2 Timothy 3:1 Cross References - Great

1 Thys knowe, that in the last dayes shall come parelous tymes.

Genesis 49:1

1 And Iacob called for hys sonnes and sayde: come together, that I maye tell you what shall happen you in the last dayes.

Isaiah 2:2

2 It wilbe also in the last dayes that the hyll where the house of the Lorde is builded, shall be the chefe amonge hylles, and exalted aboue all lytle hylles. And all nacyons shall preace vnto hym, and the multytude of people shal go

Jeremiah 48:47

47 Yet at the laste wyll I brynge Moab out of captiuite agayne, sayeth the Lorde. Thus farre is of the plage of Moab.

Jeremiah 49:39

39 But in processe of tyme I wyll brynge Elam out of captiuyte agayne, sayth the Lorde.

Ezekiel 38:16

16 Yee, thou shalt come vpon my people of Israell, as a cloude to couer the lande. Thys shall come to passe in the latter dayes: I will bringe the vp into my lande, that the heathen maye knowe me, when I get me honoure vpon the (O Gog) before their eyes.

Daniel 7:8

8 And beholde, there came vp amonge them, another lytell horne, before whom there were thre of the fyrst hornes pluckte awaye. Beholde, this horne had eyes lyke a man, and a mouth speakynge presumptuous thynges.

Daniel 7:20-25

20 I desyred, also to knowe the trueth, as touchynge the ten hornes that he had vpon his heade, and thys other which came vp afterwarde, before whose face there fell downe thre, which horne had eyes and a mouth that spake presumptuous thinges, and loked with a grymmer visage then hys felowes. 21 I behelde, and the same horne made battayll agaynst the saynctes, yee and gat the victory of them, 22 vntyll the tyme that the olde aged came, that the iudgement was geuen to the chefest saintes: and tyll the tyme that the sayntes had the kyngdome in possessyon. 23 He gaue me thys answere. That fourth beaste shalbe the fourth kyngdome vpon earth: it shalbe more then all other kyngdomes, it shall deuoure, treade downe, and destroye all other landes. 24 The ten hornes, are ten kynges, that shall aryse out of the kyngdome, after whom there shall stande vp another, which shalbe greater then the fyrst. 25 He shall subdue thre kynges, & shall speake wordes agaynst the hyest of all: he shall destroye the sayntes of the most hyest, and thyncke, that he maye chaunge tymes and lawes. They shalbe geuen vnder hys power, vntyll a tyme, two tymes, & halfe a tyme.

Daniel 8:8-14

8 The goate waxed exceadinge greate, and when he was at the strongest, his great, horne was broken also. Then grewe there other foure soch lyke in the steade, toward the .iiii. wyndes of the heauen. 9 Yee, out of one of the leest of these hornes, there came vp yet another horne, which waxed maruelous greate: towarde the south, towarde the east, and towarde the fayre pleasaunt lande. 10 It grewe vp to the hoost of heauen, wherof it dyd cast some downe to the grounde, and of the starres also, and trode them vnder fete. 11 Yee, it grewe vp vnto the prynce of the hoost, from whom the daylye offerynge was taken, and the place of hys Sanctuary casten downe. 12 And a certayne season was geuen vnto it, agaynst the daylye offeringe (because of wyckednesse) that it myght cast downe the veryte to the grounde, and so to prospere in all thynges, that it wente aboute. 13 Upon this I hearde one of the sainctes speakynge, which saynte sayde vnto one that asked this question. Howe longe shall this visyon of the daylye sacrifyce and of the wastinge abhominacyon endure: that the Sanctuary and the power shall so be troden vnder fote? 14 And he answered him: Unto the euenynge & the mornynge, euen two thousande and thre hundreth dayes: then shall the Sanctuary be clensed agayne.

Daniel 10:14

14 & am come to shewe the, what shall happen vnto thy people in the latter dayes. For it wylbe longe yet or the visyon be fulfylled.

Daniel 11:36-12:1

36 The kynge shall do what hym lyst he shall exalte and magnifye him selfe agaynst all that is God. Yee, he shall speake maruelous thinges agaynst the God of all goddes wherin he shall prospere, so longe tyll the wrath be fulfylled, for the conclusyon is deuised alredy.

Daniel 12:7

7 Then herde I the man wyth the lynen clothes, which stode aboue vpon the waters of the floude: when he helde vp hys ryght and left hande vnto heauen, and sware by hym whych lyueth for euer that it shall tary for a tyme, two tymes and halfe a tyme: & when the power of the holy people is clene scatred abrode, then shall all these thynges be fulfylled.

Daniel 12:11

11 And from the tyme forth that the daylye offerynge shalbe put downe & the abhominable desolation sett vp, there shalbe a .M.CCXC: daies

Hosea 3:5

5 But afterwarde shall the chyldren of Israel conuerte, and seke the Lorde theyr God, and Dauid theyr kynge: & in the latter dayes they shall worshyppe the Lorde, & hys louynge kyndnesse.

