1 Timothy 4:8 Cross References - Great

8 For bodely exercyse profyteth lytell: but godlynes is profytable vnto all thynges, as a thinge which hath promyses of the lyfe that is nowe, & of the lyfe to come.

Deuteronomy 28:1-14

1 If thou shalt herken diligently vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God, and obserue and do all hys commaundementes, whych I commaunde the thys daye, The Lorde wyll set the on hye aboue all nacyons of the erth. 2 And all these blessinges shall come on the, and ouertake the, yf thou shalt herken vnto the voyce of the Lord thy God. 3 Blessed shalt then be in the towne, and blessed in the feldes: 4 blessed shalbe the frute of thy body, and the frute of thy grounde, and the frute of thy cattell, the frute of thyne oxen, & the flockes of thy shepe: 5 blessed shall be thy basket and thy store. 6 Blessed shalt thou be, when thou goest out, and blessed when thou comest in. 7 The Lorde shall geue ouer thyne enemyes that ryse agaynst the, that they maye fall before thy face. They shall come out agaynst the one waye, and flee before the seuen wayes. 8 The Lorde shall put the blessynge vpon the in thy store houses, & in all that thou settest thyne hande to, & will blesse the in the lande which the Lorde thy God geueth the. 9 The Lorde shall make the an holye people vnto hym selfe, as he hath sworen vnto the: yf thou shalt kepe the commaundementes of the Lorde thy God, and walke in hys wayes. 10 And all nacyons of the erth shall se, that the name of the Lorde, is called vpon ouer the, and they shalbe aferde of the. 11 And the Lorde shall make the plenteous in goodes, in the frute of thy body, in the frute of thy catell, and in the frute of thy grounde, in the lande whych the Lorde sware vnto thy fathers, to geue the. 12 The Lorde shall open vnto the his good treasure, euen the heauen to geue rayne vnto thy lande in due ceason, and to blesse all the laboures of thyne hande. And thou shalt lende vnto many nacyons, but shalt not borowe thy selfe. 13 And the Lord shall set the before and not behynde, & thou shalt be aboue only, and not beneth: yf that thou herken vnto the commaundementes of the Lorde thy God, which I commaunde the thys daye, to kepe and to do them. 14 And se that thou bowe not asyde from any of these wordes, which I commaunde the thys daye, ether to the ryght hande or to the lefte, that thou woldest goo after straunge goddes to serue them.

1 Samuel 15:22

22 And Samuel sayde: hath the Lorde as great pleasure in burnt sacrifyces & offeringes, as whan the voyce of the Lord is obeyed? Behold, to obeye is better then sacrifyce, & to herken, is better then the fatt of rammes.

Job 5:19-26

19 He shall delyuer the in syxe troubles, and in the seuenth there shall no euell come to the. 20 In honger he shall saue the from death: and when it is warre, from the power of the swearde. 21 Thou shalt be kept from the euell tonge, and when trouble commeth, thou shalt not nede to feare. 22 In destruccion and derth thou shalt be mery, and shalt not be afrayed of beastes of the earth. 23 For the stones of the lande shalbe confederate with the, & the beastes of the felde shall geue the peace. 24 And thou shalt knowe that thy dwellyng place shalbe in rest: and thou shalt go and beholde thy habytacyon, and shalt not synne. 25 Thou shalt se also, that thy sede shall encreace, and that thy posteryte shalbe as the grasse vpon the earth. 26 Thou shalt come also to thy graue in a fayre age, lyke as when they take vp a corne shefe in due season.

Job 22:2

2 Maye a man be profitable vnto God, as he that is wyse maye be profytable to hym selfe?

Psalms 37:3-4

3 Put thou thy trust in the Lorde, & be doinge good: dwell in the lande, and verely thou shalt be fedd. 4 Delyte thou in the Lorde, & he shall geue the thy hertes desyre.

