10 There shall no euell happen vnto the, nether shall eny plage come nye thy dwellyng.
11 For he shall geue his angels charge ouer the, to kepe the in all thy wayes.
12 They shall beare the in theyr handes, that thou hurt not thy fote agaynste a stone.
13 Thou shalt go vpon the Lyon and Adder, the yonge Lyon and the Dragon shalte thou treade vnder thy fete.
14 Because he hath set hys loue vpon me, therfore shall I delyuer him: I shall set him vp, because he hath knowne my name.
15 He shall call vpon me, & I wyll heare hym: yee I am with hym in trouble, I will deliuer hym, and brynge hym to honoure.
16 With longe lyfe wyll I satisfye hym, and shewe hym my saluacion.