Romans Cross References - Etheridge

1 PAULOS, a servant of Jeshu Meshiha, called, and an apostle, who hath been separated unto the gospel of Aloha, 2 which from of old he had promised by the hand of the prophets, in the holy writings, 3 concerning his Son, who was born, according to the flesh, of the seed of the house of David, 4 and is known [Or, acknowledged.] (to be) the Son of Aloha by power, and by the Holy Spirit, who raised him from among the dead, Jeshu Meshiha our Lord: 5 by whom we have received grace and apostleship among all nations, that they should become obedient unto the faith of his name: 6 and you also are of them, called in Jeshu Meshiha: 7 To all who are in Ruma, beloved of Aloha, called and saints; peace and grace be with you from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. 8 First, I praise my God through Jeshu Meshiha on behalf of you all, that your faith is heard (of) in all the world. 9 For a witness unto me is Aloha, whom I serve in the spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing at all time I remember you in my prayers. 10 And I pray that from now there may be opened unto me the way, by the will of Aloha, to come to you. 11 For I greatly desire to see you, and to impart to you the gift of the Spirit, that thereby you may be established, 12 and that together we may be comforted by your faith and mine. 13 BUT I will that you know, my brethren, that many times I have willed to come to you, and have been hindered until this; that among you also I may have fruit as among the rest of the nations 14 of the Javnoyee and Barbaroyee, the wise and the foolish, because to every man am I obligated to preach; 15 and so am I urged to evangelize unto you also who are in Ruma. 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of Aloha for the salvation of all who believe in him, whether of the Jihudoyee first, or of the Aramoyee: 17 for the righteousness of Aloha in it is revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, the righteous by faith shall live. 18 For the wrath of Aloha is revealed from heaven against all the unrighteousness and depravity of the sons of men, who the truth in unrighteousness detain. 19 Because the knowledge of Aloha is revealed in them; for Aloha revealed it in them. 20 For the occult things [Kasyotheh d'Aloha.] of Aloha from the foundations of the world, unto his creatures by intelligence are apparent, and his power and his Godhead eternal, that they may be without excuse. 21 For when they knew Aloha, they did not as Aloha glorify him and praise him, but became vain in their imaginations, and their heart was darkened, that they understood not. 22 And while thinking in themselves that they were wise, they were fools.[Or, befooled.] 23 And they changed the glory of Aloha the Incorruptible into the likeness of the image of corruptible man, and into the likeness of birds and of four-footed (beasts) and of reptiles of the earth. 24 Because of this Aloha delivered them up to the unclean lusts of their hearts, that they would debase their bodies among them. 25 And they changed the truth of Aloha into a lie, and worshipped and served the creatures rather than their Creator, to whom be praises and blessings for ever and ever. Amen. 26 WHEREFORE Aloha delivered them up to passions of vileness: for their females changed the use of their nature, and to what is not natural were used. 27 And also their males likewise left the natural use of their females, and were inflamed with concupiscence one with another, and male with male wrought shamefulness, and the just retribution for their perverseness in themselves received. 28 And as they did not decide in themselves to know Aloha, so did Aloha cause them to be delivered up to a mind of vainness, and to do what is not fit; 29 being filled with all wickedness, and uncleanness, and rancour, and malice, and rapacity, and envy, and murder, and contention, and deceit, and evil imaginings, 30 and murmurings, and slanders, and hating of Aloha: vilifiers, inflated ones, boasters, inventors of evil things, mindless, disobedient to parents, 31 (men) to whom a compact is nothing, and (who) neither love peace nor (have) mercy in them; 32 who, knowing the judgment of Aloha, that they who these things do, unto death are condemned, (yet) not only do them, but also participate with those who do them.

Matthew 1:1

1 THE RECORD of the generation of Jeshu the Meshicha, the son of David, son of Abraham.

Matthew 1:6

6 Ishai begat David the king; David begat Shelemun from [her who had been] the wife of Uria;

Matthew 1:16

16 Jakub begat Jauseph, husband of Mariam, of whom was born JESHU who is called the Meshicha [pronounced Meshee'ha].

Matthew 1:20-23

20 But while (on) these (things) he reflected, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, and said to him, Jauseph, son of David, fear not to take Mariam thy wife; for that which is conceived in her is from the Spirit of Holiness. 21 She shall give birth to a son, and thou shalt call his name JESHU; for he shall save his people from their sins. 22 Now all this was done, that what was spoken from the Lord by the prophet [by the hand of the prophet] might be fulfilled: 23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth the son, and they shall call his name Amanuel; which is interpreted, With us (is) our Aloha.

Matthew 3:17

17 And, lo, the voice from heaven, which said, This (is) my Son, the Beloved, in whom I have delighted.

Matthew 5:16

16 So let your light shine before the sons of men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

Matthew 5:45

45 That you may be the children of your Father who is in heaven, who causeth his sun to arise on the good and on the evil, and who sendeth showers on the just and on the unjust.

Matthew 6:8-9

8 Be you not like them, for your Father knoweth what is needful for you before that you ask him. 9 Thus pray: Our Father who art in the heavens! be sanctified thy Name.

Matthew 6:23

23 but if thine eye be evil, thy whole body will be dark. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, what will thy darkness be? 24 No man can serve two lords; for the one he will hate, and the other he will love, or the one he will honour, and the other he will neglect: you cannot serve Aloha and riches.

Matthew 9:27

27 AND when Jeshu had passed thence, two blind men clave to him, and besought him, and said, Have compassion on us, Son of David!

Matthew 9:38

38 Ask, therefore, from the Lord of the harvest, that he would thrust forth labourers into his harvest.

Matthew 10:37

37 Whosoever loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy (of) me; and whosoever loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy (of) me.

Matthew 11:25

25 IN that time Jeshu answered and said, I praise thee, my Father, the Lord of the heavens and of the earth, that thou hast concealed these (things) from the wise and prudent [ones], but hast revealed them unto little children.

Matthew 12:23

23 And all the multitude were amazed, and said, Is not this the Son of David?

Matthew 15:4

4 For Aloha hath said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and whoso curseth his father or his mother, to die he shall die:

Matthew 15:14

14 Leave them: they are blind leaders of the blind; but if a blind man shall lead a blind man, both shall fall into the ditch.

Matthew 15:16

16 But he said to them, Do you also not yet understand?

Matthew 15:22

22 And, beheld, a Canaanite woman from those coasts came forth crying, and saying, Have mercy upon me, my Lord, son of David! my daughter is grievously possessed with the demon!

Matthew 16:21

21 AND from that time began Jeshu to show to his disciples that it was to be that he should go to Urishlem, and suffer much from the elders and the chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and the third day arise again.

Matthew 22:42-45

42 and said, What say you concerning the Meshicha,-whose son [is he]? They say to him, Son of David. 43 Saith he to them, And how doth David in spirit call him THE LORD? For he said, that 44 the Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand until I put thine adversaries beneath thy feet. 45 If, then, David calleth him the Lord, how is he his son?

Matthew 24:14

14 And this annunciation of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony for all nations; and then will come the end.

Matthew 26:63

63 But Jeshu was silent. And the chief of the priests answered and said to him, I swear thee, by Aloha the Living, that thou declare to us whether thou be the Meshicha, the Son of Aloha?

Matthew 27:43

43 He trusted upon Aloha; let him liberate him now, if he delighteth in [Willeth him.] him; for he said, I am the Son of Aloha.

Mark 1:1

1 THE beginning of the Gospel of Jeshu Meshicha, the Son of Aloha.

Mark 8:38

38 For whoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this generation, sinful and adulterous, the Son of man will also be ashamed of him, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

Mark 14:8

8 (With) that which was hers she hath done this, and beforehand as for the funeral she hath anointed my body.

Mark 14:10-11

10 But Jihuda Scarjuta, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests, to betray Jeshu to them: 11 and they when they had heard rejoiced, and promised silver to give him. And he sought to him opportunity to betray him.

Mark 16:15-16

15 And he said to them, Go into all the world, and proclaim my gospel to every creature: 16 He who believeth and is baptized is saved; and he who believeth not is condemned.

Luke 1:31-33

31 For, behold, thou shalt conceive, and shalt bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jeshu. 32 He will be great, and the Son of the Most High [Eloia.] shall he be called, and Aloha the Lord shall give unto him the throne of David his father. 33 And he shall reign over the house of Jakub for ever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

Luke 1:35

35 The angel answered and said to her, The Spirit of Holiness shall come, and the Power of the Most High [Eloia.] shall shadow over thee; on account of this He who (shall be) born from thee is the Holy, and the Son of Aloha shall be called.

Luke 1:69

69 And hath raised up for us the horn of redemption in the house of David his servant; 70 As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, who have been from of old,

Luke 2:1

1 NOW it was in those days that there went forth a mandate from Augustus Caesar to enrol the people of his dominion.

Luke 2:4-6

4 And Jauseph also went up from Natsrath of Galila, unto Jehud, to the city of David, which is called Beth-lechem, because he was of the house and of the family of David, 5 with Mariam his espoused while with child, there to be enrolled. 6 And it was that while they were there, the days were fulfilled that she should give birth:

Luke 2:10-11

10 And the angel said to them, Fear not; for, behold, I announce to you great joy, which shall be to all people: 11 for there is born for you to-day the Redeemer, who is the Lord the Meshicha, in the city of David.

Luke 9:26

26 For whoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, the Son of man will be ashamed of him, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

Luke 10:21

21 In that hour Jeshu exulted in the Holy Spirit, and said, I praise thee, my Father, Lord of heaven and of earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and the intellectual, and hast revealed them unto children. Yes, my Father, for so was thy will.[Or, so was the will before thee.]

Luke 11:48

48 thus you bear witness that you consent in the deeds of your fathers; for they killed them, and you build their sepulchres.

Luke 12:46-47

46 the lord of that servant will come in a day when he thinketh not, and in an hour which he knoweth not; and shall sunder him, and set him his portion with those who are not faithful. 47 And that servant who knew the will of his lord, and prepared not himself according to his will, shall be beaten with many.

Luke 17:15-18

15 Then one of them, when he saw that he was cleansed, returned to him, and with a high voice glorified Aloha. 16 And he fell upon his face before the feet of Jeshu, and thanked him. And, behold, this was a Shomroya. 17 And Jeshu answered and said, Were not they who were cleansed ten? Where are the nine? 18 None have separated to come (and) give praise to Aloha, but this, who is from a strange people.

Luke 18:1

1 AND he spake also a parable to them, that in all time (men) should pray and not weary.

Luke 18:31-33

31 AND Jeshu took the twelve, and said to them, Behold, we go up to Urishlem, and shall be fulfilled all (things) that are written in the prophets concerning the Son of man. 32 For he will be delivered to the Gentiles; and they will deride him, and spit in his face, 33 and will scourge him, and maltreat him, and kill him; and the third day he shall arise.

Luke 21:16

16 But your fathers, and your brethren, and your kinsfolk, and your friends will betray you, and some of you they shall put to death.

Luke 24:26-27

26 Was it not to be that these the Meshicha should suffer, and enter into his glory? 27 And, beginning from Musha and all the prophets, he explained to them concerning himself from all the scriptures.

John 1:9

9 For that was the true Light that enlighteneth every man who cometh into the world.

John 1:14

14 And the Word flesh was made, and tabernacled with us; and we saw his glory, the glory as of the one-begotten who (was) from the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 1:16

16 And from his fulness we all have received, and grace for grace.

John 1:18

18 ALOHA no man hath ever seen: the one-begotten God, he who is in the bosom of his Father, he hath declared him.

John 1:34

34 and I saw, and bare witness that this is the Son of Aloha

John 1:49

49 Nathanael answered and said to him, Rabi, thou art the Son of Aloha himself, thou art the very King of Isroel.

John 2:8

8 He saith to them, Draw now, and carry to the chief of the guests. And they carried.

John 2:18-21

18 The Jihudoyee answered and said to him, What sign showest thou to us, as these things thou doest? 19 Jeshu answered, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it. 20 The Jihudoyee say to him, Forty-and six years was this temple being built, and wilt thou in three days raise it? 21 But he spake of the temple of his body.

John 3:16-18

16 For so loved Aloha the world, as his Son, the Only-begotten, he would give, that every one who believeth in him might not perish, but have the life which is eternal. 17 For Aloha sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might live by him. 18 He who believeth on him is not judged, and he who believeth not is judged already, because he believeth not in the name of the only-begotten Son of Aloha. 19 And this is the judgment, that the light hath come into the world, and the sons of men have loved darkness rather than the light, for their deeds have been evil.

John 3:19

19 And this is the judgment, that the light hath come into the world, and the sons of men have loved darkness rather than the light, for their deeds have been evil. 20 For every one who doeth abominable things hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he who doeth the truth cometh to the light, that his works may be known that in Aloha they are wrought.

John 3:35-36

35 The Father loveth the Son, and every thing hath he given into his hands. 36 He who believeth in the Son hath the life which is eternal; and he who obeyeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of Aloha remaineth on him.

John 3:36

36 He who believeth in the Son hath the life which is eternal; and he who obeyeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of Aloha remaineth on him.

John 4:23-24

23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father also requireth worshippers such as these. 24 For Aloha is a Spirit; and they who worship him, in spirit and in truth must worship.