Psalms 37:9

9 Wycked doers shalbe roted out: & they that paciently abyde the Lorde, those shall enheret the lande.

Psalms 37:11

11 But the meke spreted shall possesse the earth, & shalbe refresshed in the multitude of peace.

Psalms 37:16-19

16 Asinall thinge that the ryghtuous hath, is better then greate ryches of the vngodly. 17 For the armes of the vngodly shalbe broken, and the Lorde vpholdeth the ryghtuous. 18 The Lord knoweth the dayes of the godly, & their inheritaunce shall endure for euer. 19 They shall not be confounded in the perelous tyme, and in the dayes of derth they shall haue ynough.

Psalms 37:29

29 as for the sede of the vngodly, it shalbe roted out.

Psalms 50:7-15

7 Heare, O my people: and I wyll speake, I my selfe will testifye agaynst the, O Israel, For I am God, euen thy God. 8 I wyll not reproue the because of thy sacryfyces, or for thy burntoffrynges, because they were not allwaye before me. 9 I wyll take no bullock out of thy house, ner he goates out of thy foldes. 10 For all the beastes of the forest are myne, & so are the catell vpon a thousande hylles. 11 I knowe all the foules vpon the mountaynes, & the wylde beastes of the feld are in my syght. 12 If I be hongrye I wyll not tell the: for the whole worlde is myne, and all that therin is. 13 Thinkest thou, that I wyll eat bulles flesh and drincke the bloud of goates? 14 Offre vnto God thanckesgeuynge, and paye thy vowes vnto the most hyest. 15 And call vpon me in the tyme of trouble, so wyll I heare the, and thou shalt prayse me.

Psalms 84:11

11 I had rather be a dore keper in the house of my God, then to dwell in the tentes of vngodlynesse.

Psalms 91:10-16

10 There shall no euell happen vnto the, nether shall eny plage come nye thy dwellyng. 11 For he shall geue his angels charge ouer the, to kepe the in all thy wayes. 12 They shall beare the in theyr handes, that thou hurt not thy fote agaynste a stone. 13 Thou shalt go vpon the Lyon and Adder, the yonge Lyon and the Dragon shalte thou treade vnder thy fete. 14 Because he hath set hys loue vpon me, therfore shall I delyuer him: I shall set him vp, because he hath knowne my name. 15 He shall call vpon me, & I wyll heare hym: yee I am with hym in trouble, I will deliuer hym, and brynge hym to honoure. 16 With longe lyfe wyll I satisfye hym, and shewe hym my saluacion.

Psalms 112:1-3

1 Prayse the Lorde. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, he hath great delyte in hys commaundmentes. 2 His sede shall be myghtye vpon earth: the generacyon of the faytfull shalbe blessed: 3 Ryches and plenteousnesse shalbe in hys house, and his ryghteousnes endureth for euer.

Psalms 128:1-6

1 A songe of the stayres. Blessed are all they that feare the Lord, and walke in hys wayes. 2 For thou shalt eate the laboures of thyne handes O well is the, and happy shalt thou be. 3 Thy wyfe shalbe as the frutefull vyne vpon the walles of thy house. 4 Thy chyldren lyke the Olyue braunches rounde aboute thy table. 5 Lo, thus shall the man be blessed, that feareth the Lorde. 6 The Lorde frome out of you shall so blesse the, that thou shalt se Ierusalem in prosperyte all thy lyfe longe. Yee that thou shalt se thy chylders chyldren, and peace vpon Israel.

Psalms 145:19

19 He wyll fulfyll the desyre of them that feare hym, he also wyll heare theyr crye, & will helpe them.

Proverbs 3:16-18

16 Upon her ryght hande is longe lyfe, and vpon her left hande is riches and honour. 17 Her wayes are pleasaunt wayes and all her pathes are peaceable. 18 She is a tree of lyfe to them that laye hold vpon her, and blessed is he that kepeth her fast.

Proverbs 19:23

23 The feare of the Lord bringeth a man to lyfe: and he shall rest the hole night in plenteousnes, without visitacyon of anye plage.

