10 There shall no euyll lyght on thee: neither shall any plague come nye thy dwellyng
11 For he wyll geue his angels charge ouer thee: to kepe thee in all thy wayes
12 They wyll beare thee in [their] handes: that thou hurt not thy foote agaynst a stone
13 Thou shalt set thy foote vppon the Lion and Adder: the young Lion and the Dragon thou shalt treade vnder thy feete
14 Because he hath set greatly his loue vpon me, therfore wyll I deliuer hym: I wyll set hym vp out of all daunger, because he hath knowen my name
15 He shall call vpon me, and I wyll heare hym: yea I am with hym in trouble, I wyll deliuer hym, and bryng hym to honour
16 I wyll satisfie hym with a long lyfe: and I wyll cause hym to see my saluation