1 Brethren, if a man be suddenly taken in any offence, ye which are spirituall, restore such one with the spirit of meekenes, considering thy selfe, least thou also be tempted.
Galatians 6:1 Cross References - Geneva
Genesis 9:20-24
20 Noah also began to be an husband man and planted a vineyard.
21 And he drunke of ye wine and was drunken, and was vncouered in the middes of his tent.
22 And when Ham the father of Canaan sawe the nakednesse of his father, he tolde his two brethren without.
23 Then tooke Shem and Iapheth a garment, and put it vpon both their shoulders, and went backwarde, and couered the nakednesse of their father with their faces backwarde: so they sawe not their fathers nakednesse.
24 Then Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his yonger sonne had done vnto him,
Genesis 12:11-13
11 And when he drewe neere to enter into Egypt, he said to Sarai his wife, Beholde nowe, I know that thou art a faire woman to looke vpon:
12 Therefore it will come to passe, that when the Egyptians see thee, they will say, She is his wife: so will they kill me, but they will keepe thee aliue.
13 Say, I pray thee, that thou art my sister, that I may fare well for thy sake, and that my life may be preserued by thee.
Numbers 20:10-13
10 And Moses and Aaron gathered the Congregation together before the rocke, and Moses sayd vnto them, Heare nowe, ye rebels: shall we bring you water out of this rocke?
11 Then Moses lift vp his hande, and with his rod he smote the rocke twise, and the water came out aboundantly: so the Congregation, and their beastes dranke.
12 Againe the Lord spake vnto Moses, and to Aaron, Because ye beleeued me not, to sanctifie mee in the presence of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this Congregation into the land which I haue giuen them.
13 This is the water of Meribah, because the children of Israel stroue with the Lord, and hee was sanctified in them.
2 Samuel 11:2-12:15
2 And when it was euening tide, Dauid arose out of his bed, and walked vpon the roofe of the Kings palace: and from the roofe he sawe a woman washing her selfe: and the woman was very beautifull to looke vpon.
3 And Dauid sent and inquired what woman it was: and one sayde, Is not this Bath-sheba the daughter of Eliam, wife to Vriah the Hittite?
4 Then Dauid sent messengers, and tooke her away: and she came vnto him and he lay with her: (now she was purified from her vncleannes) and she returned vnto her house.
5 And the woman conceiued: therefore shee sent and tolde Dauid, and sayd, I am with childe.
6 Then Dauid sent to Ioab, saying, Send me Vriah the Hittite. And Ioab sent Vriah to Dauid.
7 And when Vriah came vnto him, Dauid demanded him how Ioab did, and howe the people fared, and how the warre prospered.
8 Afterward Dauid said to Vriah, Go downe to thine house, and wash thy feete. So Vriah departed out of the Kings palace, and the king sent a present after him.
9 But Vriah slept at the doore of the Kings palace with all the seruants of his lord, and went not downe to his house.
10 Then they tolde Dauid, saying, Vriah went not downe to his house: and Dauid saide vnto Vriah, Commest thou not from thy iourney? why didst thou not go downe to thine house?
11 Then Vriah answered Dauid, The Arke and Israel, and Iudah dwell in tents: and my lord Ioab and the seruants of my lord abide in the open fields: shall I then go into mine house to eate and drinke, and lie with my wife? by thy life, and by the life of thy soule, I will not do this thing.
12 Then Dauid sayd vnto Vriah, Tary yet this day, and to morow I will send thee away. So Vriah abode in Ierusalem that day, and the morowe.
13 Then Dauid called him, and hee did eate and drinke before him, and he made him drunke: and at euen he went out to lie on his couch with the seruants of his Lord, but went not downe to his house.
14 And on the morowe Dauid wrote a letter to Ioab, and sent it by the hand of Vriah.
15 And he wrote thus in the letter, Put ye Vriah in the forefront of the strength of the battell, and recule ye backe from him, that he may be smitten, and die.