John 4:34

34 Jeshu saith to them, My meat is to do the will of Him who sent me, and to accomplish his work.

John 4:36

36 And he who reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal; and the sower and the reaper shall rejoice together.

John 5:25

25 Amen, amen, I say to you, That the hour cometh and also now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of Aloha; and they who hear shall live.

John 7:7

7 The world cannot hate you: but me it hateth, because I bear witness against it that the works of it are evil.

John 7:35

35 The Jihudoyee say among themselves, Whither is this about to go, that we cannot find him? To the countries of the nations is he to go, and to teach the Heathens?

John 7:42

42 Hath not the scripture said, That from the seed of David, and from Beth-lechem the town of David, cometh the Meshicha?

John 10:30

30 I and my Father are One.

John 10:36

36 to him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world, say you, Thou blasphemest, because I have said to you, I am the Son of Aloha?

John 12:24

24 Amen, amen, I say to you, That a grain of wheat if it fall not and die in the earth remaineth alone; but if it die, it bringeth much fruits.

John 12:26

26 If any man serve me, let him come after me; and where I am, there shall be also my servant: whoever serveth me, him will my Father honour.

John 13:14-16

14 If I then, your Lord and your Master, have washed for you your feet, how much more ought you to wash the feet of one another? 15 For this pattern have I given you, that as I have done to you, you also should do. 16 Amen, amen, I say to you, The servant is not greater than his lord; nor (is) the apostle greater than he who sent him.

John 15:15

15 No more I call you servants, for the servant knoweth not what doeth his Lord; but my friends have I called you; wherefore all that I have heard from my Father, I have made known unto you. 16 You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and placed you, that you also may go (and) yield much fruit; and your fruit shall remain, because all that you shall ask the Father in my name, he will give to you.

John 15:20

20 Remember the word which I spake with you, That there is no servant who is greater than his lord. If me they have persecuted, you also will they persecute; and if my word they had kept, yours also would they keep.

John 15:22

22 If I had not come and spoken with them, they had not had sin; but now have they no pretext for their sins.[Or, no cause on the faces of their sins.] 23 He who hateth me, my Father also hateth. 24 And if the works I had not done before their eyes which no other man hath done, they had not had sin; but now they have seen and hated both me and my Father;[Also me, and also my Father.]

John 20:17

17 Jeshu saith to her, Touch [Or, approach.] me not; for not yet have I ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say to them, I ascend to my Father, and to your Father, to my God, and to your God.

John 20:28

28 And Thoma answered and said to him, My Lord, and my God! [Mari Valohi.]

John 20:31

31 but these are written, that you may believe that Jeshu is the Meshicha, the Son of Aloha, and that when you have believed you may have in his name the life which is eternal.

Acts 1:25

25 that he may receive the part in the ministry and the apostleship from which Jihuda separated, to go unto his place.

Acts 2:24

24 But Aloha raised him, and loosed the bands of Shiul, because it was not possible that he should be holden in Shiul.

Acts 2:30

30 For he was a prophet, and knew that the oath Aloha had sworn to him, Of the fruit of thy loins I will cause to sit upon thy throne:

Acts 2:32

32 This Jeshu hath Aloha raised, and we all are his witnesses.

Acts 3:13

13 The God of Abraham, and of Ishok, and of Jakub, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his son Jeshu, him whom you delivered up, and denied before the face of Pilatos, when he had justified (him) and would have released him;

Acts 3:15

15 And Him the Prince of life you killed, whom Aloha hath raised from among the dead; and we all are his witnesses.

Acts 3:26

26 with you from the first he hath established; and Aloha hath sent his Son, blessing you, if you will return and repent of your iniquities.

Acts 4:10-12

10 be this known to you, and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jeshu Meshiha Natsroya, whom you crucified, whom Aloha hath raised from among the dead, through this Himself, behold, this (man) standeth before you well. 11 This is the stone which you builders rejected, and he is become the head of the corner. 12 And in no other one [In no other man.] is redemption: for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind, by which we must be saved.

Acts 5:30-32

30 The God of our fathers hath raised up Jeshu whom you killed and hanged on the tree. 31 Him hath Aloha constituted a Prince and a Saviour, and elevated him at his right hand, to give repentance and remission of sins unto Israel. 32 And we are witnesses of these words, and the Spirit of Holiness himself, whom Aloha hath given to them who believe in him.

Acts 5:36

36 For before this time arose Thuda, and said of himself that he was something great, and there went after him four hundred men: and he was slain, and they who went after him were scattered and became as nothing.

Acts 6:7

7 And the word of Aloha increased, and the number of the disciples increased in Urishlem greatly: and much people of the Jihudoyee were obedient to the faith.

Acts 7:42

42 And Aloha turned, and delivered them up to be worshippers of the hosts of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, Forty years in the desert victims or sacrifices did you offer to me, sons of Israel?

Acts 7:59-60

59 And they stoned Estephanos, (he) praying and saying, Our Lord Jeshu, receive my spirit. 60 And kneeling down, he cried with a high voice, and said, Our Lord, let not this sin arise against them. And when this he had said, he slept.

Acts 8:1

1 But Shaol willed to take part in his killing. And there was made in those days a great persecution against the church that was in Urishlem; and they were all dispersed in the country of Jihud and also among the Shomroyee, excepting only the apostles.

Acts 8:15-19

15 And they went down and prayed for them, that they might receive the Spirit of Holiness: 16 for he was not upon one of them yet; but they were only baptized in the name of our Lord Jeshu. 17 Then they laid upon them the hand, and they received the Spirit of Holiness. 18 And when Simon saw that by the hand-laying of the apostles the Spirit of Holiness was given, he offered to them silver, 19 saying, Give also to me this power, that he on whom I shall lay the hand may receive the Spirit of Holiness.

Acts 8:36

36 And as they went in the way they came to a certain place which had water in it, and that eunuch said, Behold the water; what is the hinderance that I should be baptized?

Acts 9:15

15 And the Lord said to him, Arise, go; for a vessel is he to me, chosen to bear my name to the nations, and to kings, and to the house of the sons of Israel.

Acts 9:20

20 And at once he preached in the synagogues of the Jihudoyee concerning Jeshu, that he is the Son of Aloha.

Acts 10:43

43 And of him all the prophets testify, that whoever believeth in his name shall receive remission of sins.

Acts 11:23

23 And when he came thither, and beheld the grace of Aloha, he rejoiced, and entreated them with all their heart to cleave to our Lord.

Acts 11:28

28 And one of them arose whose name was Agabos: and he made known to them by the Spirit that a great famine would be in all the land. And that famine was in the days of Claudios Caesar.

Acts 12:5

5 And while Shemun was kept in the house of the bound, constant prayer was offered by the church on his behalf unto Aloha.

Acts 13:2-4

2 And as they fasted and supplicated Aloha, the Spirit of Holiness said to them, Separate to me Shaol and Bar Naba for the work to which I have called them. 3 And after they had fasted and prayed, they laid upon them the hand, and dismissed them. 4 And they, being sent by the Spirit of Holiness, went down to Selukia, and from thence proceeded by sea to Cyprus.

Acts 13:9

9 But Shaol, he who is called PAULOS, was filled with the Spirit of Holiness, and beheld him,

Acts 13:22-23

22 And he took him, and raised unto them David the king, and testified of him, and said, I have found David, the son of Jeshai, a man according to my heart; he will perform all my will. 23 From the seed of this (man) the God of Israel, as he had promised, raised up Jeshu the Redeemer.

Acts 13:33-35

33 behold, Aloha hath fulfilled it to their children, (in) that he hath raised up Jeshu; as it is written in the second psalm, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. 34 And thus did Aloha raise him from among the dead, that again he should not return thither to see corruption; 35 as he had said, I will give you the sure grace of David. And again he hath said in another place, Thou hast not given thy Saint to see corruption.

Acts 14:16-17

16 who in former generations left all nations to walk in ways of their own;

Acts 14:16

16 who in former generations left all nations to walk in ways of their own; 17 yet leaving not himself without witness, while he did them good from heaven, and sent down rain, and multiplied the fruits in their times, and filled with food and gladness their hearts.

Acts 14:27

27 And when all the church had convened, they recounted every thing which Aloha had done with them, and that he had opened the door of the faith unto the Gentiles.

Acts 15:12

12 And all the assembly were silent. And they listened to Paulos and Bar Naba, who related how Aloha had done by their hands signs and mighty works among the Gentiles.

Acts 15:14

14 Shemun hath related to you how Aloha hath begun to elect from the Gentiles a people to his name.

Acts 15:23

23 AND they wrote an epistle by their hands, thus: The apostles and presbyters and brethren, to those who are in Antiokia and in Syria and in Cilicia, the brethren who are of the Gentiles; peace.

Acts 16:5

5 So were the churches confirmed in the faith, and multiplied in number every day. 6 But they went through the countries of Phrygia and Galatia; and the Spirit of Holiness forbad them, that they should not preach the word of Aloha in Asia. 7 And when they came to the region of Mysia they willed to go from thence to Bithynia; and the Spirit of Jeshu permitted them not.

Acts 17:23-30

23 As I walked about and saw the place of your worship, I found a certain altar on which was inscribed, To GOD THE HIDDEN: him then whom while not known you worship, This I declare to you.

Acts 17:23

23 As I walked about and saw the place of your worship, I found a certain altar on which was inscribed, To GOD THE HIDDEN: him then whom while not known you worship, This I declare to you. 24 For ALOHA who made the world and all that is in it, and is himself the Lord of heaven and of earth, in temples made with hands resideth not. 25 Neither is he served by the hands of men, nor needeth he any thing, for it is he who giveth to every man life and soul. 26 And of one blood hath he made the whole world of men to dwell upon the face of all the earth, and he hath distinguished the times by his decree, and set the limits of the dwelling of mankind, 27 that they should seek Aloha and inquire, and from his creatures find himself, because he is not far from every one of us. 28 For in him we live, and are moved, and are; as also one of your sages hath said, From him is our descent. 29 Men, therefore, whose descent is from Aloha, should not think that gold or silver or stone sculptured by the art and skill of man is like the Divinity.[Alohutha.]

Acts 17:29

29 Men, therefore, whose descent is from Aloha, should not think that gold or silver or stone sculptured by the art and skill of man is like the Divinity.[Alohutha.] 30 For the times of error Aloha hath made to pass away; and in this time he commandeth all men, that every man in every place should repent; 31 because he hath set a day in which he will judge the whole earth in righteousness by that Man whom he hath ordained; and he will convert every man to the faith of him in having raised him from among the dead. 32 And when they heard of resurrection from among the dead, (some) of them mocked, and (some) of them said, At another time we will hear thee concerning this.

Acts 18:21

21 for he said, It behoveth me faithfully to perform the feast which cometh at Urishlem; and if Aloha willeth, I will come again to you.

Acts 19:6

6 And Paulos laid on them the hand, and the Spirit of Holiness came upon them, and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.

Acts 19:21

21 But when these were fulfilled, Paulos set in his mind to itinerate throughout all Makedunia and Akaia, and to go into Urishlem. And he said, When I shall have gone thither, it behoveth me Ruma also to see.

Acts 20:24

24 But by me my life is reckoned nothing, so that I may accomplish my course, and the ministry I have received from our Lord Jeshu, to bear witness concerning the gospel of the grace of Aloha.

Acts 21:13

13 THEN answered Paulos and said, What do you, weeping and bruising my heart? For not to be bound only am I prepared, but also to die in Urishlem, for the sake of the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. 14 And when he would not be persuaded by us, we desisted, and said, The will of our Lord be done.

Acts 21:19

19 And we gave them salutation.[Shaloma.] And Paulos recounted to them in order what Aloha had done among the Gentiles by his ministry.

Acts 21:40

40 And when he had permitted him, Paulos stood upon the stairs, and signed to them with his hand; and when they had ceased, he spoke to them in Hebrew, and said to them,

Acts 22:1

1 Brethren and fathers, hear the defence which I make to you.

Acts 22:7

7 and I fell upon the earth, and heard a voice, which said to me, Shaol, Shaol, why persecutest thou me?

Acts 22:13-15

13 and said to me, Shaol, my brother, open thine eyes. And in a moment my eyes were opened, and I beheld him. 14 And he said to me, The God of our fathers hath appointed thee to know his will, and to see that Just One, and to hear the voice from his lips, 15 that thou mayest be a witness to all men of all that thou hast seen and heard.

Acts 22:20

20 And when the blood of thy martyr Estephanos was shed, I also stood with them, and fulfilled the will of his murderers, and kept the garments of them who stoned him. 21 And he said to me, Go: for I send thee far away to preach to the Gentiles.

Acts 24:14

14 Nevertheless, this do I confess, that in that very doctrine of which they speak, in it serve I the God of my fathers, believing in all that is written in the law and in the prophets,

Acts 24:24-25

24 And after a few days Felix, and Drusilla his wife, who was a Jihudoytha, sent and called Paulos, and they heard from him concerning the faith of the Meshiha. 25 And as he discoursed with them of righteousness, and of holiness, and of the judgment which is to come, Felix was filled with fear, and he said, Now go, and when I have opportunity [Or, place.] I will send for thee.