Proverbs 22:4

4 The ende of lowlynes and the feare of God is ryches, honoure, prosperite, and health.

Ecclesiastes 8:12

12 But though an euell persone offende an hundred tymes, & God differ gyuinge him longe lyfe: yet am I sure, that it shal go well wt them that feare God, because they haue him before their eyes.

Isaiah 1:11-16

11 Why offre ye so many sacrifices vnto me saith Lorde? I am full of the brentoffrynges of wethers, and of the fatnesse of fedbeastes. I haue no pleasure in the bloud of bullokes, lambes and goates. 12 When ye come to apeare before me, who requireth this of you to treade within my porches? 13 Therfore offre me no mo oblacions, for it is but lost laboure. Incense is an abhominable thinge vnto me. I Maye not awaye with youre newe moones, your Sabbathes & gatheringe togyther at the solempne dayes. 14 I hate your newe mone dayes & solempne feastes, euen fro my very hert. I can not awaye wt suche vanitie & holdinge in of the people. 15 They lye vpon me as a burthen, and I am wery of beringe them. Whan ye holde out your handes, I will turne myne eyes from you. And though ye make many prayers, yet wil I heare nothynge at all, seyng your handes are ful of bloude. 16 Wash you therfore, and make you cleane, put awaye your euell ententes out of my syght, cease from doynge of euell.

Isaiah 3:10

10 Byd the ryghteous do well, for they shall enioye the frutes of theyr studies.

Isaiah 32:17-18

17 And the rewarde of righteousnesse shalbe peace, and her frute rest & quietnes for euer. 18 And my people shall dwell in the ynnes of peace, and in sure dwellinges in safe places of conforte.

Isaiah 33:16

16 He it is, that shall dwell on hye: whose sauegarde shalbe in a bulwarcke of rockes, to hym shalbe geuen meate, & hys waters shall not fayle.

Isaiah 58:3-5

3 Wherfore fast we (saye they) and thou seest it not? we put out lyues to straytenes, and thou regardest it not? 4 Beholde, when ye fast, youre lust remayneth styll: for ye do no lesse vyolence to your detters: lo, ye fast to stryfe and debate, & to smyte with youre fyst without mercy. Now ye shall not fast thus that your voyce myght be hearde aboue. 5 Thyncke ye this fast pleaseth me, that a man shulde chasten him selfe for a daye, and to wrythe his head aboute lyke an hoope, & to lye vpon the earth in an heary cloth? Shulde that be called fastynge, or a daye that pleaseth the Lorde?

Isaiah 65:13-14

13 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde God: Beholde, my seruauntes shall eate, but ye shall haue honger: Beholde, my seruauntes shall dryncke, but ye shall suffre thurste. Beholde, my seruauntes shall be mery, but ye shall be confounded. 14 Beholde, my seruauntes shall reioyce for very quyetnesse of herte: But ye shall crye for sorowe of hert, and complayne for vexacyon of mynde.

Jeremiah 6:20

20 Wherfore, bryng ye me incense from Saba, & swete smellyng Calamus from farre countrees? Your burnt offerynges dysplease me, & I reioyce not in your sacrifyces.

Amos 5:21-24

21 I hate and abhorre your holy dayes, & where as ye cense me when ye come together, I wyll not accepte it. 22 And though ye offre me brent offrynges and meat offrynges, yet haue I no pleasure therin. As for your fat thanckofferynges. I wyll not loke vpon them: 23 Awaye with that noyse of thy songes, I will not heare thy playes of musyck: 24 but se that equytie flowe as the water, and ryghteousnesse as a myghtye streame.

Matthew 5:3-12

3 Blessed are the poore in sprete, for theyrs is the kyngdome of heauen. 4 Blessed are they that mourne, for they shall receaue comfort. 5 Blessed are the meke: for they shall receaue the enheritaunce of the earth. 6 Blessed are they which honger and thyrst after ryghteousnes: for they shalbe satisfyed. 7 Blessed are the mercyful: for they shall obteyne mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in herte: for they shall se God. 9 Blessed are the peace makers: for they shalbe called the children of God. 10 Blessed are they which suffre persecucyon for righteousnes sake: for theirs is the kingdome of heauen. 11 Blessed are ye, when men reuyle you, and persecute you, and shall falesy say all maner of euyll sayinge against you, for my sake. 12 Reioyse & be glad for greate is your rewarde in heuen. For so persecuted they the prophetes, which were before you.