2 Samuel 12:2-15
2 The rich man had exceeding many sheepe and oxen:
3 But the poore had none at all, saue one litle sheepe which he had bought, and nourished vp: and it grew vp with him, and with his children also, and did eate of his owne morsels, and dranke of his owne cup, and slept in his bosome, and was vnto him as his daughter.
4 Now there came a stranger vnto the rich man, who refused to take of his owne sheepe, and of his owne oxen to dresse for the stranger that was come vnto him, but tooke the poore mans sheepe, and dressed it for the man that was come to him.
5 Then Dauid was exceeding wroth with the man, and sayde to Nathan, As the Lord liueth, the man that hath done this thing, shall surely dye,
6 And he shall restore the lambe foure folde, because he did this thing, and had no pitie thereof.
7 Then Nathan sayd to Dauid, Thou art the man. Thus sayth the Lord God of Israel, I anoynted thee King ouer Israel, and deliuered thee out of the hand of Saul,
8 And gaue thee thy lordes house, and thy lords wiues into thy bosome, and gaue thee the house of Israel, and of Iudah, and would moreouer (if that had bene too litle) haue giuen thee such and such things.
9 Wherefore hast thou despised the commandement of the Lord, to doe euill in his sight? thou hast killed Vriah the Hittite with ye sworde, and hast taken his wife to be thy wife, and hast slaine him with the sworde of the children of Ammon.
10 Now therefore the sworde shall neuer depart from thine house, because thou hast despised me, and taken the wife of Vriah the Hittite to be thy wife.
11 Thus sayth the Lord, Behold, I will rayse vp euil against thee out of thine owne house, and will take thy wiues before thine eyes, and giue them vnto thy neighbour, and he shall lie with thy wiues in the sight of this sunne.
12 For thou diddest it secretly: but I will doe this thing before all Israel, and before the sunne.
13 Then Dauid sayde vnto Nathan, I haue sinned against the Lord. And Nathan sayde vnto Dauid, The Lord also hath put away thy sinne, thou shalt not die.
14 Howbeit because by this deede thou hast caused the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme, the childe that is borne vnto thee shall surely die.
15 So Nathan departed vnto his house: and the Lord stroke the childe that Vriahs wife bare vnto Dauid, and it was sicke.
Job 4:3-4
Isaiah 35:3-4
Ezekiel 34:16
16 I will seeke that which was lost, and bring againe that which was driue away, and will binde vp that which was broken, and will strengthen the weake but I wil destroy the fat and the strong, and I will feede them with iudgement.
Matthew 9:13
13 But goe yee and learne what this is, I will haue mercie, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance.
Matthew 11:29
29 Take my yoke on you, and learne of me that I am meeke and lowly in heart: and ye shall finde rest vnto your soules.
Matthew 18:12-15
12 How thinke ye? If a man haue an hundreth sheepe, and one of them be gone astray, doeth he not leaue ninetie and nine, and go into the mountaines, and seeke that which is gone astray?
13 And if so be that he finde it, verely I say vnto you, he reioyceth more of that sheepe, then of the ninetie and nine which went not astray:
14 So is it not ye wil of your Father which is in heauen, that one of these litle ones should perish.
15 Moreouer, if thy brother trespasse against thee, goe and tell him his fault betweene thee and him alone: if he heare thee, thou hast wonne thy brother.
Matthew 26:69
69 Peter sate without in the hall, and a maide came to him, saying, Thou also wast with Iesus of Galile:
Matthew 26:75
75 Then Peter remembred the wordes of Iesus, which had sayde vnto him, Before the cocke crowe thou shalt denie me thrise. So he went out, and wept bitterly.
Luke 15:4-7
4 What man of you hauing an hundreth sheepe, if hee lose one of them, doeth not leaue ninetie and nine in the wildernesse, and goe after that which is lost, vntill he finde it?
5 And when he hath found it, he laieth it on his shoulders with ioye.
6 And when he commeth home, he calleth together his friendes and neighbours, saying vnto them, Reioyce with mee: for I haue founde my sheepe which was lost.
7 I say vnto you, that likewise ioy shall be in heauen for one sinner that conuerteth, more then for ninetie and nine iust men, which neede none amendment of life.