Acts 26:1

1 And Agripos said to Paulos, It is permitted thee to speak for thyself. Then Paulos stretched forth his hand and made defence, and said,

Acts 26:6

6 And now, concerning the hope of the promise that was made to our fathers by Aloha, stand I, and am judged.

Acts 26:14

14 And we fell all of us upon the earth; and I heard a voice that said to me in Hebrew, Shaol, Shaol, why persecutest thou me? [Shaol, Shaol, mono rodeph ath li?] It is hard to thee to kick against the pricks!

Acts 26:16-18

16 And he said to me, Stand upon thy feet, because for this I have appeared to thee, to appoint thee a minister and witness of that (for) which thou hast seen me, and (for) which thou shalt see me. 17 And I will deliver thee from the people of the Jihudoyee, and from the other nations to whom I send thee, 18 to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto Aloha, and receive the forgiveness of sins, and a lot with the saints through faith, which (is) in me.

Acts 26:18

18 to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto Aloha, and receive the forgiveness of sins, and a lot with the saints through faith, which (is) in me.

Acts 27:1-28

1 And Festos commanded concerning him that he should be sent unto Caesar in Italia. And he delivered Paulos, and other prisoners with him, to a certain man, a centurion of the band of Sebaste, whose name was Julios. 2 And when he would proceed, we went down to a ship which was from Adramantos the city, to go to the region of Asia. And Aristarkos, a Makedonoya who was of Thessalunike the city, entered the ship with us. 3 And the day after we came to Tsaidon. And the centurion behaved with kindness towards Paulos, and permitted him to go to his friends and be refreshed. 4 And from thence we voyaged; and because the winds were contrary we made a circuit unto Cypros.[Al Kypros.] 5 And we went through the sea of Cilicia and of Pamphulia, and came to Mura, a city of Lukia. 6 And the centurion found there a ship from Aleksandria which was going to Italia, and he placed us in her. 7 And because she sailed heavily, (after) many days we had scarce come over against Knidos the island, and as the wind did not permit us to go directly, we went round by Kreta against Salmona the city; 8 and hardly voyaging we passing around it came to the place which is called the Fair Havens. AND it was nigh to the city named Lasia. 9 And we were there much time, until the day when the day * of the fast of the Jihudoyee had also passed, and there had become danger for one to voyage by sea. And Paulos counselled them [* Tishri, 10th day : about September 20th.] 10 and said, Men, I perceive that with distress and much loss we are to voyage, not only to the burden of the ship, but also to our own lives. 11 But the centurion hearkened to the governor and to the lord of the ship rather than to the counsel of Paulos. 12 And because that haven was not convenient to winter in, many of us desired to proceed thence, and if possible to come and winter in a certain harbour in Kreta, called Phoniks, and which looked to the south. 13 And when the wind of the south blew, and we thought we could come as we desired, we sailed round Kreta. 14 And after a little there came forth against us a blowing of the tempest which is called Tuphonikos Euroklidon; 15 and the ship was carried away, and could not stand against the wind, and we gave her into its hand. 16 And when we had passed a certain isle that is called Cyra; we could scarcely take up the boat. 17 And when we had uplifted her, we girded and strengthened the ship. And because we feared lest we should fall into the precipitancy * of the sea, we brought down the sails, and so went forward. [* Locus declivis, descensus, praecipitium. Greek, snrtiv.] 18 And while there rose against us the hard tempest, the next day we threw the goods into the sea. 19 And the third day the things of the ship itself we cast forth. 20 And when the storm had held more days, and neither the sun was seen, nor the moon, nor stars, the hope that we should be saved at all was cut off. 21 And while no man had taken any food, then stood Paulos among them, and said, Men, if you had been persuaded by me, you would not have voyaged from Kreta, and we should have been exempted from loss, and from this distress. 22 Yet now I counsel you to be without anxiety; for not one of you will perish, but the ship only. 23 For in this night there appeared to me the angel of Aloha, (of) him whose I am, and whom I serve.

Acts 27:23-28

23 For in this night there appeared to me the angel of Aloha, (of) him whose I am, and whom I serve. 24 And he said to me, Fear not, Paulos, for thou art to stand before Caesar; and, behold, Aloha hath given thee the gift of all who voyage with thee. 25 Therefore, men, take courage; for I believe Aloha, that so it shall be as he hath told me. 26 Nevertheless, upon a certain island we have to be cast. 27 AND after fourteen days (in) which we had wandered and been beaten in the sea of Hadrios, in the dividing of the night, the mariners thought that we drew nigh to land. 28 And they cast the lead, and found twenty cubits; and again a little they proceeded, and found fifteen cubits.

Acts 28:2

2 And the Barbaroyee who dwelt in it many kindnesses showed us. And they kindled a fire, and called all of us to warm, because there was great rain and cold.

Acts 28:4

4 And when the Barbaroyee saw it hang upon his hand, they said, Perhaps this man is a murderer, whom, though he is escaped from the sea, justice suffereth not to live.

Romans 1:3

3 concerning his Son, who was born, according to the flesh, of the seed of the house of David,

Romans 1:5

5 by whom we have received grace and apostleship among all nations, that they should become obedient unto the faith of his name: 6 and you also are of them, called in Jeshu Meshiha:

Romans 1:9

9 For a witness unto me is Aloha, whom I serve in the spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing at all time I remember you in my prayers.

Romans 1:16

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of Aloha for the salvation of all who believe in him, whether of the Jihudoyee first, or of the Aramoyee:

Romans 1:18

18 For the wrath of Aloha is revealed from heaven against all the unrighteousness and depravity of the sons of men, who the truth in unrighteousness detain. 19 Because the knowledge of Aloha is revealed in them; for Aloha revealed it in them. 20 For the occult things [Kasyotheh d'Aloha.] of Aloha from the foundations of the world, unto his creatures by intelligence are apparent, and his power and his Godhead eternal, that they may be without excuse.

Romans 1:20-21

20 For the occult things [Kasyotheh d'Aloha.] of Aloha from the foundations of the world, unto his creatures by intelligence are apparent, and his power and his Godhead eternal, that they may be without excuse. 21 For when they knew Aloha, they did not as Aloha glorify him and praise him, but became vain in their imaginations, and their heart was darkened, that they understood not.

Romans 1:21-21

21 For when they knew Aloha, they did not as Aloha glorify him and praise him, but became vain in their imaginations, and their heart was darkened, that they understood not. 22 And while thinking in themselves that they were wise, they were fools.[Or, befooled.] 23 And they changed the glory of Aloha the Incorruptible into the likeness of the image of corruptible man, and into the likeness of birds and of four-footed (beasts) and of reptiles of the earth.

Romans 1:23-24

23 And they changed the glory of Aloha the Incorruptible into the likeness of the image of corruptible man, and into the likeness of birds and of four-footed (beasts) and of reptiles of the earth. 24 Because of this Aloha delivered them up to the unclean lusts of their hearts, that they would debase their bodies among them.

Romans 1:24-24

24 Because of this Aloha delivered them up to the unclean lusts of their hearts, that they would debase their bodies among them. 25 And they changed the truth of Aloha into a lie, and worshipped and served the creatures rather than their Creator, to whom be praises and blessings for ever and ever. Amen. 26 WHEREFORE Aloha delivered them up to passions of vileness: for their females changed the use of their nature, and to what is not natural were used.

Romans 1:26

26 WHEREFORE Aloha delivered them up to passions of vileness: for their females changed the use of their nature, and to what is not natural were used. 27 And also their males likewise left the natural use of their females, and were inflamed with concupiscence one with another, and male with male wrought shamefulness, and the just retribution for their perverseness in themselves received. 28 And as they did not decide in themselves to know Aloha, so did Aloha cause them to be delivered up to a mind of vainness, and to do what is not fit;

Romans 1:28-28

28 And as they did not decide in themselves to know Aloha, so did Aloha cause them to be delivered up to a mind of vainness, and to do what is not fit;

Romans 1:32

32 who, knowing the judgment of Aloha, that they who these things do, unto death are condemned, (yet) not only do them, but also participate with those who do them.

Romans 2:1

1 Wherefore thou hast no excuse, O man, who judgest thy neighbour; for in that for which thou judgest thy neighbour, thou condemnest thyself; for in those which thou judgest, thou also art conversant.

Romans 2:1-5

1 Wherefore thou hast no excuse, O man, who judgest thy neighbour; for in that for which thou judgest thy neighbour, thou condemnest thyself; for in those which thou judgest, thou also art conversant. 2 AND we know what is the judgment of Aloha in truth against them who in these things converse. 3 But thinkest thou, O man, who judgest them who in these converse, while thou also conversest in them, that thou wilt escape the judgment of Aloha?

Romans 2:3-5

3 But thinkest thou, O man, who judgest them who in these converse, while thou also conversest in them, that thou wilt escape the judgment of Aloha? 4 Or upon the riches of his goodness, and upon his long-suffering, and upon the space he giveth thee, presumest thou? and knowest not that the goodness of Aloha unto repentance leadeth thee? 5 Yet, through the hardness of thy unrepenting heart, layest thou up the treasure of wrath for the day of wrath, and the revelation of the just judgment of Aloha,

Romans 2:9

9 and indignation and affliction and distress, upon every man who worketh evils; to Jihudoyee first, and to Aramoyee;

Romans 2:15-23

15 And these show the work of law written upon their hearts, and their conscience testifieth of them, while their reasonings accuse or excuse one another;

Romans 2:15

15 And these show the work of law written upon their hearts, and their conscience testifieth of them, while their reasonings accuse or excuse one another; 16 in the day when Aloha judgeth the secrets of men according to my gospel by Jeshu Meshiha. 17 But if thou (who) a Jihudoya art called, and reposest on the law, and boastest in Aloha,

Romans 2:17

17 But if thou (who) a Jihudoya art called, and reposest on the law, and boastest in Aloha, 18 because thou knowest his will, and distinguishest the things that are fitting, because thou art learned from the law; 19 and confidest upon thyself that thou art a guide of the blind, and a light to those who are in darkness, 20 and an instructor of the wanting-in-mind, and a teacher of children, and hast a type of knowledge and of truth in the law: 21 Thou, then, who teachest others, dost thou not teach thyself? and who preachest that men should not steal, dost thou steal? 22 and who sayest they should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? And thou who condemnest idols, dost thou despoil the sanctuary?[The house of holiness.] 23 And thou who boastest of the law, in this that thou transgressest against the law, Aloha himself despisest thou?

Romans 2:23

23 And thou who boastest of the law, in this that thou transgressest against the law, Aloha himself despisest thou?

Romans 3:2

2 Much in every thing: primarily that they had intrusted (to them) the words of Aloha. 3 For if some of them believed not, would their unbelief abolish the faithfulness of Aloha?

Romans 3:10

10 as it is written, None is righteous, not one. 11 None understandeth or seeketh Aloha.

Romans 3:21

21 But now, without the law the righteousness of Aloha is revealed, and the law and the prophets (themselves) testify of it.

Romans 3:27

27 Where, then, is boasting? It is abolished. By what law? of works? No, but by the law of faith.

Romans 3:29

29 Is Aloha of the Jihudoyee only, and not of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also.

Romans 4:11

11 For he received the sign of circumcision (as) a seal of the righteousness of his faith, which (was his) in uncircumcision, that he should be the father of all them who believe of the uncircumcision; that it might be accounted also to them for righteousness:

Romans 4:15

15 For the law is the worker of wrath. For where there is no law, there also is no transgression of the law.

Romans 5:1

1 BECAUSE, then, we are justified by faith, we have peace with Aloha through our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.

Romans 5:6

6 But if the Meshiha on account of our infirmity in this time for the wicked hath died:

Romans 5:9

9 how much more, then, shall we be now justified through his blood, and by him be delivered from wrath?

Romans 6:12

12 Let not sin then reign in your dead body, as that you may obey the lusts of it: 13 nor prepare your members the instruments of iniquity unto sin, but prepare yourselves for Aloha, as men who from the dead have been made alive, and your members instruments to be for the righteousness of Aloha.

Romans 6:17

17 But praise to Aloha that you were the servants of sin, but have obeyed from the heart the form of doctrine to which you have been delivered.

Romans 6:21

21 And what product [Odsho.] had you then from that of which to-day you are ashamed? For the end of it is death.

Romans 8:2-3

2 For the law of the Spirit of life, which is in Jeshu Meshiha, hath set thee free from the law of sin and of death. 3 Because the law was weak through the infirmity of the flesh, Aloha sent his Son in the likeness of the flesh of sin, on account of sin to condemn sin in his flesh;

Romans 8:7-8

7 Because the mind of the flesh is enmity towards Aloha; for to the law of Aloha it is not subject, for it cannot be; 8 and they who are in the flesh cannot please Aloha.

Romans 8:12

12 Now, my brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, that according to the flesh we should walk.

Romans 8:28-30

28 BUT we know that those who love Aloha, in every thing he helpeth them for good; them whom he set before that they might be called. 29 And from the first he knew them, and signified* them in the likeness of the image of his Son, that he might be the first-born of many brethren. [* Var'sham enum, Signed, designated, notified them.]

Romans 8:29-30

29 And from the first he knew them, and signified* them in the likeness of the image of his Son, that he might be the first-born of many brethren. [* Var'sham enum, Signed, designated, notified them.] 30 But whom he before signified, them he called; and whom he called, them he justified; and whom he justified, them he glorified.

