Judges 6:1 Cross References - ECB

And the sons of Yisra El work evil in the eyes of Yah Veh; and Yah Veh gives them into the hand of Midyan seven years:

Genesis 25:2

2 and she births him Zimran and Yoqshan and Medan and Midyan and Yishbaq and Shuach.

Leviticus 26:14-46

And if you hearken not to me and work not all these misvoth; 15 and if you spurn my statutes or if your soul loathes my judgments; so that you work not all my misvoth to break my covenant 16 - I also work this to you: I visit terror over you - emaciation and the burning ague to finish off the eyes; and moping of soul: and you seed your seed in vain for your enemies to eat. 17 And I give my face against you, that you become smitten at the face of your enemies: that they who hate you subjugate you; and that you flee when none pursues you. 18 And if you yet for all this hearken not to me I add to discipline you seven times for your sins: 19 and I break the pomp of your strength; and I give your heavens as iron and your earth as copper: 20 and your force consumes in vain: neither your land gives her produce nor the trees of the land give their fruits. 21 And if you walk contrary to me and hearken not to me; I add seven strokes on you according to your sins: 22 and I send live beings of the field among you to bereave you and cut your animals and diminish you and desolate your ways. 23 And if by these, you are not disciplined by me, and walk contrary to me, 24 then I also walk contrary to you and smite you yet seven for your sins: 25 and I bring a sword on you to avenge the avenging of my covenant: and when you gather to your cities, I send the pestilence among you; that you become given into the hand of the enemy: 26 and in breaking the rod of your bread, ten women bake your bread in one oven and they restore your bread by weight: and you eat and satiate not. 27 And if for all this, you hearken not to me and walk contrary to me; 28 then I also walk contrary to you in fury; and I - yes, I discipline you seven for your sins: 29 and you eat the flesh of your sons and you eat the flesh of your daughters. 30 And I destroy your bamahs and cut down your sun icons and give your carcases on the carcases of your idols that my soul loathe you: 31 and I give your cities as parched areas and desolate your holies and I scent not your scent of rest: 32 and I desolate the land and desolate your enemies who settle therein: 33 and I scatter you among the goyim and draw a sword after you: and desolate your land and parch your cities. 34 Then the land is pleased in her shabbaths as long as it desolates; with you in the land of your enemies; then the land shabbathizes and is pleased in her shabbaths: 35 as long as it desolates, it shabbathizes; because it shabbathizes not in your shabbaths when you settle there. 36 And on those who survive, I send a timidity into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; and the voice of a driven leaf pursues them; and they flee as retreating from a sword; and they fall when none pursues: 37 and they falter - man to brother as at the face of a sword when none pursues: and you have no resistance at the face of your enemies: 38 and you destruct among the goyim and the land of your enemies eats you: 39 and those of you who survive pine away in their perversity in the lands of your enemies; and also in the perversities of their fathers they pine away with them. 40
And if they wring hands for their perversity and the perversity of their fathers, and the treason they treason against me and also for walking contrary to me; 41 and that I also, in walking contrary to them bring them into the land of their enemies - if they humble their uncircumcised hearts; and they then be pleased in the punishment of their perversity 42 - then I remember my covenant with Yaaqov and also my covenant with Yischaq and also my covenant with Abraham I remember - and I remember the land. 43 For they forsake the land and are pleased in her shabbaths as she lies desolate without them: and they are pleased in their perversity: because - even because they spurn my judgments and because their soul loathes my statutes. 44 And yes, for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I neither spurn them nor loathe them to finish them off - to break my covenant with them: for I - Yah Veh their Elohim. 45 But I, for their sakes, remember the covenant of their first, whom I brought from the land of Misrayim in the eyes of the goyim, that I become their Elohim: I - Yah Veh. 46 These are the statutes and judgments and torahs Yah Veh gave between him and between the sons of Yisra El in mount Sinay by the hand of Mosheh.

Numbers 25:15-18

15 and the name of the smitten Midyaniy woman, Kozbi the daughter of Sur the head over a peoples and hierarch of the house of a father in Midyan. 16 And Yah Veh words to Mosheh, saying, 17 Tribulate the Midyaniy and smite them: 18 for they tribulate you with their deceit, whereby they deceive you in the word of Peor and in the word of Kozbi, the daughter of a hierarch of Midyan, their sister - slain in the day of the plague for the word of Peor.

