3 And they laid upon them hands, and kept them unto the day after, because the evening had drawn nigh.
Acts 4:3 Cross References - Etheridge
Matthew 10:16-17
Luke 22:52
52 And Jeshu said to them who had come against him, the chief priests, and elders, and the chiefs of the forces of the temple, As against a thief are you come forth against me, with swords and clubs to take me?
Luke 22:54
54 And they took (and) brought him to the house of the chief of the priests; and Shemun came after him from afar.
John 18:12
12 Then the band and the captains and the officials of the Jihudoyee took Jeshu and bound him,
Acts 5:18
18 and they laid hands on the apostles, and apprehended and bound them in the house of the bound.
Acts 6:12
12 And they stirred up the people and the elders and the sophree, and came and rose upon him, and carried him away and brought him into the midst of the assembly.
Acts 8:3
3 BUT Shaol persecuted the church of Aloha, going to the houses, and drawing men and women delivered them to the house of the bound.
Acts 9:2
2 And he demanded letters from the chief priests which he should give at Darmsuk to the synagogues, that if he found (any) who walked in this way, men or women, he might bind and bring them to Urishlem.
Acts 12:1-3
1 BUT at that time Herodes the king, he who was surnamed Agripos, stretched forth hands upon some who were in the church, to ill-treat them.
2 And he killed with the sword Jakub the brother of Juhanon.
3 And when he saw that this pleased the Jihudoyee, he added to apprehend also Shemun Kipha. And they were the days of the Phatiree.[See the Gospels, page 384.]
Acts 16:19-24
19 And when her lords saw that the hope of their gain had gone from her, they laid hold on Paulos and Shilo and drew them to the public place,
20 and brought them unto the prefects and to the chiefs of the city, and said, These men are troubling our city, because they are Jihudoyee,
21 and are preaching to us those rites which it is not permitted us to receive and perform, because we are Rumoyee.
22 And a great gathering assembled against them. Then the prefects rent their vestments, and commanded to scourge them.
23 And when they had scourged them much, they cast them into the house of the bound, and commanded the keeper of the house of the bound to keep them watchfully.
24 But he, having received this command, brought in and shut them in the inner house of the house of the bound, and fastened their feet in the stocks.