Romans 8:30-30

30 But whom he before signified, them he called; and whom he called, them he justified; and whom he justified, them he glorified. 31 What then shall we say of these? If Aloha be for us, who is against us? 32 And if his Son be spared not, but for all of us delivered him up, how will he not with him give us all things?

Romans 8:39

39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate me from the love of Aloha which is in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.

Romans 9:1

1 I say the truth in Meshiha, and lie not; my conscience witnesseth for me in the Spirit of Holiness,

Romans 9:5

5 and from whom appeared the Meshiha in the flesh, who is Aloha over all: his be praises and benedictions to the age of ages. Amen.

Romans 9:24

24 who are we, (ourselves) the called, not only of the Jihudoyee, but also of the Gentiles: 25 so also in Husha he said, I will call them my people who were not my people, and on those on whom I was not merciful, will I be merciful:

Romans 9:30

30 WHAT then shall we say? That the Gentiles who have not followed [Or, ran.] after righteousness have attained righteousness, but that righteousness which is of faith:

Romans 10:17

17 Therefore faith is from the hearing of the ear, and the hearing of the ear from the word of Aloha.

Romans 11:10

10 let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and their back at all times be bowed;

Romans 11:13

13 To you, Gentiles, I speak, I, who am apostle of the Gentiles, in my ministry I glory,[Or, boast.]

Romans 11:25

25 But I would have you know, my brethren, this mystery, that you may not be wise in your own mind, - that blindness of heart for a little space is unto Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be brought in:

Romans 12:3

3 But I tell you all through the grace which is given to me, that you are not to think beyond what it is proper to think; but that you think with sobriety, every man as Aloha hath divided to him faith in measure.

Romans 12:16

16 And what you think of yourselves, (that) also think of your brethren; nor think with a high mind, but incline to them who are humble; and be not wise in the conceit of your own mind.

Romans 12:18

18 And if possible, as much as is in you, with all men make peace.

Romans 13:8

8 And to no man owe any thing, but one another to love. For whoever loveth his neighbour fulfilleth the law:

Romans 15:9

9 and the Gentiles might glorify Aloha for his mercy that was upon them. As it is written, I will confess thee among the Gentiles, and to thy name will I sing.

Romans 15:15-16

15 But I have somewhat [Or, a little.] boldly written to you, my brethren, as that I may put you in remembrance, through the grace which is given to me from Aloha, 16 to be a minister of Jeshu Meshiha among the Gentiles, and to labour in the gospel of Aloha, that there may be an oblation of the Gentiles, acceptable and holy through the Spirit of Holiness.

Romans 15:16-16

16 to be a minister of Jeshu Meshiha among the Gentiles, and to labour in the gospel of Aloha, that there may be an oblation of the Gentiles, acceptable and holy through the Spirit of Holiness.

Romans 15:18-19

18 For I dare not speak any thing which the Meshiha hath not done by my hands, unto the obedience of the Gentiles, in word and in deeds,

Romans 15:18-20

18 For I dare not speak any thing which the Meshiha hath not done by my hands, unto the obedience of the Gentiles, in word and in deeds, 19 with the power of signs and miracles, and with the power of the Spirit of Aloha; as that I have itinerated from Urishlem unto Illyrikum, to fulfil the preaching of Meshiha;

Romans 15:19-20

19 with the power of signs and miracles, and with the power of the Spirit of Aloha; as that I have itinerated from Urishlem unto Illyrikum, to fulfil the preaching of Meshiha;

Romans 15:19

19 with the power of signs and miracles, and with the power of the Spirit of Aloha; as that I have itinerated from Urishlem unto Illyrikum, to fulfil the preaching of Meshiha; 20 being anxious to preach, not where the name of Meshiha had been called, that I might not build upon another foundation,

Romans 15:20

20 being anxious to preach, not where the name of Meshiha had been called, that I might not build upon another foundation,

Romans 15:22-24

22 On this account I have been hindered many times when I would have come to you.

Romans 15:22-28

22 On this account I have been hindered many times when I would have come to you. 23 But now, because I have no place in these countries, and have desired for many years to come to you,

Romans 15:23

23 But now, because I have no place in these countries, and have desired for many years to come to you,

Romans 15:23-28

23 But now, because I have no place in these countries, and have desired for many years to come to you, 24 when I go into Ispania, I hope to come and see you; and you shall lead me thitherward, when I shall in some measure [Kalil men sagi, "a little from much."] have been gladdened with the sight of you.

Romans 15:24

24 when I go into Ispania, I hope to come and see you; and you shall lead me thitherward, when I shall in some measure [Kalil men sagi, "a little from much."] have been gladdened with the sight of you.

Romans 15:24-28

24 when I go into Ispania, I hope to come and see you; and you shall lead me thitherward, when I shall in some measure [Kalil men sagi, "a little from much."] have been gladdened with the sight of you. 25 But now I go to Urishlem to minister to the saints. 26 For they in Makedunia and in Akaia have desired that a communication should be made from themselves with the poor and the saints who are at Urishlem. 27 They have desired (this), because they also are indebted to them. For if the Gentiles have participated with them in the Spirit, they are indebted to serve them in the flesh. 28 This, then, when I have accomplished, and have sealed to them this fruit, I (intend to) pass by you into Ispania. 29 And I know that when I come to you, with the plenitude of the blessing of the gospel of Meshiha I (shall) come. 30 Now I entreat of you, my brethren, by our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and by the love of the Spirit, to labour with me in prayer on my behalf, with Aloha, 31 that I may be delivered from them who believe not in Jihud, and (that) the service which I bear to the saints may be well received, 32 and I may come to you with joy in the will of Aloha, and be rested with you.

Romans 15:32

32 and I may come to you with joy in the will of Aloha, and be rested with you.

Romans 16:18

18 For they who are thus serve not our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, but their bellies; and with sweet words and benedictions seduce the hearts of the simple. 19 But your obedience is known to every one; I rejoice therefore in you, and I wish you to be wise unto good (works), and pure with regard to [those which are] evil.

Romans 16:25

25 but is revealed in this time by means of the scriptures of the prophets, and by the commandment of the Everlasting Aloha is made known to all the nations for the obedience of faith; 26 (to Him) who alone is wise, BE GLORY BY JESHU MESHIHA, UNTO THE AGE OF AGES. AMEN.

1 Corinthians 1:1

1 PAULOS the called, and the apostle of Jeshu Meshiha by the will of Aloha, and Sosthenis a brother, 2 to the church of Aloha which is in Kurinthos, the called, and the saints who in Jeshu Meshiha are sanctified; and to all them who invoke the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha in every place, theirs and ours: 3 Grace be with you and peace from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. 4 I give thanks to Aloha at all times on your behalf for the grace of Aloha which is given to you through Jeshu Meshiha,

1 Corinthians 1:4

4 I give thanks to Aloha at all times on your behalf for the grace of Aloha which is given to you through Jeshu Meshiha, 5 because in every thing you are enriched in him in all utterance and in all knowledge, 6 according to the testimony of the Meshiha, which is confirmed in you. 7 That you may not be deficient in one of his gifts, but be expecting the revelation of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, 8 who will confirm you to the end, that you may be without fault in the day of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. 9 Faithful is Aloha, by whom you have been called to the fellowship of his Son Jeshu Meshiha our Lord.

1 Corinthians 1:9-9

9 Faithful is Aloha, by whom you have been called to the fellowship of his Son Jeshu Meshiha our Lord.

1 Corinthians 1:18-24

18 FOR the doctrine of the cross to those who perish is foolishness, but to us who are saved it is the power of Aloha. 19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will take away the understanding of the prudent.

1 Corinthians 1:19-24

19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will take away the understanding of the prudent.

1 Corinthians 1:19-21

19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will take away the understanding of the prudent. 20 Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Or where is the disputer of this world? Hath not . Aloha made foolish the wisdom of this world?

1 Corinthians 1:20-24

20 Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Or where is the disputer of this world? Hath not . Aloha made foolish the wisdom of this world?

1 Corinthians 1:20-21

20 Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Or where is the disputer of this world? Hath not . Aloha made foolish the wisdom of this world? 21 For inasmuch as in the wisdom of Aloha, the world by wisdom hath not known Aloha, it hath pleased Aloha, by the foolishness of preaching, to save them who believe.

1 Corinthians 1:21-24

21 For inasmuch as in the wisdom of Aloha, the world by wisdom hath not known Aloha, it hath pleased Aloha, by the foolishness of preaching, to save them who believe.

1 Corinthians 1:21-21

21 For inasmuch as in the wisdom of Aloha, the world by wisdom hath not known Aloha, it hath pleased Aloha, by the foolishness of preaching, to save them who believe. 22 For the Jihudoyee demand signs, and the Aramoyee require wisdom;

1 Corinthians 1:22-24

22 For the Jihudoyee demand signs, and the Aramoyee require wisdom; 23 but we preach the Meshiha crucified, a scandal to the Jihudoyee, and to the Aramoyee foolishness; 24 but to them who are called, Jihudoyee and Aramoyee, the Meshiha is the power of Aloha, and the wisdom of Aloha.

1 Corinthians 2:2

2 And I considered myself among you as not knowing any thing unless Jeshu Meshiha, and him also as crucified.

1 Corinthians 2:4

4 And my speech and my preaching were not with the persuasion of the words of wisdom, but with the demonstration of the Spirit and of power;

1 Corinthians 2:13

13 which also we speak, not with the learning of words of wisdom of men, but with the learning of the Spirit; and with spirituals the spirituals we compare.

1 Corinthians 3:18

18 Let no man deceive himself. Whoever among you supposeth himself wise in this world, let him become foolish, that he may be wise.

1 Corinthians 3:18-19

18 Let no man deceive himself. Whoever among you supposeth himself wise in this world, let him become foolish, that he may be wise. 19 For the wisdom of this world is folly with Aloha; for it is written, He hath taken the wise in their own craftiness.

1 Corinthians 4:19

19 But if the Lord will, quickly come I unto you; and I will know not the words of them who exalt themselves, but their power.

1 Corinthians 6:9

9 Or, know you not that the unjust the kingdom of Aloha cannot inherit? Do not err; neither fornicators, nor the servers of idols, nor adulterers, nor corrupters, nor liers with men,

1 Corinthians 6:13

13 Food is for the belly, and the belly for food; but Aloha will abolish them both. But the body was not for fornication, but for our Lord, and our Lord for the body.

1 Corinthians 6:18

18 Flee from fornication: for every sin which a man committeth is without his body; but he who committeth fornication against his own body sinneth.

1 Corinthians 9:1

1 Am I not a son of freedom? am I not an apostle? or have I not seen Jeshu Meshiha our Lord? or are not you my work in my Lord? 2 And if to others I be not an apostle, yet am I (such) to you; and the seal of my apostleship are you.

1 Corinthians 9:12

12 And if others have this power over you, much more have we. But we are not used in this power; but we bear all, lest in any thing we should hinder the gospel of the Meshiha.

1 Corinthians 9:16-18

16 Yet also in preaching I have no cause to glory: for necessity lieth upon me; for woe to me unless I preach!

1 Corinthians 9:16-23

16 Yet also in preaching I have no cause to glory: for necessity lieth upon me; for woe to me unless I preach! 17 For if with my will I do this, I have a reward. But if without my will, (yet) a stewardship is confided to me.

1 Corinthians 9:17-23

17 For if with my will I do this, I have a reward. But if without my will, (yet) a stewardship is confided to me.

1 Corinthians 9:17

17 For if with my will I do this, I have a reward. But if without my will, (yet) a stewardship is confided to me. 18 What, then, is my reward? That while preaching without expenses I may perform the annunciation of the Meshiha, and not abuse the power that is given to me in the gospel.

1 Corinthians 9:18-23

18 What, then, is my reward? That while preaching without expenses I may perform the annunciation of the Meshiha, and not abuse the power that is given to me in the gospel.

1 Corinthians 9:18

18 What, then, is my reward? That while preaching without expenses I may perform the annunciation of the Meshiha, and not abuse the power that is given to me in the gospel. 19 For while free of all men, to all men I subject myself, that the many I may gain. 20 And I become with the Jihudoyee as a Jihudoya, that the Jihudoyee I may gain; and with them who are under the law, I become as one under the law, that them who are under the law I may gain; 21 and to those who have not the law I become as one without law, while I am not unto Aloha without law, but in the law of the Meshiha, that them also who have not law I may gain. 22 I become with the weak as weak, that the weak I may gain. To all men all become I, that every man I may save. 23 But this I do that I may be a participator in the gospel.

1 Corinthians 10:1

1 BUT I would that you know, my brethren, that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all of them in the sea were baptized,

1 Corinthians 12:1-11

1 BUT concerning spirituals, my brethren, I wish you to know

1 Corinthians 12:1

1 BUT concerning spirituals, my brethren, I wish you to know 2 that you were Heathens, and unto idols which have no voice you were led without discernment.