Luke 15:22-32
22 Then the father said to his seruaunts, Bring foorth the best robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feete,
23 And bring the fat calfe, and kill him, and let vs eate, and be merie:
24 For this my sonne was dead, and is aliue againe: and he was lost, but he is found. And they began to be merie.
25 Nowe the elder brother was in the fielde, and when he came and drewe neere to the house, he heard melodie, and dauncing,
26 And called one of his seruaunts, and asked what those things meant.
27 And hee sayde vnto him, Thy brother is come, and thy father hath killed the fatte calfe, because he hath receiued him safe and sound.
28 Then he was angry, and would not goe in: therefore came his father out and entreated him.
29 But he answered and said to his father, Loe, these many yeeres haue I done thee seruice, neither brake I at any time thy commadement, and yet thou neuer gauest mee a kidde that I might make merie with my friends.
30 But when this thy sonne was come, which hath deuoured thy good with harlots, thou hast for his sake killed the fat calfe.
31 And he said vnto him, Sonne, thou art euer with me, and al that I haue, is thine. It was meete that we shoulde make merie, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is aliue againe: and hee was lost, but he is found.
Romans 8:6
6 For the wisedome of the flesh is death: but the wisedome of the Spirit is life and peace,
Romans 14:1
1 Him that is weake in the faith, receiue vnto you, but not for controuersies of disputations.
Romans 15:1
1 We which are strong, ought to beare the infirmities of the weake, and not to please our selues.
1 Corinthians 2:15
15 But hee that is spirituall, discerneth all things: yet he himselfe is iudged of no man.
1 Corinthians 3:1
1 And I could not speake vnto you, brethren, as vnto spirituall men, but as vnto carnall, euen as vnto babes in Christ.
1 Corinthians 4:21
21 What will ye? shall I come vnto you with a rod, or in loue, and in ye spirite of meekenes?
1 Corinthians 7:5
5 Defraude not one another, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may giue your selues to fasting and praier, and againe come together that Satan tempt you not for your incontinecie.
1 Corinthians 10:12
12 Wherefore, let him that thinketh he standeth, take heede lest he fall.
1 Corinthians 14:37
37 If any man thinke him selfe to be a Prophet, or spirituall, let him acknowledge, that the things, that I write vnto you, are the commandements of the Lord.
2 Corinthians 2:7
7 So that nowe contrariwise yee ought rather to forgiue him, and comfort him, lest the same shoulde bee swalowed vp with ouermuch heauinesse.
2 Corinthians 10:1
1 Nowe I Paul my selfe beseech you by the meekenes, and gentlenes of Christ, which when I am present among you am base, but am bolde toward you being absent:
Galatians 2:11-13
11 And when Peter was come to Antiochia, I withstood him to his face: for he was to be condemned.
12 For before that certaine came from Iames, he ate with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himselfe, fearing them which were of the Circumcision.
13 And the other Iewes played the hypocrites likewise with him, in so much that Barnabas was led away with them by that their hypocrisie.
Galatians 5:23
23 Meekenesse, temperancie: against such there is no lawe.
2 Thessalonians 3:15
15 Yet count him not as an enemie, but admonish him as a brother.
2 Timothy 2:25
25 Instructing them with meekenesse that are contrary minded, prouing if God at any time will giue them repentance, that they may acknowledge the trueth,
Hebrews 12:13
13 And make straight steppes vnto your feete, lest that which is halting, be turned out of the way, but let it rather be healed.
Hebrews 13:3
3 Remember them that are in bondes, as though ye were bounde with them: and them that are in affliction, as if ye were also afflicted in the body.
James 3:2
2 For in many things we sinne all. If any man sinne not in word, he is a perfect man, and able to bridle all the body.
James 3:13
13 Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew by good conuersation his workes in meekenesse of wisdome.
James 5:19-20
1 Peter 3:15
15 But sanctifie the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready alwayes to giue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekenesse and reuerence,
1 John 5:16
16 If any man see his brother sinne a sinne that is not vnto death, let him aske, and he shall giue him life for them that sinne not vnto death. There is a sinne vnto death: I say not that thou shouldest pray for it.