Numbers 31:1-3

And Yah Veh words to Mosheh, saying, 2 Avenge the avengement of the sons of Yisra El against the Midyaniy: and afterward, gather to your people. 3 And Mosheh words to the people, saying, Equip some of your men to the hostility; and have them go against Midyaniy and give the avengement of Yah on Midyan.

Deuteronomy 28:15-68

THE CURSINGS OF DISOBEDIENCE And so be it, if you hearken not to the voice of Yah Veh your Elohim - to guard to work all his misvoth and his statutes which I misvah you this day, that all these abasements come on you and overtake you: 16 you, cursed in the city and you, cursed in the field: 17 cursed, your basket and your doughboard. 18 cursed, the fruit of your belly and the fruit of your soil; the fetus of your yoke and the riches of your flocks: 19 cursed in your coming and cursed in your going. 20 Yah Veh sends on you cursing, confusion and rebuke, in all you spread your hand to work, until you become desolated and until you suddenly destruct at the face of the evil of your exploits whereby you forsake me. 21 Yah Veh adheres the pestilence to you, until he finishes you off from the soil you go to possess. 22 Yah Veh smites you with an emaciation and with a fever and with an inflammation and with a fevered fever and with the sword and with blasting and with palegreen; and they pursue you until you destruct: 23 and your heavens over your head become copper and the earth under you becomes iron. 24 Yah Veh gives the rain of your land as powder and dust: to descend on you from the heavens until you desolate: 25 Yah Veh gives you, smitten at the face of your enemies: you go against them one way and flee their face seven ways: - removed into all the sovereigndoms of the earth. 26 And your carcase becomes food for all flyers of the heavens and for the animals of the earth and no man trembles them. 27 Yah Veh smites you with the ulcer of Misrayim and with the hemorrhoids and with the scurvy and with the itch whereof you cannot be healed. 28 Yah Veh smites you with insanity and blindness and consternation of heart: 29 and at noon, you grope in darkness as the blind grope; and you prosper not in your ways: and you become only oppressed and stripped all days and no man saves you. 30 You betroth a woman and another man rapes her; you build a house and you settle not therein; you plant a vineyard and pluck not thereof: 31 your ox, slaughtered in front of your eyes and you not eat thereof; your he burro, stripped at your face - never to return to you; your flocks, given to your enemies and no one saves them: 32 your sons and your daughters, given to another people; and your eyes see, and fail for them all the day long; and there is no el in your hand. 33 The fruit of your soil and all your labours, eaten by a people you know not; and you become only oppressed and crushed all days: 34 so that you become insane because of the visage your eyes see. 35 Yah Veh smites you in the knees and in the legs, with an evil ulcer that cannot be healed, from the sole of your foot to your scalp: 36 Yah Veh carries you and the sovereign you raise over you, to a goyim whom neither you nor your fathers know; and there you serve other elohim - timber and stone. 37 And you become a desolation, a proverb and a gibe, among all people Yah Veh drives you. 38 You carry much seed to the field but ingather little; for the locust consumes it: 39 you plant vineyards and serve them, but neither drink the wine nor gather the grapes; for the maggots eat them: 40 you have olives throughout all your borders, but you anoint not with the oil; for your olive slips: 41 you birth sons and daughters but enjoy them not; for they go to captivity: 42 all your trees and fruit of your soil the locust possesses. 43 The sojourner in your midst ascends upward and upward; and you descend downward and downward. 44 He lends to you and you lend not to him: he becomes the head and you become the tail. 45 And all these abasements come upon you and pursue you and overtake you until you become desolated - because you hearken not to the voice of Yah Veh your Elohim - to guard his misvoth and his statutes which he misvahed you: 46 and they become for a sign and for an omen on you and on your seed eternally: 47 because you serve not Yah Veh your Elohim with cheerfulness and with goodness of heart for the abundance of all 48 - you serve the enemies Yah Veh sends against you in famine and in thirst and in nakedness and in want of all: and he gives a yoke of iron upon your neck, until he desolates you: 49 Yah Veh lifts a goyim against you from afar - from the end of the earth, as the eagle flies; a goyim whose tongue you hear not; 50 a goyim strong of face who neither exalts the face of the aged nor grants charism to the lads: 51 and he eats the fruit of your animals and the fruit of your soil until you desolate: and no crop survives - juice or oil or the fetus of your yoke or the riches of your flocks until he destroys you: 52 and he tribulates you in all your portals until your high and fortified walls topple - wherein you confided, throughout all your land: and he tribulates you in all your portals throughout all the land Yah Veh your Elohim gives you: 53 and you eat the fruit of your own belly - the flesh of your sons and of your daughters; whom Yah Veh your Elohim gives you in the siege and in the distress, wherewith your enemies distress you: 54 so that the man among you - tender and mighty delicate, his eye becomes evil toward his brother and toward the woman of his bosom and toward the remnant of his sons who remain: 55 so that he gives not one of them of the flesh of his sons whom he eats: because he has none to survive him in the siege and in the distress, wherewith your enemies distress you in all your portals. 56 The tender and delicate among you, who tests not to set the sole of her foot on the earth because of delicateness and tenderness, her eye becomes evil toward the man of her bosom and toward her son and toward her daughter 57 and toward her fetus coming from between her feet and toward the sons she births: for she eats them covertly for lack of all in the siege and distress, wherewith your enemies distress you in your portals. 58 If you guard not to work all the words of this torah inscribed in this scroll, to awe this honored and awesome name, YAH VEH YOUR ELOHIM; 59 then Yah Veh makes your strokes marvelous and the strokes of your seed, great strokes and trustworthy; and evil sicknesses, trustworthy: 60 and he restores on you all the diseases of Misrayim you feared at their face; and they adhere to you: 61 also every sickness and every stroke not inscribed in the scroll of this torah, Yah Veh ascends them on you until you desolate: 62 and you survive, few men in number, whereas you were as the stars of the heavens for abundance; all because you hear not the voice of Yah Veh your Elohim. 63 And so be it, as Yah Veh rejoiced over you to well-please you and to abound you; thus Yah Veh rejoices over you to destroy you and to desolate you; and uproot you from the soil you go to possess: 64 and Yah Veh scatters you among all people from the end of the earth to the end of the earth; and there you serve other elohim which neither you nor your fathers know - timber and stone. 65 And among these goyim you neither blink nor rest the sole of your foot: and there Yah Veh gives you a quivering heart and failing of eyes and sorrow of soul: 66 and suspends your life in front of you; and you fear day and night and trust not in your life: 67 in the morning you say, O to give that it become evening! and at evening you say, O to give that it become morning! - for the fear of your heart that you fear and for the vision of your eyes that you see. 68 And Yah Veh returns you to Misrayim with ships by the way I said to you, You see it never again: and there you sell yourselves to your enemies for servants and maids - and no man chattels you.