1 Corinthians 12:2

2 that you were Heathens, and unto idols which have no voice you were led without discernment. 3 I therefore make known to you, that there is no man who by the Spirit of Aloha speaketh, and saith that Jeshu is accursed; [Cherem.] and no man also can say that Jeshu is THE LORD unless by the Spirit of Holiness. 4 Now, there are distributions of gifts, but one is the Spirit; 5 and there are distributions of ministries, but one is the Lord; 6 and distributions of powers, but one is Aloha, who worketh all in every man. 7 But to each is given (such) a revelation of the Spirit as is profitable to him. 8 To one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom, but to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 and to another, faith by the same Spirit; and to another, the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 but to another, powers; to another, prophecy; to another, the discernment of spirits; but to another, kinds of tongues; and to another, the interpretation of tongues. 11 But all these one Spirit effecteth, and divideth unto every man as he willeth.

1 Corinthians 14:11

11 but if I do not know the power of the voice, I become as a barbarian to him who speaks, and he also who speaks is a barbarian to me.

1 Corinthians 14:14-15

14 For if I am praying in a tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my mind is without fruit. 15 What shall I do then? I will pray with my spirit, and I will pray with my mind; and I will sing with my spirit, and I will sing with my mind. 16 Otherwise, if thou bless with the spirit, how shall he who filleth the place of the unlearned [Hediuto.] say Amen to thy thanksgiving? for he knoweth not what thou sayest.

1 Corinthians 14:23-24

23 If then all the church be assembled, and all of you speak with tongues, and the ignorant, or those who believe not enter, will they not say you are insane? 24 And if all should prophesy, and there come in to you the ignorant, or of those who believe not, he is convicted [Or, searched.] by you all, and reproved by you all;

1 Corinthians 14:24-25

24 And if all should prophesy, and there come in to you the ignorant, or of those who believe not, he is convicted [Or, searched.] by you all, and reproved by you all; 25 and the secrets of his heart are revealed; and then will he fall upon his face and worship Aloha, and say, Truly Aloha is in you.

1 Corinthians 15:2

2 and by which you are saved; of which, the word I have preached to you, you are mindful, unless you have vainly believed.

1 Corinthians 15:8-10

8 but last of them all, as of an abortion, he was seen also of me. 9 I am the least of the apostles, and am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of Aloha: 10 but by the grace of Aloha I am what I am; and his grace in me was not in vain; but more than all have I laboured, (yet) not I, but his grace which is with me.

1 Corinthians 15:10

10 but by the grace of Aloha I am what I am; and his grace in me was not in vain; but more than all have I laboured, (yet) not I, but his grace which is with me.

1 Corinthians 15:34

34 AWAKEN your hearts rightly, and sin not; for there are some who have not the knowledge of Aloha; to your shame I say it.

1 Corinthians 16:23

23 The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with you.

2 Corinthians 1:1

1 PAULOS, apostle of Jeshu Meshiha, by the will of Aloha; and Timotheos a brother: to the church of Aloha which is in Kurinthos, and to all the saints who are in all Akaia.

2 Corinthians 1:1-2

1 PAULOS, apostle of Jeshu Meshiha, by the will of Aloha; and Timotheos a brother: to the church of Aloha which is in Kurinthos, and to all the saints who are in all Akaia. 2 Grace be with you and peace, from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.

2 Corinthians 1:8

8 FOR I would have you to know, my brethren, of the affliction that befell us in Asia: for we were greatly pressed beyond our strength, until our life was nigh to be dissolved,

2 Corinthians 1:15-16

15 And in this confidence I have willed from the first to come to you, that doubly you may receive benefit, 16 and that I may pass by you to Makedunia, and again from Makedunia I may come to you, and you may lead me forth unto Jihud.

2 Corinthians 1:21

21 But Aloha himself confirmeth us with you in the Meshiha, who himself hath anointed us,

2 Corinthians 1:23

23 BUT I testify to Aloha on my soul that because I am sparing of you, I have not come to Kurinthos.

2 Corinthians 2:1-3

1 But I have determined this in myself, that I will not with sorrow again come to you. 2 For if I grieve you, who shall refresh me, but he whom I had grieved? 3 And I have written to you this very [epistle], lest when I come they grieve me, they who ought to refresh me. But I confide in you, that my joy is that of all of you.

2 Corinthians 2:12

12 WHEN, in preaching the gospel of the Meshiha, I had come to Troas, and a door was opened to me by the Lord,

2 Corinthians 2:14

14 But thanks unto Aloha, who in all time maketh us a triumph in the Meshiha, and maketh manifest by us the perfume of his knowledge in every place.

2 Corinthians 2:14-16

14 But thanks unto Aloha, who in all time maketh us a triumph in the Meshiha, and maketh manifest by us the perfume of his knowledge in every place. 15 For we are a fragrant perfume in the Meshiha unto Aloha in those who are saved, and in those who perish. 16 To these as a perfume of death unto death, and to those as a perfume of life unto life. And unto these who is equal?

2 Corinthians 3:5-6

5 For we are not sufficient to think any thing as of ourselves; but our power is from Aloha, 6 who hath made us fit to be ministers of the new covenant, not in the writing, but in the spirit. For the writing killeth, but the Spirit maketh alive.

2 Corinthians 4:4

4 (to) them whose minds the god of this world hath blinded because they believe not; lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Meshiha, who is the image of Aloha, should arise upon them.

2 Corinthians 4:4-6

4 (to) them whose minds the god of this world hath blinded because they believe not; lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Meshiha, who is the image of Aloha, should arise upon them. 5 For we preach not ourselves, but the Meshiha, Jeshu our Lord; but ourselves that we are your servants for the sake of Jeshu.

2 Corinthians 4:5-6

5 For we preach not ourselves, but the Meshiha, Jeshu our Lord; but ourselves that we are your servants for the sake of Jeshu. 6 For Aloha, who said, Let light arise from darkness, hath arisen in our hearts; that we should be illuminated by the knowledge of the glory of Aloha in the face of Jeshu Meshiha.

2 Corinthians 7:4-7

4 GREAT is the freedom I have with you, and great in you is my glorying; I am full of consolation, and my joy greatly aboundeth in me in all my afflictions. 5 When, also, we had come into Makedunia, no repose had we for our body, but in every thing were we afflicted; without fighting, and within, fear. 6 But Aloha, who consoleth the humble, consoled us by the coming of Titos; 7 and not only by his coming, but also by his refreshment wherewith he had been refreshed among you. For he told us of your love toward us, and of your lamentation and your zeal on our behalf. And when I heard, my joy was great.

2 Corinthians 7:13

13 For this cause we were consoled, and with our consolation more abundantly did we rejoice in the joy of Titos; because his spirit had been refreshed with you all.

2 Corinthians 8:12

12 For if there be the will, according to what one hath, so is (he) accepted, and not according to what he hath not.

2 Corinthians 9:13

13 For on account of the proof of this service we glorify Aloha, because you are subject to the confession of the gospel of Meshiha, and you have communicated in simplicity with them and with every man. 14 And prayer they offer on your behalf in great love, on account of the greatness of the grace of Aloha which is upon you.

2 Corinthians 10:4-6

4 For the armour of our warfare is not of the flesh, but of the power of Aloha; and by it we cast down the strong-holds of rebels,

2 Corinthians 10:4-5

4 For the armour of our warfare is not of the flesh, but of the power of Aloha; and by it we cast down the strong-holds of rebels, 5 and demolish reasonings and every lofty thing that is exalted against the knowledge of Aloha, and captivate all thoughts unto the obedience of the Meshiha.

2 Corinthians 10:5-5

5 and demolish reasonings and every lofty thing that is exalted against the knowledge of Aloha, and captivate all thoughts unto the obedience of the Meshiha.

2 Corinthians 10:5

5 and demolish reasonings and every lofty thing that is exalted against the knowledge of Aloha, and captivate all thoughts unto the obedience of the Meshiha. 6 And we are prepared to execute the punishment of those who obey not, when your obedience shall be fulfilled.

2 Corinthians 10:12

12 For we dare not value or compare ourselves with those who glorify themselves; but because they compare themselves with themselves, they do not understand. 13 For we do not boast beyond our measure, but in the measure of the boundary which Aloha hath apportioned to us, that we might come also unto you. 14 For it is not as not reaching to you [by divine appointment] we extend ourselves; for unto you we come with the gospel of the Meshiha. 15 Neither boast we beyond our measure in the labour of others; but we have hope, that with the increase of your faith, we shall be enlarged according to our measure;

2 Corinthians 10:15

15 Neither boast we beyond our measure in the labour of others; but we have hope, that with the increase of your faith, we shall be enlarged according to our measure; 16 and be progressive also beyond you to evangelize. Not as within the measure of others in the things that are prepared will we glory.

2 Corinthians 11:4

4 For if he who hath come to you shall preach to you another Jeshu, whom we have not preached, or you receive another Spirit which you have not received or another gospel which you have not accepted, you would have been well persuaded. 5 For I consider that I am nothing inferior to those apostles who are most excellent.

2 Corinthians 11:10-11

10 The truth of the Meshiha is in me, that this boasting shall not be abolished respecting me in the regions of Akaia. 11 Why? because I love you not? Aloha himself knoweth!

2 Corinthians 11:19

19 For you are content to listen to the feebleminded, you yourselves being wise.

2 Corinthians 11:31

31 Aloha, the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, the Blessed for ever and ever, knoweth that I lie not.

2 Corinthians 12:8-10

8 Concerning this three times I entreated of my Lord that it might be removed from me. 9 And he said to me, My grace sufficeth thee; for my power in weakness is perfected. Gladly therefore will I boast in my infirmities, that the power of the Meshiha may overshadow me. 10 For this cause I am willing in infirmities, in reviling, in affliction, in persecutions, in distresses, for the sake of the Meshiha; for when I am weak, then am I strong. 11 Behold, I have been deficient in mind in my boasting, because you have constrained me; for you were debtors to bear witness concerning me; because in nothing am I less than those apostles who are the most eminent, nevertheless I am not any thing.

2 Corinthians 12:20

20 For I fear lest, when I come to you, I should not find you as I wish, but should find you what you would not wish: lest there be contention and envy, and wrath and angry talk, and accusations and murmurings, and pompousness and agitation:

2 Corinthians 13:4

4 - for though he was crucified in weakness, yet he liveth with the power of Aloha: - so also we are weak with you, but we live with him through the power of Aloha which is among you. 5 Prove yourselves, whether in the faith itself you stand; try yourselves. Are you not assured that Jeshu the Meshiha is in you, if you be not reprobates? 6 But I trust you will know that we are not reprobate. 7 But I implore of Aloha that there may not be any thing in you that is evil, that our proving may be seen; but that you may do good, and that we may be as unproved.

2 Corinthians 13:14


Galatians 1:1

1 PAULOS, an apostle, not from men, nor by men, but by Jeshu the Meshiha, and Aloha his Father, who raised him from among the dead,

Galatians 1:3-4

3 Grace be with you and peace, from Aloha the Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, 4 who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from this evil world, according to the will of Aloha our Father:

Galatians 1:6

6 I am amazed how soon you have been turned from the Meshiha himself, who called you by his grace, unto another gospel, 7 which it is not; but there are men who disturb you, and (who) wish to remove you from the gospel of the Meshiha.

Galatians 1:10-17

10 For now do I persuade men, or Aloha? or do I seek to please men? For if until now I had pleased men, I should not have been the servant of the Meshiha. 11 BUT I make known to you, my brethren, that the gospel which is preached by me was not from man: 12 for neither from man had I received it and taught it, but by the revelation of Jeshu the Meshiha. 13 For you have heard of my former manners in Judaism,[Yehudoyutha.] that I exceedingly persecuted the church of Aloha, and made it desolate. 14 And I excelled in Judaism more than many of the sons of my years who were of my kindred, and was exceedingly zealous for the doctrine of my fathers. 15 But, when He willed who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace,

Galatians 1:15-16

15 But, when He willed who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, 16 to reveal his Son in me, that I should preach among the nations, immediately I did not disclose to flesh and to blood;

Galatians 1:16-16

16 to reveal his Son in me, that I should preach among the nations, immediately I did not disclose to flesh and to blood; 17 neither went I to Urishlem, to the apostles who were before me, but I went into Arabia, and again returned unto Darmsuk.

Galatians 1:20

20 But these which I write to you, behold, before Aloha, [I aver] that I lie not.

Galatians 2:8-9

8 for he who wrought effectually with Kipha for the apostleship of the circumcision wrought effectually also with me for the apostleship of the Gentiles; and knowing the grace which had been given to me, 9 Jakub and Kipha and Juchanon, who were considered to be pillars, the right hand of fellowship gave to me and to Bar Naba, that we (should preach) among the Gentiles, and they among the circumcision:

Galatians 3:2-5

2 This only would I know from you: Through the works of the law received you the Spirit, or through the hearing of faith? 3 Are you so foolish [Saklin atun.] that having begun in the Spirit you are now finishing in the flesh? 4 And all these have you borne in vain? But would it be in vain? 5 Then, he who imparted to you the Spirit, and wrought miracles among you, (did he so) through the works of the law, or through the hearing of faith?

Galatians 3:11

11 But that man is not justified by the law before Aloha, this maketh manifest: because it is written, The just by faith shall live.

Galatians 4:4

4 But when the fulness of the time had come, Aloha sent his Son, and made from a woman, and made under the law,

Galatians 6:18

18 The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with your spirit, my brethren. Amen.

Ephesians 1:1

1 PAULOS, an apostle of Jeshu Meshiha by the will of Aloha, to those who are in Ephesos, saints and believers in Jeshu Meshiha: 2 peace be with you, and grace from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.