Micah 4:1

1 But in the latter dayes it will come to passe, that the hyll of the Lordes house shalbe sett vp hyer then eny mountaynes or hylles: Yee, the people shall prease vnto it,

2 Thessalonians 2:3-12

3 Let no man deceaue you by eny meanes, for the Lorde shall not come excepte ther come a departynge fyrst, and that that synfull man be opened, the sonne of perdicyon, 4 whych is an aduersarye: and is exalted aboue all that is called God, or that is worshypped: so that he doth syt in the temple of God, boastynge him selfe to be God. 5 Remember ye not, that when I was yet wyth you, I tolde you these thynges? 6 And nowe ye know what wythholdeth: euen that he myght be vttered at hys tyme. 7 For the mistery of the iniquitie doeth all readye worcke: tyll he which nowe onlye letteth, be taken out of the waye. 8 And then shall that wycked be vttered, whom the Lorde shall consume with the sprete of his mouth, and shall destroye wyth the appearaunce of hys commynge 9 euen hym whose commynge is after the workynge of Satan, with all lyinge power sygnes and wonders. 10 and with all deceauablenes of vnryghtwesnes, amonge them that perysshe: because they receaued not the loue of the trueth, that they myght be saued. 11 And therfore, God shall sende them stronge delusyon, that they shulde beleue lyes: 12 that all they myght be damned, whych beleued not the trueth: but had pleasure in vnryghtewesnes.

1 Timothy 4:1-3

1 The sprete speaketh euydently, that in the later tymes some shall departe from the fayth, and shall geue hede vnto spretes of erroure, and deuelysshe doctrines of them 2 which speake false thorowe ypocrysye, & haue their consciences marcked wt an hote yron, 3 forbyddynge to mary, & commaundynge to abstayne from meates which God hath created to be receaued with geuynge thanckes, of them whych beleue, & knowe the trueth.

2 Timothy 4:3

3 For the tyme will come, when they shall not suffer wholsome doctryne: but after their awne lustes shall they (whose eares ytche) gett them an heepe of teachers,

2 Peter 3:3

3 This fyrst vnderstande, that ther shall come in the last dayes, mockers whych wyll walke after their awne lustes,

1 John 2:18

18 Lytell chyldren, it is the last tyme, and as ye haue herde how that Antichrist shall come, euen now are there many begonne to be Antichristes allredy, wherby we knowe, that it is the last tyme.

Jude 1:17

17 But ye beloued, remember the wordes which were spoken before of the Apostles of oure Lord Iesu Christ,

Revelation 8:1-13

1 And when he had opened the seuenth seale, ther was sylence in heauen aboute the space of halfe an houre. 2 And I sawe .vii. angelles standyng before God, & to them were geuen seuen trompettes. 3 And another angell came & stode before the aultre, hauynge a golden senser, & moch of odoures was geuen vnto him, that he shulde offre of the prayers of all saynctes vpon the golden aulter, whych was before the seate. 4 And the smoke of the odoures whych cam of the prayers of all saynctes, ascended vp before God out of the Angelles hande. 5 And the Angell toke the senser, and fylled it wyth fyre of the aulter, and caste it into the erth, and voyces were made, & thondrynges & lyghtnynges, and erthquake. 6 And the seuen Angels whych had the seuen trompettes, prepared them selues to blowe. 7 The fyrst Angell blewe, & there was made hayle & fyre, which were myngled wt bloud, & they were cast into the erth: & the thirde parte of trees was burnt, and all grene grasse was brent. 8 And the seconde angell blewe: & as it were a gret mountayne burnyng wt fyre was caste into the see, and the thyrde parte of the see tourned to bloude, 9 and the thyrde parte of the creatures which had lyfe, dyed, & the thyrde part of shyppes were destroyed. 10 And the thyrde Angell blew, & ther fell a gret starre from heauen, burnyng as it were a lampe, & it fell into the thyrde parte of the ryuers, & into fountaynes of waters, 11 & the name of the starre is called wormwod. And the thyrde parte was turned to wormwod. And many men dyed of the waters, because they were made bytter. 12 And the fourth Angell blew, and the thyrde parte of the sunne was smytten, and the thirde parte of the mone, and the thyrde parte of starres: so that the thyrd part of them was darckned. And the daye was smytten, that the thyrde part of it shulde not shyne, & lykewyse the nyght. 13 And I behelde and herde an Angell flyinge thorow the myddes of heauen, sayinge with a lowde voyce: Woo, woo, to the inhabiters of the erth, because of the voyces to come of the trompe of the thre Angels, whych were yet to blowe.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.