Judges 2:11

11 and the sons of Yisra El work evil in the eyes of Yah Veh and serve Baalim:

Judges 2:13-14

13 and they forsake Yah Veh and serve Baal and Ashtaroth. 14 And Yah Veh kindles his wrath against Yisra El and he gives them into the hands of plunderers who plunder them; and he sells them into the hands of their enemies all around, so that they cannot stand at the face of their enemies.

Judges 2:19-20

19 And so be it, at the death of the judge, they return, more ruinous than their fathers, by going after other elohim to serve them and to prostrate to them; they neither fall from their exploits nor from their hard way. 20 And Yah Veh kindles his wrath against Yisra El; and he says, Because this goyim trespasses my covenant which I misvahed their fathers; and hearken not to my voice;

Nehemiah 9:26-29

26 and they were rebellious and rebelled against you and cast your torah behind their backs and slaughtered your prophets who witnessed against them to turn them to you: and they worked great scornings: 27 and you gave them into the hand of their tribulators who tribulated them: and in the time of their tribulation they cried to you; and you heard from the heavens; and according to your abundant mercies you gave them saviours to save them from the hand of their tribulators: 28 and they rested; and returned to work evil at your face: and you left them in the hand of their enemies to subjugate them: and they returned and cried to you and you heard from the heavens; and many times you rescued them according to your mercies: 29 and witnessed against them to return them to your torah: and they seethe and hearken not to your misvoth; but sin against your judgments - which if a human work, he lives in them; and they gave a revolting shoulder and hardened their neck and hearkened not:

Psalms 106:34-42

34 they desolated not the people, concerning whom Yah Veh had said to them; 35 but mingled among the goyim and learned their works; 36 and served their idols - a snare to them: 37 yes, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons, 38 and poured innocent blood - the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Kenaan: and profaned the land with blood. 39 Thus they fouled with their own works and whored in their exploits. 40 Yah Veh kindled his wrath against his people so that he abhored his own inheritance; 41 and he gave them into the hand of the goyim: and they who hated them reigned over them: 42 their enemies oppressed them and subdued them under their hand.

Habakkuk 3:7

7 I see the tents of Kushan in mischief: the curtains of the land of Midyan quiver.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.