Ephesians 1:6

6 that the glory of his grace might be glorified, that (grace) which he hath poured upon us by the hand of his Beloved:

Ephesians 1:11

11 And by him we have been chosen, even as he predesignated and willed, who worketh all according to the mind of his will; 12 that we who first hoped in the Meshiha, should be to the honour of his glory. In whom you also heard the word of truth, which is the gospel of your salvation; 13 and in whom you believed and were sealed with the Spirit of Holiness who was promised;

Ephesians 1:15

15 ON account of this, behold, I also, since I heard of your faith in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and your love to all the saints, 16 have not ceased to give thanks on your behalf, and to remember you in my prayers; 17 that the God of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, the Father of glory, would give to you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in his knowledge, 18 and would enlighten the eyes of your hearts to know what is the hope of his calling, 19 and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance for the saints, and what is the inheritance of his power in us who believe, according to the operation of the might of his power,

Ephesians 1:19-19

19 and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance for the saints, and what is the inheritance of his power in us who believe, according to the operation of the might of his power, 20 which he wrought in the Meshiha, and raised him from among the dead, and set him at his right hand in heaven, 21 above all the principalities, and powers, and mighty ones, and rulers, and above every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in (that) to come; 22 and subjected every thing beneath his feet: and Him who is over all he hath given to be the head of the church, 23 which is His body, the completeness of Him who all in all completeth.

Ephesians 3:2-9

2 if you have heard the dispensation of the grace of Aloha which was given me for you; 3 that by revelation he made known to me the mystery, as I have written to you in few (words); 4 so that while you read you are able to understand my knowledge of the mystery of the Meshiha, 5 which in other generations was not known to the sons of men, as it hath now been revealed to his holy apostles and to his prophets by the Spirit;

Ephesians 3:5-9

5 which in other generations was not known to the sons of men, as it hath now been revealed to his holy apostles and to his prophets by the Spirit; 6 that the Gentiles should be sons of his inheritance and partakers of his body, and in the promise which is given concerning him by the gospel,

Ephesians 3:6-9

6 that the Gentiles should be sons of his inheritance and partakers of his body, and in the promise which is given concerning him by the gospel, 7 of which I am made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of Aloha, which he hath given me by the operation of his power.

Ephesians 3:7-9

7 of which I am made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of Aloha, which he hath given me by the operation of his power. 8 To me, who am the least of all the saints, is given this grace, that I should preach among the Gentiles the riches of the Meshiha, which are not searched; 9 and to bring to light unto all men what is the dispensation of the mystery which was hidden from the ages in Aloha, who created all:

Ephesians 3:14-21

14 and I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, 15 from whom is named the whole family [Abohutho, paternity.] who are in heaven and in earth; 16 that he would give to you, according to the riches of his glory, with power to be confirmed by his Spirit in your interior man; 17 that the Meshiha may dwell by faith in your hearts in love; your root and your foundations being confirmed, 18 that you may be able to follow out with all the saints, what the height, and depth, and the length, and breadth; 19 and know the grandeur of the love of the Meshiha, and be filled with all the fulness of Aloha. 20 But to Him who is able with power beyond all to do for us above what we ask or conceive, according to his power which worketh in us, 21 to Him be glory in his church, by Jeshu Meshiha, in all ages, for ever and ever. Amen.

Ephesians 3:21-21

21 to Him be glory in his church, by Jeshu Meshiha, in all ages, for ever and ever. Amen.

Ephesians 4:5

5 For one is the Lord, and one the faith, and one the baptism;

Ephesians 4:8-12

8 Wherefore it is said, He ascended on high; he led captive captivity, and gave gifts unto men. 9 But he who ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the low places of the earth? 10 He who descended, is he who also ascended above all the heavens, to fulfil all. 11 And he gave some who (are) apostles, and some who (are) prophets, and some who (are) evangelists, and some who (are) pastors, and some who (are) doctors;

Ephesians 4:11-12

11 And he gave some who (are) apostles, and some who (are) prophets, and some who (are) evangelists, and some who (are) pastors, and some who (are) doctors; 12 for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edification of the (church of the) Meshiha,

Ephesians 4:17-18

17 BUT this I say and testify in the Lord, that from henceforth you may not walk as the rest of the Gentiles, who walk in the vanity of their minds, 18 and are darkened in their understandings, and are alienated from the life of Aloha on account of their ignorance,[Or, because they have not knowledge.] and on account of the blindness of their hearts;

Ephesians 4:18-19

18 and are darkened in their understandings, and are alienated from the life of Aloha on account of their ignorance,[Or, because they have not knowledge.] and on account of the blindness of their hearts; 19 who are cut off from their hope, and have delivered themselves up to lasciviousness and to the working of all uncleanness in their greediness.

Ephesians 4:19

19 who are cut off from their hope, and have delivered themselves up to lasciviousness and to the working of all uncleanness in their greediness.

Ephesians 5:4

4 neither filthiness, nor words of folly, or of jeering, or fables, which are not necessary, but, instead of these, thanksgiving.

Ephesians 5:6

6 lest any man deceive you with vain words; for because of these cometh the anger of Aloha upon the sons of disobedience.

Ephesians 5:12

12 For that which in secrecy they do it is execrable even to mention.

Ephesians 5:15-17

15 See then that you walk vigilantly, not as fools, 16 but as the wise who redeem their opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 On account of this, be not wanting in mind, but understand what is the will of Aloha.

Ephesians 5:20

20 And give thanks always on behalf of every man in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha unto Aloha the Father.

Ephesians 6:18

18 And with all prayers, and with all supplications, pray at all times in the Spirit, and in that prayer be watchful in all seasons, praying constantly and invoking on behalf of all the saints;

Ephesians 6:23-Philippians 1:2

23 Peace be with the brethren, and love with faith from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.

Philippians 1:1

1 PAULOS and Timotheus, servants of Jeshu the Meshiha, to all the saints who are in Jeshu Meshiha at Philipos, with the presbyters and deacons.

Philippians 1:3

3 I offer thanks unto Aloha upon the remembrance of you constantly, 4 in all my prayers on your behalf; and while rejoicing, I pray,

Philippians 1:8-11

8 For Aloha is my witness how I love you with the bowels of Jeshu Meshiha.

Philippians 1:8

8 For Aloha is my witness how I love you with the bowels of Jeshu Meshiha. 9 And this I pray, that your love may still increase and abound in knowledge and in all spiritual understanding; 10 that you may distinguish those things that are proper, and may be pure and without offence in the day of the Meshiha, 11 and filled with the fruits of righteousness which are in Jeshu Meshiha, to the glory and the honour of Aloha.

Philippians 1:11-11

11 and filled with the fruits of righteousness which are in Jeshu Meshiha, to the glory and the honour of Aloha.

Philippians 2:11

11 and that every tongue should confess that Jeshu the Meshiha is the Lord, to the glory of Aloha his Father.

Philippians 2:22

22 But the proof of this [evangelist] you know, that as a son with his father, so hath he wrought with me in the gospel. Him, therefore,

Philippians 2:26

26 for he desired to see you all, and was anxious, because he knew that you had heard that he was sick.

Philippians 3:3

3 For the circumcision are we, who serve Aloha in the spirit, and glory in Jeshu the Meshiha, and confide not on the flesh.

Philippians 3:6-7

6 in zeal, a persecutor of the church; and in the righteousness of the law, without fault have I been. 7 But these things which were my gain, I have reckoned loss for the Meshiha;

Philippians 3:9

9 and be found in him, not having my own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is by the faith of the Meshiha, which is righteousness that is from Aloha:

Philippians 4:1

1 Wherefore, my brethren, beloved and tenderly-regarded, my joy and my crown, so stand in our Lord, my beloved.

Philippians 4:6

6 For nothing be anxious; but in all time, with prayer and with supplication, let your requests be made known before Aloha:

Philippians 4:13

13 for every thing I am empowered through the Meshiha who strengtheneth me.

Philippians 4:17

17 Not because I seek the gift, but I seek that fruit may multiply unto you.

Philippians 4:20

20 To Aloha our Father be praise and glory to the age of ages. Amen.

Philippians 4:23

23 The grace of our Lord Jeshu the Meshiha be with you all. Amen.

Colossians 1:1

1 PAULOS, an apostle of Jeshu the Meshiha by the will of Aloha, and the brother Timotheos, 2 to those who are in Kulosos, the holy brethren and believers in Jeshu Meshiha: peace be with you, and grace from Aloha our Father. 3 We give thanks to Aloha the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha in all time, and pray on your behalf,

Colossians 1:5-6

5 for the hope which is kept for you in heaven, which at the first you heard through the word of the truth of the gospel, 6 which is preached to you, as also to all the world, and increaseth and giveth fruits, as also in you from the day that you heard, and knew the grace of Aloha in truth,

Colossians 1:6-6

6 which is preached to you, as also to all the world, and increaseth and giveth fruits, as also in you from the day that you heard, and knew the grace of Aloha in truth,

Colossians 1:9-13

9 ON account of this also we, from the day that we heard, have not ceased to pray for you, and to supplicate that you may be filled with the knowledge of the will of Aloha in all wisdom and in all spiritual understanding, 10 and may walk according to that which is just, and may please Aloha in all good works, and may yield fruit, and increase in the knowledge of Aloha; 11 and in all power be empowered according to the greatness of his glory in all patience and prolongedness of spirit: 12 and with joy may give thanks to Aloha the Father, who hath fitted us for a portion [Or, made us adequate to a portion.] of the inheritance of the saints in light, 13 and hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and brought us into the kingdom of his beloved Son,

Colossians 1:13-13

13 and hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and brought us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption and the forgiveness of sins: 15 who is the image of Aloha the unseen,[Or, Aloha who is not seen.] and the first-born of all the creatures.

Colossians 1:15

15 who is the image of Aloha the unseen,[Or, Aloha who is not seen.] and the first-born of all the creatures.

Colossians 1:21

21 YOU also, who before were aliens and adversaries in your minds by your evil works,

Colossians 1:25

25 of which I am made a minister according to the dispensation of Aloha, which was given to me for you, to accomplish the word of Aloha;

Colossians 1:28-29

28 whom we proclaim, and (concerning whom) we teach and inform every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Jeshu Meshiha; 29 for which also I labour and contend, according to the help of the power which is given to me.

Colossians 2:9

9 in whom dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Colossians 3:6

6 For on account of these cometh the anger of Aloha upon the sons of disobedience.[Or, perverseness.]

Colossians 3:11

11 where there is not Jihudoya and Aramoya, nor circumcision and uncircumcision, nor Javanoya and Barbaroya, nor slave and freeman, but the Meshiha is all and in all. 12 Wear, therefore, as the chosen of Aloha, saints and beloved, compassions and tenderness, and benignity, and lowliness of mind, and composure, and patience.

Colossians 3:15

15 And let the peace of the Meshiha direct your hearts, for to it you have been called in one body; and give thanks to the Meshiha,

1 Thessalonians 1:1

1 PAULOS, and Sylvanos, and Timotheos, to the church of the Thesalonikoyee which (is) in Aloha the Father, and in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. Grace be with you and peace. 2 We give thanks to Aloha at all time for you all and are mindful of you in our prayers constantly, 3 and remember before Aloha the Father the works of your faith, and the labour of your love, and the perseverance of your hope, which is in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.

1 Thessalonians 1:5-6

5 because our preaching was not in words only with you, but with power, and with the Spirit of Holiness, and with the persuasion of truth. Also you know how we were among you, on account of you; 6 and you became imitators of us and of our Lord, and you received the word in great affliction, and with the joy of the Spirit of Holiness,

1 Thessalonians 1:8-9

8 For from you was made to be heard the word of our Lord, not only in Makedunia and in Akaia, but in every place your faith which is in Aloha was made to be heard, so that we have no need to say of you any thing.

1 Thessalonians 1:8-10

8 For from you was made to be heard the word of our Lord, not only in Makedunia and in Akaia, but in every place your faith which is in Aloha was made to be heard, so that we have no need to say of you any thing. 9 For they learned what an entrance we had unto you, and how you turned to Aloha, from the fear of idols, to worship Aloha the living and the true;

1 Thessalonians 1:9-10

9 For they learned what an entrance we had unto you, and how you turned to Aloha, from the fear of idols, to worship Aloha the living and the true;

1 Thessalonians 1:9

9 For they learned what an entrance we had unto you, and how you turned to Aloha, from the fear of idols, to worship Aloha the living and the true; 10 awaiting his Son from heaven, Jeshu himself, whom he raised from among the dead, and who delivered us from the wrath that cometh.

1 Thessalonians 1:10-10

10 awaiting his Son from heaven, Jeshu himself, whom he raised from among the dead, and who delivered us from the wrath that cometh.

1 Thessalonians 2:2

2 but having suffered before and been shamefully treated, as you know, in Philipos, and then (even) in great conflict we spoke with you with the confidence of our God the gospel of the Meshiha.

1 Thessalonians 2:5-10

5 For never have we used flattering speech, as you know, nor for an occasion of covetousness, Aloha witnesseth. 6 Neither have we sought glory from men, either from you or from others, though we could have been honoured ones, as the apostles of the Meshiha; 7 but we were humble among you, and, as a nurse who loveth her children, 8 so also we loved, and were desirous to impart to you, not only the gospel of Aloha, but also our life, because we loved you. 9 Remember, therefore, my brethren, how we laboured and toiled in the work of our hands by night and by day, that we might not be a burden on one of you. 10 You witness and Aloha, how we preached to you the gospel of Aloha, purely and justly, and were without blame with all the faithful.

