Acts 27:23-28

Etheridge(i) 23 For in this night there appeared to me the angel of Aloha, (of) him whose I am, and whom I serve. 24 And he said to me, Fear not, Paulos, for thou art to stand before Caesar; and, behold, Aloha hath given thee the gift of all who voyage with thee. 25 Therefore, men, take courage; for I believe Aloha, that so it shall be as he hath told me. 26 Nevertheless, upon a certain island we have to be cast. 27 AND after fourteen days (in) which we had wandered and been beaten in the sea of Hadrios, in the dividing of the night, the mariners thought that we drew nigh to land. 28 And they cast the lead, and found twenty cubits; and again a little they proceeded, and found fifteen cubits.