Matthew 6:33

33 But rather seke ye fyrst the kyngdome of God, and the ryghteousnesse therof, and al these thinges shalbe ministred vnto you.

Matthew 19:29

29 And euery one that forsaketh house, or brethren, or systers, or father, or mother, or wyfe, or chyldren, or landes, for my names sake, shall receaue an hundred folde, & shall inheret euerlastynge lyfe.

Mark 10:19-20

19 Thou knowest the commaundementes: breake not matrimony: kyll not: steale not, beare no false wytnes: defraude no man: honoure thy father and mother. 20 He answered and sayd vnto hym: Master, all these, I haue obserued from my youth.

Mark 10:30

30 but he shall receaue an hundred foold nowe in this lyfe, houses and brethren, and systers, and mothers, and chyldren, and landes wyth persecucyons: & in the worlde to come, eternall lyfe.

Luke 12:31-32

31 Youre father knoweth, that ye haue neade of soche thinges. Wherfore, seke ye after the kyngdome of God, and all these thinges shalbe ministred vnto you. 32 Feare not lytell flocke, for it is youre fathers pleasure, to geue you the kyngdome.

Romans 8:28

28 We knowe that all thynhes worke for the best vnto them that loue God, which also are called of purpose.

1 Corinthians 3:22

22 whether it be Paul, ether Apollo, ether Cephas: whether it be the worlde, ether lyfe, ether deeth, whether they be present thynges, or thynges to come: all are youres:

1 Corinthians 8:8

8 But meate maketh vs not acceptable to God. Nether yf we eate, are we the better. Nether yf we eate not, are we the worsse.

Colossians 2:21-23

21 Touch not, tast not, handell not: 22 which all perisshe thorowe the very abuse: after the commaundmentes and doctrynes of men: 23 which thynges out wardly haue the similitude of wysdome by supersticion and humblenes of mynde, and by hurtynge of the body, and in that they do the flesshe no worshyppe vnto the nede therof.

1 Timothy 6:6

6 Godlynes is greate ryches If a man be content with that he hath.

Titus 3:8

8 Thys is a true sayinge. Of these thynges I wyll that thou certifye, that they which beleue in God, myght be diligent to go forwarde in good workes. For these thynges are good and profitable vnto men,

Hebrews 9:9-10

9 Which was a symilitude for the tyme then present, in which were offered gyftes and sacrifices, that coulde not make the minister parfecte, as pertayning to the conscyence, 10 wyth onely meates & drinckes, & diuers wasshinges and iustifyinges of the fleshe, whych were ordeyned vntyll the tyme of reformacyon.

Hebrews 13:9

9 Be not caryed aboute with diuers and straunge learnyng. For it is a good thynge that the herte be stablysshed with grace, and not wt meates, which haue not proffeted them that haue had theyr pastyme in them.

2 Peter 1:3-4

3 Accordynge as his godly power hath geuen vnto vs all thinges that pertayne vnto lyfe and godlynes, thorow the knowledge of him that hath called vs by glory, and vertue, 4 by the whych are geuen vnto vs excellent and moste greate promyses, that by the meanes therof ye myght be partakers of the godly nature, yf ye flye the corrupcyon of worldly lust.

1 John 2:25

25 And thys is the promes that he hath promysed vs, euen eternall lyfe.

Revelation 3:12

12 Hym that ouercommeth, wyll I make a pyllar in the temple of my God, & he shall go nomore out, And I wyll wryte vpon hym, the name of my God and the name of the cytye of my God, new Ierusalem: whych commeth downe out of heauen from my God, and I wyll wryte vpon hym my new name.

Revelation 3:21

21 To hym that ouercommeth wyll I graunte to syt with me in my seate, euen as I ouercam, & haue sytten with my father in his seate.

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