1 Thessalonians 2:12

12 and (now) we testify to you how you should walk worthy of Aloha himself who hath called you to his kingdom and to his glory. 13 WHEREFORE we also give thanks constantly unto Aloha, that the word of Aloha which you received from us, was not as the word of man (that) you received (it), but, as it is truly, the word of Aloha, which in operation worketh (alike) in you and in all them who believe.

1 Thessalonians 2:13

13 WHEREFORE we also give thanks constantly unto Aloha, that the word of Aloha which you received from us, was not as the word of man (that) you received (it), but, as it is truly, the word of Aloha, which in operation worketh (alike) in you and in all them who believe. 14 But you, my brethren, have become like the churches of Aloha which are in Jihud, who are in Jeshu Meshiha, because you likewise suffer [Bear, sustain.] from your fellow-country-men,[Sons of your tribe.] as they also from the Jihudoyee;

1 Thessalonians 2:17-20

17 BUT we, my brethren, having been bereaved-ones of you the time of an hour, as to our presence,[In our faces.] but not in our heart, have been the more solicitous to see your faces with great love, 18 and have wished to come to you (even) I, Paulos, one time and two; but Satana hindered me.

1 Thessalonians 2:18-20

18 and have wished to come to you (even) I, Paulos, one time and two; but Satana hindered me. 19 For what is our hope and our joy, and the crown of our glorying, but you, before our Lord Jeshu at his coming? 20 For you are our glory and our joy.

1 Thessalonians 3:2

2 and to send to you Timotheos our brother, a minister of Aloha and our helper in the gospel of the Meshiha, to fortify you, and inquire of you concerning your faith,

1 Thessalonians 3:7-10

7 on this account we were comforted in you, my brethren, in all our anxieties and our afflictions because of your faith. 8 And now we live, if you are established in our Lord. 9 For what thanks giving can we render on account of you to Aloha, over all the joy with which we rejoice on your behalf, 10 unless before Aloha we supplicate exceedingly by night and by day to see your faces, and to perfect what is wanting to your faith?

1 Thessalonians 3:10-11

10 unless before Aloha we supplicate exceedingly by night and by day to see your faces, and to perfect what is wanting to your faith?

1 Thessalonians 3:10-10

10 unless before Aloha we supplicate exceedingly by night and by day to see your faces, and to perfect what is wanting to your faith? 11 But Aloha himself, the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, will make straight our way to you,

1 Thessalonians 3:11-11

11 But Aloha himself, the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, will make straight our way to you, 12 and he will cause your love to increase to one another, and to every man, even as we love you; 13 and will establish your hearts without blame in holiness, before Aloha our Father, at the advent of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha with all his saints.

1 Thessalonians 3:13

13 and will establish your hearts without blame in holiness, before Aloha our Father, at the advent of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha with all his saints.

1 Thessalonians 4:4

4 and that every man of you know to possess his vessel in sanctification and in honour, 5 and not in the passions of concupiscence, as the rest of the Gentiles who know not Aloha.

1 Thessalonians 4:7

7 For Aloha hath not called us to uncleanness, but unto sanctification.

1 Thessalonians 4:13

13 BUT I wish you to know, my brethren, that for those who are asleep you should not have sorrow, as the rest of men, who have no hope.

1 Thessalonians 5:17

17 and pray without ceasing,

1 Thessalonians 5:28-2 Thessalonians 1:2

28 The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with you. Amen.

2 Thessalonians 1:8

8 when he executeth the punishment, with burning of fire, on them who have not known Aloha, and on them who have not acknowledged the gospel of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.

2 Thessalonians 2:4

4 He who is the adversary, and is exalted over all who is called God and Venerable; so that also in the temple of Aloha as Aloha he will sit, and will make manifest of himself as that he is Aloha.

2 Thessalonians 2:7

7 For the mystery of iniquity already beginneth to be effective; only if that which now holdeth be taken from the midst,

2 Thessalonians 2:10

10 and with all unrighteous deception which is done in them who perish, because they have not received the love of the truth by which they might have been saved.

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

10 and with all unrighteous deception which is done in them who perish, because they have not received the love of the truth by which they might have been saved. 11 Wherefore Aloha will send them the working of deception, that they will believe the lie, 12 and all of them will be judged who have not believed in the truth, but have had pleasure in unrighteousness. 13 But we are bound to give thanks unto Aloha at all time for you, our brethren, beloved in our Lord, because Aloha hath chosen you from the beginning unto salvation, by sanctification of the Spirit, and by the belief of the truth. 14 For unto these Aloha called you by our preaching, that you should be the glory of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.

2 Thessalonians 2:14

14 For unto these Aloha called you by our preaching, that you should be the glory of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

16 But our Lord Jeshu Meshiha himself, and Aloha our Father, who hath loved us, and given us everlasting consolation,[Or, the consolation of eternity.] and a good hope through grace, 17 will comfort your hearts, and establish in every word and in every work of good.

2 Thessalonians 2:17

17 will comfort your hearts, and establish in every word and in every work of good.

2 Thessalonians 3:3

3 But the Lord is faithful, who will keep you and deliver you from evil.

2 Thessalonians 3:16

16 But the Lord of peace himself will give you peace always, in every thing. Our Lord be with you all.

2 Thessalonians 3:18

18 The grace of Jeshu Meshiha be with you all, my brethren. Amen.

1 Timothy 1:1

1 PAULOS, an apostle of Jeshu Meshiha, by the commandment of Aloha our Saviour, and of Jeshu Meshiha our hope; 2 to Timotheos, my true son in the faith: grace and mercy and peace from Aloha our Father and Jeshu Meshiha our Lord.

1 Timothy 1:10

10 and fornicators, and liers with men, and stealers of the free, and liars, and doers against an oath and whatever (else) is opposed to the healthful doctrine 11 of the gospel of the glory of the blessed Aloha, with which I have been intrusted.

1 Timothy 1:11

11 of the gospel of the glory of the blessed Aloha, with which I have been intrusted. 12 And I thank him who hath empowered me, our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, who accounted me faithful, and constituted me his minister;

1 Timothy 1:15-16

15 Faithful is the word, and worthy of reception that Jeshu the Meshiha came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am first. 16 But for this he had compassion upon me, that in me first Jeshu Meshiha might show all long-suffering, as an exhibition [Or, spectacle.] for them who should believe in him unto everlasting life. 17 But to the King who is eternal, incorruptible, and unseen, who is one Aloha, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

1 Timothy 2:7

7 of which I am constituted an herald and an apostle, I say the truth and lie not, to be a teacher of the nations in the faith of the truth.

1 Timothy 3:16

16 And truly great is this mystery of righteousness,[Kinutho.] which was revealed in the flesh, and justified by the Spirit, and seen of angels, and preached among the peoples, and believed in the world, and taken up into glory.

1 Timothy 4:1-2

1 But the Spirit distinctly saith, that in the last times some will remove from the faith, and will go after deceiving spirits, and after doctrines of demons. 2 These, with a false appearance, will deceive, speaking a lie, and seared in their conscience,

1 Timothy 6:2

2 But let not those who have believing masters slight them, because they are their brethren; but serve them the more, because they are believers, and beloved who are refreshed by their ministry. These things teach and require of them.

1 Timothy 6:16

16 he who only is incorruptible, and (who) dwelleth in light which no man can approach; whom no man of men hath seen, nor is able to see: to him be honour and power for ever and ever. Amen.

2 Timothy 1:2

2 to Timotheos my beloved son: grace and mercies and peace from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. 3 I thank Aloha, whom I serve from my fathers with a pure conscience, that constantly I remember thee in my prayers of the night and of the day; 4 and have longed to see thee, being mindful of thy tears, that I may be filled with joy:

2 Timothy 1:8

8 Wherefore be not thou ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner; but sustain evil with the gospel, through the power of Aloha, 9 who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling; not according to our works, but according to his will, and that grace of his which was given to us in Jeshu Meshiha before the time of the worlds,

2 Timothy 1:11

11 of which I am appointed an herald and an apostle and a teacher of the nations: 12 on account of which I suffer these, and am not ashamed. I know in whom I have believed, and am persuaded that there is power in his hands my deposite to keep for me unto that day.

2 Timothy 1:16

16 Our Lord give mercies to the house of Onesiphoros, who many times hath refreshed me, and of the chains of my bonds hath not been ashamed.

2 Timothy 2:8

8 Remember Jeshu Meshiha, that he arose from among the dead, he who is of the seed of David, according to my gospel;

2 Timothy 2:10

10 Therefore I endure every thing on account of the elect, that they also may find salvation in Jeshu Meshiha, with the glory that is eternal.

2 Timothy 2:20-22

20 But in a great house there are not vessels of gold only or of silver, but also of wood, also of clay: of them (some are) to honour, and of them (some) to dishonour. 21 If a man then purify himself from these, he will be a pure vessel unto honour, fitted for the use of his Lord, and prepared for every good work. 22 From all the lusts of youth escape; and pursue [Or, run after.] after righteousness, and faith, and charity, and peace, with them who call upon the Lord with a pure heart.

2 Timothy 3:2

2 and men will be lovers of themselves, and lovers of money, boastful, lofty, blasphemous, to their men not obedient, deniers of grace, impious, 3 calumniators, subjected to lust, brutal, haters of the good, 4 traitors, impetuous,[Or, hasty.] puffed up, lovers of lusts rather than the love of Aloha;

2 Timothy 3:8

8 But as Yonis and Yanbris stood against Musha, so also these stand against the truth: men whose understanding is corrupted, and reprobate from the faith.

2 Timothy 4:17

17 But my Lord stood with me, that by me the preaching might be fulfilled, and (that) all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered from the mouth of the lion.

2 Timothy 4:22

22 Our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with thy spirit. Grace be with thee. Amen.

Titus 1:1

1 PAULOS, a servant of Aloha, and apostle of Jeshu Meshiha, for the faith of the chosen ones of Aloha, and the knowledge of the truth which is in the fear of Aloha; 2 unto the hope of eternal life, which Aloha the true counselled before the times of the ages,

Titus 1:4

4 To Titos, my true son in the common faith. Grace and peace from Aloha the Father and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha our Saviour.

Titus 1:16

16 And they profess to know Aloha, but in their works they deny him, and are abominable and disobedient, and reprobate to every good work.

Titus 3:3

3 For we also were afore-time without understanding, and disobedient and erring, and were subjected to various lusts; and in malice, and in envy we conversed, and were hateful, and also hating one another.

Philemon 1:3

3 Grace be with thee, and peace, from Aloha our Father, and from our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. 4 I give thanks to Aloha at all time, and remember thee in my prayers.

Philemon 1:8

8 Wherefore I have great confidence in the Meshiha to command thee those acts which are righteous,

Philemon 1:22

22 But at once also prepare me a house of lodging, for I hope through your prayers I shall be given to you.

Philemon 1:25

25 The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with your spirit, my brethren. Amen.

Hebrews 3:1

1 Wherefore, my holy brethren, who have been called with the calling that [is] from heaven, contemplate this Apostle and High Priest of our confession, JESHU MESHIHA!

Hebrews 4:12

12 For living is the Word of Aloha, and all-acting, and more penetrating than a two-edged sword,[The sword of two mouths.] and entereth to the separation of the soul and the spirit, and of the joints, and of the marrow, and the bones, and discerneth the reasonings and counsel of the heart.

Hebrews 5:4

4 Yet no man to himself taketh the honour, but he who is called by Aloha, as of Aharun.[Methkree men Aloha aicano d'Aharun.] 5 Thus also the Meshiha glorified not himself to be a High Priest; but He [invested him with that office] who said to him, Thou art my Son, I to-day have begotten thee. 6 So, too, in another place he saith, Thou art the Priest for ever, after the likeness of Malki-Zedek.

Hebrews 5:9

9 And so was he perfected, and became unto all them who obey him the Cause of eternal salvation;

Hebrews 7:26

26 For such an High Priest as this was adequate for us; pure, and without evil, and without spot; who was separate from sins, and exalted higher than heaven.

Hebrews 9:14

14 how much more then shall the blood of the Meshiha, who, by the Eternal Spirit, himself hath offered without spot unto Aloha, purify our conscience from dead works, to serve the Aloha the Living?

Hebrews 10:38

38 But the just by the faith of me shall live; but if he become weary,[Or, be cut off. ejq, abscidit, defecit, viribus defectus fuit. Ethpa. Excissus fuit; taedio affectus fuit. - SCHAFF.] my soul delighteth not in him.

Hebrews 11:6-7

6 But without faith it is not possible for man to please Aloha; for he who draweth near unto Aloha must believe that he is, and that of those who seek him he will be the rewarder. 7 By faith Nuch, when spoken with upon those things which had not been seen, feared, and made him the ark for the salvation of his family; [The sons of his house.] by which he condemned the world, and was an heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

Hebrews 11:27

27 By faith he forsook Metsreen, and feared not the wrath of the king; and hoped, as one who beheld Aloha who is the invisible.

