he maye sowe?
25 Whan he hath made it playn, will he not spred abrode the fitches, and sowe comyn, & cast in whete by measure, & the appoynted barlye and rye in their place?
26 God will instructe hym to haue discretion, euen his God wyll teach hym.
27 For fitches shall not be tresshed with an harowe: nether shall a carte whele be brought thorowe the comyn: but the fitches are beaten out with a stafe, and comyn wt a rodd.
28 But the seede that bread is made of, is tresshed, though it be not alwaye a thresshing. And the carte whele must be brought ouer it, lest he grynde it with his teth.
29 This also commeth of the Lorde of hoostes, which worcketh wt wonderfull wysdome, and bringeth excellent workes to passe.
1 Corinthians 1:5-7
1 Corinthians 12:7
7 The gyfte of the sprete is geuen to euery man, to edifye withall,
James 1:16-17
Exodus 31:3
3 And I haue fylled hym wt sprete of God, in wysdome, & vnderstandynge, in knowledge & in all maner worke,
Exodus 35:31
31 & hath fylled hym with the sprete of God, in wisdome and vnderstanding, in knowledge, and in all maner worke,
1 Kings 3:12
12 Beholde, I haue done accordynge to thy peticyon. For I haue geuen the a wyse and an vnderstandynge herte, so that there was none like the before the, nether after the shal eny aryse lyke vnto the.
1 Kings 7:14
14 a wedowes sonne of the tribe of Nephtalim, his father beyng a man of Tire. Which Hiram was a craftes man in brasse full of wysdome, vnderstandynge and connynge: to worke all maner of worcke in brasse. And he came to king Salomon, & wrought all his worcke.
Job 7:6
6 my dayes passe ouer more spedely, then a weeuer can weeue out his webbe: and are gone or I am aware.
Isaiah 38:12
12 Myne age is folden vp together, & taken awaye fro me, lyke a shepherdes cotage: I haue hewen of my lyfe by my synnes, lyke as a weeuer cutteth of hys webb. He wyll with pyninge sycknesse make an ende of me: yee, he wyll make en ende of me in one daye.
Acts 19:6
6 And whan Paul layde hys handes vpon them. the holy ghost came on them, and they spake with tonges, and prophesyed,
Acts 19:8
8 And he went into the synagoge, and behaued hym selfe boldely for the space of thre monethes, disputinge and geuinge them exhortacions of the kyngdome of God.
1 Corinthians 1:5
5 that in all thynges ye are made ryche by hym, in all vtteraunce & in all knowlegde,
1 Corinthians 1:7
7 so that ye are behynde in no gyfte, waytinge for the appearyng of oure Lord Iesus Christ,
1 Corinthians 12:8
8 For to one is geuen thorow the spirite the vtteraunce of wisdome. To another is geuen the vttraunce of knowledge by the same sprete.
1 Corinthians 12:12
12 For as the body is one, and hath many membres, and all the membres of one body though they be many, yet are but one bodye, euen so is Christ.
Galatians 3:2
2 This only wold I learne of you whether ye receaued the spirite by the dedes of the lawe or by the preaching of the fayth?
Galatians 3:5
5 Moreouer, he that minystreth to you the sprete, and worketh myracles amonge you, doeth he it thorowe the dedes of the lawe, or by preachyng of the fayth?
1 Timothy 3:15
15 but and yf I tarie longe, that then thou mayst yet haue knowledge, howe thou oughtest to behaue thy selfe in the house of God, whych is the congregacyon of the lyuynge God, the pyllar & grounde of trueth.
1 Timothy 4:16
16 Take hede vnto thy selfe, and vnto learnynge, and continue therin. For yf thou shalt so do, thou shalt saue thy selfe, & them that heare the.
2 Timothy 2:15
15 Study to shewe thy selfe laudable vnto God, a workman that nedeth not to be a shamed distributynge the worde of trueth iustly.