Hebrews 13:9

9 UNTO strange and variable doctrines be not led away; for it is good that with grace we confirm our hearts, and not by meats, because they have not been helped who have walked in them.

Hebrews 13:15

15 By him,[By his hand.] therefore, let us offer up at all time unto Aloha the sacrifices of praise, which are the fruits of the lips which give thanks to his name.

Hebrews 13:19

19 And more especially I ask from you to do this, that I may be turned to you quickly.

James 1:1

1 JAKUB, a servant of Aloha and of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, unto the twelve tribes who are dispersed among the nations: Peace.

James 3:5

5 So also the tongue is a small member, and uplifteth itself. A little fire also burneth many forests; [Obee sagiyee mauqdo.]

James 3:17-18

17 But the wisdom that is from above is pure, and full of peace, and meekness, and obedience, and full of mercies and good fruits, and is without division, and faces accepteth not. 18 But the fruits of righteousness in quietness are sown by them who make peace.

James 4:15

15 For instead they should say, If the Lord will, and we live, we will do this or that. 16 They glory in their pride. All glorying such as this is from the Evil.

1 Peter 1:1-2

1 PETROS, an apostle of Jeshu Meshiha, to the chosen-ones and sojourners who are scattered in Pontos and in Galatia, and in Kapadukia, and in Asia, and in Bithunia: 2 them who are elected by the foreknowledge of Aloha the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, that they might be unto obedience, and unto the sprinkling of the blood of Jeshu Meshiha: grace and peace be multiplied with you.

1 Peter 1:11

11 and searched into, what time the Spirit of the Meshiha who dwelt in them showed and testified of the future sufferings of the Meshiha, and his glory which (should be) after them.

1 Peter 1:15

15 But be holy in all your conversations, as he is holy who calleth you;

1 Peter 1:18

18 while you know that not with silver which wasteth away, nor with gold, you have been redeemed from your vain works which you received from your fathers,

1 Peter 2:5

5 And you also as living stones are builded, and become a spiritual temple, and holy priests to offer sacrifices, which are acceptable before Aloha by Jeshu Meshiha.

1 Peter 2:9-10

9 But you are a chosen race, who minister as priests to the kingdom,[Damkahno lemalkutho.] a holy people, a congregation redeemed to announce the praises of him who hath called you from darkness to his transcendant light:

1 Peter 2:9

9 But you are a chosen race, who minister as priests to the kingdom,[Damkahno lemalkutho.] a holy people, a congregation redeemed to announce the praises of him who hath called you from darkness to his transcendant light: 10 those who before were not reputed a people, but now the people of Aloha; upon whom also mercies were not; but now, mercies are poured upon you.

1 Peter 2:21

21 For unto this have you been called; because the Meshiha also hath died for us, and left us this example, that in his steps we may walk.

1 Peter 4:3

3 For the time which hath passed sufficeth to have served the will of the Gentiles in indulgence, in drunkenness, in vileness, in revellings, and in the service of demons.

1 Peter 4:11

11 Whoever shall speak, as the word of Aloha let him speak and whoever ministereth, (he shall minister) as from the power which Aloha giveth to him, that in every thing which you do Aloha may be glorified through Jeshu Meshiha, whose are the glory and honour to the age of ages. Amen.

1 Peter 4:16

16 But if he suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify Aloha in that very name.

1 Peter 5:10

10 But the God of grace, who hath called us to his eternal glory by Jeshu Meshiha, will give to us while we endure these few afflictions to be strengthened, and confirmed, and established in him for ever.

1 Peter 5:12

12 These few, as I consider, I have written to you by the hands of Silvanos, a faithful brother; and I persuade and testify, that this is the true grace of Aloha, this wherein you stand.

2 Peter 1:1

1 SHEMUN PETROS, a servant of Jeshu Meshiha, to those who by faith the same in preciousness [Or, honour.] with us have been made equal, through the righteousness of our Lord and our Redeemer Jeshu Meshiha. 2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. 3 As He who all (things) which of the divine power are unto life and godliness [Dechalath Aloha, the fear, reverence, or worship of Aloha.] hath given (us), through the knowledge of Him who hath called us unto the glory of him and of virtue,[Or, excellence. B'teshbuchtho dileh va-damyathrutho.]

2 Peter 1:10

10 Upon this the more, my brethren, be careful, that by your good works your calling and your election you may confirm;[Or, make sure.] for, while you do these, you will never lapse; [Meshtarin, from shara, lapsus est, deliquit, transgressus est.]

2 Peter 1:12

12 Wherefore it doth not weary me to remind you constantly of these, that you may know well, and be established upon this truth.

2 Peter 1:21

21 For not by the will of man came any prophecy, but while by the Holy Spirit led spake the holy men of God.

2 Peter 2:18

18 For while they speak scoffing words of vanity, they allure with impure desires of the flesh those who almost escaped from them who have their conversation in error.

2 Peter 3:5

5 Unknown to them is this while they are willing, that the heaven was from of old, and the earth from the waters and through the waters [Men mäyo, vabyad mäyo komath.] subsisted, by the word of Aloha:

2 Peter 3:17-18

17 You therefore, my beloved, knowing this before, keep yourselves, lest, going after the error of those who are lawless, you fall from your support. 18 But increase in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and our Saviour Jeshu Meshiha, and (of) Aloha the Father, Whose be glory both now, and in all time, and to the days eternal. Amen.

1 John 1:3

3 And what we have seen and heard, we make known also to you, that you may have communion with us; and our communion is with the Father, and with his Son Jeshu the Meshiha.

1 John 2:15-16

15 Love not the world, nor any thing which is in it; for whoever loveth the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For every thing that is in the world, is the lust of the body, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of the world. These which are not of the Father, but they are from the world itself.

1 John 3:1

1 And see how great is the love of the Father toward us, that sons he hath called us, and also made us! Therefore the world doth not know us, because that it hath also not known him.

1 John 3:8

8 And he who doeth sin is of Satana, because that from the commencement Satana was a sinner. And for this cause did the Son of Aloha appear, that he might destroy the works of Satana.

1 John 3:23

23 And this is his commandment, That we believe in the name of his Son Jeshu Meshiha, and love one another, as he hath commanded us.

1 John 4:2-3

2 By this we know the Spirit of Aloha: Every spirit who confesseth that Jeshu Meshiha hath come in the flesh, is from Aloha. 3 And every spirit who confesseth not that Jeshu hath come in the flesh, is not from Aloha: but this is from that false meshiha, of whom you have heard that he cometh, and now is in the world already.

1 John 4:9-10

9 In this was made known the love of Aloha towards us, that Aloha sent his only Son into the world that we might live by him. 10 In this is love: it was not that we had loved Aloha, but that Aloha himself loved us, and sent his Son a propitiation for our sins.

1 John 4:15

15 Whosoever confesseth Jeshu that he is the Son of Aloha, in him Aloha abideth, and he abideth in Aloha.

1 John 5:1

1 WHOSOEVER believeth that Jeshu is the Meshiha of Aloha is born. And every one who loveth the Generator loveth also him who is generated of him.

1 John 5:5

5 For who (is he) that overcometh the world, but he who believeth that Jeshu is the Son of Aloha?

1 John 5:9-12

9 If the testimony of men we receive, how much greater is the testimony of Aloha? and this is the testimony which Aloha hath testified concerning his Son. 10 Whosoever believeth in the Son of Aloha hath this testimony in himself. Every one who believeth not Aloha hath made him a liar, in not believing the testimony that he hath testified concerning his Son.

1 John 5:10-12

10 Whosoever believeth in the Son of Aloha hath this testimony in himself. Every one who believeth not Aloha hath made him a liar, in not believing the testimony that he hath testified concerning his Son. 11 And this is the testimony, That the life which is eternal, Aloha hath given to us, and this life is in his Son.

1 John 5:11-12

11 And this is the testimony, That the life which is eternal, Aloha hath given to us, and this life is in his Son. 12 Every one who apprehendeth [Cul d'achid labro.] the Son, apprehendeth also life; and every one who apprehendeth not the Son of Aloha, hath not life.

1 John 5:12-12

12 Every one who apprehendeth [Cul d'achid labro.] the Son, apprehendeth also life; and every one who apprehendeth not the Son of Aloha, hath not life. 13 These I have written to you, that you may know that you have the life which is eternal, who believe in the name of the Son of Aloha.

1 John 5:20

20 And we know that the Son of Aloha hath come, and hath given us knowledge to know the truth, and to be in him in the truth, in his Son Jeshu the Meshiha. This is Aloha the true, and the life which is eternal.

2 John 1:3

3 Grace be with you and mercy and peace, from Aloha the Father, and from Jeshu Meshiha the Son of the Father, in truth and in love. 4 I have rejoiced much to have found of thy sons who walk in the truth, after the commandment we have received from the Father.

2 John 1:7

7 Because many deceivers are come out into the world who confess not that Jeshu Meshiha came in the flesh. This is the deceiver and antichrist.

3 John 1:3-4

3 For I have rejoiced greatly when the brethren have come, and have testified concerning thy integrity, even as in the truth thou walkest. 4 And greater joy than this I have not (than) when I hear that my sons walk in the truth.

Jude 1:1

1 JIHUDA, servant of Jeshu Meshiha, but brother of Jakub, to the called people, who are beloved of Aloha the Father, (and) in Jeshu Meshiha preserved:

Jude 1:1-2

1 JIHUDA, servant of Jeshu Meshiha, but brother of Jakub, to the called people, who are beloved of Aloha the Father, (and) in Jeshu Meshiha preserved: 2 Mercy and peace in love be multiplied unto you. 3 My beloved, while giving all diligence to write to you concerning our common salvation, it is needful for me to write to you, exhorting you (in particular) to do battle [D'aguno tebadun.] for the faith which was once delivered to the saints.

Jude 1:7

7 As Sadum and Omuro, and the cities which were around them, which in manner of them committed fornication, and went after other flesh, are lying under everlasting fire, condemned unto judgment.

Jude 1:10

10 But these the things which they know not revile; but through those by which naturally as the beasts they are swayed, they are corrupted.

Jude 1:16

16 These are they who murmur and complain of every thing, while walking according to their own desires; their mouth speaking portentous things, and extolling persons for the sake of gain.

Revelation 1:1

1 THE Revelation of Jeshu Meshiha, which Aloha gave unto him, to show unto his servants the things which must be done speedily; and which he made known, sending by his angel unto his servant Juhanon,

Revelation 1:4-5

4 Juhanon to the seven churches which are in Asia: grace to you and peace from him who is, and who was, and who cometh;[D'othe.] from the seven Spirits who are before his throne; 5 and from Jeshu Meshiha who is the faithful Witness, the First-born of the dead, and Head of the kings of the earth, who hath loved us, and released [Sharo, solvit.] us from our sins by his blood,

Revelation 1:18

18 and who liveth and who have been dead; and, behold, I am alive for ever and ever. Amen! And I have the keys of death and of Sheul.

Revelation 2:1

1 To the angel of the church which is in Ephesos, write: These saith the Holder of all,[Achid Kul.] and of the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven candlesticks of gold.

Revelation 2:8

8 And to the angel of the church which is in Smurna, write: These saith the First and the Last, who was dead, and liveth.

Revelation 2:12

12 And to the angel of the church which is in Pergamos, write: These saith he who hath the sharp sword with two edges.

Revelation 2:18

18 And to the angel and church* which is in Thiatiros, write: These saith the Son of Aloha, who hath his eyes as the flame of fire, and his feet like refined brass. [* So SCHAFF'S text, but not WALTON'S.]

Revelation 2:29-3:1

29 He who hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.

Revelation 3:7

7 And to the angel of the church which is in Philadelphia write: These saith the Holy, the True, who hath the key of David; who openeth and no man shutteth,9 and who shutteth [Lit. holdeth.] and no man openeth.

Revelation 3:14

14 And to the angel of the church which is in Ladikia write: These saith the Amen, the Witness, the faithful, the true, the Head of the creation of Aloha.

Revelation 3:22

22 He who hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.

Revelation 9:20

20 And the rest of men who were not killed by those plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons and idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood, which can neither see nor hear;

Revelation 14:7

7 saying with a great voice, Serve Aloha, and give him glory: for the hour of his judgment cometh: and worship him who made heaven and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

Revelation 15:4

4 Who shall not fear thee, Lord, and glorify thy name? For thou only art [good, Polyglot.] and holy and just; therefore all nations shall come and worship before thee; because thy judgments are revealed.

Revelation 17:14

14 They with the Lamb will make war, and the Lamb will overcome them; for he is the Lord of lords, and the King of kings, and they who are with him (are) the called and the chosen and the faithful.

Revelation 19:10

10 And I fell before his feet to worship; and he said to me, See (that thou do it) not; thy fellowservant (am I), and of thy brethren who have the testimony of Jeshu. Aloha worship; for the testimony of Jeshu is the spirit of prophecy.

Revelation 22:6

6 And he said to me, These sayings are faithfulness and truth. And the Lord God of the spirit of the prophets hath sent me, his angel, to show to his servants the things which must soon be done.

Revelation 22:9

9 And he said to me, See (that thou do it) not. I am thy fellow-servant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them who keep the words of this book. Worship Aloha.

Revelation 22:21

21 The grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha be with all the saints. Amen.

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